ADI LAHAYE's profile
- MTG DECKS (45)
leg animar, soul of elements
vin Arahbo, roar of the world
leg Arcades, the strategist
vin Arcanis,the Omnipotent
vin atraxa, Praetors' voice
leg aurelia, exampler of justice
vin daretti, scrap savant
vin Daxos the Returned
leg depala, pilot exemplar
leg Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief
vin Edgar Markov
vin Elsha of the infinite
vin Estrid, the masked
vin ezuri, claw of progress
com Ghired, conclaves exile
sta greven, predator captain
vin Jazal Goldmane
vin Jhoira
vin Kadena, slinking sorcerer
vin kalemne, disciple of iroas
leg Karlov of the Ghost Council
vin Lord windgrace
vin Marath, Will of the Wild
leg marchesa, the black rose
vin Meren of Clan Nel Toth
vin mizzix of the izmagnus
vin muldrotha, the gravetide
leg najeela
leg Purphoros, god of the forge
vin Seleeli, the gifted
leg Snake
vin Teshar, ancestor's apostle
vin The mimeoplasm
vin The ur-dragon
vin Yennett, cryptic sovereign
com Zur the enchanter
under construction
vin Derevi, Empyrial Tactician
leg Kenrith
vin Kess, dissident mage
leg Stonebrow
leg the eye
sta Brightspear
com Glissa, the traitor
sta Sliver
sta Varina, lich queen