- MTG DECKS (286)
001 - My Decks
001 Standard
sta THB Enchantress
002 EDH
Old EDH Decks
Preconstructed Decks
vin [EDH] RWU - Zedruu the Greathearted
vin [EDH] U - Jin Gitaxias, Core Augur
com [EDH] W - Soraya the Falconer - Band of Birdmen
003 Pioneer
004 Modern
mod Infect
mod Red/White
leg Snekherder
005 Legacy
leg Bolas
vin Extra Turn
leg Green/Black
leg Snek
sta Unhinged
006 Vintage
vin Hydra
vin Winter Orb
007 Sealed
mod 001 ORI Prerelease (2-2-1)
mod 002 KLD Prerelease (2-2)
mod 003 AER Prerelease (1-2)
mod 004 AER Booster Box
sta 005 RIX Prerelease (2-2-2)
sta 006 DOM Prerelease #1 (3-1-1, 4th)
sta 007 DOM Prerelease #2 (4-1, 3rd)
sta 008 M19 Prerelease (3-1, 2nd)
sta 009 GRN Prerelease (5-0, 1st)
sta 010 RNA Prerelease (2-1-1)
sta 011 WAR Prerelease (3-1, 2nd)
sta 012 M20 Prerelease (4-0-1, 2nd)
sta 013 ELD Prerelease (4-0, 1st (4-way Split))
sta 014 THB Prerelease (4-0, 1st (8-0 in games!))
008 Draft
mod 001 MH1 #1 (2-1-1)
sta 002 WAR #1 (3-0)
Jace vs. Vraska Duel Decks
Old Standard
vin Blue/Green Control
mod Land Destruction
003 KLD-M19
004 XLN-M20
sta RNA Defenders
sta WAR Whispers
sta WAR Whispers - Brainstorm
002 - Deck Ideas
001 Standard
001 Promising ...
mod DOM Elf Kicker
mod XLN Counterguard
002 Old Standard
003 XLN
mod Artifact Panharmonicon?
mod Copy of UG Ramp
mod Take Control
mod XLN Abandoned Sarcophagus
mod XLN CMC Burn
mod XLN Defenders
mod XLN Discard
leg XLN Free Spells
mod XLN Imminent Burn
leg XLN Land Destruction
mod XLN Standard Bogles
mod XLN Stompy
mod XLN Swarm Intelligence
mod XLN UG Ramp Xerox
mod XLN Xerox
004 RIX
mod RIX As Foretold
mod RIX Dubious Dinos
mod RIX Indomitable Creativity
mod RIX Lands
mod RIX Myriarch
sta RIX Storm the Vault
005 DOM
mod DOM Anti-Removal Creatures
mod DOM Bird Beatdown
mod DOM BW Saga Tokens
mod DOM Forebear's Shade
mod DOM Haphazard Bombardment
mod DOM Land Destruction
mod DOM Mass Land
mod DOM Mono-B Saga Construction
mod DOM Naya Jaya
mod DOM Primal Kick
mod DOM Primeval's Rebirth
mod DOM Rat Colony
leg DOM Rat Sacrifice
sta DOM Self-Replicator
mod DOM Whisper Sac
006 M19
mod M19 Evra
mod M19 Traxos Vehicles
Dubious Challenges
mod Aetherborn
mod Cartouche Bag
leg Demon Counters
mod Deploy the Marvel
mod Dovin Baan
mod Energy
sta Gearhulk Panharmonicon
mod Infinite Fumarole
mod Mono-B Aggro
mod Odric
007 GRN
sta GRN Whisper
008 RNA
sta RNA Artifact Saga Counters
sta RNA Counters
sta RNA Nikya XXX
009 WAR
sta Copy of WAR Night of the Twisters
sta WAR Elf Kicker
sta WAR Helm Superfriends
sta WAR Lands
sta WAR Night of the Twisters
sta WAR Nine Lives
sta WAR Proliferate
sta WAR Simic Ascendancy
sta WAR Superfriends
sta WAR Token Counters
002 Modern
001 Promising ...
mod Artifact Search
mod Blood Sun
mod Heartless Artifacts
mod Knight at the Retreat
mod Livid Livestock
mod Mirrorweave
mod Modern Phytohydra
mod Puca's Control
mod Trigger Havoc
mod Untap
leg Séance - Failed
mod Séance - Take Two
mod [M] Mechanized Toolbox
mod [M] Target Practice
mod Archmage Ascension
mod Auras
mod Broken 2-drops
mod Damage Redirection
mod Delver Cycle
mod Domain/Converge/Mana
leg Green Silver Bullets
mod Isochron Scepter
mod Madcap Experiment
leg Mana Clash
leg Modern Drakes
mod Modern Leylines
mod Modern Opponent Creatures Drain
mod Modern Sagas
mod Mono-W Hate Enchantments
leg Morph/Emerge
mod Nodes
mod Ob Nixilis Shuffling
mod Otherkin
mod Prismatic Omen Lands
mod Quest for the Holy Relic
mod Relentless Rats
mod Reverse Life Gain
leg Self-Discard
mod Shoal Redirect
mod Shuffling
mod Solemnity Counters
mod Spirit Control
mod Spirit Control
mod Weird GW Hate
003 EDH
001 Promising ...
Cheap Potentials
vin [EDH] Arcum's Toolbox
leg [EDH] Atraxa Superfriends
leg [EDH] Brudiclad
leg [EDH] Empress Galina
vin [EDH] G - Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger
vin [EDH] G - Yisan, the Wandering Bard
leg [EDH] Melira
leg [EDH] RWB - Marchesa's Children
leg [EDH] Splinter Twin
vin [EDH] U - Tetsuko Umezawa
leg [EDH] W - Commander
vin [EDH] WUBRG - Sliver Overlord
leg [EDH] Wurm Tribal
vin [EDH] Yennett
004 Legacy/Vintage
vin Artifact Options
leg Coin Flip
leg Dentistry
leg Lemures
leg Life Gain
leg Persist
vin rainbow stairwell
leg Religion
leg Sick Art GW
leg Stuffy Doll
leg Woo Pig
Color Decks
003 - Horde Decks
Cat Horde
leg Cat Horde
leg Cat Horde (cheap cards)
leg Cat Horde (proxy cards)
Eldrazi Horde
Golem Horde
Zombie Horde
004 - Other Decks
Card Lists
sta 001 Dominaria - C
sta 002 Dominaria - U
sta 003 Dominaria - R
sta 004 Dominaria - M
leg Cards from Parents
Old Decks
Other People's Decks
mod Azorius Standard Control 2014
leg Garrett's Deck
leg Leylines
vin Manaless Ichorid
vin NuFish
leg Pauper Affinity (MTGGoldfish)
vin Rat Self-Mill
vin So THIS Is Why Tinker Is Banned...
vin The Deck
vin There's the Door
vin Transformers - Memnites in Disguise
Deleted Arena Decks
sta [H] Captain Blink
sta [H] Soul Captain
sta DFT Vraska Combo
sta Venture Tokens
sta [EDH] Artifact Destruction
vin [EDH] Budget Sunforger
sta [EDH] RB - Discord
vin [EDH] Sunforger
vin [EDH] Upkeep Stax
com [EDH] WR - Pinkie Pie
sta [EDH] WUBRG Elder Tribal
sta [EDH] WURG Tokens
sta Copy of [EDH] W - Soraya the Falconer - Band of Birdmen
sta Copy of IKO Offspring's Revenge
vin Custommagic Precon
sta EDH - Best Horses
sta ELD Budget Sandstorm
sta ELD Druid Sandstorm
com Emry for Emry
sta Historic Thoptharmonicon
sta IKO Flyers
sta IKO God Dance
sta IKO God Tribal
sta IKO GW Hate
sta IKO Mutate
sta IKO Neobullets
sta IKO Nethroi
sta IKO Ozolith Blink
sta IKO Planeswalker Mutate
sta IKO Yorion's Revenge
sta IKO Zirda
sta KHM Herding Cats
sta KHM Spirits
sta KHM Storm
sta M20 Targets
sta M21 Scales
sta Three-Color Cube
leg Torrey Crabs
sta VOW Graveyard

Name | Cost ![]() |
Rally the Ranks | |
Shacklegeist | |
Rally the Ranks | |
Skycat Sovereign | |
Lofty Denial | |
Clarion Spirit | |
Gust of Wind |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Mystic Reflection | |
2 | Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate | |
3 | Mystic Reflection | |
4 | Lofty Denial | |
5 | Ascendant Spirit | |
6 | Ascendant Spirit |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 23 | 19 |
Percent | 54.0 | 45.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.