CHARSUR's profile
- MTG DECKS (325)
Currently Built
Archenemy: Nicol Bolas
Card Kingdom Battle Deck
Duel Decks
Blessed vs. Cursed
Elves vs. Goblins
Elves vs. Inventors
Merfolk vs. Goblins
Mind vs. Might
Nissa vs. Ob Nixilis
Zendikar vs. Eldrazi
Commander 2013
Commander 2014
Commander 2015
Commander 2016
Commander 2017
Commander 2018
Commander Anthology
vin ani-morph
leg Budget Ayli EDH
vin Budget bolas
leg Budget Marchesa, Black Rose
vin Budget Tasigur - Phase 2
leg Budget Xenagos EDH
vin Copy of nekusar
vin EDH Athreos SBA
vin EDH Chaos Yidris
vin EDH HoG
vin edh sigarda humans budget
vin edh zo-zu
vin Edric
vin Kamahl EDH
vin Krenko Gob EDH
leg low budget Ruric Thar edh
vin neheb, worthy edh
vin non-budget gisela
vin Queen Marchesa
vin sharuum edh
vin shu
vin Sliver Overlord Commander
vin Sydri Edh
leg B Zombie unleashed modified
leg B/R scrap deck
leg B/U Bait & Switch
leg B/U scrap deck
leg B/W Cleric
leg budget legacy burn
leg G/W Heal
leg U/W Bird
leg U/W Eric's mod Morph Mayhem
leg U/W Soldier
mod B M Discard
mod R A Burn
mod UR CB Loot
Modern Event Deck
mod B Curse Control
mod Budget Ramunap Red
mod G/R Wolves
mod GG Anointed Eternal Embalm
mod JTC
mod Madcap Gearhulk Reanimator
mod modern gob
mod modern U Illusions
mod mono-U reservoir
mod U-Brains
mod WotW-K
Planeswalker Decks
Hour of Devastation
mod B/U 17 starter
mod Copy of R/G Energy
mod G/W 17 starter
mod U/B Flyplunder Pirates
sta UG XLN Merfolk
Pre-Con Slivers
leg Premium Slivers
mod Sliver Evolution
leg Sliver shivers
mod Aristocats
mod Aristocats - NB
mod Aristocats - NB - SBE
leg B Zombie
mod Big Mean Power Doubling Machine
mod budget aristocats
vin Budget Commander Shu Yun
leg Budget Queen Marchesa
mod Budget red aggro
vin Budget Tasigur - Phase 1
mod CK BD - Grave Tide
mod CK BD - Monumental Force
vin Commander 2015 - Call the Spirits
vin Commander 2016 - Breed Lethality
leg E's Brago
vin EDH Nekusar
leg G Elves
leg G/R Beasts
leg gisela
mod Inspiring U-Drazi
mod Panharmonicon G-PG
mod R 10th ed starter
leg R Artifact deck
leg R Gob Mob
mod R/G Energy
leg R/U scrap deck
mod TCC t aggro
mod turbo fog
mod turbo fog hyper
vin zedruu edh
vin Zedruu non-budget
sta WofS cedh
mod Bant GG Anointed Eternal Embalm
mod G/W Cat
mod Jeskai Aetherflux
vin Oloro EDH
mod R
leg walls edh
Un-mander BDB
Want to build
sta paupercube
leg Legacy merfolk
mod B - Heart of Darkness
mod B/W Vampire
mod Idea- Standard U/B Discard
sta quasidrake
mod Treasure
mod UB Treasure Pirates
sta "cEDH"
vin 100 Yisan
vin 1500 teferi
vin 200 teferi
vin 200+Upgrades Yisan
vin 400 teferi
vin 800 teferi
leg Alesha
vin animar
sta Anje -WGD
vin aryel
vin atog
vin B Baral
vin B Baral -2
vin b circu
vin b flips
leg b grenzo dw
leg b Najeela
vin B nath
vin B- Kess
vin B- Kess 2
vin Baral-go
leg bay
vin bears
com bedh - M & B
com Big mana Codie
vin bird wizard
vin bloodpod tana and tyma
vin c16 - su - bu
vin c18
vin c18 lwg
vin c18 s
com cEDH - Kalamax Breach
oth cedh common and core cards
vin cEDH- PSV
vin Chandra
com Commander Banned List
vin Copy of Alesha
vin Copy of b Najeela
vin Copy of bird wizard
vin Copy of Copy of edh jhoira, wc
vin Copy of edh jhoira, wc
vin Copy of Golos - Maze's end
vin Copy of Mikaeus
vin Copy of nb circu
vin Copy of Selvala
vin Copy of Tazri - EDH
vin Copy of Xantcha
vin crazy train
com Curious Shark Bird
sta CV- dj
vin CZ-GK - JW's Kumena EDH
vin Depala EDH
vin derevi
vin diaochan
vin edgar markov
vin Edh - Chain Veil Kenrith Twins
vin edh - hogaak
vin Edh - Kenrith
vin Edh Faeries
vin edh jhoira, wc
vin edh slimefoot
vin edh- ideas
vin Eldrazi Vela
vin fc-niv
vin Fc-tfs
vin flips
vin gitrog edh
vin Golos - Maze's end
vin Gonti
vin Grenzo
vin grenzo 2
leg grimgrin
com Grismold
com Gyruda
vin Hackball Momir
vin hapatra
leg Happy Hippo Fun Time
leg hippo
com issh aggro
vin JT2
sta Judge Tower
vin karador
vin Kenrith - Super Friends
vin lavinia
vin lazav 2.0 edh
sta liesa
leg Manaless Dredge
sta Marwyn
vin Mikaeus
sta mill?
mod Modern - Zombie Hunting
vin Mogis
vin mul
vin Muldrotha
com najeela
com najeela horsemen
vin nath
vin nb - neheb
vin nb circu
vin Nb cvt
vin NB Yisan
vin nb- kess storm
vin neheb
com Oct
vin oona
com opus thief
vin P&T - draw
vin ptt cvt
com Q
com R/W - reanimator
vin rhys
vin RT edh
vin rt stax
vin scepter locust god
vin scepter oona
vin Selvala
vin Slinn Voda
vin Sydri Edh 2
vin T & K
vin T/T - Sacred hulk
leg t3
vin t3
vin taigam
vin Taigam edh
leg Test
vin test 2
vin Tetsuko Umezawa
vin TGM
vin thada
oth The Reserved List
vin tshdthst
sta Vega
com Vial Smasher
com W or something idk
vin X, SA
vin Xantcha
vin YISAN EDH core cards
com Zada
vin zo-zu 2

Name | Cost ![]() |
Mox Opal | |
Training Center | |
Underground River | |
Watery Grave | |
Chrome Mox | |
Mystical Tutor | |
Ad Nauseam |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Wheel of Fortune | |
2 | Luxury Suite | |
3 | Gilded Drake | |
4 | Badlands | |
5 | Lim-Dûl's Vault | |
6 | Rite of Flame |
Mana Base
Colors | ||||
Symbols | 32 | 22 | 10 | 7 |
Percent | 45.1 | 31.0 | 14.1 | 9.9 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.