MARCUS_GUARD's profile
- MTG DECKS (205)
sta Chandra Nalaar
sta Gideon Jura
sta Nicol Bolas
oth Nicol Bolas- Schemes
sta Nissa Revane
sta Knights' Charge
sta Savage Hunger
sta Wild Bounty
Commander Precon
com Angels: They're Just Like Us but Cooler and with Wings
com Arcane Maelstrom
com Arm for Battle
com Aura of Courage
com Breed Lethality
com Built from Scratch
com Call for Backup
com Cavalry Charge
com Coven Counters
com Devour for Power
com Divine Convocation
com Draconic Dissent
com Draconic Rage
com Dungeons of Death
com Eldrazi Unbound
com Elven Empire
com Enduring Enchantments
com Enhanced Evolution
com Evasive Maneuvers
com Exit from Exile
com Exquisite Invention
com Faceless Menace
com Guided by Nature
com Heavenly Inferno
com Land's Wrath
com Lorehold Legacies
com Maestros Massacre
com Merciless Rage
com Mind Flayarrrs
com Nature's Vengeance
com Obscura Operation
com Party Time
com Phantom Premonition
com Planar Portal
com Planeswalker Party
com Plunder the Graves
com Primal Genesis
com Prismari Performance
com Quantum Quandrix
com Raining Cats and Dogs Secret Lair
com Reap the Tide
com Ruthless Regiment
com Silverquill Statement
com Sliver Swarm
com Sneak Attack
com Subjective Reality
com Symbiotic Swarm
com Timeless Wisdom
sta Tinker Time
com Undead Unlished
com Vampiric Bloodline
com Veloci-Ramp-Tor
com Wade into Battle
Game Night
sta Assemble for Battle
sta Black
sta Blue
sta Green
sta Grow Fierce
sta Red
sta Rise from the Grave
sta Take to the Skies
sta Unleash Chaos
sta White
sta Above the Clouds 2
oth Above the clouds 4
sta Angels 2
sta Archaeology 2
sta Archaeology 3
sta Archaeology 4
sta Blink 1
sta Cats 1
sta Cats 2
sta Cats 3
sta Cats 4
sta Chandra
sta Constellation 2
sta Cruel 2
sta Cruel 4
sta Cycling 2
sta Detective 1
sta Detective 2
sta Detective 3
sta Devilish 1
sta Devilish 4
sta Dinosaurs 3
sta Doctor 1
sta Doctor 3
sta Elves 2
sta Elves 3
sta Enchanted 2
sta Experimental 1
sta Fangs 2
sta Feathered Friends 2
sta Feathered Friends 3
sta Ferocious 3
sta Fiery 1
sta Fiery 2
sta Gigantic 1
sta Gigantic 2
sta Goblins 3
sta Gross 2
sta Heavily Armored 1
sta Heavily Armored 2
sta Heavily Armored 3
sta Insects 4
sta Knights
sta Landfall 2
sta Lands 2
sta Law 1
sta Law 4
sta Legion 1
sta Legion 4
sta Merfolk 2
sta Merfolk 4
sta Minions 4
sta Minotaurs 1
sta Morbid 2
oth Predatory 2
oth Predatory 3
sta Predatory 4
sta Raid 2
sta Raid 4
sta Rats
sta Reanimated 2
sta Reanimated 3
sta Scrying 1
sta Scrying 2
sta Shapeshifters
sta Smashing 2
sta Smashing 3
sta Smashing 4
sta Spellcasting 2
sta Spirits 1
sta Spirits 2
sta Spirits 2
sta Spooky 2
sta Spooky 4
sta Think Again 2
sta Think Again 4
sta Treasure 2
sta Treasure 4
sta Tree-Hugging 2
sta Under the Sea 2
sta Vampires 2
sta Walls
sta Well-Read 1
sta Well-Read 2
sta Well-Read 4
sta Wizards 4
sta Wolves 3
sta Zombies 2
Prebuild Decks
sta Allied Fires
sta Boros
sta Chaos Reigns
sta Graveborn
sta Izzet
com Legends' Legacy
sta Night of the Ninja
sta Nissa
sta Ob Nixilis
com Painbow
sta Primordial Hunger
sta Rakdos
sta Rough and Tumble
sta Savage Auras
sta Simic Guild Kit
sta Sneak Attack
Universe Beyond
sta Forces of the Imperium
sta Necron Dynasties
sta The Ruinous Powers
sta Tyranid Swarm
com Adaptive Enchantment
com Arcane Wizardry
com Buckle Up
sta Draconic Domination
sta Forged in Stone
com Mystic Intellect
com Spirit Squadron
sta Sworn to Darkness
sta test
com Upgrades Unleashed
sta Vampiric Bloodlust
com Witherbloom Witchcraft
com House Wins
sta Rat Race
sta Test whishlist

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
Mana Base
Colors | |||
Symbols | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Percent | 33.3 | 33.3 | 33.3 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.