OONATHENA's profile
- MTG DECKS (297)
1. Tournament 6
leg L, all, Slivers III
leg L, b, Liliana Nixilis
leg l, b/r, Heaven & Hell I
leg l, b/w, Angels & Demons II
leg l, b/w, Hidden Demons
leg l, g/u, Kiora IV (Merfolk)
leg l, g/w, Kaheera's Cats
leg l, r, Goblins
leg l, r, Sarkhan's Dragons
leg L, r, Stuffy Doll
leg L, r, Valduk II
leg L, r/u, Inventors
leg L, r/w, Transforming Soldiers
mod Orzhov
mod Scavengers
mod Wolves
pio Basri
pio Chandra, Flame's Fury
pio Elspeth
pio Garruk
pio Mono Red Burn
pio Mu Yanling, Celestial Wind
pio Obosh's Companions
pio P, b/u, Ashiok, Sculptor of Fears
pio Sorin, Vampire Lord
pio Teferi, Timeless Voyager
pio Umori's Companions
sta Rakdos Vampires
vin Archmage II
vin Dreadhorde Arcanist
vin Tezzeret's Artifacts
2. Trials
leg 01_Female Warriors
leg 02_Elves
vin 03_Etrata VI
mod 04_Might II
leg 05_Mill II
mod 06_Life and Death
leg 07_Chatterfang
vin 08_Dimir Snow
mod 09_Simic II
pio 10_Adventurers
mod 11_Spiders
leg 12_Blightsteel Colossus
leg 13_Elemental Growth
sta 14_Berserker Elves
mod 15_Treefolk
sta 16_Giant Wizards
mod 17_Blue Wizards II
sta 18_Dungeon Delvers
mod 19_Dimir Zombies II
pio 20_Demon Berserkers
mod 21_Azorius II
pio 22_Foretell
leg 23_Vivien II
mod 24_Life is Power
leg 25_Aethermasters II
leg 26_Deep Sea Invaders (Merfolk)
leg 27_Destroyers (Gruul II)
mod 28_Biomathematician
leg 29_Teferi’s Drakes
mod 30_Blessed Creatures (Angels & Humans)
mod 31_Deathtramplers
mod 32_Dinosaurs III
mod 33_Izzet II
mod 34_Dwarves
leg w_Treasure Seekers
mod a_General Kudro
mod a_Izzet
mod a_Pirates
leg a_Spirits II
leg Copy of 04_Might
sta Copy of w_Cursed
sta Copy of w_Dimir Zombies
sta Copy of w_Dragons & Knights
sta Copy of w_Legendary Women
sta Copy of w_Nicol Bolas
sta Copy of w_Poison
sta Copy of w_Poison Elves
sta Copy of w_Simic Elves
sta Copy of w_Simic Elves
sta Copy of w_Simic Nissa
sta Copy of w_Vampires II
com c_Arm for Battle
com c_Buckle Up
com c_Corrupting Influence
com c_Coven Counters
com c_Enhanced Evolution
com c_Land's Wrath
com c_Legend's Legacy
com c_Lorehold Legacies
com c_Painbow
com c_Phantom Premonition
com c_Prismari Performance
com c_Quantum Quandrix
com c_Reap the Tides
com c_Rebellion Rising
com c_Silverquill Statement
com c_Sneak Attack
com c_Witherbloom Witchcraft
f_Fun Decks
leg f_Halloween
sta f_Haunted
leg f_Masquerade
leg f_Trick or Treat
sta f_Animals
pio f_Basic Black (p)
pio f_Basic Blue (p)
leg f_Basic Green
pio f_Basic Red
pio f_Basic White
leg f_Bears
leg f_Chaos
sta f_Dogs
sta f_Equestria
leg f_From the Deep
mod f_Green Beasts
leg f_Green Cats
sta f_Jasmine's Deck
leg f_Leitbur's Legacy
sta f_Lurrus's Companions
sta f_M's Werewolves
sta f_Marlon's Gideon
mod f_Marlon's Insects
mod f_Marlon's Zombies
leg f_Pests & Vermin
mod f_Scooby Doo
leg f_Sylvan Woodlands
leg f_Thrulls
pau f_White Pegasi
pio Starter Set 1
pio Starter Set 2
mod Tales of Middle Earth 1
mod Tales of Middle Earth 2
sta w_A Strong Defense
vin w_Anthology Black/Red
sta w_Anthology White/Green
leg w_Coalition IV
leg w_Famished Paladin II
sta w_Knights III
pio w_Quandrix Explorers
mod w_Second Spell
Gifted to Tripp?
u_Unique Mechanics
2 Color Basic
sta aa_Boros
sta w_Avacyn's Rakdos
leg w_Circus of Death
sta w_Rakdos cards
3 Color Basic
sta aa_Jund
sta aa_Mardu
sta aa_Naya
leg w_Ajani Vengeant
sta w_Jeskai Basic
Commander Ideas
com cw_Golgari Elves
Flavor Decks
leg w_Cunning
leg w_Cursed
leg w_Graveyard
sta w_Houndmaster
sta w_Ikorian Bonds
sta w_Izzet Spells
leg w_Jegantha's Companions
leg w_Kaya
sta w_Morkenkainen
leg w_Nicol Bolas
mod w_Outer World
leg w_Speed
mod w_Spiritcraft
pio w_Teferi, Timebender
leg w_Townsfolk I
sta w_Undead Party
sta w_Vecna
leg w_Yorion's Companions
pio w_Zirda's Companions
Full Decks
Random Ideas
leg w_Air Force
sta w_Ajani's Pride
sta w_Aluren
sta w_Auramancer
mod w_Avacyn's Soulbound
mod w_Bottom
sta w_Brokers
sta w_Cabaretti
sta w_Chandra's Elementals
sta w_Copy That Spell
sta w_Cycling
sta w_Dark Depths
sta w_Demonic Devotion
sta w_Discard
leg w_Dragon Arch III
sta w_Gates
sta w_Geomancer
leg w_Goblin Sacrifice
sta w_Green Enchantments
sta w_Green Standard
sta w_Kaldheim Boasters
mod w_Karn's Artifacts
leg w_Legends I
leg w_Lockdown I
sta w_Makeshift Battalion
sta w_Midrange Standard
sta w_Moon
sta w_Morphers
sta w_Multicaster
sta w_Mutations
sta w_New Dragon Arch
sta w_Obscura
leg w_Partners I
leg w_Poison
mod w_Proliferating Poison
sta w_Pyre of Heroes
sta w_Red Burn
sta w_Release the Kraken
sta w_Riveteers
sta w_Sagas Legends & Gods
sta w_Self-Mill to Win
sta w_Star of Extinction
leg w_Tempus Fugit
sta w_Tergrid
sta w_Villagers II
sta w_X-Men
sta w_Yawgmoth Synergy
mod w_Yorion II
Tribal Decks
sta n_Avacyn's Dimir Zombies
sta n_Avacyn's Humans
sta n_Avacyn's Spirits
sta n_Avacyn's Zombies
sta w_Blue Drakes
sta w_Blue Elementals
sta w_Dragons & Knights II
leg w_Eldrazi IV
mod w_Elementals
leg w_Enchanted Humans
sta w_Merfolk Blue
mod w_Poison Elves
leg w_Vampires III
sta w_Basic Golgari
sta w_Gruul Standard
sta w_Second Sun
x_Support Cards
Devotion Cards
Planeswalker Support
sta x_Ajani Support
sta x_Chandra Support
sta x_Gideon Support
sta x_Liliana Support
sta x_Teferi Support
sta x_Vraska Support
Tribal Support
sta w_Angel Tribal Cards
sta w_Human Tribal Cards
sta x_Ally Tribal Cards
sta x_Cat Tribal Cards
sta x_Dinosaur Support
sta x_Dragon Tribal Cards
sta x_Dwarf Tribal Cards
sta x_Elemental Support
sta x_Goblin Support
sta x_Human Support
sta x_Knight Tribal Support
sta x_Merfolk Tribal Cards
sta x_Pirate Tribal Cards
sta x_Squirrel Tribal Cards
sta x_Tribal Cards
sta x_Vampire Tribal Cards
sta x_Wizard Tribal Cards
sta x_Zombie Support
sta w_Adjust Counters
sta x_Enchantment Support
sta x_Equipment Support
sta x_Explorer Support
sta x_Good Sideboard Cards
sta x_Land Tutors
sta x_Mutating Functional
sta x_Party Mechanic
sta x_Sacrifice Support
sta x_Treasure Creators
sta x_Tutors
sta aa_Data Entry
sta Giveaway
sta w_Ramp
sta w_Thallids
sta x_Khorvath & Sylvia
sta x_Search your deck for x

Name | Cost ![]() |
Mountain | |
Swamp | |
Bone Splinters | |
Dregscape Zombie | |
Fleshbag Marauder | |
Ogre Battledriver | |
Mardu Heart-Piercer |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Nomad Outpost | |
2 | Mountain | |
3 | Plains | |
4 | Plains | |
5 | Hell's Thunder | |
6 | Hellraiser Goblin |
Mana Base
Colors | |||
Symbols | 37 | 8 | 6 |
Percent | 72.0 | 15.0 | 11.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.