- MTG DECKS (379)
Budget EDH
vin Aminatou Budget
leg Freyalise Budget
leg Krenko Budget
vin Varina, Lich Queen Budget
Commander Legends
sta Adeliz
sta Alela
sta Athreos
sta Aurelia
sta Derevi
sta Jhoira
sta Kykar
sta Lathiel
sta Marath
sta Progenitor
sta Queen
sta Scarab God
sta Soulherder
sta Tatyova
sta U/W Skycat Sovereign
sta Wyleth
Cu3e Hall of Fame
Current EDH Decks
vin Aminatou Final
com Anje Falkenrath
com Brago Final
com Derevi, Empyrial Tactician
com Edgar Markov
com Feather Final
com Freyalise, Lanowar's Fury Final
com Ghired, Conclave Exile
com Grand Arbiter Version 3.0
vin Hapatra
com Hyrdra
com Judith 3.0
pio Jund Experiments
com Kaalia of the Vast
com Kadena, the Slinking Sorcerer
com Karador 1.0
com Kess, Dissident Mage
sta Kess, the Spellslinger
vin Krenko Final
com Kumena
com Lord Windgrace Final
com Maelstrom Wanderer 2.0
com Meren 2.0
vin Nekusar
vin Odric
vin Rankle Final
vin Saheeli Final
com Sevinne, the Chronoclasm
com Tasigur
vin The Scarab God Final
com Tuvasa
vin Vial Smasher and Thrasios
vin Yarok, The Desecrated 2.0
com Zacama 2.0
pio 8 Rack Modern
sta 8Rack
sta Copy of Meren Final
sta Demonic pact
sta God-Eternal Kefnet
sta Grixis
sta Grixis Rock
sta Jeskai Cycling
sta Jeskai Fires
pio Jeskai Gearhulk
pio Jeskai Tempo
sta Jeskai Vadrok
sta Jeskai Whirlind
pio Jeskai Yorion
pio Jund
sta Jund 2 for 1
pio Jund Delirium
pio Jund Modern
pio Jund Seasons Test
pio Jund Trash
pio Liliana, heretical healer
sta Madness
pio Madness Kazan
sta Mardu
pio Mardu Control
sta Mardu Doom
pio Mardu final
pio Mardu Lurrus
pio Mardu Polymorph
pio Mardu Pyromancer
sta Mardu Stax
sta Mardu Yorion
pio Mardu Yorion Discard
sta Midrange
sta Modern UW Days
pio Mono Black Devotion
pio Mono Black Discard
sta MTG Jeskai Yorion
sta Narset Days
sta Naya Enchantments
sta Naya Nahiri
pio Naya Possibilty Storm
pio Ojutai Midrange
pio Orzhov Dokm Foretold
pio Orzhov midrange
pio Pack Rat
pio Pack Rat
pio Paradoxical Outcome
pio Phoenix Draw 2
pio Pioneer Abzan
sta Pioneer Azorius
pio Pioneer Delver
pio Pioneer Pod
pio Possibility Storm
mod Possibility Storm 2.0
pio Possibility Storm Midrange
pio Possibility Storm Sideboard
sta Possibility Storm Simic
vin Queen Marchesa
sta Queen Marchesa 2.0
vin Queen Marchesa Final
com Queen of Aristocrats Final
sta Queen of Politics
pio Rakdos Burn
sta Rakdos Burn
pio Rakdos Combo
pio Rakdos Control
pio Rakdos Discard Midrange
pio Rakdos Graveyard
pio Rakdos Midrange
pio Rakdos Midrange
pio Rakdos Midrange
sta Rakos Midrange Budget
pio Ramp
vin Rankle
vin Rankle 2.0
vin Rankle 8x8
vin Rankle Aristocrats
vin Rashmi
pio Scheming Storm
pio Seasons Past
pio Sideboard
pio Simic Boggles Pioneer
pio Simic Flash
pio Simic Manipulation
pio Skura UW Control
com Sliver Overlord
sta Stifled Company
pio Stifled Giants
pio Sultai
sta Sultai Control
sta Sultai Control
sta Sultai Control
sta Sultai Modern
sta Sultai Yorion
pio Temur Combo
pio Temur Control
sta Temur Draw 2
pio Temur Pyromancer
pio The Gitrog Monster
Dream Decks
pio Abzan Delirium
sta Bant Control
pio Budget Sultai Delirium
pio Jeskai Shark Control
pio Sultai Delirium
pio The Rock
pio Traversless Sultai
Fatal Thoughts
sta B\W Vampires
sta pirates
sta Rivals Vamps
sta U/G Merfolk
Jeskai Control
pio Anti Niv
sta magic league
sta Magic League 1
sta Magic league 2
vin The Scarab God 2.0
M19 Cube
Meren of Clan Nel Toth
com Meren Final
sta Affinity
sta Amulet Titan
mod Azorius Control
mod Burn
sta Dredge
sta Grixis Death's Shadow
sta Hardened Scales
sta Humans
sta Infect
leg Izzet Pheonix
mod Jund
mod Mono Green Tron
mod The Rock
mod Twiddle Storm
Oath Breaker
vin Aminatou OathBreaker
vin angrath discard
leg Domri OathBreaker
vin Dovin Taxes
leg freyalise oathbreaker
pio Bant
sta Copy of Jeskai Arcanist
pio Demonic Jund
pio Esper 2.0
sta Esper midrange
sta Giant
pio Grixis Arcanist
pio Humans
pio Jund Seasons Past
pio Lands
pio Mono Black Eldrazi
sta Mono Red Eldrazi
sta Rakdos Midrange
pio Sultai
Pioneer Top Tier
Powered Cube
vin Abzan Pox
vin Brown
vin Mono Red
vin Mono White Weenie
vin Mono-Green Ramp
vin Power Cube Black
vin Power Cube Blue
vin Power Cube White
sta reanimate
sta sneak/Breach
vin splinter twin
vin Storm
vin Wildfire
vin Wren and six
Precon Commander Decks
sta Boros
sta Dimir Guilds of Ravnica
sta Golgari guilds of ravmica
sta Izzet
sta Izzet control
sta Ravnica Cube
sta Selesnya
Shadows over innistrad
sta Boros guilds of ravnica
sta Izzet guilds of ravnic
sta Selesnya Guilds of Ravnica
sta Selesnya Update
mod SOI B/R
mod SOI Constructed W/G
mod SOI G/R
mod SOI U/R
mod SOI U/W
mod SOI W/G
Smash Up
sta Burn Em
sta White Weenie
Ultimate Masters Archetypes
dra Azorius Commons
sta Confounding Conundrum
sta Dimir Control
sta Golgari Control
sta Mass Manipulation
mod Orzhov Commons
sta Possibility Storm
sta Probability Storm
sta Sultai
sta Temur Lands
Unstable Cube
sta 4 Color Control
pio 4 Color Humans
pio 4 Color Lotus Field
sta 4 Color Tempo
sta 5 Color Good Stuff
sta Abzan Control
sta Agent's of Sneak
sta Arcanist Control
sta Ashiok Destruction
sta Bant Control
sta Bant Lotus Combo
sta Card Draw
sta Confounding 4 Color
pio Confounding Conundrum
sta Copy of 4 Color Lotus Field
sta Copy of Jeskai Arcanist
sta Copy of Jeskai Days Undoing
sta Crossbreed Labs
sta Dimir Processor
sta Draw 2
pio Esper control
sta Esper Control
sta Esper Foretell
sta Goblin Explosioneers
pio Grixis Control
sta Grixis Control
sta Grixis Control
pio Grixis Eldrazi Control
pio Gruul Possibility Storm
sta Hate Bears
sta Humans
sta Izzet Control
sta Izzet Control
sta Izzet Wizards
sta Jeskai Clock
sta Jeskai Control
sta Jeskai Days Undoing
his Jeskai Historic
sta Jeskai Pyromancer
pio Jeskai Ramp
pio Jeskai Turns
pio Jeskai Yorion
sta Jund Pioneer
sta Jund Pyromancer
sta League of Dastardly Doom
sta Lotus Brought Back
sta Lutri Pioneer
sta Mardu
pio Mardu Control
sta Mardu Control
sta Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist
sta Mono black
pio Narset Final
sta Narset Grixis Control
sta Ojutai Control
sta Order of the Widget
sta PT Sultai Delirium
com Queen of Aristocrats
pio Rakdos Midrange
pio Seasons Past Final
pio Skura Bug Control
sta Sultai Bring to Light
sta Sultai Lotus
sta Sultai Seasons Past
sta Tayam
sta Temur Control
pio Temur Control
sta Temur Yorion Ramp
sta Teysa
sta Thief of Sanity
pio Traverse Gearhulk
sta UW Control
sta UW control
sta Valki Bring To Light
sta Yorion Giants
sta Zombies
sta 5 Color Domain
sta Abzan Collected Company
sta Abzan Midrange
sta Abzan Rock
sta Control
sta Copy of Eldrazi Winter
sta Dimir Midrange
sta Eldrazi Tron
sta Esper Control
sta Golgari Ramp
sta Grixis Jund
sta Grixis Tempo
sta Jeskai Control
sta Jeskai graveyard
sta Jund
sta Jund Ramp
sta Keruga Lotus Field
sta Mardu Pyromancer
sta Mono Black Improvise
sta Narset Control
sta Pioneer Rock
pio Seasons Past
sta Sultai Control
sta Sultai Rock
sta UB Delve
sta Urban Burgeoning Field

Name | Cost ![]() |
Island | |
Hallowed Fountain | |
Omen of the Sea | |
Azorius Charm | |
Sinister Sabotage | |
Cast Out | |
Supreme Verdict |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Glacial Fortress | |
2 | Island | |
3 | Dovin's Veto | |
4 | Seal Away | |
5 | Supreme Verdict | |
6 | Island |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 35 | 27 |
Percent | 56.0 | 43.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.