MRPANGEE's profile
- MTG DECKS (190)
Active Ideas
sta Altered Ego
sta Ashara
sta Azorius Birds
sta Azorius Exemplars
sta Bard Class
pio Boros Singularity
pio Boros Taxes
sta Briesla
pio Burn
pio Burn Discard
sta Chainer's Torment
pio Deathtouch
pio Demon
sta Dimir Fortell
pio Dream Devourer
pio Enchantment
pio Esper Soulflayer
sta Fall of the Thran
pio Flash
pio Green Bear
pio Green Stompy
pio Gruul Banefire
pio Gruul Land Destruction
pio Gwen's Gwyn
sta Harald's Elves
pio Hinata Control
sta Izzet "Prowess"
pio Izzet Copy
pio Jodah
pio Legendary
pio life gain elf
sta Milly
sta Monoblack Discard
pio Monoblue Control
pio New Izzet Wizards
pio Ojutai Control
sta Orzhov Angel
pio Orzhov Death
pio Panharmonicon
pio Pioneer Merchant
sta Pioneer Rakdos Burn
pio Planeswalker
pio Polymorphist Jests
sta Saga
sta Selesnya Life Gain
sta Selesnya Smiter
sta Selesnya Tokens
sta Simic
sta Spectre
pio Sultai Soulflayer
pio Temur
sta The World Tree
pio Zenith Flare
Budget Paper (No Shock/Check Land)
pio Abzharmonicon
pio Ashiok Mill
pio Azorius Aura
pio Boros Lifelink
pio Burn Devotion
pio Calamity
pio Copy of Dimir Mill Cards
pio Copy of Izzet Drakes
pio Daemogoth Pests
pio Demon of Catastrophes
pio Gates
pio Giant
pio Gruul Trample
pio Invoke Lorehold
pio Land
pio Mono blue mill
pio Monoblue Devotion
pio Omniscience
pio Rogue Ninja Vampire Assassins
pio Shrines
pio Simic Huatli
pio Vehicles
pio Zareth San
com Animar, Soul of Elements
com Archelos, Lagoon Mystic
com Ardenn and Rograkh
com Budget Solphim, Mayhem Dominus
com Captain N'ghathrod
com Copy of The Ur-Dragon
com Grunn, the Lonely King
com Jodah, the Unifier
com Magar, of the Magic Strings
com Mayael, the Anima
com Rafiq of the Many
com Rayami, First of the Fallen
com Rhys
com Riku of Two Reflections
com Runo Stromkirk
com Skullbriar, the Walking Grave
com Solphim, Mayhem Dominus
com The Ur-Dragon
com The Ur-Dragon Budget
com Tovolar, Dire Overlord
com Uril the Miststalker
com Zevlor, Elturel Exile
mod Arcades Defender
mod Bant Angel
mod Bears
mod Birds of Evos
mod Chandra, Fire Queen
pio Davey's Gruul Dragons
mod Equipdeck
mod Grave Titan
mod hydra
mod Izzet Goblin Thieves
mod Izzet Drakes
mod Izzet Wizards
sta Merfolk
mod Modern Infect
mod Modern Izzet Control
mod Omnath <3 Garruk
mod Omnath, Locus of the Roil
mod Pied Piper
mod Selesyna Knights
mod Torpor Orb
mod Warrior Elves
Pioneer Completed
pio Arcades Defender Pioneer
pio Azorius Taxes
pio Azorius Traft
pio Boros
pio Colorless
pio Consuming Aberration
sta Consuming Aberration Maybe Board
sta Copy of Ashiok Mill
pio Copy of Davey's Gruul Dragons
pio Dimir Mill Cards
pio Hualti's Walls
pio Illharg
pio Izzet Drakes
pio Jeskai Prowess
pio Jeskai Spirits (OL)
pio Pioneer Arcades Defender
pio Pioneer Birds
pio Pioneer Izzet Control
pio Pioneer Izzet Wizards
pio Pioneer Mono Blue Merfolk
pio Pioneer Rats
pio Simic Ascendency
pio Two Heavens
leg artifact
mod Bant Joke
leg Birds
mod Blue Wizard
com Bontu Commander
sta Copy of Izzet Wizards
sta Copy of Selesyna Knights
sta Copy of Selesyna Knights
sta d
leg Dimir
mod Dimir Control
mod Dimir Deck
mod Dimir Mill
sta E
sta Elves
mod Elves and Dinos
mod Faerie
pio Felidar
sta G/B
mod Garruk and Friends
com General Ferrous Rokiric
mod gin
pio Golgari Elves
mod Izzet
sta Izzet Discount
mod Izzet Elemental
mod kykar
sta Lorwyn Collection
mod Mono Green Merfolk
leg Multi Orzhov
mod Night of the Goblin King
mod Omnath, Locus of Rage
mod Orzhov Sephara
pio Persistent Petitioners
mod Phyrexian Deck
pio Pioneer Abzan
pio Questing Beast
com Rith, Liberated Primeval
com Rith, Liberated Primeval
pio Simic Merfolk 1
mod sliver
sta tr
mod Urza
sta Vraska
mod White Angel
com Yedora
sta Yes
sta you are already dead

Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 2 | 2 |
Percent | 50.0 | 50.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.