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- MTG DECKS (612)
- com0 - Kozilek
- com1 - Heliod
- com1 - K'rrik
- com1 - Krenko
- com1 - Talrand
- com2 - Anowon
- com2 - Balmor
- com2 - Brago
- com2 - Emmara
- com2 - Meren
- com2 - Pir and Toothy
- com2 - Rakdos
- com2 - Rograkhh and ...
- com2 - Teysa
- com2 - Xenagos
- com3 - Anikthea
- com3 - Dihada
- com3 - Narset
- com3 - Obeka
- com3 - Rafiq
- com3 - Riku
- com3 - Sen
- com3 - Voja
- com3 - Windgrace
- com3 - Zaxara
- com4 - Atraxa
- com4 - Breya
- com4 - Ink-Treader
- com4 - Yidris
- com5 - Ur-Dragon
- sta8 blue
- staAnother skittles ...
- staArcum's artifacts
- staAyara Idea
- staBaral
- staBig black boys
- staBig Black Mana
- staBig black perman ...
- staBlind seer BS
- staBlind swords
- staCao Cao
- vinCopy of 1 - Grenzo
- staDaretti
- staDiscard your shit
- staElesh Norn's Fun ...
- staEmry is the solu ...
- staFrankie Peanuts
- staGod-Eternal Oketra
- staHeavy black
- staHey Mr. Moon
- staI will make mono ...
- staKiki is insane
- staKurkesh Artifacts
- vinLiliana Idea
- staMangara Idea
- staMemnarch
- staNefarox Idea
- staOketra idea
- staOrvar zombie
- staRankle my little ...
- staReal white power ...
- staSheoldred pain
- staShirei Idea
- staSkittles Idea
- staSoraya shit
- staSoraya shit keyw ...
- staTeferi Hates you ...
- legTorbran Idea
- staTorbran Idea
- vinUrza Idea
- staUrza's artifacts
- staurza's small art ...
- stavilis is my boi
- staVillis
- stawhite
- staWhite Fucks
- staYawg Idea 4
- vinYawgmoth Idea
- staAAA Gale and Scion
- staAegar
- staAkiri Idea
- staAlibou mock up
- staAlibou Vehicles
- staArjun
- staArjun
- staarjun 2
- staArjun the not bad
- staAugustin doesn't ...
- staAurelia
- staaurelia new
- staAurelia voltron
- staBecome artifact
- staBig izzet spells
- staBlue red stax
- staBreeches and Mal ...
- stacarath
- staCircu
- staCopy of 2 - Depala
- staCopy of 3 - Riku
- staCopy of aurelia new
- stademon tribal
- staDepala upgrade
- staDraw fat
- staEmiel
- staEnchantment Izzet
- staexperiment
- staFeather Idea
- staFling
- staFuck you
- staGalazeth
- staGalazeth Big
- staGalazeth but fun
- staGalazeth clone a ...
- staGalazeth Dragons
- staGalazeth idea
- staGalazeth mid/storm
- staGalazeth stax
- staGale the archiol ...
- stagavin original deck
- vinGisa and Geralf ...
- staGlissa sagas
- staheads i win tail ...
- staheads i win tail ...
- staIch and Rebbec
- staIllegal deck
- staInstant value
- staIroas wide
- staIzzet
- stajae liara
- staJhoira Artifacts
- staJhoira idea
- staJhoira netdeck
- stajhoira non small ...
- staJhoira of the Ghitu
- staJhoira recursion
- staJhoira weatherlight
- staJhoria G 2
- staJori Second Spell
- staKarlach the Pirate
- staKaza idea
- staKeranos
- staKruphix 1st iter ...
- staKylox's friends
- staLazav Idea
- staLocust god
- staLocust god Idea
- staLocust God!
- staMatt faeries
- staMatt's Ayli
- staMelek
- staMelek Idea
- stamila idea
- staminsc additions
- staMuzzy from Tymna ...
- staNath the man the ...
- vinNEEDED Terry 2.0
- staNin combo
- staNin combo
- staNiv-Mizzet Mastu ...
- staNo magic ty
- staOsgir Idea
- staPauper EDH
- staPhasing
- stapingers
- staPonza
- staRashmi spellslinger
- staRassilon
- starenari idea
- staRicky new deck
- staRielle Discard y ...
- staRograkh and Arde ...
- staScarab god
- staStop having fun now
- staStop having fun ...
- staTajic mudstah
- vinTatyova crush
- staTeferi and jace ...
- vinTerry 2.0
- vinTerry cards
- staterry deathtouch
- staTrostani Remake
- staUr
- staUr
- staUR PW
- staVeyran 2
- staVeyran idea
- staVorel Idea
- staWinota Idea Num3
- sta"Humanism"
- staAbzan enchantres ...
- staAdventure time
- staaffinity
- staAkiri and ich
- staakiri ich 2
- staAkiri Tymna Idea
- staalesha idea 2
- staAlesha not so su ...
- staAlesha Slivers
- staAnara and Akiri ...
- staAnhelo the deck ...
- staanimar
- staAnimar
- staanimar aluren
- staanimar artifacts
- staAnimar cascade
- staAnimar combo
- staAnimar idea
- staAnimar lots of c ...
- staAnimar mutate
- staArtifact creatures
- staAtla Budget
- staAtla every creat ...
- staBanding
- staBig zacama comin ...
- staBison chilling
- staBrew
- staCards I need Ket ...
- staCombo and payoff
- staCopy of Mana echoes
- staCopy of Mayael v ...
- staCopy of Mayael v ...
- staCopy of Narset's ...
- staCopy of RIKU NO ...
- staDerevi Hates You
- staDino guy
- staDoran
- staDoran
- stadt first strike
- staEdgar Markov Idea
- staEdgar Markov Idea
- staElemental
- staEmmara into RWG
- staEverything draws
- staFlash tribal
- stafun RUG
- staGhen the curse m ...
- staGhired big tokens
- staGishath Budget
- staGishath stompy
- staGishath Super lo ...
- staGod tribal
- staHalana and Kraum
- staHalana and Silas
- stahomebrew doubling
- staIlluna big things
- staInfinite mana
- staJorn snow
- staJorn snow
- staKalamax
- staKarador from Meren
- staKess will remove ...
- staKethis superfriends
- staKethis superfrie ...
- staKraum and thrasios
- staKykar commits ve ...
- staKykar hates you
- staKykar PW idea
- staLiving weapon
- staMaelstorm surge
- staMaelstrom combo
- stamaelstrom wanderer
- stamana dorking
- staMana echoes
- staMarath elementals
- staMarchesa deck
- staMarisi Idea
- staMarisi spellslinger
- staMathas Curse Idea
- staMathas Idea
- staMathas the curse ...
- staMatt's Kaalia
- staMatts crazy idea
- staMayael idea
- staMayael idea 2
- staMayael idea 2 it ...
- staMayael very expe ...
- staMaybelline unique
- staMazzy
- staMF DOOM
- staMiirym
- staMinsc the kidnapper
- staMinsc will take ...
- staMLD
- staMuch faster riku
- staNarset's toolbox
- staNaya big mana Ac ...
- staNaya Spellslinger
- staNaya stax
- staNihiloor
- staNo counters please
- staNo fun
- legOloro stax idea
- staOloro's BS
- staOmnath flicker
- staOmnath food chain
- staOmnath food chai ...
- vinOmnath idea
- staOmnath idea
- staOmnath landfall
- staOoops, all perma ...
- staPako and Haldan
- staPalladia-mors idea
- staPalladia-mors idea
- staPramikon Superfr ...
- staPurchase Riku sp ...
- staqueen marchesa i ...
- comRashmi
- staRebbec Silas
- staRGW
- staRienne idea
- staRienne low to th ...
- stariku different
- staRiku flicker
- staRiku polymorph
- staRiku spellslinger
- staRin and Seri
- staRin and Seri 4000
- staRin and Seri budget
- staRin and Seri Idea
- staRin and Seri sha ...
- staRith
- staRith burn
- staRocco Combo
- staRocco Swiss army ...
- staRocco the Chef
- staRUG Elementals
- staRWG creatures
- staSamut activated
- staSamut Extra combat
- staSamut tap abilit ...
- staSamut voltron
- staSamut voltron 2
- staShadow tribal
- stashenanigans
- staSidar and Breech ...
- staSnapdax infect
- stasnapdax infect 3
- staSophina and Elmar
- staStax2
- staStrange things f ...
- staSurrak 4
- staSurrak flash
- staSurrak slivers
- staSyr Gwyn
- staTamanoa
- staTap for utility
- staTasigur sliver idea
- staTemur
- staTemur burn
- staTemur doc
- staTemur tappers!
- staTerry Improved D ...
- staThrasios combo
- staThrasios Togo
- staTurboFog
- staTymna Ikra
- staUpkeep Idea
- staWanderer PW
- staWhenever...
- stawhy
- staWin lose
- staYasova
- staYasova steal and ...
- staZac Enchantress
- staZacama storm
- staZacama storm
- staZacama, mana man ...
- vinZedruu idea
- sta-U PW
- sta3 into 4- Ghave ...
- sta4c discard
- staAkiri and Reyhan
- staAkiri Silas 2
- staartifact
- staArtifact creatures
- staArtifact etb
- stabreya 45
- staBreya again
- staBreya big artifacts
- staBreya commits ve ...
- staBreya etb
- staBreya flicker
- staBreya forever
- staBreya idea
- staBreya myr/golem
- staBreya Synergy
- staBreya tokens
- staBruse and Ikra 2
- staBunch of creatures
- staCopy of 3 into 4 ...
- staCopy of 4 - Breya
- staCopy of 4 - Breya
- staCopy of netdeck 2
- staCreatures clear ...
- staDraw
- staElmar and Wernog
- staetb breya
- staExile all the th ...
- staExile all your crap
- staFast flyers
- staFight me
- staFlying Saskia
- staFuck you
- stafun pw
- staHumans
- staI want to kill
- staidgaf
- staIkra and Bruse
- staikra and bruse s ...
- staIndestructable t ...
- stainktreader purch ...
- staIshai and Reyhan ...
- staIshai and Vial S ...
- staKarn and friends
- staKydele and Vial
- staKynaios and Tiro ...
- staKynaios Initiative
- staLegends
- staLife manipulation
- stalol
- staMindslaver shit
- staMost CEDH from m ...
- staMy vehicle deck
- staNetdeck
- staNon creature tokens
- staPlaneswalker sor ...
- stapw attempt 4000
- stariftsweeper combo
- staRwbg spellslinger
- staRwbg spellslinger
- staSans blue pw
- staSaskia
- staSaskia 3000
- staSaskia attack tr ...
- staSaskia Aura
- staSaskia ball of l ...
- staSaskia can't be ...
- stasaskia deathtouch
- staSaskia Demons
- staSaskia flash fly ...
- staSaskia Gods
- staSaskia hates you ...
- staSaskia hyper agro
- staSaskia infect
- staSaskia legends
- staSaskia legends 2
- staSaskia mutate sh ...
- staSaskia shadow
- staSaskia Slivers
- staSaskia slivers
- staSaskia Slivers 2
- staSaskia try 300
- staSaskia try 301
- staSaskia Vampires
- staSausage party
- staSearch into search
- stashadow tribal sa ...
- staSo many multipliers
- staT&T CEDH
- staThopter tribal
- staWBRG
- sta5c fun pw
- sta5c lands
- staanthem creatures
- staChangeling tribal
- staChild God
- staCopy of 5 - Sisay
- vinCopy of 5 - Ur-D ...
- staCopy of BACKUP - ...
- staCopy of Esika pw
- staCromat PW
- staEsika pw
- staEsika PW
- staEsika pw budget
- staFirst Sliver
- staFog
- staGarth shit distu ...
- staGates
- staGolos shit spinning
- staHorde moneypile
- staHow dare you int ...
- staJegantha Top card
- staJodah and Jegant ...
- stalol
- staMatt Jodah
- staMatts Scion
- staMorophon Eldrazi ...
- staMorophon humans
- staMorophon Humans
- staNiv pw
- staPolymorph and such
- staPW enchantments
- staRamos's Myojins
- staReaper King
- staSean's shit pred ...
- stasliver in progress
- staSlivers is the c ...
- staThe actual worst ...
- staThe worst deck I ...
- staThis is what you ...
- staUr Everything Tr ...
- staAll removal
- staAnthem tribal
- stabig draw 3+ crea ...
- staBig ramp and draw
- staBoth mill rwbg
- staBrgw
- staBruse and Ikra
- staBruse and Reyhan ...
- staCheap removal list
- staCombo bounce
- comCopy of 2 - Emmara
- staCopy of 3 - Narset
- staCourts 4c
- staDiscard wbrg
- staDuals
- staDungeoneering
- staElmar and wernog
- staEtb abuse
- staEverybody gets a ...
- staexile stuff
- staFor purchase (co ...
- staGeneric Wayta
- staHmmm upgrades
- staIkra Bruse
- staJeskai stupid
- staK&T banding
- stalittle budies
- staNarset big things
- staNarset no negatives
- staNarset superfriends
- staNeed to put in d ...
- staRavos Tana ETB
- staRavos tana rebuild
- staRavos Tana Treas ...
- staReki
- staRgw
- staRocco exile
- staRWBG from WBG
- staRwg deathtouch
- staRWG doesn't suck
- staRWU PW
- staSamut from groun ...
- staSamut new
- staSaskia "humanism"
- staSaskia agro humans
- staSaskia Attacks
- staSaskia gods
- staSaskia Knights
- staSaskia Knights
- staSaskia on hit
- staSaskia powerhouse
- stasaskia skelementals
- staSaskia slivers
- staSaskia trample h ...
- staSidar and Vial
- staStupid
- staTandR TOKENS
- staThe big sac package
- staTnT
- staTNT
- staTriggered
- staUndying persisters
- staUPGRADES anikthea
- staUPGRADES anowon
- staUPGRADES atraxa
- staUPGRADES brago
- staUPGRADES breya
- staUPGRADES dihada
- staUPGRADES emmara
- staUPGRADES ezuri
- staUPGRADES heliod
- staUPGRADES inktreader
- staUPGRADES K'rrik
- staUPGRADES Kozilek
- staUPGRADES krenko
- staUPGRADES meren
- staUPGRADES Narset
- staUpgrades Obeka
- staUPGRADES pir and ...
- staUPGRADES Rafiq
- staUPGRADES Riku
- staUPGRADES rograkh ...
- staUPGRADES Samut
- staUPGRADES sen
- staUPGRADES teysa
- staUPGRADES ur
- staUPGRADES windgrace
- staUPGRADES xenagos
- staUPGRADES yidris
- staVorinclex PW
- staWayta
- staWernog and Elmar
- staZacama edh
- staZacama Zirda
- staZedruu fuck you
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This deck was created on 25-Jan-2022 02:55, and it was last updated on 01-Oct-2022 21:08.
Name | Cost |
Wind-Scarred Crag | |
Kazandu Refuge | |
Spire Garden | |
Blackblade Reforged | |
Kodama's Reach | |
Domri, Anarch of Bolas | |
Mirari's Wake |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Aurelia, the Warleader | |
2 | Prowling Serpopard | |
3 | Rhythm of the Wild | |
4 | Temple of Triumph | |
5 | Fireshrieker | |
6 | Seize the Day |
Mana Base
Colors | |||
Symbols | 37 | 35 | 14 |
Percent | 43.0 | 40.0 | 16.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.