TREEBEARD1212's profile
- MTG DECKS (156)
sta Free Cards
sta idea
sta pf
sta !!!bg
leg .
mod ..
leg ...
mod 10th
sta 4
leg a
leg a Golgari
leg a Golgari Dimir
leg a Golgari Dimir v2
leg a Golgari orzhov
leg a red green
sta aaaa bbb cc its easy as...
sta abc
mod Agro Trample
sta all cards
leg Alpha
leg Angelic Renders
sta Artifact
leg azorius
leg Black Control
leg Bleu
mod Come my Brethren
leg Commander
sta Commander rbg
sta Controlly flicker
leg Copy of a Golgari Dimir
leg Copy of azorius
leg Copy of Black Control
sta Copy of Commander rbg
sta Copy of Copy of Commander rbg
leg Copy of Copy of Esper
sta Copy of Copy of madness
leg Copy of Copy of zzzzz sleeper
leg Copy of Copy of zzzzz sleeper
leg Copy of Esper
leg Copy of Esper week 6
leg Copy of Gruul
leg Copy of HB
sta Copy of Izzet
sta Copy of Land d flicker
sta Copy of madness
leg Copy of new deck
sta Copy of sealed shennanigans
leg Copy of selysna
sta Copy of The Dredgening 7w
sta Copy of The Dredgening 7w
leg Copy of white blue green
leg Copy of white green black splash
sta Copy of z ramp
sta crazy town
sta crazy town
leg dmir aggro
sta Dredgevine
leg Esper
leg Esper week 6
leg Fungus Amongus
sta Funky Town
leg Golgari
sta Green white blue
leg Gruul
leg H
leg HB
leg hellbent madness
sta I sealede
sta idea
sta Igni
sta infect
sta Izzet
sta Izzet plus green
leg izzet v2
leg k
leg Land
sta Land d flicker
leg Land Destruction
sta madness
sta Mantle
sta Mill
sta mono green
leg new deck
sta New Dredge
leg rakdos
sta rbg 2020
leg Red
sta red black white
leg red green blue
leg red green blue control
sta s
leg selysna
sta Simic
leg Stone rain
sta Straight black Zomvine
mod stuff
leg stuff 2
leg test
sta The Dredgening
sta The Dredgening 3w
sta The Dredgening 5w
sta The Dredgening 6w
sta The Dredgening 7w
mod Time Spiral
leg Tournament
leg tramp stamp
sta treefolk
sta verty
sta Week 1
sta wg new
leg white black
leg white green black splash
leg white green blue alpha
sta z
sta z big green
sta Zomvine/ red green madness
leg zzzzz sleeper
leg white blue green
Ole decks
mod 10th tourney
sta 8-13-23 drege greed
sta 8-21-23 drege cut green
sta Amulet titan
sta Amulet titan with current
sta azus
sta Copy of Copy of Copy of Idea 2
sta Copy of Copy of Idea 2
sta Copy of yp
sta crabvine
sta Disco Vamp
sta F your hand
sta I smelt victory
sta Idea 2
sta key
sta mill
sta More value Idea 2
sta New
sta prime speak
sta Rooty
sta smapo
sta titanless amulet titan
sta yp
sta zombie vamp
sta zombie vamp with red
sta zomblastic
sta Zurmander
sta a
sta burn
sta cb
sta Copy of pf rel
sta deck a
sta deck b
sta grob
sta infect
sta mill
sta pf rel
sta walls

Name | Cost ![]() |
Forest | |
Khalni Heart Expedition | |
Explore | |
Khalni Heart Expedition | |
Pelakka Wurm | |
Terastodon | |
Terastodon |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Tooth and Nail | |
2 | Eldrazi Conscription | |
3 | Grazing Gladehart | |
4 | Terramorphic Expanse | |
5 | Forest | |
6 | Acidic Slime |