- MTG DECKS (207)
mod 4 Color Snowheeli - Modern
mod 4-Color Kethis - Standard
mod 4-Color Soulherder - Modern
sta 4C Ascendancy
sta 4C Rhinos
vin 5 Color Zoo - Canadian Highlander
mod 5-Color Panharmonicon - Standard
mod 5-Color Shadow - Modern
mod Abzan Company - Modern
mod Abzan Midrange - Modern
mod Abzan Traverse - Modern
mod Ad Nauseam - Modern
mod Aetherflux Reservoir - Standard
mod Affinity - Modern
sta Aggro Twobert
leg All Merfolk
leg Amulet Titan - Modern
mod B/R Aggro - Standard
oth Bant Blink - Canadian Highlander
mod Bant Delver - Modern
mod Bant Dynavolt - Standard
sta Bant Field - Pioneer
mod Bant Midrange - Standard
mod Bant Spirits - Modern
sta Bant Stoneblade - Modern
sta Bear Force One Deck
vin Belcher - Legacy
mod BG Counters - Standard
mod BG Delirium - Standard
sta BG Field - Pioneer
leg BG Hardened Scales - Pioneer
mod BG Seasons Past - Modern
sta BG Seasons Past - Pioneer
pio BG Seasons Past (No Win Con) - Pioneer
mod BG Tron - Modern
mod Blue Moon - Modern
mod Bogles - Modern
mod BR Aggro - Standard
leg BR Hollow One - Modern
leg BR Reanimator - Legacy
mod BR Vehicles - Standard
vin Brago, King Eternal - EDH
mod Bring to Light Scapeshift - Modern
vin Bruna, Light of Alabaster - EDH
leg Burn - Legacy
mod Burn - Modern
leg Burn - Pauper
mod BW Lich's Approach - Standard
mod BW Vampires - Standard
mod BW Zombies - Standard
mod Cheerios - Standard
sta Copy of 4C Ascendancy
sta Dandan Stack
leg Death and Taxes - Legacy
mod Death and Taxes - Modern
leg Dredge - Modern
mod Eldrazi and Taxes - Modern
mod Eldrazi Tron - Modern
vin Elves - Legacy
mod Elves - Modern
leg Enchantress - Legacy
vin Esper Deathblade--Legacy
mod Esper Gift - Standard
sta Esper Poob - Pioneer
mod Esper Tokens - Standard
mod Fuck Me Dad It's All Spells
mod G/W Value - Modern
mod Gb Aggro - Standard
leg Goblins - Pioneer
sta Goblins - Standard
vin Gonti, Lord of Luxury - EDH
sta GR Monsters - Standard
mod Grixis Shadow - Modern
mod Grixis Tower - Standard
mod GW Tokens - Standard
leg High Tide - Legacy
mod Hit Our Swans, Draw Some Cards - Modern
leg Humans - Legacy
mod Humans - Modern
mod Infect - Modern
vin Inside Out Combo - Pauper
sta Izzet Delverless
vin Izzet Fiend - Pauper
sta Izzet Fiend - Pauper
sta Izzet Phoenix - Standard
mod Jeskai Control - Modern
mod Jeskai Delver - Modern
mod Jeskai Midrange - Modern
vin Jund Aggro - Canadian Highlander
sta Jund Nexus - Pioneer
vin Kami of the Crescent Moon - EDH
mod KCI - Modern
vin Kess, Dissident Mage - EDH
leg Kresh the Bloodbraided - EDH
leg Lands - Legacy
mod Lantern Control - Modern
sta Lotus Field - Pioneer
vin Manaless Dredge - Legacy
vin Marchesa, the Black Rose - EDH
leg Mardu Pyromancer - Modern
mod Mardu Vehicles - Standard
leg Merfolk - Legacy
mod Merfolk - Modern
vin Mogis, God of Slaughter - EDH
mod Mono Black Control - Standard
mod Mono Black Zombies - Standard
vin Mono Blue Control - Highlander
pio Mono Blue Devotion - Pioneer
mod Mono Blue Living End - Modern
mod Mono Blue Outcome - Standard
mod Mono Green Stompy - Modern
mod Mono Green Stompy - Standard
mod Mono Green Stompy - Standard
sta Mono Red Aggro - Standard
leg Mono Red Steam-Kin - Modern
leg Mono Red Storm - Legacy
sta Mono White Aggro - Standard
mod Naya Burn - Modern
vin Neheb, the Eternal - EDH
mod New Perspectives Combo - Standard
sta Nexus of Gates - Standard
vin Oath of Druids - Vintage
vin Omnath, Locus of Mana - EDH
leg Oops, All Spells! - Legacy
vin Phage the Untouchable - EDH
mod Pierre Dagen's UR Spells - Standard
vin Predict Miracles - Legacy
vin Purphoros, God of the Forge - EDH
mod R/G Energy Standard
vin Rashmi, Eternities Crafter - EDH
sta Ravnica Cube
vin Reanimator - Highlander
mod RG Pummeler - Standard
mod RG Through the Breach - Modern
vin Riku of Two Reflections - EDH
vin Roon of the Hidden Realm - EDH
vin Sai, Master Thopterist - EDH
leg Scapeshift - Modern
vin Sen Triplets - EDH
vin Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest - EDH
vin Sigarda, Host of Herons - EDH
sta Simic Flash - Standard
mod Skred - Modern
leg Sneak and Show - Legacy
leg Splinter Twin - No Banned List Modern
mod Sram Cheerios - Modern
vin Storm - Legacy
mod Storm - Modern
vin Storm - No Banned List Modern
sta Stybs' Pauper Cube
mod Suicide Bloo - Modern
vin Suicide Zoo - Modern
mod Sultai Energy - Standard
mod Sultai Midrange - Modern
mod Sultai Snow - Modern
vin Sultai True-Name Nemesis - Legacy
vin Sygg, River Guide - EDH
vin Taigam, Ojutai Master - EDH
vin Talrand, Sky Summoner - EDH
sta Tempo Twobert
mod Temur Aetherworks - Standard
leg Temur Beats - Pioneer
mod Temur Bloodbraid - Modern
mod Temur Colossus - Standard
mod Temur Energy - Standard
mod Temur Midrange - Standard
sta Temur Midrange - Standard
sta Temur Rhinos - Modern
sta Temur Scapeshift - Pioneer
mod Temur Snow - Modern
sta Temur Turns - Standard
vin Teysa Karlov - EDH
mod Thing Ascension - Modern
mod Thunder and Lightning - Modern
mod Titanshift - Modern
sta Torbran, Thane of Redfell - EDH
mod Tribal Zoo - Modern
mod UB Control - Pioneer
mod UB Control - Standard
sta UB Control - Standard
mod UB Midrange - Standard
sta UB Pirates - Standard
leg UB Teachings Control - Pauper
sta UB Tempo Set Roulette
sta UG Climb - Standard
mod UG Delver - Modern
sta UG Henge - Standard
mod UG Merfolk - Modern
sta UG Nexus - Pioneer
sta UG Nexus - Standard
mod UR Control - Standard
sta UR Delver - Legacy
mod UR Delver - Modern
mod UR Pyromancer - Modern
mod UW Control - Modern
sta UW Control - Set Roulette
mod UW Control - Standard
sta UW Control - Standard
sta UW Cumblade - Modern
mod UW Eternalize - Standard
mod UW Gift - Standard
vin UW Midrange - Pioneer
sta UW Panharmonicon - Pioneer
mod UW Panharmonicon - Standard
vin Vintage Cube Draft #1 - Draft
vin Yarok, the Desecrated - EDH
sta Yorion, Sky Nomad - EDH

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Beast Within | |
2 | Ravenous Chupacabra | |
3 | Sire of Stagnation | |
4 | Coiling Oracle | |
5 | Cultivate | |
6 | Overgrown Tomb |
Mana Base
Colors | |||
Symbols | 38 | 30 | 11 |
Percent | 48.7 | 37.3 | 13.9 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.