TSUUKIHI's profile
- MTG DECKS (190)
com average obeka
com casual godo
oth cedh staple list
com gaaiv stax cedh
com godo cedh budget
com gonti edh
com jorn snow control
com meme
com ninja tribal edh
com OBEKA 2.0
com obeka fuckem edh
com octavia edh
com osgir cedh
com patron of the kitsune mono white life gain edh
com propser edh
sta prosper dupe
com prosper precon
com Thraximundar Grixis Sac EDH
com vega edh
sta 60 card d&t
leg 8-cast
leg aluren
sta black depths
sta budget compendium cloudpost
sta budget depths
sta budget meandeck doomsday
leg budget post
sta budget punishing maverick
sta budget smallpox
sta cloudpost
sta curse stompy
sta curse stompy 2
sta deadguy ale
sta enachtress
sta esper cat control
sta gw maverick
sta jund
leg legacy burn
sta manaless derdge
sta manaless dredge 2
sta mono black control
sta mono black depths
sta mono black reanimator
sta mono green post budget
sta oops all spells
sta punishing jund
sta sagaless yorion dnt
leg smog fit
sta strawberry shortcake (rw painter)
sta thassa's paradigm
sta thassa's paradigm2
sta thoracle shift
sta uw stoneblade
sta yorion saga dnt
sta 2013 bogles
sta 2013 jund
sta 2013 MARTYR PROC
sta 2014 skred
mod 2022 lantern control
sta 80 card DnT
mod 8cast
mod 8cast finity
sta abzan midrange
mod abzan stoneblade
mod affinity
sta asmo time sieve
sta bant control
sta belcher alt
sta bg rock
sta boros burn
sta budge DnT
sta budget charbelcher
sta budget etron
sta budget storm
mod budget uw control
sta Copy of jpn merfolk
sta death and eldrazi 1
mod death and taxes
sta echantress
sta enchantress
sta esper control
mod esper reanimator
sta gds
mod goburins
mod golgari elves
sta hardened scales
sta hollow one
sta izzet prowess
sta jpn merfolk
sta jund living end
mod martyr proc
mod merfolk
sta modern dnt
sta modern saheelicat
sta modern stoneblade
sta modern storm
mod modern storm+
sta modern u faeries budget
sta modern ur control
mod mono green tron
mod mono red modern 2
mod mono red prowess budget
sta mono white hammer 2
sta mono white hammer 3
mod oldschool orzhov stoneblade
sta orzhov smallpox
mod povvo mono red
sta prison tron
mod rakdos midrange 2022
sta reanimator
sta song of sneed
sta song storm
sta storm 2022
mod sultai control
mod taking turns
sta the rack
sta ub control
sta ub faeries
mod wbg bogles
sta wg bogle
sta dimir mill
pau finity
pau infect
sta mono black control
sta one land spy
sta orzhov pestilence
sta pauper elves
sta pauper mono black burn
sta pauper uw control
sta rakdos burn
pau ub delver
sta abzan greasefang
pio abzan midrange
pio bant spirits
pio boros burn
sta boros heroic
sta boros heroic BUDGET
pio deadguy ale
pio dimir control
sta esper control pioneer
sta esper greasefang
pio gruul midrange
sta gruul possibility storm
sta gw bogles
sta gyrugamesh
sta hidden strings
pio izzet delver
pio izzet phoenix
pio lotus combo jpn
pio lotus field combo
pio mono blue spirits
pio mono whute humans
pio niv to light
pio orzhov humans
pio rakdos midrange
sta rdw
sta rg
sta temur energy 2 (japan version)
pio the rock
sta turnbo fog
sta uw control pioneer
pio vampires
sta deadguy ale
sta green stompy
sta premodern america
sta premodern counterslivers
oth premodern michael turian 2001 rdw
oth premodern sligh
sta premodern suicide black
pre uw standstill
sta 1997 turbo xerox
sta 2011 fauna quest
sta 2019 pox
com acererak edh
sta budget twiddle storm
sta Copy of punishing jund
sta dandan (forgetful fish)
sta funny joe special
pio izzet control
com kithkin tribal lol
sta lutri grixis control
sta modern maverick
sta mud
sta NBLM eldrazi
sta orzhov pestilence 2
sta punishing maverick saga budget
com the TEEG
sta yorion uw control

Name | Cost ![]() |
Ingenious Infiltrator | |
Throat Slitter | |
Fallen Shinobi | |
Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni | |
Silent-Blade Oni |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 7 | 4 |
Percent | 63.0 | 36.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.