- MTG DECKS (129)
com _Built_ Krenko, Mob Boss
com _Built_Chainer, Nightmare Adept
com _Built_Ghave, Guru of Spores
com _Built_Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons
com _Built_Jarad_Golgari_Lich_Lord
com _Built_Obeka Brute Chronologist
com _Built_Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker
com _Built_Volrath, the shapestealer
com _BuiltP _Arm for Battle
com _BuiltP _Faceless Menace
com _BuiltP _Land's wrath
com _BuiltP _Primal Genesis
com _BuiltP_Arcane Maelstrom
com _BuiltP_Elven Empire
com _BuiltP_Phantom Premonition
com _BuiltP_Reap the Tides
com _BuiltP_Sneak Attack
com _BuiltP_Symbiotic Swarm
com Precon Lorehold Legacies
com Precon Planar Portal
com Precon Prismari Performance
com Precon Quantrum Quandrix
com Precon Timeless Wisdom
com x_depala phys
com x_Dina BG vamp lifegain
com x_flashfairy beta
com z _ Spiritlady_beta
com z_Merieke Ri Berit
com z_Thantis the Warweaver
leg _built_bdeq_Meneace
leg _built_bdeq_Skellington
pau _pauper dimir ratlock
pau _pauper elves has?
oth _Z_bdeq_goblin_education
sta %_paupertemplates
cub paupercube
oth Above the Clouds_01
oth Archaeology_01
oth Archaeology_02
oth Cats_01
oth Chandra_01
oth Devilish_01
oth Dinasours_01
oth Discarding_01
oth Elves_01
oth Goblins_01
oth Goblins_02
oth Lightning_01
oth Minions_01
sta Minions_02
sta Minions_03
oth Minotaurs_01
sta Predatory_01
oth Reanimated_01
oth Reanimated_02
oth Smashing_01
oth Spellcasting_01
oth Spellcasting_02
oth Tree-hugging_01
oth Vampires_01
sta Well-Read_01
oth Witchcraft_01
oth Wizards_01
60's misc
sta paublackdunno
sta paudimir
pau paupelves
pau paupelves mit bear
sta pauper zombies
sta paureanim
sta pautok
sta ppaumonogreentron
sta stompy
EDH misc
com _Arcane Maelstrom
com _Arm for Battle
com _Faceless Menace
com _Land's wrath
com _Primal Genesis
com _Reap the Tides
com _Sneak Attack
com _Symbiotic Swarm
sta Copy of _Built_Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker
sta Copy of PDH - Shirei PDH
com EDH dwarf
com EDH Gorilla
com edh gorilla skeleton
sta EDH red Valduk auras
com info_timeless wisdom
com ladies looking left
com netcommshir
com ruthless regiment
com shirei budget javaslat
leg 123
vin Blackforhorde01
cub CK starter cube
sta commoncubestuffmabbe
sta Copy of BG??
cub cubemabbe
sta dino might mabbe
sta Flash of Ferocity
com ghave beta
pau golg
leg leech_fly?
sta modern elves
com nemtomcommander
sta proli-return
sta return?
sta Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker sideboard
com z _ defftuccs beta
com z _ Judith Beta
mod Burn beta
com z_Evelyn vamps

Name | Cost ![]() |
Swamp | |
Swamp | |
Thriving Moor | |
Bone Splinters | |
Ghoulcaller's Accomplice | |
Kels, Fight Fixer | |
Goremand |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Swamp | |
2 | Village Rites | |
3 | Crypt Lurker | |
4 | Eternal Taskmaster | |
5 | Witch's Cauldron | |
6 | Swamp |