ANDREW SOSNA's profile
- MTG DECKS (128)
vin Aminatou CMD 1
vin Aminatou Original
vin Aminatou Test
leg Angels CMD
vin Copy of CMD
vin Curses CMD
vin Defenders CMD
vin Demons CMD
vin Demons CMD 1
leg Hope CMD
vin Infect CMD
vin Mill CMD
leg Vampires CMD
leg Werevolves CMD
leg Werevolves test CMD
vin Werewolves test 2 CMD
Duel Decks
Blessed vs Cursed
mod Blessed Original
leg Cursed Original
Elspeth vs Kiora
Intro Packs
Eldritch Moon
mod Dangerous Knowledge
mod Shallow Graves
mod Unlikely Alliences
mod Untamed Wild
mod Weapons and Wards
Horrific Visions
mod Attempt #1
mod Meddled
mod Original
mod Angelic Fury modified
mod Angelic Fury modified 2
mod Angelic Fury original
mod Ghostly Tides
mod Ghostly Tides modified
mod Ghostly Tides modified budget
mod Unearthed Secrets
mod Vampiric Thirst orig
mod LVD Arcades
mod LVD Defenders Mana
mod LVD Mill
mod LVD Selfmill
leg LVD Steal
mod LVD Werewolves
mod Ashiok
mod Budget Phenax Mill
mod Combined Mill
mod Fevered Thing Tutelage
vin James Newman's Turbofog
mod Madness Tutelage 1
mod Madness Tutelage 2
mod Modern Turbo Mill
mod Mono Blue
leg Sanity Grinding 1
mod Sanity Grinding Original
mod UB Mill
mod UB Modern
mod UB Modern 2
leg UR Tutelage
MTG Duels
mod Madness Vampires
mod Madness Vampires 2
mod Madness Vampires 3
Non-working to review
mod Counters
leg Curses
leg Ula's Temple
mod Infect Emma Handy
mod LVD Infect
mod LVD Infect Budget
mod LVD Infect Cheap
mod Monoblack Phyrexia
mod Phyrexia 2
mod Phyrexia Oil
leg Phyrexian Poison
mod Proliferator
leg Copy of Elspeth
leg Demons
leg Angels
mod Destroy
leg Discard
mod Fraying Sanity
leg Greed
mod Green Delirium
leg Hapatra Basic
leg Hapatra Infestation
leg Humans
mod Investigate
leg Junk Factory
leg Pillow fort
leg Surgery
leg Transcendence
mod Transformers
mod Werevolves
mod Wolves
mod Lantern Prison
leg Lantern Prison Cheap
leg Lantern Try 1
mod Werevolves 2
Unfinished ideas
mod Antishuffle
mod Blue Zombies
leg Discard 2
mod -1/-1 2
vin Aminatou's Demonic Fate
leg Ashiok Test 1
leg Contempt Infect
mod Copy of Counters
mod Copy of Madness Vampires
leg Copy of Soldiers
leg Darksteel
mod Defenders
mod Everlasting Torment
mod Fish God Gift
leg Fort 2
mod Fun for all
sta Group Hug Nox
leg Gustcloack
leg Harness the storm
mod LVD Tutelage Mill
sta Razed Earth
mod Self Mill
leg Soldiers
leg Stas' Curses
mod Thanos
leg Transcendence Ph
leg Voodoo

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
Mana Base
Colors | |||
Symbols | 4 | 3 | 2 |
Percent | 44.0 | 33.0 | 22.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.