SAMUEL LEMIN's profile
- MTG DECKS (266)
vin 3DH Ayli
vin 3DH Chainer
leg 3DH Doge Tokens
vin 3DH Edric Swarm
leg 3DH General Tazri
leg 3DH Gishath
vin 3DH Hapatra
vin 3DH Jhoira Artifacts
vin 3DH Nekusar
vin 3dh Relentless v2
vin 3DH Shirei
vin 3DH Slimefoot
vin 3DH Tasigur
Active - Online Commander Decks
Active Commander
Battle Deck
mod Battle Deck : Aura Blight
leg Battle Deck : Big Red Relics
mod Battle Deck : Black Death
mod Battle Deck : Body Snatches
mod Battle Deck : Brood Brothers
mod Battle Deck : Impact Slide
mod Battle Deck : Kami Army
mod Battle Deck : Mad House
mod Battle Deck : Marsh Madness
mod Battle Deck : Red Menace
mod Battle Deck : Robo Weenie
mod Battle Deck : Smile at Death
mod Battle Deck : Warriors
mod Battle Deck : Zombie Apocalypse
mod Drone Strike - Battle Deck
Brews Corner
Buylist Breakdown
com 1. Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis
vin 1500 collection
vin 2,000 Dollar collection
vin Atraxa PRECON
mod B4Z Buy List
leg Battle for Zendikar Bulk
mod Born of the Gods bulk
vin Commander 2019
vin Commander Anthology 2
vin Commander Anthology 2
vin Daretti Gumtree Deck
vin Devour for Power Precon
mod dragons maze
mod dragons of takir
mod Journey to Nyx Bulk
mod Khans of Takir
leg Magic 2011 Bulk
mod Magic 2013 Bulk
mod Magic Origins Bulk
mod Zendikar Buylist
Commander Magic Online
sta Copy of Copycat by Billie Eilish
com Copy of Death and Taxes, no just death
sta Damia, Sage of Stone Commander Magic Online
com Draft - MoC - Ayli Eternal Pilgrim
com Jhoira Cheerios 1v1
sta Kethis, the hidden hand - Magic Online
com MoC - Arcades the Strategist
sta MoC - Gishath, Sun's Avatar
com MoC - Hapatra
sta MOC - Kess Dissident Mage
sta MoC - Marchesa, the Black Rose
com MoC - Nekusar
sta MoC - Nekusar - v2.0
com MOC - Riku of Two Reflections
com MTGO - 1. Naya Chantments
com MTGO - Kethis, Hidden Hand - Legendary
sta Sen Triplets - Magic Online
sta Teysa Karlov - Magic Online Commander
Draft Commanders
Active Drafts/ want to build!
vin Ayli, Lifegain Deck
vin Bottom Deck Matters Grenzo
vin Copy of Shattergang Bros Chek Yo Self
vin Cycle Zur
vin Dimir Spellslinger/ Mill
vin Discard Nekusar
vin Doge Tribal
vin gitrog monster lands
com Godzilla Commander
sta Group Hug Taking care
vin Infect Damia Sage
vin Jhoira Artifacts
vin Jund Spellslinger Prosh
vin Kess Grixis Spellsplinger
vin Kresh -1/-1 Counters
vin Kykar Spellslinger
vin Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis Legends
vin Legend....wait for it..... ary
vin Little Minions Shirei
vin Marchesa Theft Focused
vin Mogis, Group Slug
vin Mono Blue Fishies
vin Nicol Bolas Wheel
vin Progenitus (Kynaios)
vin Riku Storm/ Tokens
vin Sasaya Genesis Wave Fun Stuff
vin Sek'Kuar, Deathkeeper
vin Sidisi, Brood Tyrant
vin Tasigur Group Hug
vin The Ur Dragon
vin Vampire Tribal Edgar Markov
vin Varina Zombie Lifegain
vin Yidris Spell Goodies/ Cascade Deck
vin Zada Goblin Spells
Fiverr Decks
Old Commander Decks
vin 1st Draft Ally v2
vin 3DH Relentless Rats
vin Ally Tribal v2
vin Daretti Artifacts
vin Daxdos Enchantment
vin Daxos the Returned (REVAMP) Enchantment
vin Entropic Uprising
vin Equipment - Kalemne
vin Forged in Stone
vin General Tazri Ally Tribal v1.0
vin Group Deck MAIN
vin Group Hug
sta Kresh Aristocrat v2
vin Maelstrom Wanderer Lands
vin Maelstrom Wanderer Lands
vin Marchesa - Steal Yo Girl
sta Marchesa Revamped v5?
vin Marchesa v3
vin Marchesa v4
vin Marchesa, the Black Rose v2 Improved
vin Meren of Clan Nel Toth
vin Muldrotha Good Stuff
vin Orzhov Enchantments
vin Plunder the Graves Upgraded
vin Progenitus Group Hug
vin R/W Equipment Deck
vin Rakdos,Lord of Riots
vin Sac,Sac, and Sac
vin Scion of the Ur-Dragon
vin Sek'kuar First Cut
vin Tasigur v2
vin Tasigur VW
sta Updated Roon
Stuff to Buy
SCG Collection
vin BL - Buy
leg Cards to buy
vin EDH Set - VZ
vin Land Set - VZ
vin Land Set & Indi Cards
sta Proxy King List
vin Proxy List
vin VZ - Set
vin Want List
mod Aether Revolt and Kaladesh Stuff to Buy
mod Amonkhet and Hour of Devastation Want List
vin Black Lotus List
sta C20 Want List
sta Core 2019 - Stuff I Want to Buy
sta Core 2020 - Stuff I want to Buy
sta Damia, Sage of Stone Commander Magic Online
sta Dominaria Want List
com Doublemasters want list
sta EDH Banned List Cards
vin EDH Singles to Buy
sta Guilds and Allegiance
sta Ikoria Cards to Buy
sta Ixalan and Rivals of Ixalan
sta Jumpstart Wanted Cards
sta M19 Want List
leg Masters 25 Buy List
leg Modern and Legacy Cards
mod Modern Horizons Stuff I want to Buy
sta Mystery Booster Cards
leg Picks of the Week
sta Theros Beyond Death
vin Ultimate Masters List
sta 1. Sultai Spellslinger
sta 1. Sultai Spellslinger
sta 4 Colour Artifacts
vin 5 Colour Spellslinger
sta Aden - Deck
vin Aden Collins - Queen Marchesa Stax
sta Alesaha, Who Smiles at Death
com Anhelo, the Painter - MTGO
vin Brago and Alexa
leg Breaking Bulk
vin Brett MTG Collection
com Clone/ When an Opponent
mod Coenrad Pricing
leg commander 2019 Want to Buy
mod Core 2015 - Bulk
sta Core Set 2020 - Pre-Release Pulls
sta Core Set 2021 Want List
vin Daretti Precon
sta dead of winter
vin Dimir Mill
vin Esper Tokens
sta Facebook Buy
mod fate Reforged bulk
sta Gumtree Deck
leg Gumtree order Rhys
sta Hydra (X Spells)
vin Kalemne Precon
sta Kethis Legends, V2
vin Kykar Tokens
vin Kynaios and Tiro Oliver Gumtree Deck
sta Magic Cards
sta Magic Wish list for Aden
sta Mimeoplasm self mill
sta MoC 1v1 - Wort the Raidmother
com MoC-Online Deck Gishath
mod origin
vin Phage the Untouchable
leg Pick of the Week
vin plunder the graves
sta Purchase October 2020
leg Revolution CD Pick Up Wed 31st July
mod Rise of the Eldrazzi
mod Scars of mirodin
mod Shadows over Innistrad Commons Buylist
mod Shadows Uncommons
mod Shaows Rares/ Mythics
vin Teysa Karlov Aristocrats
mod Theros Bulk
sta Throne of Eldraine and Brawl Cards Buy
sta Trade in 22 September
sta Trade In Games Capital
vin Trade in of MTG Cards 30 July
sta Trade in with Pat 9 Sep
mod Uncommon B4Z
mod Worldwake Buylist
vin Wort, the Raidmother
leg Zombie in the Tag line