- MTG DECKS (106)
com 2dh Curses - Vaevictis (Golgari deckbox)
com 2dh Kaalia, Zenith Seeker (Shiny Black Tower)
com 2dh Pirates (Angrath Deckbox)
com 2dh Rakdos
com 2dh Traxos (Silver Matte Tower)
com 2dh Vae is Bae (Shiny Dark Blue Tower)
com Adaptive Enchantment Pre-Con (Shiny Aqua Tower)
com All of the Lifes (Oloro)
com Arcane Wizardry Pre-Con (Matte Red Tower)
com Aurelia (Black deckbox)
com Edgar Markov Modified (Purple Matte Tower)
com Evasive Maneuvers Pre-con (Vivian Reed Deckbox)
com Feline Ferocity Modified Pre-Con (Green Matte Tower)
com Grand Warlord Radha
com Grimgrin (Blue deckbox)
com Mystic Intellect Pre-con
com Nature's Vengeance Pre-Con (Dark Green deckbox)
com Peer Through Time Pre-Con (Matte Aqua Tower)
com Power Hungry Pre-con
com Subjective Reality Pre-con (Shiny Red Tower)
com Trust the Midas Touch (Gold Tower)
Orange Shoebox
Cardboard Deckboxes
sta Amonkhet Gideon Deck
sta Deadly Instinct Starter box
sta Goblin Assault Starter Deck
sta Goblin Duel Deck
sta Gold Dragon Shield Box (Vampire Tribal)
sta Golgari Duel Deck
sta Ixalan Jace Planeswalker Deck
sta Izzet Duel Deck
sta M19 Ajani Planeswalker Deck
sta M19 Liliana Planeswalker Deck
sta Mercadian Masques Tournament pack deck box
sta Merfolk Duel Deck
sta Pressure Cooker deck box
sta Rebel's Call Deck
sta Sleeper deck box
sta The Plague Deck box
sta Tombstone deck box
oth Boros Guildkit
oth Dimir Guildkit
oth Golgari Guildkit
oth Gruul Guildkit
oth Izzet Guildkit
oth Rakdos Guildkit
oth Selesnya Guildkit
sta Drakes (Teal Deckbox)
sta Ixalan Huatli Planeswalker Deck (Red deckbox)
sta Jiang Yanggu (Light Green deckbox)
sta Liliana, Death's Majesty Zombie Deck
sta Mu Yanling (Light Purple deckbox)
Plastic Deckboxes
oth Elementals (Dragon deckbox)
pio Jeskai Control (Sky blue deckbox)
pio Liliana, Untouched by Death
sta Lions (Ajani Unyeilding deckbox)
pio Merfolk Tribal (Gray deckbox)
leg Mono-black Pestilence (Black Deckbox)
pio Mono-Blue Tempo (Pirate deckbox)
sta Naya Defender (Green deckbox)
sta Nyan Cat Deckbox
pio Path of Mettle (White deckbox)
pau Pauper Pestilence (Elenda deckbox)
pau Pauper Zombies (Grumpy Cats deckbox)
oth Pearl Knights/Soldiers (Nissa deckbox)
pio Wizard Tribal (Saheeli Deckbox)
Set Storage
sta 2 Row BCW Box (Row 1)
sta 2 Row BCW Box (Row 2)
sta 4 Row BCW Box (Row 1)
sta 4 Row BCW Box (Row 2)
sta 4 Row BCW Box (Row 3)
sta 4 Row BCW Box (Row 4)
sta Aether Revolt
sta Amonkhet
sta Battle For Zendikar
sta Battlebond
sta Born of the Gods
sta Dark Blue PW Symbol Flip Top Box
oth Darksteel
sta Dominaria
sta Dragons of Tarkir
sta Fate Reforged
sta Fifth Dawn
oth Hour of Devastation
oth Ixalan
sta Journey Into Nyx
sta Kaladesh
sta Khans of Tarkir
sta Light Blue Orange PW Symbol Flip Top Box
oth M15
sta M19
sta Mirrodin
oth Mirrodin Besieged
oth New Phyrexia
sta Oath of the Gatewatch
sta Odyssey
sta Origins
sta Rivals of Ixalan
cub Scars of Mirrodin
sta Theros
sta Yellow Fatpack box (#1)
sta 2021 Liliana Planeswalker Deck
sta Blue Binder
cub Collection Purchased in 2020
sta Flattening Foils
oth M14
cub Pauper Cube
cub Tiny Leaders Cube

Sample Hand Generator

Mana Base
Colors | |||||
Symbols | 318 | 310 | 305 | 200 | 147 |
Percent | 24.8 | 24.2 | 23.8 | 15.7 | 11.5 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.