- DAVID DELVERT's profile
- Inventory
- Tradelist
- Wishlist
- MTG DECKS (857)
- staAkiri [Vehicles, ...
- staBruse [Party]
- staIkra [Rats]
- staIshai [Spirits, ...
- staKraum [Draw Two, ...
- staKydele [Draw, In ...
- staLudevic [Wizards ...
- staRavos [Clerics, ...
- staReyhan [Counters ...
- staSidar [Druid-Viz ...
- staSilas [Artifacts]
- staTana [Cascade, B ...
- staThrasios [Energy]
- staTymna [Knights]
- staVial Smasher [Su ...
- staPrismatic Piper ...
- othAbove the Clouds 1
- othAbove the Clouds 2
- othAbove the Clouds 3
- othAbove the Clouds 4
- othAngels 1
- othAngels 2
- othArchaeology 1
- staArchaeology 2
- othArchaeology 3
- othArchaeology 4
- staBasri
- staCats 1
- staCats 2
- staChandra
- staDevilish 1
- staDevilish 2
- staDevilish 3
- staDevilish 4
- staDinosaurs 1
- staDinosaurs 2
- staDinosaurs 3
- staDinosaurs 4
- staDiscarding 1
- staDiscarding 2
- staDoctor 1
- staDoctor 2
- staDoctor 3
- staDoctor 4
- staDogs 1
- staDogs 2
- staDragons 1
- staDragons 2
- staElves 1
- staElves 2
- staEnchanted 1
- staEnchanted 2
- staFeathered Friends 1
- staFeathered Friends 2
- staFeathered Friends 3
- staFeathered Friends 4
- staGarruk
- staGoblins 1
- staGoblins 2
- staGoblins 3
- staGoblins 4
- staHeavily Armored 1
- staHeavily Armored 2
- staHeavily Armored 3
- staHeavily Armored 4
- staLands 1
- staLands 2
- staLegion 1
- staLegion 2
- staLegion 3
- staLegion 4
- staLightning 1
- staLightning 2
- staLiliana
- staMilling
- staMinions 1
- staMinions 2
- staMinions 3
- staMinions 4
- staMinotaurs 1
- staMinotaurs 2
- staPhyrexian
- staPirates 1
- staPirates 2
- staPlus One 1
- staPlus One 2
- staPlus One 3
- staPlus One 4
- staPredatory 1
- staPredatory 2
- staPredatory 3
- staPredatory 4
- staRainbow
- staReanimated 1
- staReanimated 2
- staReanimated 3
- staReanimated 4
- staRogues 1
- staRogues 2
- staSeismic
- staSmashing 1
- staSmashing 2
- staSmashing 3
- staSmashing 4
- staSpellcasting 1
- staSpellcasting 2
- staSpellcasting 3
- staSpellcasting 4
- staSpirits 1
- staSpirits 2
- staSpooky 1
- staSpooky 2
- staSpooky 3
- staSpooky 4
- staTeferi
- staTree-Hugging 1
- staTree-Hugging 2
- staTree-Hugging 3
- staTree-Hugging 4
- staUnder the Sea 1
- staUnder the Sea 2
- staUnicorns
- staVampires 1
- staVampires 2
- staVampires 3
- staVampires 4
- staWalls
- staWell-Read 1
- staWell-Read 2
- staWell-Read 3
- staWell-Read 4
- staWitchcraft 1
- staWitchcraft 2
- staWizards 1
- staWizards 2
- staWizards 3
- staWizards 4
- cub"Legacy" Cube
- cubCardKingdom Cube
- cubCommander Cube
- cubTest Cube
- cubTest Tribal Cube
- cubUn-beliavable
- cubUnstable cube
- cubVintage Cube
- othXivan's Cube
- comArchelos Vehicles
- comDamia, Sage of S ...
- comEdric
- comEmmara budget
- comFeather Non-Combat
- comFuck U in partic ...
- comHidden Norin
- comJenara Exaled Vo ...
- comLier Polymorph
- comNiv-Mizzet Rebor ...
- comObeka, Timestop
- comRoalesk, Superfr ...
- comRuhan of the Fomori
- comSasaya, Big Green
- comShattergang Brot ...
- comSyr Konrad
- comTemmet 2.0
- comThraximundar v3.1
- comValduk, Keeper o ...
- com[Pauper] Quintorius
- com[Pauper] Walker ...
- com85 lands
- comArlinn Wolves
- comAshling the Powd ...
- comAsmira Guay
- comAyula Bearstorm
- comAzami horror Pow ...
- comAzusa, Lost but ...
- comChristmas HaveCards
- comFalthis & Jeskai ...
- comGarth One-Eye
- comGrand Arbiter st ...
- comHallar, the Fire ...
- comHorde of Notions
- comIllegal Foo0d
- comK'rrik Budget
- comKaza, wizards
- comKeleth and Rograkh
- comKess, voltron
- comLands
- comLands matter
- comLorehold Legacie ...
- comMangara of Corondor
- comMattias Azorius
- comMegamorph
- comMorophon Monochr ...
- comNiambi
- comNiv-Mizzet Reborn
- comNorin the Coward
- comRebecca Guay Tribal
- comRhys cmc1
- comRhys the squirre ...
- comSpooky Reaper King
- comSyr Gwyn
- comTasigur spells
- comThraximundar v3
- comTitania, Protect ...
- comVarina, Zombies
- comVerazol, the spl ...
- comWUBRG mono G dev ...
- comYarok, the Desec ...
- comYedora, Grave Ga ...
- comYennett Odd CMC
- comYeva
- comYeva cEDH
- comYeva Elf-Ball
- comZadar pauper
- com[pauper] Lotleth ...
- comAshleen's Kozilek
- comAthreos, Shroud- ...
- comBennie Bracks, T ...
- comCool old lady an ...
- comElwinster
- comGirlpower
- comGod-Eternal Oketra
- comHe Who Hungers
- comHexproof Voltron
- comIluna polymorph
- comJeskaIshaiJeskai
- comKillian Hate
- comkillian Hate(ish)
- comKyodai VOltron
- comMono White Storm
- comNiambi Reanimator
- comQuesting Beast
- comRaggadragga
- comRebbec & Glacian
- comRuxa vanilla
- comSakashima & Yosh ...
- comSimic Red
- comSygg on the Prowl
- comSyr Carrah
- comThallia
- comthe Ur-"Dragon"
- comToshiro Umezawa v2
- comYasharn
- comYurlok, frenemy
- comAltered Stormlight
- comAmareth Golem
- comAzami, Lady of S ...
- comDavid Tribal
- comDemonlord White ...
- comGisa, ZOmbies
- comGishath, stompy
- comHakim 2.0
- comHans' Fighty Dinos
- comHP Lovcraft
- comIlluna Topdecks
- comInalla, Archamge ...
- comJesper Tribal
- comKarador
- comKarrthus Treasure
- comKykar Ice
- staLnadless Golos
- comZedru Legendary
- com[Pauper] Shimmer ...
- comAlela Equipment
- comArcum Dagsson Th ...
- comAtraxa, fungus
- comBalthor the Defiled
- comBjörna & Othelm
- comBrudiclad, Techl ...
- comDarien Soldiers
- comDaxos the Returned
- comDaxos topdecker
- comDonal, Herald of ...
- comGalazeth Prismari
- comGolos partner tr ...
- comjaya, Phoenixes
- staJeskai counters
- comJodah Sunburst
- comK´rrik Vampires
- comK'rrik Vampires
- comKalamax, Combat
- comKarador, Ghost C ...
- comKarn, the Silver ...
- comKethis
- comKillian
- comKorvold Treasures
- comKoth of the Hammer
- comKurkesh, artifacts
- comKyodai mega ramp
- comLier
- comLiesa
- comMagda Dragons
- comMarchesa
- comMono B Goodstuff
- comOmnath, Big gree ...
- comOrvar Copy
- comRaff Capashen
- comRankle COntrol
- comRashmi, flash
- comRayami Anti
- comREanimate Equipm ...
- comReki, Legends
- comSamut Activated ...
- comSaskia the Samurai
- comSilas Renn and R ...
- comSurrak, Dragonclaw
- comSvella, Dragons
- comTaniwha
- comTemmet 1.1
- comThraximundar
- comThraximundar v2
- comUpkeep Shenenigans
- comVega, the watcher
- comWilson, Bears
- com[Pauper] Khenra ...
- com[Pauper] Killian
- com[Pauper] Kutzil
- com[Pauper] Mentor ...
- com[Pauper] RisenReef
- com[pauper] slivers
- com[Pauper] The G.O ...
- com[Pauper] veteran ...
- com[Pauper] Wood sage
- comAbdel blinking s ...
- comAmass The Change ...
- comAshaya
- comAtraxa AI
- comBoros Superfriends
- comCarrah Cedh
- comCounterbalance
- comCounterbalance Test
- comDavid Tribal
- comDerevi Combo
- comEmiel the blessed
- comEniris Super Budget
- comGrenzo bottom ma ...
- comHand-me-downs
- cominferno of the s ...
- comJadzi Titans
- comKing Darien Anthem
- comLey Weaver & Lor ...
- comMasako goes Wroooom
- comMaze of ith
- comOoops, No Spells
- comPirates pingers
- comRocco Wurm
- comSHeoldred the ap ...
- comSultai Nope
- comTegrid Stax
- comVadrik
- comVoriel Charge Co ...
- comWood sage pedh
- comZozu
- modAmulet titan
- modAzorious Control
- modBoggles Fakeout
- modCombo Elves
- modCultivator
- modEmry Combo
- modForm of the Dragon
- modHammertime 2.0
- modHedron Alignment ...
- modMerChoke
- modMill
- modModer Quicksilver
- modModern CrabMill
- modModern Gruul
- modPersist
- modPowerStoneShard
- modSuperfriends
- modSurprise hammer
- modArena Stax
- modBlackburn
- modProwess
- modStorm
- modWren & Omnath
- pauAzorius aggro
- pauAzorius Blink 2.1
- pauAzorius Familiars
- pauBirdstorm
- pauBlack Burn
- pauBreathless Knight
- pauBurn
- pauElves
- pauGolgari Tortex
- pauGruul Ponza
- pauJeskai Ephemerate
- pauJund Aggro
- pauMega Crusher
- pauMono B Controll
- pauMono B madness
- pauMono Blue Delver
- pauMono R Aggro
- pauMono R kuldrotha
- pauMono U Delver
- pauMono U mill
- pauNomad
- pauOneLandSpy
- pauOrzhov Changelings
- pauOrzhov Reanimator
- pauProliferate
- pauRakdos Treasures
- pauReality acid update
- pauSelesnya Changel ...
- pauSplice arcane
- pauSquid stax
- pauTron
- pauUrzas spells
- pauWalls Combo
- pauWhite ss
- pauWhite Weenie
- pauWUBRG skyfisher
- pauWW Squadron
- pauZERO
- pauBlue Stompy
- pauGolgari food v2
- pauIllusions Stompy
- pauCycling storm
- pauDelver swiftspear
- pauDrakeCombo
- pauIzzet Faeries
- pioAzorius Controll
- modCreativity
- modTempered Steel
- oth[canlander] Sore ...
- comAnhelo, the Painter
- comAnje Falkenrath
- comGavi, Nest Warden
- comGhired, Conclave ...
- comHenzie "Toolbox"
- comJirina Kudo
- comKadena, Slinking ...
- comKalamax, the sto ...
- comKamiz, Obscura O ...
- comKathril, Aspect ...
- comKitt Kanto
- comLorehold Legacies
- comOtrimi, the Ever ...
- comPerrie, the Pulv ...
- comPrismari Perform ...
- comQuantum Quandrix
- comSevinne, the Chr ...
- comSilverquill Stat ...
- comWitherbloom Witc ...
- braChandra, Acolyte ...
- braFeather 2.0
- braGarruk
- braHaktos the Unsca ...
- braHungry Oko
- braIzoni and Umori
- braJudith, the Scou ...
- braKaalia, Zenith S ...
- braKaya, Orzhov Urs ...
- braLiliana, DG
- braLurrus
- braNiv-Mizzet Reborn
- braRoyal Scions, Dr ...
- braTeferi, Time Rav ...
- braTemur Elementals
- braTezzeret Master ...
- brathis is a stupid ...
- braÚwÚ
- staConspiracy
- staDwarves
- comLet it Cascade
- staShocks
- pau1 Land Spy (Haun ...
- pau1 Land Spy (Lotl ...
- pauAbzan Gate Priest
- pauAcid Trip
- pauAffinity
- pauBarbershop
- pauBattle Buds
- pauBlack LD
- pauBlackburn
- pauBoggles
- pauBoros Monarch
- pauBroodscale Combo
- pauBurn
- pauCat Food
- pauCaw Gates
- pauCranberries
- pauCurve
- pauCycle Storm
- pauEggs
- pauElves
- pauEnchantments
- pauEphemerate
- pauFaeries
- pauFamiliars
- pauFishoalbrand
- pauFree Wally
- pauHeroic
- pauHot Dogs
- pauInfect
- pauInside Out
- pauJund
- pauMBC
- pauMidnight Gond
- pauMOggwarts
- pauOtter Aggro
- pauPest COntrol
- pauR/G Ponza
- pauRakdos Madness
- pauReanimator
- pauRhystic Tron
- pauScam
- pauSlivers
- pauStompy
- pauTeachings
- pauTortEx
- pauTurbo Fog
- pauUIR Skred
- pauWhite Weenies
- pauZoo
- staAlters
- othDandân
- othDreadmaw
- othJötun Grunt
- staThunderous DanDan
TCGplayer Cyber Weekend is on between November 29th at 9AM EST and December 2nd at 11PM EST.
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Get 10% store credit on ALL products! (or 13% for TCGplayer subscribers). Check it out now!
TCGplayer Cyber Weekend is on between November 29th at 9AM EST and December 2nd at 11PM EST.
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Get 10% store credit on ALL products! (or 13% for TCGplayer subscribers). Check it out now!
This deck was created on 12-Apr-2019 16:20, and it was last updated on 09-Sep-2021 12:56.
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Ancient Brontodon | |
2 | Prey Upon | |
3 | Titanic Growth | |
4 | Forest | |
5 | Giant Spider | |
6 | Forest |