REGIN's profile
- MTG DECKS (1036)
com B: EDH: Feather
com B: EDH: Muldrotha Landstax
com EDH: 5C Mirror March Jank
com EDH: Aminatou Saga
com EDH: Athreos Apostle
com EDH: Azami Wizard Tribal
com EDH: Can't Lose
com EDH: Cat Tribal
com EDH: Chainer Reanimator
com EDH: Creature Storm
com EDH: Golos Companion
com EDH: Golos' Maze
com EDH: Jhoira Turns
com EDH: K'rrik Aristocrats V100
com EDH: Karametra Enchantments
com EDH: Kethis: Legends
com EDH: Kozileck V4
com EDH: Mairsil
com EDH: Mana Dorks
com EDH: Merfolk Tribal
com EDH: MonoG Omnath V3
com EDH: Morophon Angel Tribal
com EDH: Obeka Reanimator
com EDH: Omnath MonoG
com EDH: Persistent Mill
com EDH: Radha (cora21) RG Lands
com EDH: Rielle Wheel
com EDH: Rielle Wheel (xMage)
com EDH: Ruric Pod
com EDH: Sisay Shrine Tribal (6 Missing Core21)
com EDH: Teysa Lurrus
com EDH: Voltron Equipment
com EDH: Winona Rider
com EDH: Xyris Wheel (post ZNR)
com EDH: Your Deck
com EDH: Zirda Combo
com O: EDH: Taigam Drawnmanipulation
com O: EDH: Yarok Value
com W - EDH: Dralnu Flashback
com W - EDH: Kinnan Eldrazi V2
com W- K'rrik: Aristocrat (final)
com W- Kozilek: Eldrazi Winter
com W- Locust God: Draw V2
com W- Muldrotha: Focused Graveyard
com W- Torbran: Prison
com WIP: EDH: Chargifacts
com WIP: edh: Chulane Druid tribal
com WIP: EDH: Gishath Dinosaurs
com WIP: EDH: Gruul Fightclub (+ Primal might + neyith + allosaurus shephard + jolrael))
com WIP: EDH: Kinnan Eldrazi V3
com WIP: EDH: Omnath MonoG V2
com WIP: EDH: Vela
com WW - EDH: Gyruda Combo
com WW - EDH: Muldrotha Landstax V2
com B: cEDH: K'rrik
com B: cEDH: Kinnan
com B: cEDH: Lurrus
com B: cEDH: Urza Stay V4
com cEDH Breya Zirda
com cEDH: Ashaya
com cEDh: Chulane (post ZNR)
com cEDH: Curious Niv
com cEDH: Godo (post ZNR)
com cEDH: Jeskai Storm
com cEDH: Jhoira's Workshop V2
com cEDH: K'rrik (post ZNR)
com cEDH: Kess Consult (post ZNR)
com cEDH: Kess Consultation
com cEDH: Kess Wheel Consult (Legends)
com cEDH: Marath
com cEDH: Marath V2 (post Legend)
com cEDH: Naru Meha
com cEDH: Niv-Mizzet Curious Control
com cEDH: Obeka Turns
com cEDH: Tinybones Discard
com cEDH: Tinybones Discard (pre ZNR)
com O: cEDH: Chulane Alluren
com O: cEDH: Falkenrath Combo
com O: EDH: Hapatra Aristocrats
com W - cEDH: Jhoira's Workshop
com W - cEDH: K'rrik Combo
com W - cEDH: Kalamax Kikki V2
com W - cEDH: Kalamax Kikki V3
com W - cEDH: Kinnan v2
com W - cEDH: Lurrus V2
com W - cEDH: Selvala Stampede (post ZNR)
com W - cEDH: Whellin' & Brallin
com W - cEDH: Xyris Wheel V2
com WIP: cEDH: Kess Wheel
com WIP: cEDH: Sissay Jegantha
com WW - cEDH : Urza Stay V4
com WW - cEDH: Ukkima Flicker Chain V2
com xMage: EDH: Kess Wheel
No Banlist
com FreeEDH: Elsha
com FreeEDH: Erayo Lock
com FreeEDH: K'rrik Reanimator
com FreeedH: Kess
com FreeEDH: Leovold
com FreeEDH: Lurrus
com FreeEDH: Taigam
com FreeEDH: Urza
com Stip: 400 EUR: Anje
com Stip: 400 EUR: Azami Selfmill
com Stip: 400 EUR: Bruvac Mill
com Stip: 400 EUR: Chulane
com Stip: 400 EUR: Feather
com Stip: 400 EUR: Godo
com Stip: 400 EUR: Hapatra
com Stip: 400 EUR: K'rrik
com Stip: 400 EUR: Kinnan
com Stip: 400 EUR: Lurrus
com Stip: 400 EUR: Selvala
com Stip: 400 EUR: Thrasios Tymna
com Stip: 400 EUR: Urza
com 1v1 EDH: Baral
com 1v1 EDH: Edric (xMage)
com EDH: Feather (xMage post ZNR)
com EDH: Hapatra (xMage post ZNR)
com EDH: Korvold Landfall
com EDH: Taigam xMage (post ZNR)
Leading lists
Legacy Jank
leg B: Legacy: BR Reanimator
leg Legacy: 4C Control
leg Legacy: BR Reanimator
leg Legacy: Dredge
leg Legacy: High Tide
leg Legacy: Hogaak Vine
leg Legacy: Lands
leg Legacy: MonoB Storm
leg Legacy: UB Reanimator
mod Modern: Burn
mod Modern: Dredge
mod Modern: Meme Hunt
mod Modern: Seleznia Eldrazi
mod Modern: Tron
pau O - Pauper: Black Burn
pau O - Pauper: Bogles
pau O - Pauper: Burn
pau O - Pauper: MonoB Combo
pau O - Pauper: MonoB Devotion
pau O - Pauper: MonoB Ponza
pau O - Pauper: MonoG Elves
pau O - Pauper: MonoG Tron
pau Pauper: Affinity
pau Pauper: Defender Combo
pau Pauper: Dinrova Tron
pau Pauper: Gruul Cascade
pau Pauper: MonoG Stompy
pau Pauper: MonoU Delver
pau Pauper: Rainbow Tron
pau Pauper: Reanimator
pau W - Pauper: Cycling V2
pau W - Pauper: Elemental Flicker
pau W - Pauper: MonoU Ponza
pau W - Pauper: MonoU Sunken City
pau W - Pauper: Tap Combo
pau W - Pauper: Tireless Tribe
Stipulation 60
oth Stip: ELD: Dimir Adventures
oth Stip: ELD: Doom Foretold
oth Stip: ELD: Familiar's Oven
oth Stip: ELD: Fire Adventures
oth Stip: ELD: Golgari Food
oth Stip: ELD: Mardu Knights
oth Stip: ELD: MonoG Aggro
oth Stip: ELD: MonoR Aggro
oth Stip: ELD: Nimm 2
oth Stip: ELD: Simic Adventure
oth Stip: ELD: Simic Ramp
oth Stip: ZNR: Clerics
oth Stip: ZNR: GW Landfall
oth Stip: ZNR: Mill
oth Stip: ZNR: Rogues
oth Stip: ZNR: Simic Kicker
oth Stip: ZNR: Warriors
TO Buy/Build/Proxy
com Build / Update EDH: Feather (MoM)
com Build cEDH: Anje (LotR - Mount Doom)
com Build cEDH: Elsha Top (MoM)
com Build cEDH: Emry (MoM)
com Build cEDH: Gitrog Monster (MoM)
com Build cEDH: K'rrik (MoM)
com Build cEDH: Kess (MoM)
com Build cEDH: Lurrus (MoM)
com Build cEDH: Minsk (MoM)
com Build cEDH: Najeela (MoM)
com Build cEDH: Orvar (MoM)
com Build cEDH: Selvala (MoM)
com build cEDH: Sythis - To Build (MoM)
com build cEDH: Tayam (LotR)
com Build cEDH: Urza (MoM)
com Build EDH: Go-Shintai Shrines (MoM)
com Build EDH: Ivy Copies (MoM)
com Build EDH: Ivy Enchantments (MoM)
com Build EDH: Kenrith Elfball (MoM)
com Build EDH: Kinnan Druids (MoM)
com Build EDH: Locust God (MoM)
com Build EDH: Obeka Reani.ator (MoM)
com Build EDH: Shirei Aristocrat (MoM)
com Build? cEDH: Yarok Aluren (LotR)
vin Buy Proxies
vin Buy Real Cards
com cEDH: Chulane Aluren - To Update(MoM)
com cEDH: Jhoira - To Build (MoM)
com cEDH: Kinnan - to Update (MoM)
com cEDH: Krark Saka - to buy\ proxy (MoM)
com EDH: Hapatra (MoM)
com EDH: Titania Landfall - to Buy V2 (MoM)
com EDH: Titania Landfall (OTJ)
com EDH: Yarok Landfall - To Build (MoM)
vin Vintage: Lands
vin Vintage: Lands V2
vin Vintage: Oko's Oath
vin Vintage: Paradoxical Mox Tribal
vin Vintage: Wheels
vin Vintage: Workshhop
com 000Up: Chulane Aluren (DRC)
com 000Up: Hapatra Upgrade (DRC)
com 000Up: Titania Lands (DRC)
com 000Up: Titania Lands (DSK post ban)
com 001-EDH: Yarok Aluren (DRC)
com 001-EDH: Aesi Landfall (DRC)
com 001-EDH: Baylen (DRC)
com 001-EDH: Chatterfang (DRC)
com 001-EDH: Emiel Flicker (FF)
com 001-EDH: Emiel Flicker V2 (FF)
com 001-EDH: Hashaton (DRC)
com 001-EDH: Howling Abomination (DRC)
com 001-EDH: Ketramose (DRC)
com 001-EDH: Korvold Lands (DRC)
com 001-EDH: Miirym Dragons (DRC)
com 001-EDH: Niv Mizzet Visionary (DRC)
com 001-EDH: Orvar (DRC)
com 001-EDH: Y'Shtola (FF)
com 001-EDH: Y'Shtola V2 (FF)
com 001-EDH: Yarok Kitten Value (DRC)
com 001-EDH: Yarok Lands (DRC)
com 00Upgrade: Titania Landfall (BLB)
com 00Upgrade: Titania Landfall V2 (BLB)
com 01-cEDH: Ashaya (BLB)
com 01-cEDH: Baylen (BLB)
com 01-cEDH: Elsha (DSK)
com 01-cEDH: Emry (BLB)
com 01-cEDH: Jhoira (DSK)
com 01-cEDH: Krark Sakashima (BLB)
com 01-cEDH: Magda (FDN)
com 01-cEDH: Sythis (FDN)
com 01-cEDH: Yuriko (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Galadriel Elves (FDN)
com 01-EDH: Sen Triplets 4 Max (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Aesi (DSK)
com 01-EDH: Baylen 4 Max Post ban (DSK)
com 01-EDH: Baylen Hare Apparent (FDN)
com 01-EDH: Baylen V2 (DSK;4Max)
com 01-EDH: Dionus Elfball (FDN)
com 01-EDH: Emiel (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Feather (FDN)
com 01-EDH: Galazeth Appeoaches (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Galina Theft (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Gandalf Storm (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Helga (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Helga v2 (FDN)
com 01-EDH: Ioreth (DSK)
com 01-EDH: Ivy Auras (DSK)
com 01-EDH: Jolly Tokens (DSK)
com 01-EDH: Kinnan Elves (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Kinnan Elves (FDN)
com 01-EDH: Koll Equipment (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Kona (DSK)
com 01-EDH: Korvold Lands (DSK)
com 01-EDH: Krrik Aristo (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Loot Landfall (FDN)
com 01-EDH: Marvin Ballista (DSK)
com 01-EDH: Merieke Ri Theft (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Niv Mizzet's approach (FDN)
com 01-EDH: Rip Taps (DSK)
com 01-EDH: Roon Flicker (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Sythis Beatdown (FDN)
com 01-EDH: Vrondis Self-harm V2 (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Yarok Aluren (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Yarok Aluren (DSK)
com 01-EDH: Yarok Kitten (DSK)
com 01-EDH: Yarok Landfall (DSK)
com 1 EDH: Emiel v2 (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Aesi (BLB)
com 1-cEDH: Ashaya (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Chulane Aluren (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Elsha Storm (OTJ)
com 1-cEDH: Emry (BLB)
com 1-cEDH: Etalu Foodchain (BLB)
com 1-cEDH: Flubs (BLB)
com 1-cEDH: Fransisco Malcom (OTJ)
com 1-cEDH: Galaseth Artifacts (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Hapatra (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Jhoira (AC)
com 1-cEDH: Jhoira (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Jhoira Artifacts (BLB)
com 1-cEDH: Krark Saka (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Lonis (BLB)
com 1-cEDH: Lurrus Jenson (AC)
com 1-cEDH: Lurrus(MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Magda (AC)
com 1-cEDH: Minsc (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Nadu (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Orvar (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Stella Lee (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Stella Lee v2 (BLB)
com 1-cEDH: Sythis (BLB)
com 1-cEDH: Sythis (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Tameshi Artifacts (BLB)
com 1-cEDH: Tayam (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Ukima Food Chain (BLB)
com 1-cEDH: Urza (ACR)
com 1-cEDH: Yarok Aluren (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Ygra Food (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Adrix (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Adrix Slimes (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Agatha Gruul Activation (AC)
com 1-EDH: Animar Eldrazi (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Animar Eldrazi (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Arcades Def (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Azami (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Baylean Treasures (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Baylen Tokens (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Baylen V3 (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Baylen V4 (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Baylen V5 (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Chattering Aristo (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Chief Urza V2 (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Chulane Creature Storm (AC)
com 1-EDH: Cycling Brallin (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Disa Goyf (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Eladamri Korvecdal (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Eligeth Kydelle Scry (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Elsha Artifact Storm (OTJ)
com 1-EDH: Emiel (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Emmara Tokens (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Erriette Aura Theft (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Falco Sparra (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Feather (OTJ)
com 1-EDH: Flubs Storm (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Gargos Hydras (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Ghenchantment ((MH3)
com 1-EDH: Ghenchantment (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Ghonti Theft (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Gishath Dinos (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Go Shintai Enchantments (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Gyruda (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Helga +1/+1 (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Helga V2 (AC)
com 1-EDH: Helga V3 (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Helga V4 (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Howling Abomination Command Dmg (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Hydra Tribal (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Ivy (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Ivy Gleeful Enchantments (OTJ)
com 1-EDH: Kellan (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Kinnan (OTJ)
com 1-EDH: Kinnan Eldrazi (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Kinnan Elves (AC)
com 1-EDH: Korvold (OTJ)
com 1-EDH: Korvold Landfall (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Kudo (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Kudo Bears (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Kunena Merfolk (AC)
com 1-EDH: Marneus Tokens (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Marwyn Elfball (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Miirym Dragons (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Morophon Angel's (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Muldrotha (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Muldrotha Dredge (AC)
com 1-EDH: Narci Sagas (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Necrobloom Landmill (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Necrobloom Landmill v2 (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Obeka Sneak (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Obeka Sneak Attack (OTJ)
com 1-EDH: Omo Maze's End (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Oskar Dream Halls (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Roon Flicker (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Roxxane Starfall (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Six (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Taigam Reanimator (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Tatyova (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Tyvar Elfes (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Ulalek Eldrazi (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Urza Beatdown (OTJ)
com 1-EDH: Volo (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Vrondis Self-harm (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Wilhelt Zombiecrats (OTJ)
com 1-EDH: Yarok Aluren (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Yarok Aluren (OTJ)
com 1-EDH: Zinnia (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Zinnia Offspring (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Zinnia V2 (BLB)
com 1-EDH:Kinnan Druids (OTJ)
com 1-no-ban-cEDH: Kenrith (MH3)
com 1-no-ban-cEDH: Lurrus(MH3)
com 1-no-ban-cEDH: Urza (MH3)
com 1-pEDH: Fynn (MH3)
com 1v1 EDH: Fynn Infect
com 1v1 EDH: Grand Arbiter
com 1v1 EDH: K'rrik
com 1v1 EDH: MonoG Stompy
com 1v1 EDH: MonoU Tempo
com 1v1 EDH: Queen Marchesa Monarchy
com 1v1 EDH: Sen Triplets Control
com 1v1 EDH: Taigam
com 1v1 EDH: Tergrid MonoB COntrol
com 1v1 EDH: Thrasios Vial
com 1v1 EDH: Torbran
com 1v1 EDH: Vial Saka (AFR)
com 1v1 EFH: Tasigur (AFR)
com Build cEDH: Ashaya (MoM)
com Build cEDH: Jensson Lurrus (MoM)
com Build EDH: Jodah Big Stuff (MoM)
com Build: EDH: Yarok Landfall (MoM)
com Build? cEDH : Magda (MoM)
com Build? cEDH: Jhoira (LotR)
com Build? cEDH: Lurrus (LotR)
com Build? cEDH: Samwise Alluren (LotR)
com Build? cEDH: Shalai & Halar (MoM)
com Build? cEDH: Tayam (LotR)
com Build? EDH: Atraxa Superfriends (MoM)
com Build? EDH: Esika Superfriends (MoM)
com Build? EDH: Tyvar Elves (MoM)
com Build? EDH: Volo (LotR)
com cEDH Pauper: BR Sacrifacts (MID)
com cEDH Pauper: Grumgully Persists (MID)
com cEDH Pauper: Malcom Fireweaver (MID)
com cEDH Pauper: UB Sac?
com cEDH Ukkima Chain (AFR)
com cEDH: (?) Ghenchantments V2 (AFR)
com cEDH: Abdel Flicker (DM2)
com cEDH: Animar Creature Storm (DM2)
com cEDH: Anje Falkenrath (40k)
com cEDH: Anje Worldgorger (NEO)
com cEDH: Ashaya (DM2)
com cEDH: Ashaya (MH2)
com cEDH: Ashaya (MoM)
com cEDH: Ashaya (VOW)
com cEDH: Atla (AFR)
com cEDH: Atla V2 (MID)
com cEDH: Bad Urza Chip (Bro)
com cEDH: Brago Flicker
com cEDH: Chatterfang (DM2)
com cEDH: Chulane Alluren (40k)
com cEDH: Chulane Alluren (DM2)
com cEDH: Chulane Alluren (MoM)
com cEDH: Chulane Alluren (MoM)
com cEDH: Chulane Alluren (NEO)
com cEDH: Chulane Alluren (OTJ)
com cEDH: Chulane Alluren V2
com cEDH: Chulane Aluren (AFR)
com cEDH: Chulane Aluren (DMC)
com cEDH: Codie Spells V2 (MH2)
com cEDH: Codie V2 (AFR)
com cEDH: Dawnwaker Thrasios (MID)
com cEDH: Dina (AFR)
com cEDH: Elas Lurrus Companion (DMC)
com cEDH: Elsha Kitten (DM2)
com cEDH: Elsha Top (AFR)
com cEDH: Elsha Top (DMC)
com cEDH: Elsha Top (MoM)
com cEDH: Elsha Top (MoM)
com cEDH: Elsha Top (NEO)
com cEDH: Elsha Top V2 (AFR)
com cEDH: Elshartifacts (MID)
com cEDH: Emiel (MoM)
com cEDH: Emiel Flicker (DM2)
com cEDH: Emiel Preston (MoM)
com cEDH: Emmara (SNC)
com cEDH: Emmara Brew V? (SNC)
com cEDH: Emry (MoM)
com cEDH: Emry Chip (Bro)
com cEDH: Emry Chip (NEO)
com cEDH: Emry V2 (AFR)
com cEDH: Emry's Kitten (DM2)
com cEDH: Eruth Draw V2 (VOW)
com cEDH: Eruth Storm (DMC)
com cEDH: Eruth V2 (NEO)
com cEDH: Falco Sparra (40k)
com cEDH: Falco Sparra (Bro)
com cEDH: Falco Sparra (DM2)
com cEDH: Falco Sparra (DMC)
com cEDH: Falco Top V2 (SNC)
com cEDH: Falco Topdeck (SNC)
com cEDH: Falkenrath (AFR)
com cEDH: Galazeth (AFR)
com cEDH: Galazeth (MH2)
com cEDH: Galazeth (MID)
com cEDH: Galazeth (NEO)
com cEDH: Gandalf the Grey (LotR)
com cEDH: garden Kraum (NEO)
com cEDH: Garth Lotus (AFR)
com cEDH: Gitrog (AFR)
com cEDH: Gitrog (NEO)
com cEDH: Godo (AFR)
com cEDH: Godo (DM2)
com cEDH: Grolnok Druid (DM2)
com cEDH: Grolnok Mill (NEO)
com cEDH: Grolnok Mill (VOW)
com cEDH: Grolnok Mill V2 (VOW)
com cEDH: Hapatra (AFR)
com cEDH: Hapatra (Gate)
com cEDH: Hapatra (OTJ)
com cEDH: Hapatra (WoE)
com cEDH: Hapatra Druid (MID)
com cEDH: Hapatra V2 (AFR)
com cEDH: Hinata Spells (DMC)
com cEDH: Hinata Spells (NEO)
com cEDH: Inalla
com cEDH: Jan Jansen (DM2)
com cEDH: Jensson Lurrus Storm (DMC)
com cEDH: Jhoira (MH2)
com cEDH: Jhoira (MID)
com cEDH: Jhoira (MoM)
com cEDH: Jhoira (NEO)
com cEDH: Jhoira (WoE)
com cEDH: Jhoira Artifacts (MoM)
com cEDH: Jhoira Artifacts (VOW)
com cEDH: Jhoira Artifacts V1000 (VOW)
com cEDH: Jhoira Artifacts V2 (MoM)
com cEDH: Jhoira Chip (40k)
com cEDH: Jhoira Chip (DMC)
com cEDH: Jhoira Draw (AFR)
com cEDH: Jhoira Kitten (Gate)
com cEDH: Jhoira's Kitten (DM2)
com cEDH: K'rrik (DMC)
com cEDH: K'rrik (post D&D)
com cEDH: K'rrik Ooze (VOW)
com cEDH: K'rrik V2(DMC)
com cEDH: Kalamax Kiki (MID)
com cEDH: Kalamax Storm V2
com cEDH: Kaza Spells (MID)
com cEDH: Kefnet Turns
com cEDH: Kefnet Turns (AFR)
com cEDH: Kefnet Turns (DM2)
com cEDH: Kenrith (MH2)
com cEDH: Kenrith Druid (MID)
com cEDH: Kess (AFR)
com cEDH: Kess Oracle Storm (MH2)
com cEDH: Kess Turbo Naus
com cEDH: Kess' Kitten (DM2)
com cEDH: Kinna (NEO)
com cEDH: Kinnan (MH2)
com cEDH: Kinnan BigBooty (MoM)
com cEDH: Kinnan Mirror V3 (AFR)
com cEDH: Kinnan Mirror V4 (DM2)
com cEDH: Kinnan Perplexing Stax (WoE)
com cEDH: Kinnen Mirror Pod (MID)
com cEDH: Kodama Sakashima
com cEDH: Kodama Sakashima V2 (AFR)
com cEDH: Kodama Sakashima V2 (VOW)
com cEDH: Kodama Sakashima V3 (Gate)
com cEDH: Kodama Sakashima(NEO)
com cEDH: Koll (AFR)
com cEDH: Koll (DM2)
com cEDH: Koll Sacipment
com cEDH: Korvold Foodchain (MH2)
com cEDH: Korvold Pod (AFR)
com cEDH: Korvold V2 (AFR)
com cEDH: Krark (AFR)
com cEDH: Krark (MID)
com cEDH: Krark Saka V1000 (Gate)
com cEDH: Krark Saka V2 - to buy\ proxy (MoM)
com cEDH: Krark Sakashima (40k)
com cEDH: Krark Sakashima (DMC)
com cEDH: Krark Sakashima (MoM)
com cEDH: Krark Sakashima (OTC)
com cEDH: Krark Sakashima (SNC)
com cEDH: Krark Sakashima V2 (VOW)
com cEDH: Krark Sakashima V4 (AFR)
com cEDH: Krark Thrasios (DMC)
com cEDH: Kroxa and Kuranos (MoM)
com cEDH: Kykar Storm
com cEDH: Lier (MID)
com cEDH: Liesa Forgotten (AFR)
com cEDH: Liesa Forgotten (MID)
com cEDH: Loni's (AFR)
com cEDH: Lonis (DMC)
com cEDH: Lonis Stuff (DM2)
com cEDH: Lonis Urza (MID)
com cEDH: Lucas Will Lurrus (Stranger Things Lair)
com cEDH: Lurrus (AFR)
com cEDH: Lurrus (Bro)
com cEDH: Lurrus (DMC)
com cEDH: Lurrus (Gate)
com cEDH: Lurrus (MID)
com cEDH: Lurrus (MoM)
com cEDH: Lurrus (post MH2)
com cEDH: Lurrus Loop (Gate)
com cEDH: Magda (DM2)
com cEDH: Magecraft Chain (MH2)
com cEDH: Mairsil (AFR)
com cEDH: Marath (AFR)
com cEDH: Marath (DM2)
com cEDH: Marneus Spellslinger (40k)
com cEDH: Marneus Tokens (40K)
com cEDH: Meren (DMC)
com cEDH: Meren V2 (AFR)
com cEDH: Meria (MoM)
com cEDH: Meria (WoE)
com cEDH: Meria Godo (DMC)
com cEDH: Meria Myr (DMC)
com cEDH: Meria RG Urza? (DMC)
com cEDH: Meria Stax (DMC)
com cEDH: Mimioplasm Hermit (MID)
com cEDH: Minsc (DM2)
com cEDH: Minsc Stax (NEO)
com cEDH: Minsk (cEDH)
com cEDH: Minsk Bloodpot (SNC)
com cEDH: Minsk Pot (DM2)
com cEDH: Muldrotha (MoM)
com cEDH: Muldrotha Kitten (DMC)
com cEDH: Muldrotha Kitten (Gate)
com cEDH: Muldrotha Kitten (Phyrexia)
com cEDH: Muldrotha's Kitten (Gate)
com cEDH: Najeela
com cEDH: Najeela (AFR)
com cEDH: Nethroi(AFR)
com cEDH: Niv Curiosity (AFR)
com cEDH: Niv Mizzet (DMC)
com cEDH: Niv Mizzet (MH2)
com cEDH: Obeka (DM2)
com cEDH: Obeka (NEO)
com cEDH: Obeka Turns (AFR)
com cEDH: Obeka Turns V100
com cEDH: Old Stickfingers (MID)
com cEDH: Orvar (AFR)
com cEDH: Orvar (DM2)
com cEDH: Orvar (DMC)
com cEDH: Orvar (MH2)
com cEDH: Orvar Tide Jewel
com cEDH: Osgir Stax (MID)
com cEDH: Oskar (40k)
com cEDH: Oskar (BGate)
com cEDH: Oskar (DM2)
com CEDH: Oswald (D&D)
com cEDH: Oswald V2 (AFR)
com cEDH: Otaria Dwarves (DMC)
com cEDH: Prosper (40k)
com cEDH: Prosper (DMC)
com cEDH: Prosper (NEO)
com cEDH: Prosper BR Stuff V2
com cEDH: Prosper V2 (AFR)
com cEDH: Reality Chip (NEO)
com cEDH: Rog Sakashima Sac
com cEDH: Rogeakh Tevesh Citadel Storm (VOW)
com cEDH: Rograkh Silas (AFR)
com cEDH: Rograkh Silas Turbo Naus
com cEDH: Rograkh Silas Turbo Naus V3
com cEDH: Rograkh Silas V2
com cEDH: Rograkh Thrasios Polymorph
com cEDH: Selvala (DM2)
com cEDH: Selvala (DMC)
com cEDH: Shalai Halar Counters (MoM)
com cEDH: Shalai Halar V2 (MoM)
com cEDH: Shirokai Poly scepter (Gate)
com cEDH: Shorikai (40k)
com cEDH: Shorikai Poly (NEO)
com cEDH: Stenn Sensei's Chip (DMC)
com cEDH: Sythis (40k)
com cEDH: Sythis (AFR)
com cEDH: Sythis (DM2)
com cEDH: Sythis (DMC)
com cEDH: Sythis (Gate)
com cEDH: Sythis (MoM)
com cEDH: Sythis (OTJ)
com cEDH: Sythis (Phyrexia)
com cEDH: Sythis Enchantments (NEO)
com cEDH: Taigam Control (VOW)
com cEDH: Tayam (AFR)
com cEDH: Tayam (MoM)
com cEDH: Tayam Druid (SNC)
com cEDH: Tergrid (AFR)
com cEDH: Teshar (AFR)
com cEDH: Teshar (DMC)
com cEDH: Tevesh Tana (MID)
com cEDH: Tevesh Thrasios (AFR)
com cEDH: Teysa Darkness (NEO)
com cEDH: Thrasta Foodchain (mh 2)
com cEDH: Titania Lands (Phyrexia)
com cEDH: Tormod Jeska
com cEDH: Tormod Thrasios
com cEDH: Tormod Thrasios V2
com cEDH: Trazyn (40k)
com cEDH: Turbo Naus Rograkh (MH2)
com cEDH: Ukkima Chain (WoE)
com cEDH: Ukkima Chainflicker (DM2)
com cEDH: Urza (WoE)
com cEDH: Urza Chip (OTC)
com cEDH: Urza Chip (Phyrexia)
com cEDH: Urza Chip Top Sight (NEO)
com cEDH: Urza Creatures V2 (DMC)
com cEDH: Urza displaced Chip (DMC)
com cEDH: Urza No Banlist (Who)
com cEDH: Urza Polybreaker (NEO)
com cEDH: Urza Polymorph (AFR)
com cEDH: Urza Polymorph v2 (AFR)
com cEDH: Urza Polymorph v2 (VOW)
com cEDH: Urza Scepter (VOW)
com cEDH: Urza Stax (NEO)
com cEDH: Urza Stax (post AFR )
com cEDH: Urza Stax V2 (AFR)
com cEDH: Urza Top V3 (SNC)
com cEDH: Urza's Kitten (Gate)
com cEDH: Vega
com cEDH: Vega (AFR)
com cEDH: Vega Scepter (DMC)
com cEDH: Veyran (DMC)
com cEDH: Veyran (MID)
com cEDH: Vorinclex Walkers (DM2)
com cEDH: Wilhelt Factory (MID)
com cEDH: Wilhelt V2 (MID)
com cEDH: Wilhelt's Foundry (DM2)
com cEDH: Wilhelt's Foundry (Gate)
com cEDH: Wilhelt's Foundry (NEO)
com cEDH: Willhelt Zombies (Midnight Hunt)
com cEDH: Winota Hatebears (MID)
com cEDH: Yarock Alluren (MH2)
com cEDH: Yarok Alluren (40k)
com cEDH: Yarok Alluren (Bro)
com cEDH: Yarok Alluren (DMC)
com cEDH: Yarok Alluren (MoM)
com cEDH: Yidris Cascade (MH2)
com cEDH: Yuriko
com cEDH: Yusri (MH2)
com cEDH:Kodama Saka Lands (AFR)
com cEDH:Marneus Tokens (40k)
com cEDH?: Esika Godo
com cEDH?: T&T Hatebears
com cEDHV Kess Turbo Naus
com Copy of cEDH: Sythis - To Build (MoM)
com EDH (Uncommon): Keskit TOGGO (40k)
com EDH: 5 Colour Elves
com EDH: Abdel Flicker (DMC)
com EDH: Abzan Flickercounter (MID)
com EDH: Adrix (DMC)
com EDH: Adrix Orvar-Tokens (MID)
com EDH: Adrix Tokens
com EDH: Adrix Tokens (MID)
com EDH: Aegar (MID)
com EDH: Aesi (MoM)
com EDH: Aesi (Phyrexia)
com EDH: Aesi Lands (40k)
com EDH: Aesi Lands (Bro)
com EDH: Alela (40k)
com EDH: Animar (AFR)
com EDH: Animar Chonkers (DMC)
com EDH: Animar Eldrazi (40k)
com EDH: Animar V2 (AFR)
com EDH: Anje Reanimator (MID)
com EDH: Arcades Def (MID)
com EDH: Artifactocrats
sta EDH: Asmo Madness (AFR)
com EDH: Athreos Demons (AFR)
com EDH: Atraxa Sagas (DMC)
com EDH: Atsushi Tremors (NEO)
com EDH: BR Citadel (MID)
com EDH: Brallin Cycling (DMC)
com EDH: Bridge and Friends (DM2)
com EDH: Bruvac Mill
com EDH: Bruvac Mill (AFR)
com EDH: Cadric Tokens (DMC)
com EDH: Captain Sissay
com EDH: Chatterfang
com EDH: Dina Lofegain (DMC)
com EDH: Edgar Markov (AFR)
com EDH: Eligeth Scry (Bro)
com EDH: Elsha Dragon's Approach (DMC)
com EDH: Elsha Dragon's Approach (MID)
com EDH: Elsha Dragon's Approach (MoM)
com EDH: Emara (AFR)
com EDH: Emiel (DMC)
com EDH: Emiel Flicker
com EDH: Emiel Flicker (40k)
com EDH: Emiel Flicker (Gate)
com EDH: Emiel Norn (Phyrexia)
com EDH: Emiel Norn (Phyrexia)
com EDH: Emmara (MID)
com EDH: Emry Artifacts
com EDH: Emry's Mesmeric Orb (MID)
com EDH: Enchantress
com EDH: Eruth Draw = Exile (VOW)
com EDH: Esika Legends
com EDH: Esika Superfriends (MID)
com EDH: Esika Superfriends v2
com EDH: Esika Superfriends V3 (MH2)
com EDH: Esika Turns
com EDH: Esika Turns (AFR)
com EDH: Esika Walkers (MID)
com EDH: Ezuri UG Proliferation (Phyrexia)
com EDH: Feather (AFR)
com EDH: Feather (DMC)
com EDH: Feather (Gate)
com Edh: Feather (MoM)
com EDH: Firja Angel Reanimator
com EDH: Garth flicker
com EDH: Garth Flicker (MoM)
com EDH: Garth Kitten (DM2)
com EDH: Ghalta's value (MID)
com EDH: Ghave (AFR)
com EDH: Ghenchantments
com EDH: Ghenchantments (MID)
com EDH: Gisha Dino (MID)
com EDH: Gitrog Landfall (MoM)
com EDH: Gitrog Than Abzan Lands (MOM)
com EDH: Go-Shintai Shrines (NEO)
com EDH: God-eternal Oketra (MID)
com EDH: Golgari Reanimate (Gate)
com EDH: Grixis Demon Tribal Be'lakor (40k)
com EDH: Gyruda combo (40k)
com EDH: Gyruda combo (AFR)
com EDH: Hadhaton V2 (DFT)
com EDH: Hallar (MID)
com EDH: Hapatra V200
com EDH: Hatebears Stax
com EDH: Hazezon Desert Lands (DMC)
com EDH: Ivy (Phyrexia)
com EDH: Ivy Copies (DMC)
com EDH: Ivy Copies v2 (DMC)
com EDH: Ivy Enchantment (DMC)
com EDH: Ivy Enchantment V2 (DMC)
com EDH: Ivy Enchantment V3 (DMC)
com EDH: Ivy Enchantment V4 (40k)
com EDH: Ivy Enchantments (MoM)
com EDH: Ivy Enchantments (Phyrexia)
com EDH: Ivy Enchantments V2 (Phyrexia)
com EDH: Ivy Infect (DMC)
com EDH: Ivy Instants (MoM)
com EDH: Ivy Instants V2 (DMC)
com EDH: Ivy not Orvar (EDH)
com EDH: Ivy Orvar Spells (DMC)
com EDH: Ivy Spellslinger (40k)
com EDH: Ivy Willbreaker (40k)
com EDH: Ivy Willbreaker Enchantress (MoM)
com EDH: Jank Storm
com EDH: Jhoira Ageless Innovator (DMC)
com EDH: Jhoira mono Artifacts (DM2)
com EDH: Jhoira Turns
com EDH: Jhoira's Intruders (DMC)
com EDH: Jodah 5C (AFR)
com EDH: Jonah Legendary Cascade (DMC)
com EDH: Jorn Stax
com EDH: K'rrik Aristocrats (MoM)
com EDH: K'rrik Aristocrats V200
com EDH: K'rrik Sacrifice (40k)
com EDH: K'rrik Shadowborn (VOW)
com EDH: Kenrith Big Mana Elves (MoM)
com EDH: Kenrith Big Mana Stuff (MID)
com EDH: Kess Wheel (Dream Halls)
com EDH: Kinna Elves (WoE)
com EDH: Kinnan Chonkers (DM2)
com EDH: Kinnan Druid Tribal
com EDH: Kinnan druid Tribal V2
com EDH: Kinnan Druids (DMC)
com EDH: Kinnan Druids (MoM)
com EDH: Kinnan Druids (WoE)
com EDH: Kinnan Eldrazi
com EDH: Kinnan Eldrazi (MID)
com EDH: Kinnan Eldrazi (WoE)
com EDH: Kinnan Elves (DMC)
com EDH: Kinnan Elves (MoM)
com EDH: Kinnan Elves post Kaldheim
com EDH: Kinnen Druids (AFR)
com EDH: Kobold lands (DM2)
com EDH: Kodama Sakashima (MoM)
com EDH: Kodama Toggo V2
com EDH: Kodama Togo Landfall
com EDH: Koma Opposition (AFR)
com EDH: Koma's Opposition
com EDH: Korvold Basic Lands (Bro)
com EDH: Korvold Landfall (WoE)
com EDH: Korvold Lands - to build (MoM)
com EDH: Korvold Lands - to build v2 (MoM)
com EDH: Korvold Lands - to buy (MoM)
com EDH: Korvold Lands - to Buy V2 (MoM) - leading Version
com EDH: Korvold Lands (DMC)
com EDH: Korvold Lands (LCI)
com EDH: Korvold Lands (ONE)
com EDH: Korvold Lands (Phyrexia)
com EDH: Korvold Lands High Power (MoM)
com EDH: Korvold Lands V2 (DMC)
com EDH: Korvold Lands V3 (40k)
com EDH: Korvold Sacrifice (MID)
com EDH: Krrik Sacrifice (MID)
com EDH: Kumena Merfolk Tribal (DMC)
com EDH: Kykar Storm (40k)
com EDH: Lagomos (DMC)
com EDH: Landcombodraw
com EDH: Landhate
com EDH: Lathril Elfball (AFR)
com EDH: Locust Dreamhall (Gate)
com EDH: Locust God (MID)
com EDH: Locust God Wheels (AFR)
com EDH: Locust Wheels (40k)
com EDH: Magda
com EDH: Mairsil V2 (AFR)
com EDH: Maralen
com EDH: Marchesa (AFR)
com EDH: Marneus token (40K)
com EDH: Mayael Stompy
com EDH: Meren Pod
com EDH: Miirym Dragon Tribal (DMC)
com EDH: Miirym Dragon Tribal (Gate)
com EDH: MonoG 4 Turbo (MID)
com EDH: MonoG Lands
com EDH: MonoG Lands (Gate)
com EDH: MonoG Ramp
com EDH: Moritte persistent Combo
com EDH: Muldrotha Lands (DMC)
com EDH: Muldrotha Lands (Gate)
com EDH: Muldrotha Lands (NEO)
com EDH: Muldrotha Lands (rly Lands, MID)
com EDH: Muldrotha Lands really (AFR)
com EDH: Muldrotha Reanimator (DMC)
com EDH: Muldrotha Value
com EDH: Muldrotha Value
com EDH: Myra Attractions (Unf)
com EDH: New Braids (DMC)
com EDH: New Jin (NEO)
com EDH: Obeka Reanimate (DM2)
com EDH: Obeka Reanimate (MID)
com EDH: Obeka Reanimator (AFR)
com EDH: Obosh Dragon's Approach (MID)
com EDH: Ojar Ping (Ixalan)
com EDH: Omnsth Rage (Gate)
com EDH: Orvar Mill
com EDH: Progress Kitten (DM2)
com EDH: Radha Lands (AFR)
com EDH: Raggadraga
com EDH: Rakdos Eldrazi (MID)
com EDH: Ramos Tokens Storm (40k)
com EDH: Reanimate Stuff
com EDH: Reanimator (DM2)
com EDH: Rem Karolus Pyroclasm (MID)
com EDH: Room Combo (MID)
com EDH: Roon (MID)
com EDH: Roon Flicker
com EDH: Roon Flicker (40k)
com EDH: Rurric Thar (MID)
com EDH: Sacrifacts BR (MID)
com EDH: Satsuki Sagas (NEO)
com EDH: Scrysios (MID)
com EDH: Shalai & Halar Counters (MoM)
com ÊDH: Sheirei Razaketh Combo (AFR)
com EDH: Sissy's Sanctum (DM2)
com EDH: Sixth Doctor (Who)
com EDH: Slimefoot Aristocrats (MoM)
com EDH: Slivers (AFR)
com EDH: Soul of Wind grace (DmC)
com EDH: Syr Carah (MID)
com EDH: Syr Carah Dragons (MID)
com EDH: Taigam Reanimation Update (MoM)
com EDH: Taigam Reanimator (AFR)
com EDH: Taigam Reanimator (AFR)
com EDH: Tameshi Polymorph (NEO)
com EDH: Tatsunari Sultai Enchantments (NEO)
com EDH: Tatyova Fast Landfall (MID)
com EDH: Tatyova Landfall (DMC)
com EDH: Tawnos Birds and Beasts (Bro)
com EDH: Teysa Aristocrat (MID)
com EDH: Teysa Karlovy (MoM)
com EDH: Teysa Scion (AFR)
com EDH: Titania Force of Nature (Phyrexia)
com EDH: Titania Landfall - to Buy (MoM)
com EDH: Titania Landfall (LCI)
com EDH: Titania Landfall (MoM & Nissa-Leak)
com EDH: Titania Landfall (MoM)
com EDH: Titania Landfall V2 (MoM & Nissa-Leak)
com EDH: Titania Lands (MoM)
com EDH: Titania MonoG Lands (DM2)
com EDH: Titania Nature's chosen (Bro)
com EDH: Titania Nature's chosen V2 (Bro)
com EDH: Titania Nature's Force (Bro)
com EDH: Togo Sakashima (DMC)
com EDH: Tor Wauki Spellslinger (DMC)
com EDH: Torens Tokens (VOW)
com EDH: Tribal Tribal
com EDH: Tyma Vial Dragon's Approach (MID)
com EDH: Tyvar Big Mana Elves (MoM Aftermath)
com EDH: UR Pingers (40K)
com EDH: Uro Chain (AFR)
com EDH: Volo (MID)
com EDH: Vorinclex
com EDH: Winota (AfR)
com EDH: xMage Antimax V2
com EDH: Yarock (MID)
com EDH: Yarock Aluren (AFR)
com EDH: Yarock Aluren (NEO)
com EDH: Yarock Flicker (DMC)
com EDH: Yarock Lands (DM2)
com EDH: Yarok Kitten Value (DMC)
com EDH: Yarok Landfall (MoM)
com EDH: Yarok Landfall (OTJ)
com EDH: Yarok Lands (DMC)
com EDH: Yuma Lands (OTC)
com EDH: Zaxara X-Tribal (MID)
com EDH: Zulo Colorless Eldrazi (WoE)
com EFH: Dralnu (AFR)
com EFH: Isshin (NEO)
com EFH: Kozilek (AFR)
com FreeEDH: Leovold (MH2)
com FreeEDH: Urza (MH2)
com FreeEDH: Urza Turns (MID)
com Jank: Seton (SNC)
com Lead cEDH: Shorikai (MoM)
mod Modern: Cascade Footfalls (AFR)
mod Modern: Lurrus WBR (AFR)
mod Modern: MonoR Madness (AFR)
mod Modern: Reanimator
pau Pauper: Goblin Combo (Gate)
pau Pauper: Infect (DM22)
pau Pauper: Storm
com Stip: Uncommander: Elves
com Stip: Uncommander: UB Reanimator
vin Vintage: 8Cast (VoW)
vin Vintage: Wheels
com W - cEDH: Kinnan (AFR)
com W - EDH: Muldrotha Land stay (AFR)
com W: Hapatra V2
com WIP: EDH: Felisa Counters (Post MH2)
com WIP: EDH: Yurlock Mana Drain
com WWW - EDH: Locust God (Dream Halls)
com WWW - EDH: Muldrotha Landstax (post Legends)
com WWW - EDH: Orvar Copy
com xMage: 1v1 EDH: Monarchy
com xMage: Antimax
com xMage: FreEDH Leovold

Name | Cost ![]() |
Urza's Tower | |
Barbed Sextant | |
Chromatic Sphere | |
Crop Rotation | |
Manamorphose | |
Prophetic Prism | |
Prophetic Prism |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Abundant Harvest | |
2 | Chromatic Star | |
3 | Weather the Storm | |
4 | Kaervek's Torch | |
5 | Ancient Stirrings | |
6 | Urza's Mine |
Mana Base
Colors | |||
Symbols | 17 | 12 | 2 |
Percent | 54.8 | 38.7 | 6.5 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.