FTFATE's profile
- MTG DECKS (149)
Current Decks
Under Construction
mod 10gisela
sta 11yuriko
vin 12gy
vin 1mimeo Instants
vin 2maelstrom turns storm
vin 3karrthus
vin 4esper control
vin 5shanna
vin 6melira pod
leg 7linessa
mod 8valduk
leg 9gonti
vin Jeleva Storm
sta 0 0 atarka
sta 0 0 ayli
sta 0 0 bruna
sta 0 0 jarad golgari
sta 0 0 jhoira
sta 0 0 karametra
sta 0 0 kaseto
sta 0 0 lazav
sta 0 0 malfegor
vin 0 Chromium's shiny things
vin 0 edgar b
vin 0 flash hulk for value
vin 0 Jhoira Staxufriends
vin 0 Marisa
vin 0 Norin
vin 0 Tasigur
vin 0 TnX Lands
sta 00 akiri
sta 001 akirikapow
vin 5 Color collected company
vin Anje Storm
leg ART
vin ayesha
vin azami tempo
mod BC
leg BG ench
mod burnst
vin cat guy
mod COCO
mod collectorsbuy
vin Copy of 0 Norin
sta Copy of 001 akirikapow
vin Copy of azami tempo
mod Copy of Copy of ART
vin Copy of Copy of EDH Sen Triplets v3
vin Copy of Cumulative Upkeep Tribal
vin Copy of jhoira of the git gud
vin Copy of jhoira of the git gud
vin Copy of kek
vin Copy of kek
leg Copy of LoT
vin Copy of naruto
vin Copy of noset
vin Copy of qt
vin cq
sta d r a f t
leg d r a g o n s t o r m
vin daxos
vin demon traibal ctrl
vin EDH burn
vin edhwe
vin edric
vin Elenda
mod espermodern
vin F L A S H H U L K
vin fastbond yidris
vin fdsa
leg gen
vin Giest
mod Gifts ungiven
vin Gonti
leg gullig sak
leg gulligare sak
vin heidar
vin jace edh
leg jahadetdär
sta Jakob
vin jarad
mod Jarad
sta Jenara
mod jeskai burn
mod jeskai counterburn
mod Jeskai Delver
sta jeskai driveby
leg jeskai stuffs with wall
leg jeskaixd
vin jhoira stax
leg jvdraft
leg jvdraft2
vin kaerkek
vin kek
sta keranosstax2
vin Kyube
leg legint
vin Linessa
vin LoT
vin lul ba
mod Mono-U Mill
leg narset
vin naruto
mod naya coco, the real deal
vin Neksuar4Nils
leg new edh
vin noona
vin olororo
vin qt
vin rakdos
vin sadfsadf
vin sfdafsda
vin Shanna coco
vin shu yun
vin shuyuntempo
vin sisay
sta spiritjank
leg stupid spirit deck
vin Sydri
vin Taigam Storm
vin tasigur
vin Tasigur Doomsday
vin Tasigur Grind
vin tasigur osenchantress
vin Tasigurlol
vin thalia stax
leg thrun banka
mod UB control
mod UB rekt
sta URx kapow
vin UW Geist
mod UWw
vin Voltron 2019
sta w a n d e r e r
vin Wanderer
sta wtcube
vin Wydven
leg xDD
vin Yidris

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 4 | 1 |
Percent | 80.0 | 20.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.