- MTG DECKS (205)
Active Decks
60 card decks - no format
Not Now
vin Kill your stuff
vin Athreos - 60
vin Beg, Steal, and Borrow
sta Cowboy Baby! - 60
vin Hanna - 60
leg Jonah's Chandra Deck
vin Momir Vig
vin Shanna - 60 card
vin Shattergang - 60
leg Tiana - 60
leg Yeva - 60
vin Zombies - 60
vin arti-Facts don't care about your feelings
leg Avatars
vin Bant Defender
vin Eggcilant
com HexCounters
leg Knights and Dragons
vin Moldy Toast
vin Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper
vin Pain is the new Black
mod Red deck wins
vin So you think your friends are super?
vin Value Town - Population Me
vin X marks the spot
com Rocco, Street Chef
Conspiracy Cube
sta Con Cube
leg ConCube Artifact
leg ConCube Black
leg ConCube Blue
leg ConCube Green
mod ConCube Land
leg ConCube Multi-Colored
leg ConCube Red
leg ConCube White
Deck Ideas
Block (Old Standard)
mod Black Devo
mod BUG Standard
mod Discard
mod Gods
mod L-2 headed standard
mod mono black devotion
mod R/G Agro/Bloodrush
mod Red Standard
mod Scry, Scry, Scry
Guild EDH Decks
leg 5 Color Counters
com aeve ooze
vin Aminatou
leg Anafenza - Counters
mod Angrath Oathbreaker
sta Aspect of death
leg Atheros
sta Attack!
leg Attack!!! - 3/16
vin Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim - 3/16
vin B/G Elves - 3/16
vin Blue ETB Wizards
vin Brigid Hero
vin Cards and Dudes
vin Cat Lady
vin Chubby Chaser
com Combat Politics
sta Cowboy Baby!
vin Damia - BUG you to death
leg Derevi, Empyrial Taptician
vin Don't Blink
sta Enchant Sacs
leg Enchantment Deck - 3/16
com Eutropia
vin Evra!
vin Exalted EDH - 10-2017
vin Feldon
vin Freyalise - Elves
com Friends Forever
com Friends with benefits
vin Frog Horror Saps
vin Giants - 3/16
com Gifts for everyone
vin Grenzo
leg Grim Grining
com Grist
leg Heroic EDH
sta Iroas
vin Jeleva, Exile Queen
vin Jonah's Flyers
com K'rrik
vin Karador
vin Kiki-Jiki Red stuff
vin Lazav!
leg Let's Go to Hell Together
sta Life Gain Counts
vin Little People
vin Lure of the Spider
vin Mairsil Combo EDH
vin Marath, Mana Dump - 3/16
mod Melek
vin Mill - 03/18
leg Mono Blue Fun
vin Muldrotha
vin Nath
vin Nekusar - 03/16
vin Norin the Wary - 3/16
vin Oceans
leg Oloro - Life Gain
vin Omnath Rage
vin Prossh - 3/16
leg Rakdos - 3/16
leg Riku EDH
mod Sakiko - Snakes
com Scry Draw
vin Sek'Kuar
leg Selvala - 3/16
vin Shatergang
leg Sidisi
sta Snapdax
leg Soldier Boy - 3/16
vin Sydri - 3/16
vin Token - 3/16
com Trample
vin U/B Flicker
sta U/G Small Guys
leg UPDATE - Bant Theft
leg UPDATE - Stout Arm
vin Vorel - 05/18
vin Warriors - Rob
sta Winota
com Xyris
vin Yeni's Sac parade
leg Yeva - 3/16
vin Your a Wizard Harry!
vin Zedruu
com Zirda
vin Zombie EDH
sta Zombie Yards
To be Built
vin Naga EDH
leg Spider EDH
leg Troll
vin Baral, Table Flipper
sta Chaos EDH
leg Charge it!
vin Copy of Evra!
vin custom edh
vin Damia, Cycle Deck
mod Eight-1/2-Tails
vin Elementals
leg God I Wish I Could Hate You...
leg It's a Pair of Ducks
sta Jhoira
sta Just another resource
vin Kick it!
mod Krackens
leg Kruphix
vin Legends are old hat
vin Life Counts
leg Life Gain
mod Lim-Dul
leg Lovisa - BWB!
vin Luck of the Flip!
vin Mana Dorks
leg Mer-Men
vin Momir Vig EDH
vin No Lands
leg Oloro - Upkeep Control
mod Oros
vin Purphoros
leg RATS!
leg Stonebrow
leg Temur Dragons
leg Thelon
leg Uril
mod Ajani's Pridmate
leg Ally
mod B/W Ally Deck
mod bogbrew swine
mod Copy of bogbrew swine
mod Copy That.
mod E-2 headed standard
mod Hexproof/Unblockable
vin Hold'em
mod Infinite mill
leg Life = Death
mod Lucky 13
mod Mill Madness
mod Pumping stuff
leg Rederections
mod SuperFriends
mod Tap Dat Ass(assin)
vin Thing in the ice
mod U/W Heroic
sta Samurai
com 11 in Love
com Abilities
com Brion Stoutarm - Jack N Sac
com Ishai, my valentine
com ISSHIN - Wife Deck
com Let's Play
com River Song
com White (and Green) Elephant deck
com White Elephant - But Blue
com White Elephant - but no elephants
sta wilds rare cards

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Myriad Landscape | |
2 | Forest | |
3 | Archangel of Thune | |
4 | Gyre Sage | |
5 | Krosan Grip | |
6 | Sungrass Prairie |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 39 | 30 |
Percent | 56.0 | 43.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.