RYAN 's profile
- MTG DECKS (204)
Decks as of 9/4
sta R Goblin Burn
sta UB Evil Mimic Twins
sta UGR Crap Pod
sta UWB Spirits are Scary
Draft Decks
mod BGr - BNG (3-0)
Standard By Set
12 - INN2 - DKA
12 - INN3 - AVR
mod W/B/R Tokens
13 - RTR1 - RTR
mod B/R Dual Cast Death Burn
mod G/B Ooze Fight Club
mod G/B/R Jund Controlish
mod G/U/B Zombie Tribe
leg G/W/R/B Rites
mod R Red Deck Wins
mod W/B - Enchanting Life Gain
13 - RTR2 - GTC
mod B/R Big Blacks
leg BUR - Grixis Rats
mod G/R/W Champions Attacks
mod G/U/B/R - Awesomely Results of Expectations
mod G/U/R Cipher Spells
mod G/W/B - Sudden Bant ETB
mod GRW Flash
mod R/U/G Biomancing
mod R/W GoblinsOros
mod U/W/B Grixinamtor
13 - RTR3 - DGM
mod BGRW - That Gate Thing
mod BRG - Varolz Jund
mod BRU - Grixis Multiplayer
mod BRW - Steal and Sac
mod GU - Elf Wave Biomancer Edition
mod UBR - Beward Grixyard
mod UBR - Grixis Thing
leg URW - IzzBliztz
mod WBG - Junk Life Combo
vin WBG Junk CratsRoz
14 - M14
Garbage Folder
mod Copy of UB Zombies
leg G/B/R BirthingPod
mod Into the Breach
mod r/g teenwolf
mod UB Zombies
mod Vampire Onslaught (Want)
Guildmage Challenges
mod Defend!
mod Heretics What?
mod Kindred Beast Beats
mod Kindred Elementals
mod Kindred Zombies
mod Scroll of GriselBrand
vin Breaking Pod
leg G Infect Wave
leg G Ooze Destruction
mod GW Foging
vin UB Twin Vat (Twat)
mod UGB Rooftop Storm
Joint Decks
Real Decks
leg G Mono MORE Beatz
leg G MonoBeatz
mod RGW Italian Humans
leg RW Hellridin' Dawg
mod U/G Wild Stalkers
Tournament Decks
Work Challenge Decks
mod Flash Dancing Backs
mod Modern Event Deck
vin R/B Piking It
vin U Mill, I Mill
mod Vampires Oh My
mod White Stuff in Oreos
mod White Stuff in Oreos2
EDH 2025
com Captain Storm
com Jodah
EDH Complete
vin Aurelia - WR - Virginal Attack Phases
vin Edgar Markov - BWR
vin Gahiji - RGW - Tokens
leg Gonti - B - Evil Black
vin Hapatra - BG
vin Jeleva - GR - Vampire Tribal
vin Karametra - WG - Big Mana
vin Marath - WGR - Tokens
vin Merieke - UWB - Stealy Steal
vin Narset - UWR - Combos
vin Rakdos - BR - Pain is the Game
vin Rashmi, Eternities Crafter - UG - Value/Control
leg Reaper King - 5C - Changelings
leg Ruric Thar - GR - Punish Them
vin Samut - GWR - Random Pile
vin Sedris - UBR - Dragon King
vin Shatter Gang - RBG - Sac'ing Shit
vin Shu Yun - UWR - Control & Hard to Block
vin Sidisi - BUG - Graveyard Shenanigans
vin Sidisi2 - BUG - DUHH
vin Syrdi - WUB - Galvanic Shenanigans
vin Xenagos - GR - BEAT FACE
vin Yidris - GUBR - OMG Cascade
EDH In Progress
vin BG- Hapatra SNakes
leg gonti
leg grenzo
leg Kaseto - Unblockabl
vin Queen Marchessa Voltron
leg Sedris - URB - The Dragon King
vin Yidris - UBRG - Your Toys are Mine
leg 5C Elemental Tribal
leg B - MonoB
vin BUG - Damia +1/+1
vin BUG - Sidisi Reanimator
vin Copy of WUB - Merieke Fuck with you
leg Damia Counters
mod Rakdos - Feast of Blood
vin RUG - Yasova Dragonclaw
vin RW - Boros Equipment
leg UBG - Damia
leg UBG - Sidisi, Blood Tyrant
leg UBR - Sedris
leg UBR - Sedris Artifacts
vin UBR - Vampire Tribal
vin UWR - Shu Yun - Can't Block This
vin UWR - Shu Yun (Narset Port)
sta W - Kemba Tokentron
vin WUB - Merieke Fuck with you
vin WUB - Sydri Artifacts
leg WUBRG - Child of Alara Alternate WIn Cons
leg WUG - Token Punish
sta EDH50 - PW Artifacts
sta EDH50 - PW Mono Red
sta EDH50: Thassa (U)
mod Cards from Karl
leg Cards to Karl
sta 50 - U Artifacts
sta 50 U Import
mod 5C - Humans
mod BW - Obzedaddy
leg Color Hate
vin Colorless
sta Copy of 50 - U Artifacts
vin Edgar Markov - Ideas
sta edh weird
vin EDH WUBRG - Everything fo Free
sta EDH50 - (GWR) Marisi, Breaker of the Coil
com EDH50 - (R) Magda
sta EDH50 - BG Glissa the Traitor
sta EDH50 - Blim Discard (BR)
com EDH50 - Lazav
sta EDH50: BW Kambal
sta EDH50: Kathril
sta EDH50: Sai (U)
sta EDH65 (Rare+) Stoutarm
sta EDH65 (Rare+) Unesh (U)
sta EDH65:Rare+ Atla
leg G - Sachi Ramp
sta Gonti - B - 2
vin Grenzo, Havoc
sta halloween nekusar
sta Halloween-Edh RG
leg Hosers and Land Pain
leg Inspired
leg Kresh
vin Kresh2
leg lifegain
mod MTG Origins Wants
sta pre
vin Queen Drain
vin R - Grenzo
leg Reapers can Change
leg Samut Control
vin Sedris - Discard King
leg SigGard
sta Sol'kanar HALLOWEEN
mod Spells Mater
vin Sram - W
sta Sygg Riverguide
leg Tajic WR
sta Thraximundar
vin U - Tetsuko
vin UGW - Estrid
leg UW - Ephara
vin Valduk
vin WBR - Alesha
leg Weird Land Destruction
vin Wort, Spells - RG
vin WUBR - Breya
sta Xantcha
leg Yeva

Name | Cost ![]() |
Forest | |
Hinterland Harbor | |
Island | |
Ring of Xathrid | |
Farseek | |
Hound of Griselbrand | |
Tyrant of Discord |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Hinterland Harbor | |
2 | Mountain | |
3 | Forest | |
4 | Tyrant of Discord | |
5 | Nivmagus Elemental | |
6 | Mountain |
Mana Base
Colors | |||
Symbols | 28 | 6 | 4 |
Percent | 73.7 | 15.8 | 10.5 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.