OLA ROXENDAL's profile
- MTG DECKS (440)
Burn/Red Prowess
sta Böörn
Black Phoenix
sta Grixis Phoenix
sta Drege
sta Hoogack
leg 181101 Grixis ReAnimate
sta Reanimator
Land Based/Fair GSZ
Colorless Cloudpost
sta 12-Post
sta 12-post #2
sta 12-Post #3
leg 190101 R/G lands
sta 2020-09 R/G Lands
sta 2020-09 RG Lands
sta 2020-10 R/G lands valkut
sta 8 mulch white
sta 8-Muclh
sta 8-Mulch no p fire
sta BUG Lands Hampe
sta Lands Okt 2020
leg R/G Lands
leg R/U/G Lands
leg RUG lands 2
leg RUG Lands Legacy
leg 181101 4c Loam
leg 4c Loam
leg 4c Loam Copenhagen
Nic Fit
sta Nicfit
Other Land Based/Fair GSZ
4C Control
leg 190401 4c leovold
sta 4c Astro Medrange
leg 4c leovold
sta Dark Bant
Bant Control
sta Bant astrlabe Legacy
sta SnowCo Legacy
BUG Control
Esper Control
Grixis Control
Jeskai Control
Other Control
sta Apple Jacks
leg Bedlem legacy
RUG Control
leg Rug brew legacy
sta RUG Stifle
leg Temur bedlam Fire
sta 2020-08 Esper Stand
sta 2020-08 Shark Replenish
sta 2020-08 Standstill
sta 2020-09 Shark Replenish #2
sta 2020-09 Shark Replenish Ola ED
sta Baby combo
sta Izzet HornStill
sta UR Standstill
leg 181101 Esper Stoneblade
leg 190101 Jeskai Blade
leg Esper Stoneblade
leg Jeskai Blade
leg Legacy - Jeskai Twin blade
leg UW(r) Stoneblade 2
leg UWr stoneblade
Non Blue
Black Midrange
leg Deadguy Ale
leg Deadguy Ale 2
leg Deadguy Ale 3
leg Deadly Ale GPBIR
leg Deadly ale Hoogland
sta Legacy Jund
sta BUG Sifle
sta Ur stiflenought
sta UR Stiflenought 2
Permanent Combo
leg 190401 Aluren
sta 2020-09 Aluren
sta 2021-03 Aluren
sta 2022 BUG Aluren 4-0
sta 2022-07 Aluren Tier1Con
sta 4C Aluren
sta Aluren 4-0 202205
sta BUG Aluren
sta BUG Aluren Bologna
sta Bug Aluren jap
sta Sultai Aluren 5-0
Depths Combo
leg 181101 Turbo depths
leg Slow depths
leg TURBO 2
leg Turbo 3
leg Turbo depths budget
sta Elves
sta Elves Julian
sta Legacy Elves
Food chain
sta 210330 Bant Food Chain
sta 210403 Bant food Chain
sta Bant Food Chain
leg Food chain
sta Gobbos food chain
GW Depths
sta 2022 GW Depths 4-0
sta 220303 GW Depths
leg G/w depths 2
sta GE depths Dan Nely
sta GW depths Joel
leg Selesnya Depths
Other Permanent Combo
leg 181101 Jeskai helm
leg 181102 Jeskai helm
sta 2020-08 Bant Natural order
leg Copy of 181102 Jeskai helm
leg Helm combo
sta Insect combo
leg JEskai Helm 1907
leg Legacy Pod
sta No Hive pact
sta Pact
sta Pact 2
leg 181101 Imperial painter
leg 190501 R/W painter karn
sta 2020-09 Starberrie Shortcake
sta Copy of Strawberry SHortcake
sta Forge Painter
leg Karn painter
leg Mono blue painter
leg Mono painter
sta Painter callumn
leg R/W painter Legacy
sta Straberry
leg Strawberry SHortcake
Spell Combo
sta ANT
sta BUG Doomsday
sta Esper Doomsday
sta Omnitell2
sta Show and tell
Ruby Storm
sta Storm
Sneak and Show
sta Sneak and show
sta Tes
Blue Karn/Artifacts
leg Urza Legacy
sta Bomberman
Curse Stompy
Red Prison
leg Legacy - Big Red
leg Mono red
leg Moon Stompy
leg Moonwalker
BUG Delver
sta 2021-03 BUG Delver
leg BUG Delver
leg BUG Delver Bologna
Grixis Delver
sta 2020-09 Ninjas
sta Ninjas
RUG Delver
sta 2020-08 Rug Delver Båten
sta RUG Delver leg
sta RUG Delverless
sta RUG Uro Delver
leg Temur Delver
leg Temur delver Bologna 2019
leg Temur Delver legacy
sta Temur Delver LEgacy
U/R Delver
leg Izzet Delver
sta Izzet Delver BONE CRUSH
leg Izzet delver legacy
sta U/R delver Feb 2020
Death and taxes
Esper Vial
sta Esper flick legacy
sta Esper flicker
sta Esper flicker 2
sta Esper vial juli
sta esper vialllll
sta eSPER vILA
sta Gobbos Leg
sta Legacy Gobbos 2
sta Legacy Goblins
sta Legacy slivers 2
sta Slivers
Other Formats
mod 181101 B/G ASS ROCK no Lilly
mod 190507 Abzan Ashiok
mod 190507 Abzan Ashiok Ola
mod Abzan
mod Abzan Feb 2016
mod Abzan Flayer
mod Abzan Loam
mod Abzan prepp Kph
mod Abzan Transverse
mod Abzan Transverse Ola
mod Abzan Triggers
mod B/G
mod B/G ass
mod B/G Copenhagen
mod B/G July 2018
mod B/G Midrange
mod B/G Midrange 2018 JAN
mod B/G Rock Juli 2
mod B/G Rock v2
mod BG Rock
mod Little Kid Junk
mod Noble Abzan prepp cph 2
sta Bant blade modeen
mod Bant Combo/Control
mod Bant Coralhelm
mod Bant Eldrazi
mod Bant Eldrich v. 1
mod Bant Knightfall
mod Bant Mentor
mod Bant Midrange
mod Bant Spirits
mod Bant spirits
mod bant spirits 2
mod Bant wish controll
Creature Toolbox
mod 4C Vanny Pod
mod Abzan Angel Chord
mod Abzan Company Eldrich Melira
mod Abzan Company Melira
mod Abzan Evolution
mod bant chord
mod Bant Company
mod Devoted Druid
mod Eldrazi Evolution
mod JACE Kiki chord
sta Jeff Kiki Chord
mod Jund Chord Combat kiki
mod Kiki Abzan Red
mod Kiki Blood Moon Top 16
sta Kiki chord
mod Kiki Chord (Florida States)
mod Kiki Chord Blue
mod Kiki Chord Emmy
sta Kiki Chord July
mod Kiki Chord kph 2017 III
mod Kiki Chord Nov 2016
sta Kiki combo
mod Kiki cph 2017 (test)
mod Kiki cph 2017 (test2)
mod Kiki Evolution (birdless)
mod Kiki Evolution (GP Lille)
mod Kiki Jund White
sta kiki Modern
mod Kiki moon
sta Kiki Thrun
mod Naya Kiki Combat
mod Ola Kiki Blood Moon
mod Temur Eldrich Kiki
mod Temur Kiki
mod Temur Kiki
mod Temur kiki
mod Temur Kiki Evolution 2
mod Temur kiki Jace FEB 2018
mod Temur Kiki netdeck
mod Temur Kiki Transverse
sta Vanifar
mod 190501 Esper controll
mod Esper Contol v3
mod Esper control 2017
mod Esper control Spell q
mod Esper Control v.2
mod Esper Controll
mod Esper controls draw/go
mod Esper death
mod Esper Goryos Gifts
mod Esper Goryos Gifts Chart
mod Esper Goryos Gifts GP Birmingham
mod Esper Goryos Gifts Nov 2017
mod Esper jace
mod Esper mentor 2017
mod Esper Mentor 2019
mod Esper mentor 9-0
mod Esper Mentor Bauble
mod Esper mentor Old
mod Esper Mentor v 2
mod Esper Shadow
sta 2020-08 Gobbos modeen
sta Gobbos
sta Gobbos modern
leg 190501 Grixis Death Shadow
mod Grixis Chandra Control
mod Grixis Control
mod Grixis Control ALL CARDS
mod Grixis Control jan 2017
mod Grixis control TAPP OUT Jan 2017
vin Grixis Delver
mod Grixis Horror
leg Grixis Jace Reveler
leg Grixis Pyromancer
mod Grixis Shadow
mod Grixis SHadow 2
sta Grixis Shadow Modern
sta Grixis Urza Modern
Izzet Kiki
sta Izzet Kiki
mod 1908 Jeskai tempo Hoogland
vin Jeskai Aggro
mod Jeskai Control SCG #1 2107-09-18
mod Jeskai Controll MAY 2018
vin Jeskai Delver
mod Jeskai Kiki
vin Jeskai Mentor
vin Jeskai Midrange Mentor
mod Jeskai Nahiri
mod Jeskai Nahiri 2018
mod Patriot Gifts
mod Patriot Gifts V2
Kirin Monk
mod bant kirin
mod G/W Kirin Toolbox
mod Kirin bant
mod Kirin Tolbox
leg 4C Dreadhorde
leg 4c Pyro
leg 4c Pyro NO LOAM
mod Affinity
mod Big Zoo
sta D & T modern
mod Eldrazi Tron
mod G/W Hate Bears
mod G/W Tron
leg Gris
mod Humans
mod Humans Kent ketter
vin Infect
mod Ironworks
mod Lantern
mod Living End
sta Modern Mavrick
mod Naya Burn
mod RG Tron
mod Tezzert Thopter
mod W/R Prison
Saheeli Combo
mod 4C Shaeeeeli
mod 4C Shaeeeeli v2
sta 4c Shaeelie modern
mod Cobra Saheeli
Stone ...
mod 4C Shaeeeeli blade
mod 4c Shaelie blade
mod Abzan Blade
mod Abzan Blade Ola Old brew
mod Bant Blade
sta Bant Stone blade Modern
mod Copy of Bant Blade
mod Deadly Ale Modern
mod Devoted blade
mod Esper Blade
mod Esper Mentor Blade
mod G/w eldrazi
mod G7W Eldrazi
mod Jeskai Blade
mod Jeskai Blade Manfield
mod Sultai controll
sta Sultai COntroll ECO
mod Sultai Delver
mod Sultai midrange
mod Sultai Midrange
sta Uro pile
mod Copy of Temur
sta Modern temur
mod Temur
sta Temur Controll
leg Temur Dreadhorde
mod Temur Jace FEB 2018
mod Temur moon
sta Temur Wrenn modern
sta Uro Pile #2 Modern
mod U/B Faries
mod UB Fae
mod UB Fae 2
mod UB Fae 3
mod Blue moon
mod Blue Moon - Ross Meriam 2018
mod Breach Moon 2017 DEC
mod Grearhulk Moon 2018 Jan
sta Izzet blitz
leg Izzet Spells
mod Jace Moon
mod Jace Moon 2018 Feb
mod Jace Moon CURRENT
mod Kiki Moon 2017 DEC
mod Kiki Moon 2018 JAN
mod Kiki Moon 2018 JAN Ola
vin Old Moon
mod U/R Fae
mod U/r fariees
mod U/R Possibility storm
leg U/R Pyro Acsention 2018
mod U/R Pyromancer PT BIlbao
mod U/R Tempo PPTQ AUG
mod U/R Tempo PPTQ AUG V2
mod U/R Tempo Scar
mod U/r wizards
mod UR P ström 2
mod UR Poss 2
mod U/W Control Hoogland
mod U/W Controll
mod ¤c Wirza
sta Grixis Urza
leg Outcome Ass
leg Outcome Assenency
leg Outcome Burchet
sta Urza Karn
sta Urza Oko
leg Urza Outcome
Urza Breach
pio Abzan pioneer
pio Abzan Pioneer kombo
pio B/G eldrazi
pio Jeff balista combo pioneer
sta Sultai 2 pionner
sta Sultai pioneer
sta Sultai Pioneer
sta Sultai pioneer 2
pio Pioneer dragons
sta U/W Appraoch
pio U/R Eld Scions
pio U/R Fiend Poineer
pio U/R Pheonix Pioneer
pio U/R Squid
sta UR Pionner
sta 2021-03 Jeskai Vintage
sta 2021-03-04 BUG Vintage
vin BUG Midrange Vintage
vin BUG Midrange Vintage
vin BugVintage
vin Jeskai Dreadhorde vintage
vin Jeskai vintage 2
sta Vintage Lands
Pre Modern
sta R40 Black White mid
sta R40 Counterburn
sta R40 Kird Ape
oth R40 UG Mid
sta R40 UW Controll
sta R40 UW Stasis

Name | Cost ![]() |
Island | |
Island | |
Watery Grave | |
Thoughtseize | |
Fatal Push | |
Satyr Wayfinder | |
Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Thoughtseize | |
2 | Satyr Wayfinder | |
3 | Jace, Vryn's Prodigy // Jace, Telepath Unbound | |
4 | Blooming Marsh | |
5 | Eat to Extinction | |
6 | Fatal Push |
Mana Base
Colors | |||
Symbols | 22 | 15 | 11 |
Percent | 45.0 | 31.0 | 22.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.