DAN AUSTIN's profile
- MTG DECKS (60)
1-Colour Decks
05 - Heartless Hidetsugu
07 - Memnarch
com 07 - Memnarch
11 - Marwyn
22 - Teshar
com 22A - Teshar
com 22B - Teshar (budget)
24 - Rick, Steadfast leader
29 - Demonlord Belzenlok
37 - The Reality Chip
39 - Fynn, Fangbearer
2-Colour Decks
10 - Niv-Mizzet
18 - Kwain
com 18A - Kwain
23 - Rem
35 - Hidetsugu Sacrifice/Big Mana
36 - Wyll / Sword Coast Sailor
38 - Satoru Umezawa [Sea Creatures]
42 - Meria Stax
3-Colour Decks
01 - Lord Windgrace
02 - Sydri, Galvanic Genius
03 - Pramikon
06 - Nekusar
12 - Chulane
14 - Alesha
com 14 - Alesha
15 - Ghen Pestilence
16 - Yurlok
com 16 - Yurlok
com 16A - Yurlok
com 16B - Yurlok (Pestilence)
19 - Atla Palani Enrage
25 - Colfenor
26 - Bantchantment
27 - Sythis
com 27A - Sythis
28 - Jorn
com 28 - Jorn
31 - Merieke Ri Berit
com 31A - Merieke
com 31B - Merieke [Budget]
32 - Archelos, Lagoon Mystic
33 - Derevi
34 - Hinata, Dawn-Crowned
4-Colour Decks
13 - Akiri/Sylas
5-Colour Decks
08 - Sisay
09 - Golos
20 - Golos Lands
com 20 - Golos Lands
21 - Codie, Booo-OOOOOK
30 - Go-Shintai of Life's Origin
com 39 - Fynn, Fangbearer
com 42 - Meria Stax
com Tazri Stalwart

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Twisted Abomination | |
2 | Erratic Portal | |
3 | Gelatinous Cube | |
4 | Swamp | |
5 | Swamp | |
6 | Whip of Erebos |