- MTG DECKS (167)
sta Atla 11-07-22
sta Carina 11-07-22
sta Ikra11-07-22
com KiTo 11-07-22
sta Saga
sta Sissy 11-07-22
com Tuvasa 11-07-22
com FightClub
sta KiTo Aggro
com Sisay, Humans
sta Tuvasa, Streamlined
com Varina, Lich Queen
Boxing 3
sta Kresh, Jund
sta Shards of alara Draws
sta Sharuum, Box
Boxing league 2
sta Buylist
sta Complete_Buys
sta Draft 12
sta Draft 13
sta Draft 13 Naya Tokens
Dual Decks
sta K 'rrik madness, discard, cheat
cub K 'rrik protection
sta K 'rrik vehicles
sta K'rrik Bomb
sta K'rrik Draw
sta K'rrik Ramp
sta K'rrik removal
sta K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth
sta Marchesa, add counters
sta Marchesa, bombs (10)
sta Marchesa, Draw creatures (10)
sta Marchesa, draw unconditional (5)
sta Marchesa, protection (10)
sta Marchesa, ramp (10)
com Marchesa, refined
sta Marchesa, removal (20)
sta Marchesa, the black rose
sta Marchesa, use counters
sta Tuvasa additionals
Syr Gwyn
sta 3-4 Counters
com 4C Populate
com 4C Reanimator
sta Angels and humans
com Arasta of the Endless Web
com Arcades Wallband
com Arjun, the Shifting Flame
sta Arjun, the Shifting Flame
com Atla Palani, Nest Tender
sta Atraxa, Preator's Voice
sta Big mass zombies
sta Bombs
sta Boxing, league Lorewyn
vin BR draw
sta cart
sta Cascade
sta Chulane Spirits
sta Copy of 4C Reanimator
sta Copy of Boxing league, singleton list
sta Copy of Kynaios and Tiro
sta Copy of Sisay, Weatherlight Captain
leg Counters
sta Cube sealed deck 1
sta Cubedraft 2
sta CubeSealed
sta Daretti, Scrap Savant
sta Douwe maybe's
sta Draft
sta Draft 10
sta Draft 10
sta Draft 12 Reddeckwins
sta Draft 12 Reddeckwins
sta Draft 4
sta Draft 5
sta Draft 6
sta Draft 7
sta Draft 8
sta Draft 9
sta Draft Deck 3
sta Draw
sta Elsha of the Arjun
sta FightClub wants
sta Gavi, nest warden
sta Gitrog, Black lifegain
sta Golos, Gates
sta Grenzo, Dungeon Warden
sta Grenzo, Dungeon Warden
com Greven Predator Captain
com Grotama, All devouring
sta Gyrus, Waker of Corpses
sta Inalla > Arjun
sta Jund Shaman Tribal
sta Kaalia, Zenith Seeker
sta Kalamax, the Stormsire
sta Karador, refined 100
sta Kess, Dissident Mage
sta Krenko, Mob Boss
sta Krenko, Starter
sta Life matters
sta Mardu, Artifacts
sta Mark wants
sta Marthas, blood and bounties
sta Marthas, Fiend seeker
sta mimic flavour
sta MonoGreen
sta Monogreen
vin Naya Edh
sta Nethroi, Apex of Death
sta Nikara and Yannik Hatebear
sta NiYA (1-2 ramp)
sta NiYa (3-4 card advantage)
sta NiYa valuegetters
sta Piotr wants
sta Proliferate
sta Proliferate
sta Purphoros, Bronze Blooded
sta Ramp
sta Ranku, master of pranks PRIMER
oth Rare Map
sta Rare map
sta Removal
sta Sac Outlets
sta Shards of Mirrodin
sta Sharum, Boxing league
com Silas Ren, Ikra, Reanimator
sta Sisay, Shrines
com Sisay, Weatherlight Captain
sta Teysa Karlov, white black
sta Token
com Tuvasa the Sunlit
sta Tuvasa the Sunlit, maindeck
sta Ukkima and Cazur
sta Varina, Lich queen
com Volrath, the Shapestealer
sta Weenie Creatures
sta Xantcha, Artifact combo
sta Xantcha, Artifact value engine
sta Xantcha, Haste Dragons
sta Xantcha, hate stax
com Xantcha, Sleeper Agent
sta Xyris, the Writhing Storm
com Yorion, Sky nomad
sta Zirda, the Dawnwaker
sta Zombies
sta Zur, the enchanter W,U,B
com ClueTokens
sta Evelyn, the Covetous
sta ExileToAdventure
sta FunStuf?
sta Kykar Artifacts
sta Kykar Weenies
sta Kykar, Wizards
sta RedDeckWins

Name | Cost ![]() |
Awaken the Erstwhile | |
From Under the Floorboards | |
Command the Dreadhorde | |
Noosegraf Mob | |
Necromancer's Covenant | |
Grave Betrayal |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 12 | 1 |
Percent | 92.0 | 7.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.