GOGUILE's profile
- MTG DECKS (205)
mod DevoteToStompy
mod EvolveInaFlash
mod Learn2Play_B_G
mod Learn2Play_W_R
mod Token Parade
com 0_1_All Hail The Gitrog
com 0_2_Imagine: Your Nightmare
com 0_3_Honey! Did you...
com 0_4_Turbulent Seas
com 0_5_Nev's World War Z
com 0_6_Villians
com 0_7_Live Your Life, Son
sta 0_8_Dad, can I have a quarter?
com 0_9_Fun Dip (Blanka)
com 1_10_There's Always a Bigger...Lizard?
vin 1_11_Prime Counter Zagana
sta 1_13_Token Tithe
com 1_16 Scylla Ritual
sta 1_17_You rogue, you.
com 1_18_Shiny Wings and Things
com 1_19 Wither Tis Nobler
sta 1_20_Trees Rise Up
2_Concepts_Not Built
3_Zs Decks
Z-not built
sta Alestorm
com To Be or Not To Be_That is Z Question
com Z_Castlevania
com 1_12 Mystical Tadpole
com 1_14_Math Quest
com 1_19_Watch Your Back
com 4d_Come At Me Bro Part II
com 5d_Ulvenwald Studies
vin 7a_Obzedat's Tithe
com 9a_Oona Teaches Patience
vin Ashiok Commander?
leg Brago_40 40
leg Daghatar_wg_40 40
leg Doran_40_40
com Honey! Did you...w Deathtouch
sta Lands are Falling
sta Lili and Ash Bring You - Poetic Dirge
sta Manipulation_Ashiok Oath Converted
com Midnight Movie
com Muldrotha Dystopia
sta Nev's World War Z_other cards
mod Odric 40_40
vin Oloro's Lethargic Life
vin Other Cards for Muldrotha Dystopia
sta Pandemic
vin Surrak Flash Commander
sta The Hydraxs!
com Volo, Simic Experimenter
com X_Sidisi's Zoo
sta You Didn't Need That OG Build
com You Didn't Need That Pre Oct 2020
Journey Through the Planes
mod Ahmonkhet BRG Desert
mod Ahmonkhet WB Zombies
mod BFZ_RW Allies
mod BFZ_UB Ingest
mod Core Set UG Mill
sta DOM BG Saprolings Unite
sta DOM BW Legendary
sta DOM RG Kicker
sta ELD_BG Food
sta ELD_RW Adventure
sta GRN UB Dimir Surveilance
sta GRN UR Izzet Aggro
sta Ico_Sultai Mutate
sta Ico_WR_Cycle
mod INN BG Zombie Spiders
mod INN WU Flicker
sta Ixalan_GR Dinos
sta Ixalan_Grixis Pirates
mod Kaladesh_WU Artifacts
mod Khans_Mardu Warriors
vin Khans_Sultai Morphin Time
vin Khans_UB Exploit
sta RavAll_WU_High Alert
mod RTR_Azorius Flyers
mod RTR_Simic Tempo
mod Shadows_BG Delirium
mod Shadows_BR_Madness
mod Shadows_UG Eldrazi Emerge
sta Theros Death_B Devotion
sta Theros Death_Bant Constellation
mod Theros M14_G Devotion Ramp
mod Theros WG Heroic
mod Theros_BG Constellation
sta WAR_Amass
sta WAR_Planeswalker Proliferate
mod Arisen Aristocrats
sta Dimir Murktide
mod Frozen Dreadshift
mod Frustrating Faeries
sta Yawgmoth Sacrifice
sta Zombie Ancestors
mod Zombie Aristocrats
sta Zombie Rock
mod Assassin's Rock
mod Bant Vizier
mod Boggles My Way
mod Bontu's Betrayal
leg BridgeVine_My Love
mod Collecting Vizier
leg Dredgevine_Typical
mod Emrakul's Nail Salon
mod Evolved_Undead
mod Fair Banter
mod Frozen Jundra
mod Heartless Kermit
mod Lili's BFFs
mod Lili's Junk Drawer
mod Mary Shelley and Bram Stoker Present: Gothic Aristocrats
mod Real Abundance
mod Tax the Spirit
mod This Land is My Land
mod Zombie For Your Thoughts
old_Modern_not assembled
mod BogGeist
mod Copy of Mummy For Your Thoughts
leg HollowVine
mod Kiora on Ice
mod Kiora's Titans
mod Kruphix's Titan
mod My Mayor
leg Secret Dredgevine
leg Secret GruDgevine
mod Zs_ModernRed
mod Burning Heart Kermit
mod Collected Counters
mod Dark Geomancer's Evolution
mod Geomancer's Control_Temur
leg Horizon Bant Vizier
mod Sultai Assassin
mod Sultai Unearth
mod Sultai Winter
z_Modern_Ideas ...
mod Dark Kahmal's Superfriends
mod Geomancer's Evolution
mod Infected Ice Bog
mod Kamahl's Forest Blast
mod Kruphix's Taxes
mod Lili, the Devoted
mod Zombies! Run!
Oathbreaker Not Built
vin Ashiok's Manipulation_ Oathbreaker
Old Stuff_dismantled
vin Bard o Golgari
mod BUG Superfriends_RTRTheros
vin Golgari Bonus
mod Prophet Masters
mod Prophet Monsters
mod Standard Green Stompy
Pioneer (Oh No What Am I Doing?)
sta Abundant Pios
sta Flame Troll
sta Pioneer_Draw at Dusk
leg Zombie Pios
Pio Random Ideas
sta Zack's Goblin Waggoners
Rough Not Done
leg EnchantingEvening
leg Meh...Dog Stake
mod Awaken Control
mod TemurFunStuff
mod UginVsUlamog
vin Knucklanos_Control_Dragons
mod MiniMorphin
mod Prophet Monster o Dragons
mod TarkirStomps!
mod TenHut_Dragons
mod Ascend to Riches
mod Nissa's Corruption
mod Nissa's Lizards
mod Nissa's Plain Corruption
vin SuperSultai_Khans
mod TenHut_Khans
mod EnchantingOrigins
mod EnchantingOrigins2
mod TenHut_Origins
Shadows Innistrad
sta 8b_Silverquill Precon (Limit 5 Mod)
sta Copy of Dimir Murktide
pio Pioneer_ Dragon Battery
sta Pioneer_Sharks of the Veil

Name | Cost ![]() |
Swamp | |
Swamp | |
Entrancing Melody | |
Mind Funeral | |
Memory Plunder | |
The Mirari Conjecture | |
Avatar of Woe |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Island | |
2 | Discovery // Dispersal | // |
3 | Razaketh's Rite | |
4 | Aetherize | |
5 | Swamp | |
6 | Mission Briefing |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 86 | 36 |
Percent | 70.5 | 29.5 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.