REGIN's profile
- MTG DECKS (1031)
com B: EDH: Feather
com B: EDH: Muldrotha Landstax
com EDH: 5C Mirror March Jank
com EDH: Aminatou Saga
com EDH: Athreos Apostle
com EDH: Azami Wizard Tribal
com EDH: Can't Lose
com EDH: Cat Tribal
com EDH: Chainer Reanimator
com EDH: Creature Storm
com EDH: Golos Companion
com EDH: Golos' Maze
com EDH: Jhoira Turns
com EDH: K'rrik Aristocrats V100
com EDH: Karametra Enchantments
com EDH: Kethis: Legends
com EDH: Kozileck V4
com EDH: Mairsil
com EDH: Mana Dorks
com EDH: Merfolk Tribal
com EDH: MonoG Omnath V3
com EDH: Morophon Angel Tribal
com EDH: Obeka Reanimator
com EDH: Omnath MonoG
com EDH: Persistent Mill
com EDH: Radha (cora21) RG Lands
com EDH: Rielle Wheel
com EDH: Rielle Wheel (xMage)
com EDH: Ruric Pod
com EDH: Sisay Shrine Tribal (6 Missing Core21)
com EDH: Teysa Lurrus
com EDH: Voltron Equipment
com EDH: Winona Rider
com EDH: Xyris Wheel (post ZNR)
com EDH: Your Deck
com EDH: Zirda Combo
com O: EDH: Taigam Drawnmanipulation
com O: EDH: Yarok Value
com W - EDH: Dralnu Flashback
com W - EDH: Kinnan Eldrazi V2
com W- K'rrik: Aristocrat (final)
com W- Kozilek: Eldrazi Winter
com W- Locust God: Draw V2
com W- Muldrotha: Focused Graveyard
com W- Torbran: Prison
com WIP: EDH: Chargifacts
com WIP: edh: Chulane Druid tribal
com WIP: EDH: Gishath Dinosaurs
com WIP: EDH: Gruul Fightclub (+ Primal might + neyith + allosaurus shephard + jolrael))
com WIP: EDH: Kinnan Eldrazi V3
com WIP: EDH: Omnath MonoG V2
com WIP: EDH: Vela
com WW - EDH: Gyruda Combo
com WW - EDH: Muldrotha Landstax V2
com B: cEDH: K'rrik
com B: cEDH: Kinnan
com B: cEDH: Lurrus
com B: cEDH: Urza Stay V4
com cEDH Breya Zirda
com cEDH: Ashaya
com cEDh: Chulane (post ZNR)
com cEDH: Curious Niv
com cEDH: Godo (post ZNR)
com cEDH: Jeskai Storm
com cEDH: Jhoira's Workshop V2
com cEDH: K'rrik (post ZNR)
com cEDH: Kess Consult (post ZNR)
com cEDH: Kess Consultation
com cEDH: Kess Wheel Consult (Legends)
com cEDH: Marath
com cEDH: Marath V2 (post Legend)
com cEDH: Naru Meha
com cEDH: Niv-Mizzet Curious Control
com cEDH: Obeka Turns
com cEDH: Tinybones Discard
com cEDH: Tinybones Discard (pre ZNR)
com O: cEDH: Chulane Alluren
com O: cEDH: Falkenrath Combo
com O: EDH: Hapatra Aristocrats
com W - cEDH: Jhoira's Workshop
com W - cEDH: K'rrik Combo
com W - cEDH: Kalamax Kikki V2
com W - cEDH: Kalamax Kikki V3
com W - cEDH: Kinnan v2
com W - cEDH: Lurrus V2
com W - cEDH: Selvala Stampede (post ZNR)
com W - cEDH: Whellin' & Brallin
com W - cEDH: Xyris Wheel V2
com WIP: cEDH: Kess Wheel
com WIP: cEDH: Sissay Jegantha
com WW - cEDH : Urza Stay V4
com WW - cEDH: Ukkima Flicker Chain V2
com xMage: EDH: Kess Wheel
No Banlist
com FreeEDH: Elsha
com FreeEDH: Erayo Lock
com FreeEDH: K'rrik Reanimator
com FreeedH: Kess
com FreeEDH: Leovold
com FreeEDH: Lurrus
com FreeEDH: Taigam
com FreeEDH: Urza
com Stip: 400 EUR: Anje
com Stip: 400 EUR: Azami Selfmill
com Stip: 400 EUR: Bruvac Mill
com Stip: 400 EUR: Chulane
com Stip: 400 EUR: Feather
com Stip: 400 EUR: Godo
com Stip: 400 EUR: Hapatra
com Stip: 400 EUR: K'rrik
com Stip: 400 EUR: Kinnan
com Stip: 400 EUR: Lurrus
com Stip: 400 EUR: Selvala
com Stip: 400 EUR: Thrasios Tymna
com Stip: 400 EUR: Urza
com 1v1 EDH: Baral
com 1v1 EDH: Edric (xMage)
com EDH: Feather (xMage post ZNR)
com EDH: Hapatra (xMage post ZNR)
com EDH: Korvold Landfall
com EDH: Taigam xMage (post ZNR)
Leading lists
Legacy Jank
leg B: Legacy: BR Reanimator
leg Legacy: 4C Control
leg Legacy: BR Reanimator
leg Legacy: Dredge
leg Legacy: High Tide
leg Legacy: Hogaak Vine
leg Legacy: Lands
leg Legacy: MonoB Storm
leg Legacy: UB Reanimator
mod Modern: Burn
mod Modern: Dredge
mod Modern: Meme Hunt
mod Modern: Seleznia Eldrazi
mod Modern: Tron
pau O - Pauper: Black Burn
pau O - Pauper: Bogles
pau O - Pauper: Burn
pau O - Pauper: MonoB Combo
pau O - Pauper: MonoB Devotion
pau O - Pauper: MonoB Ponza
pau O - Pauper: MonoG Elves
pau O - Pauper: MonoG Tron
pau Pauper: Affinity
pau Pauper: Defender Combo
pau Pauper: Dinrova Tron
pau Pauper: Gruul Cascade
pau Pauper: MonoG Stompy
pau Pauper: MonoU Delver
pau Pauper: Rainbow Tron
pau Pauper: Reanimator
pau W - Pauper: Cycling V2
pau W - Pauper: Elemental Flicker
pau W - Pauper: MonoU Ponza
pau W - Pauper: MonoU Sunken City
pau W - Pauper: Tap Combo
pau W - Pauper: Tireless Tribe
Stipulation 60
oth Stip: ELD: Dimir Adventures
oth Stip: ELD: Doom Foretold
oth Stip: ELD: Familiar's Oven
oth Stip: ELD: Fire Adventures
oth Stip: ELD: Golgari Food
oth Stip: ELD: Mardu Knights
oth Stip: ELD: MonoG Aggro
oth Stip: ELD: MonoR Aggro
oth Stip: ELD: Nimm 2
oth Stip: ELD: Simic Adventure
oth Stip: ELD: Simic Ramp
oth Stip: ZNR: Clerics
oth Stip: ZNR: GW Landfall
oth Stip: ZNR: Mill
oth Stip: ZNR: Rogues
oth Stip: ZNR: Simic Kicker
oth Stip: ZNR: Warriors
TO Buy/Build/Proxy
com Build / Update EDH: Feather (MoM)
com Build cEDH: Anje (LotR - Mount Doom)
com Build cEDH: Elsha Top (MoM)
com Build cEDH: Emry (MoM)
com Build cEDH: Gitrog Monster (MoM)
com Build cEDH: K'rrik (MoM)
com Build cEDH: Kess (MoM)
com Build cEDH: Lurrus (MoM)
com Build cEDH: Minsk (MoM)
com Build cEDH: Najeela (MoM)
com Build cEDH: Orvar (MoM)
com Build cEDH: Selvala (MoM)
com build cEDH: Sythis - To Build (MoM)
com build cEDH: Tayam (LotR)
com Build cEDH: Urza (MoM)
com Build EDH: Go-Shintai Shrines (MoM)
com Build EDH: Ivy Copies (MoM)
com Build EDH: Ivy Enchantments (MoM)
com Build EDH: Kenrith Elfball (MoM)
com Build EDH: Kinnan Druids (MoM)
com Build EDH: Locust God (MoM)
com Build EDH: Obeka Reani.ator (MoM)
com Build EDH: Shirei Aristocrat (MoM)
com Build? cEDH: Yarok Aluren (LotR)
vin Buy Proxies
vin Buy Real Cards
com cEDH: Chulane Aluren - To Update(MoM)
com cEDH: Jhoira - To Build (MoM)
com cEDH: Kinnan - to Update (MoM)
com cEDH: Krark Saka - to buy\ proxy (MoM)
com EDH: Hapatra (MoM)
com EDH: Titania Landfall - to Buy V2 (MoM)
com EDH: Titania Landfall (OTJ)
com EDH: Yarok Landfall - To Build (MoM)
vin Vintage: Lands
vin Vintage: Lands V2
vin Vintage: Oko's Oath
vin Vintage: Paradoxical Mox Tribal
vin Vintage: Wheels
vin Vintage: Workshhop
com 000Up: Chulane Aluren (DRC)
com 000Up: Hapatra Upgrade (DRC)
com 000Up: Titania Lands (DRC)
com 000Up: Titania Lands (DSK post ban)
com 001-EDH: Yarok Aluren (DRC)
com 001-EDH: Baylen (DRC)
com 001-EDH: Chatterfang (DRC)
com 001-EDH: Hashaton (DRC)
com 001-EDH: Howling Abomination (DRC)
com 001-EDH: Jolly Balloon (DRC)
com 001-EDH: Ketramose (DRC)
com 001-EDH: Korvold Lands (DRC)
com 001-EDH: Miirym Dragons (DRC)
com 001-EDH: Niv Mizzet Visionary (DRC)
com 001-EDH: Y'Shtola (FF)
com 001-EDH: Yarok Kitten Value (DRC)
com 00Upgrade: Titania Landfall (BLB)
com 00Upgrade: Titania Landfall V2 (BLB)
com 01-cEDH: Ashaya (BLB)
com 01-cEDH: Baylen (BLB)
com 01-cEDH: Elsha (DSK)
com 01-cEDH: Emry (BLB)
com 01-cEDH: Jhoira (DSK)
com 01-cEDH: Krark Sakashima (BLB)
com 01-cEDH: Magda (FDN)
com 01-cEDH: Sythis (FDN)
com 01-cEDH: Yuriko (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Galadriel Elves (FDN)
com 01-EDH: Sen Triplets 4 Max (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Aesi (DSK)
com 01-EDH: Baylen 4 Max Post ban (DSK)
com 01-EDH: Baylen Hare Apparent (FDN)
com 01-EDH: Baylen V2 (DSK;4Max)
com 01-EDH: Dionus Elfball (FDN)
com 01-EDH: Emiel (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Feather (FDN)
com 01-EDH: Galazeth Appeoaches (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Galina Theft (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Gandalf Storm (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Helga (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Helga v2 (FDN)
com 01-EDH: Ioreth (DSK)
com 01-EDH: Ivy Auras (DSK)
com 01-EDH: Jolly Tokens (DSK)
com 01-EDH: Kinnan Elves (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Kinnan Elves (FDN)
com 01-EDH: Koll Equipment (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Kona (DSK)
com 01-EDH: Korvold Lands (DSK)
com 01-EDH: Krrik Aristo (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Loot Landfall (FDN)
com 01-EDH: Marvin Ballista (DSK)
com 01-EDH: Merieke Ri Theft (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Niv Mizzet's approach (FDN)
com 01-EDH: Rip Taps (DSK)
com 01-EDH: Roon Flicker (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Sythis Beatdown (FDN)
com 01-EDH: Vrondis Self-harm V2 (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Yarok Aluren (BLB)
com 01-EDH: Yarok Aluren (DSK)
com 01-EDH: Yarok Kitten (DSK)
com 01-EDH: Yarok Landfall (DSK)
com 1 EDH: Emiel v2 (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Aesi (BLB)
com 1-cEDH: Ashaya (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Chulane Aluren (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Elsha Storm (OTJ)
com 1-cEDH: Emry (BLB)
com 1-cEDH: Etalu Foodchain (BLB)
com 1-cEDH: Flubs (BLB)
com 1-cEDH: Fransisco Malcom (OTJ)
com 1-cEDH: Galaseth Artifacts (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Hapatra (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Jhoira (AC)
com 1-cEDH: Jhoira (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Jhoira Artifacts (BLB)
com 1-cEDH: Krark Saka (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Lonis (BLB)
com 1-cEDH: Lurrus Jenson (AC)
com 1-cEDH: Lurrus(MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Magda (AC)
com 1-cEDH: Minsc (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Nadu (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Orvar (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Stella Lee (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Stella Lee v2 (BLB)
com 1-cEDH: Sythis (BLB)
com 1-cEDH: Sythis (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Tameshi Artifacts (BLB)
com 1-cEDH: Tayam (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Ukima Food Chain (BLB)
com 1-cEDH: Urza (ACR)
com 1-cEDH: Yarok Aluren (MH3)
com 1-cEDH: Ygra Food (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Adrix (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Adrix Slimes (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Agatha Gruul Activation (AC)
com 1-EDH: Animar Eldrazi (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Animar Eldrazi (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Arcades Def (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Azami (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Baylean Treasures (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Baylen Tokens (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Baylen V3 (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Baylen V4 (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Baylen V5 (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Chattering Aristo (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Chief Urza V2 (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Chulane Creature Storm (AC)
com 1-EDH: Cycling Brallin (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Disa Goyf (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Eladamri Korvecdal (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Eligeth Kydelle Scry (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Elsha Artifact Storm (OTJ)
com 1-EDH: Emiel (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Emmara Tokens (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Erriette Aura Theft (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Falco Sparra (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Feather (OTJ)
com 1-EDH: Flubs Storm (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Gargos Hydras (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Ghenchantment ((MH3)
com 1-EDH: Ghenchantment (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Ghonti Theft (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Gishath Dinos (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Go Shintai Enchantments (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Gyruda (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Helga +1/+1 (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Helga V2 (AC)
com 1-EDH: Helga V3 (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Helga V4 (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Howling Abomination Command Dmg (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Hydra Tribal (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Ivy (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Ivy Gleeful Enchantments (OTJ)
com 1-EDH: Kellan (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Kinnan (OTJ)
com 1-EDH: Kinnan Eldrazi (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Kinnan Elves (AC)
com 1-EDH: Korvold (OTJ)
com 1-EDH: Korvold Landfall (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Kudo (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Kudo Bears (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Kunena Merfolk (AC)
com 1-EDH: Marneus Tokens (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Marwyn Elfball (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Miirym Dragons (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Morophon Angel's (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Muldrotha (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Muldrotha Dredge (AC)
com 1-EDH: Narci Sagas (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Necrobloom Landmill (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Necrobloom Landmill v2 (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Obeka Sneak (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Obeka Sneak Attack (OTJ)
com 1-EDH: Omo Maze's End (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Oskar Dream Halls (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Roon Flicker (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Roxxane Starfall (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Six (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Taigam Reanimator (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Tatyova (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Tyvar Elfes (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Ulalek Eldrazi (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Urza Beatdown (OTJ)
com 1-EDH: Volo (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Vrondis Self-harm (MH3)
com 1-EDH: Wilhelt Zombiecrats (OTJ)
com 1-EDH: Yarok Aluren (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Yarok Aluren (OTJ)
com 1-EDH: Zinnia (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Zinnia Offspring (BLB)
com 1-EDH: Zinnia V2 (BLB)
com 1-EDH:Kinnan Druids (OTJ)
com 1-no-ban-cEDH: Kenrith (MH3)
com 1-no-ban-cEDH: Lurrus(MH3)
com 1-no-ban-cEDH: Urza (MH3)
com 1-pEDH: Fynn (MH3)
com 1v1 EDH: Fynn Infect
com 1v1 EDH: Grand Arbiter
com 1v1 EDH: K'rrik
com 1v1 EDH: MonoG Stompy
com 1v1 EDH: MonoU Tempo
com 1v1 EDH: Queen Marchesa Monarchy
com 1v1 EDH: Sen Triplets Control
com 1v1 EDH: Taigam
com 1v1 EDH: Tergrid MonoB COntrol
com 1v1 EDH: Thrasios Vial
com 1v1 EDH: Torbran
com 1v1 EDH: Vial Saka (AFR)
com 1v1 EFH: Tasigur (AFR)
com Build cEDH: Ashaya (MoM)
com Build cEDH: Jensson Lurrus (MoM)
com Build EDH: Jodah Big Stuff (MoM)
com Build: EDH: Yarok Landfall (MoM)
com Build? cEDH : Magda (MoM)
com Build? cEDH: Jhoira (LotR)
com Build? cEDH: Lurrus (LotR)
com Build? cEDH: Samwise Alluren (LotR)
com Build? cEDH: Shalai & Halar (MoM)
com Build? cEDH: Tayam (LotR)
com Build? EDH: Atraxa Superfriends (MoM)
com Build? EDH: Esika Superfriends (MoM)
com Build? EDH: Tyvar Elves (MoM)
com Build? EDH: Volo (LotR)
com cEDH Pauper: BR Sacrifacts (MID)
com cEDH Pauper: Grumgully Persists (MID)
com cEDH Pauper: Malcom Fireweaver (MID)
com cEDH Pauper: UB Sac?
com cEDH Ukkima Chain (AFR)
com cEDH: (?) Ghenchantments V2 (AFR)
com cEDH: Abdel Flicker (DM2)
com cEDH: Animar Creature Storm (DM2)
com cEDH: Anje Falkenrath (40k)
com cEDH: Anje Worldgorger (NEO)
com cEDH: Ashaya (DM2)
com cEDH: Ashaya (MH2)
com cEDH: Ashaya (MoM)
com cEDH: Ashaya (VOW)
com cEDH: Atla (AFR)
com cEDH: Atla V2 (MID)
com cEDH: Bad Urza Chip (Bro)
com cEDH: Brago Flicker
com cEDH: Chatterfang (DM2)
com cEDH: Chulane Alluren (40k)
com cEDH: Chulane Alluren (DM2)
com cEDH: Chulane Alluren (MoM)
com cEDH: Chulane Alluren (MoM)
com cEDH: Chulane Alluren (NEO)
com cEDH: Chulane Alluren (OTJ)
com cEDH: Chulane Alluren V2
com cEDH: Chulane Aluren (AFR)
com cEDH: Chulane Aluren (DMC)
com cEDH: Codie Spells V2 (MH2)
com cEDH: Codie V2 (AFR)
com cEDH: Dawnwaker Thrasios (MID)
com cEDH: Dina (AFR)
com cEDH: Elas Lurrus Companion (DMC)
com cEDH: Elsha Kitten (DM2)
com cEDH: Elsha Top (AFR)
com cEDH: Elsha Top (DMC)
com cEDH: Elsha Top (MoM)
com cEDH: Elsha Top (MoM)
com cEDH: Elsha Top (NEO)
com cEDH: Elsha Top V2 (AFR)
com cEDH: Elshartifacts (MID)
com cEDH: Emiel (MoM)
com cEDH: Emiel Flicker (DM2)
com cEDH: Emiel Preston (MoM)
com cEDH: Emmara (SNC)
com cEDH: Emmara Brew V? (SNC)
com cEDH: Emry (MoM)
com cEDH: Emry Chip (Bro)
com cEDH: Emry Chip (NEO)
com cEDH: Emry V2 (AFR)
com cEDH: Emry's Kitten (DM2)
com cEDH: Eruth Draw V2 (VOW)
com cEDH: Eruth Storm (DMC)
com cEDH: Eruth V2 (NEO)
com cEDH: Falco Sparra (40k)
com cEDH: Falco Sparra (Bro)
com cEDH: Falco Sparra (DM2)
com cEDH: Falco Sparra (DMC)
com cEDH: Falco Top V2 (SNC)
com cEDH: Falco Topdeck (SNC)
com cEDH: Falkenrath (AFR)
com cEDH: Galazeth (AFR)
com cEDH: Galazeth (MH2)
com cEDH: Galazeth (MID)
com cEDH: Galazeth (NEO)
com cEDH: Gandalf the Grey (LotR)
com cEDH: garden Kraum (NEO)
com cEDH: Garth Lotus (AFR)
com cEDH: Gitrog (AFR)
com cEDH: Gitrog (NEO)
com cEDH: Godo (AFR)
com cEDH: Godo (DM2)
com cEDH: Grolnok Druid (DM2)
com cEDH: Grolnok Mill (NEO)
com cEDH: Grolnok Mill (VOW)
com cEDH: Grolnok Mill V2 (VOW)
com cEDH: Hapatra (AFR)
com cEDH: Hapatra (Gate)
com cEDH: Hapatra (OTJ)
com cEDH: Hapatra (WoE)
com cEDH: Hapatra Druid (MID)
com cEDH: Hapatra V2 (AFR)
com cEDH: Hinata Spells (DMC)
com cEDH: Hinata Spells (NEO)
com cEDH: Inalla
com cEDH: Jan Jansen (DM2)
com cEDH: Jensson Lurrus Storm (DMC)
com cEDH: Jhoira (MH2)
com cEDH: Jhoira (MID)
com cEDH: Jhoira (MoM)
com cEDH: Jhoira (NEO)
com cEDH: Jhoira (WoE)
com cEDH: Jhoira Artifacts (MoM)
com cEDH: Jhoira Artifacts (VOW)
com cEDH: Jhoira Artifacts V1000 (VOW)
com cEDH: Jhoira Artifacts V2 (MoM)
com cEDH: Jhoira Chip (40k)
com cEDH: Jhoira Chip (DMC)
com cEDH: Jhoira Draw (AFR)
com cEDH: Jhoira Kitten (Gate)
com cEDH: Jhoira's Kitten (DM2)
com cEDH: K'rrik (DMC)
com cEDH: K'rrik (post D&D)
com cEDH: K'rrik Ooze (VOW)
com cEDH: K'rrik V2(DMC)
com cEDH: Kalamax Kiki (MID)
com cEDH: Kalamax Storm V2
com cEDH: Kaza Spells (MID)
com cEDH: Kefnet Turns
com cEDH: Kefnet Turns (AFR)
com cEDH: Kefnet Turns (DM2)
com cEDH: Kenrith (MH2)
com cEDH: Kenrith Druid (MID)
com cEDH: Kess (AFR)
com cEDH: Kess Oracle Storm (MH2)
com cEDH: Kess Turbo Naus
com cEDH: Kess' Kitten (DM2)
com cEDH: Kinna (NEO)
com cEDH: Kinnan (MH2)
com cEDH: Kinnan BigBooty (MoM)
com cEDH: Kinnan Mirror V3 (AFR)
com cEDH: Kinnan Mirror V4 (DM2)
com cEDH: Kinnan Perplexing Stax (WoE)
com cEDH: Kinnen Mirror Pod (MID)
com cEDH: Kodama Sakashima
com cEDH: Kodama Sakashima V2 (AFR)
com cEDH: Kodama Sakashima V2 (VOW)
com cEDH: Kodama Sakashima V3 (Gate)
com cEDH: Kodama Sakashima(NEO)
com cEDH: Koll (AFR)
com cEDH: Koll (DM2)
com cEDH: Koll Sacipment
com cEDH: Korvold Foodchain (MH2)
com cEDH: Korvold Pod (AFR)
com cEDH: Korvold V2 (AFR)
com cEDH: Krark (AFR)
com cEDH: Krark (MID)
com cEDH: Krark Saka V1000 (Gate)
com cEDH: Krark Saka V2 - to buy\ proxy (MoM)
com cEDH: Krark Sakashima (40k)
com cEDH: Krark Sakashima (DMC)
com cEDH: Krark Sakashima (MoM)
com cEDH: Krark Sakashima (OTC)
com cEDH: Krark Sakashima (SNC)
com cEDH: Krark Sakashima V2 (VOW)
com cEDH: Krark Sakashima V4 (AFR)
com cEDH: Krark Thrasios (DMC)
com cEDH: Kroxa and Kuranos (MoM)
com cEDH: Kykar Storm
com cEDH: Lier (MID)
com cEDH: Liesa Forgotten (AFR)
com cEDH: Liesa Forgotten (MID)
com cEDH: Loni's (AFR)
com cEDH: Lonis (DMC)
com cEDH: Lonis Stuff (DM2)
com cEDH: Lonis Urza (MID)
com cEDH: Lucas Will Lurrus (Stranger Things Lair)
com cEDH: Lurrus (AFR)
com cEDH: Lurrus (Bro)
com cEDH: Lurrus (DMC)
com cEDH: Lurrus (Gate)
com cEDH: Lurrus (MID)
com cEDH: Lurrus (MoM)
com cEDH: Lurrus (post MH2)
com cEDH: Lurrus Loop (Gate)
com cEDH: Magda (DM2)
com cEDH: Magecraft Chain (MH2)
com cEDH: Mairsil (AFR)
com cEDH: Marath (AFR)
com cEDH: Marath (DM2)
com cEDH: Marneus Spellslinger (40k)
com cEDH: Marneus Tokens (40K)
com cEDH: Meren (DMC)
com cEDH: Meren V2 (AFR)
com cEDH: Meria (MoM)
com cEDH: Meria (WoE)
com cEDH: Meria Godo (DMC)
com cEDH: Meria Myr (DMC)
com cEDH: Meria RG Urza? (DMC)
com cEDH: Meria Stax (DMC)
com cEDH: Mimioplasm Hermit (MID)
com cEDH: Minsc (DM2)
com cEDH: Minsc Stax (NEO)
com cEDH: Minsk (cEDH)
com cEDH: Minsk Bloodpot (SNC)
com cEDH: Minsk Pot (DM2)
com cEDH: Muldrotha (MoM)
com cEDH: Muldrotha Kitten (DMC)
com cEDH: Muldrotha Kitten (Gate)
com cEDH: Muldrotha Kitten (Phyrexia)
com cEDH: Muldrotha's Kitten (Gate)
com cEDH: Najeela
com cEDH: Najeela (AFR)
com cEDH: Nethroi(AFR)
com cEDH: Niv Curiosity (AFR)
com cEDH: Niv Mizzet (DMC)
com cEDH: Niv Mizzet (MH2)
com cEDH: Obeka (DM2)
com cEDH: Obeka (NEO)
com cEDH: Obeka Turns (AFR)
com cEDH: Obeka Turns V100
com cEDH: Old Stickfingers (MID)
com cEDH: Orvar (AFR)
com cEDH: Orvar (DM2)
com cEDH: Orvar (DMC)
com cEDH: Orvar (MH2)
com cEDH: Orvar Tide Jewel
com cEDH: Osgir Stax (MID)
com cEDH: Oskar (40k)
com cEDH: Oskar (BGate)
com cEDH: Oskar (DM2)
com CEDH: Oswald (D&D)
com cEDH: Oswald V2 (AFR)
com cEDH: Otaria Dwarves (DMC)
com cEDH: Prosper (40k)
com cEDH: Prosper (DMC)
com cEDH: Prosper (NEO)
com cEDH: Prosper BR Stuff V2
com cEDH: Prosper V2 (AFR)
com cEDH: Reality Chip (NEO)
com cEDH: Rog Sakashima Sac
com cEDH: Rogeakh Tevesh Citadel Storm (VOW)
com cEDH: Rograkh Silas (AFR)
com cEDH: Rograkh Silas Turbo Naus
com cEDH: Rograkh Silas Turbo Naus V3
com cEDH: Rograkh Silas V2
com cEDH: Rograkh Thrasios Polymorph
com cEDH: Selvala (DM2)
com cEDH: Selvala (DMC)
com cEDH: Shalai Halar Counters (MoM)
com cEDH: Shalai Halar V2 (MoM)
com cEDH: Shirokai Poly scepter (Gate)
com cEDH: Shorikai (40k)
com cEDH: Shorikai Poly (NEO)
com cEDH: Stenn Sensei's Chip (DMC)
com cEDH: Sythis (40k)
com cEDH: Sythis (AFR)
com cEDH: Sythis (DM2)
com cEDH: Sythis (DMC)
com cEDH: Sythis (Gate)
com cEDH: Sythis (MoM)
com cEDH: Sythis (OTJ)
com cEDH: Sythis (Phyrexia)
com cEDH: Sythis Enchantments (NEO)
com cEDH: Taigam Control (VOW)
com cEDH: Tayam (AFR)
com cEDH: Tayam (MoM)
com cEDH: Tayam Druid (SNC)
com cEDH: Tergrid (AFR)
com cEDH: Teshar (AFR)
com cEDH: Teshar (DMC)
com cEDH: Tevesh Tana (MID)
com cEDH: Tevesh Thrasios (AFR)
com cEDH: Teysa Darkness (NEO)
com cEDH: Thrasta Foodchain (mh 2)
com cEDH: Titania Lands (Phyrexia)
com cEDH: Tormod Jeska
com cEDH: Tormod Thrasios
com cEDH: Tormod Thrasios V2
com cEDH: Trazyn (40k)
com cEDH: Turbo Naus Rograkh (MH2)
com cEDH: Ukkima Chain (WoE)
com cEDH: Ukkima Chainflicker (DM2)
com cEDH: Urza (WoE)
com cEDH: Urza Chip (OTC)
com cEDH: Urza Chip (Phyrexia)
com cEDH: Urza Chip Top Sight (NEO)
com cEDH: Urza Creatures V2 (DMC)
com cEDH: Urza displaced Chip (DMC)
com cEDH: Urza No Banlist (Who)
com cEDH: Urza Polybreaker (NEO)
com cEDH: Urza Polymorph (AFR)
com cEDH: Urza Polymorph v2 (AFR)
com cEDH: Urza Polymorph v2 (VOW)
com cEDH: Urza Scepter (VOW)
com cEDH: Urza Stax (NEO)
com cEDH: Urza Stax (post AFR )
com cEDH: Urza Stax V2 (AFR)
com cEDH: Urza Top V3 (SNC)
com cEDH: Urza's Kitten (Gate)
com cEDH: Vega
com cEDH: Vega (AFR)
com cEDH: Vega Scepter (DMC)
com cEDH: Veyran (DMC)
com cEDH: Veyran (MID)
com cEDH: Vorinclex Walkers (DM2)
com cEDH: Wilhelt Factory (MID)
com cEDH: Wilhelt V2 (MID)
com cEDH: Wilhelt's Foundry (DM2)
com cEDH: Wilhelt's Foundry (Gate)
com cEDH: Wilhelt's Foundry (NEO)
com cEDH: Willhelt Zombies (Midnight Hunt)
com cEDH: Winota Hatebears (MID)
com cEDH: Yarock Alluren (MH2)
com cEDH: Yarok Alluren (40k)
com cEDH: Yarok Alluren (Bro)
com cEDH: Yarok Alluren (DMC)
com cEDH: Yarok Alluren (MoM)
com cEDH: Yidris Cascade (MH2)
com cEDH: Yuriko
com cEDH: Yusri (MH2)
com cEDH:Kodama Saka Lands (AFR)
com cEDH:Marneus Tokens (40k)
com cEDH?: Esika Godo
com cEDH?: T&T Hatebears
com cEDHV Kess Turbo Naus
com Copy of cEDH: Sythis - To Build (MoM)
com EDH (Uncommon): Keskit TOGGO (40k)
com EDH: 5 Colour Elves
com EDH: Abdel Flicker (DMC)
com EDH: Abzan Flickercounter (MID)
com EDH: Adrix (DMC)
com EDH: Adrix Orvar-Tokens (MID)
com EDH: Adrix Tokens
com EDH: Adrix Tokens (MID)
com EDH: Aegar (MID)
com EDH: Aesi (MoM)
com EDH: Aesi (Phyrexia)
com EDH: Aesi Lands (40k)
com EDH: Aesi Lands (Bro)
com EDH: Alela (40k)
com EDH: Animar (AFR)
com EDH: Animar Chonkers (DMC)
com EDH: Animar Eldrazi (40k)
com EDH: Animar V2 (AFR)
com EDH: Anje Reanimator (MID)
com EDH: Arcades Def (MID)
com EDH: Artifactocrats
sta EDH: Asmo Madness (AFR)
com EDH: Athreos Demons (AFR)
com EDH: Atraxa Sagas (DMC)
com EDH: Atsushi Tremors (NEO)
com EDH: BR Citadel (MID)
com EDH: Brallin Cycling (DMC)
com EDH: Bridge and Friends (DM2)
com EDH: Bruvac Mill
com EDH: Bruvac Mill (AFR)
com EDH: Cadric Tokens (DMC)
com EDH: Captain Sissay
com EDH: Chatterfang
com EDH: Dina Lofegain (DMC)
com EDH: Edgar Markov (AFR)
com EDH: Eligeth Scry (Bro)
com EDH: Elsha Dragon's Approach (DMC)
com EDH: Elsha Dragon's Approach (MID)
com EDH: Elsha Dragon's Approach (MoM)
com EDH: Emara (AFR)
com EDH: Emiel (DMC)
com EDH: Emiel Flicker
com EDH: Emiel Flicker (40k)
com EDH: Emiel Flicker (Gate)
com EDH: Emiel Norn (Phyrexia)
com EDH: Emiel Norn (Phyrexia)
com EDH: Emmara (MID)
com EDH: Emry Artifacts
com EDH: Emry's Mesmeric Orb (MID)
com EDH: Enchantress
com EDH: Eruth Draw = Exile (VOW)
com EDH: Esika Legends
com EDH: Esika Superfriends (MID)
com EDH: Esika Superfriends v2
com EDH: Esika Superfriends V3 (MH2)
com EDH: Esika Turns
com EDH: Esika Turns (AFR)
com EDH: Esika Walkers (MID)
com EDH: Ezuri UG Proliferation (Phyrexia)
com EDH: Feather (AFR)
com EDH: Feather (DMC)
com EDH: Feather (Gate)
com Edh: Feather (MoM)
com EDH: Firja Angel Reanimator
com EDH: Garth flicker
com EDH: Garth Flicker (MoM)
com EDH: Garth Kitten (DM2)
com EDH: Ghalta's value (MID)
com EDH: Ghave (AFR)
com EDH: Ghenchantments
com EDH: Ghenchantments (MID)
com EDH: Gisha Dino (MID)
com EDH: Gitrog Landfall (MoM)
com EDH: Gitrog Than Abzan Lands (MOM)
com EDH: Go-Shintai Shrines (NEO)
com EDH: God-eternal Oketra (MID)
com EDH: Golgari Reanimate (Gate)
com EDH: Grixis Demon Tribal Be'lakor (40k)
com EDH: Gyruda combo (40k)
com EDH: Gyruda combo (AFR)
com EDH: Hadhaton V2 (DFT)
com EDH: Hallar (MID)
com EDH: Hapatra V200
com EDH: Hatebears Stax
com EDH: Hazezon Desert Lands (DMC)
com EDH: Ivy (Phyrexia)
com EDH: Ivy Copies (DMC)
com EDH: Ivy Copies v2 (DMC)
com EDH: Ivy Enchantment (DMC)
com EDH: Ivy Enchantment V2 (DMC)
com EDH: Ivy Enchantment V3 (DMC)
com EDH: Ivy Enchantment V4 (40k)
com EDH: Ivy Enchantments (MoM)
com EDH: Ivy Enchantments (Phyrexia)
com EDH: Ivy Enchantments V2 (Phyrexia)
com EDH: Ivy Infect (DMC)
com EDH: Ivy Instants (MoM)
com EDH: Ivy Instants V2 (DMC)
com EDH: Ivy not Orvar (EDH)
com EDH: Ivy Orvar Spells (DMC)
com EDH: Ivy Spellslinger (40k)
com EDH: Ivy Willbreaker (40k)
com EDH: Ivy Willbreaker Enchantress (MoM)
com EDH: Jank Storm
com EDH: Jhoira Ageless Innovator (DMC)
com EDH: Jhoira mono Artifacts (DM2)
com EDH: Jhoira Turns
com EDH: Jhoira's Intruders (DMC)
com EDH: Jodah 5C (AFR)
com EDH: Jonah Legendary Cascade (DMC)
com EDH: Jorn Stax
com EDH: K'rrik Aristocrats (MoM)
com EDH: K'rrik Aristocrats V200
com EDH: K'rrik Sacrifice (40k)
com EDH: K'rrik Shadowborn (VOW)
com EDH: Kenrith Big Mana Elves (MoM)
com EDH: Kenrith Big Mana Stuff (MID)
com EDH: Kess Wheel (Dream Halls)
com EDH: Kinna Elves (WoE)
com EDH: Kinnan Chonkers (DM2)
com EDH: Kinnan Druid Tribal
com EDH: Kinnan druid Tribal V2
com EDH: Kinnan Druids (DMC)
com EDH: Kinnan Druids (MoM)
com EDH: Kinnan Druids (WoE)
com EDH: Kinnan Eldrazi
com EDH: Kinnan Eldrazi (MID)
com EDH: Kinnan Eldrazi (WoE)
com EDH: Kinnan Elves (DMC)
com EDH: Kinnan Elves (MoM)
com EDH: Kinnan Elves post Kaldheim
com EDH: Kinnen Druids (AFR)
com EDH: Kobold lands (DM2)
com EDH: Kodama Sakashima (MoM)
com EDH: Kodama Toggo V2
com EDH: Kodama Togo Landfall
com EDH: Koma Opposition (AFR)
com EDH: Koma's Opposition
com EDH: Korvold Basic Lands (Bro)
com EDH: Korvold Landfall (WoE)
com EDH: Korvold Lands - to build (MoM)
com EDH: Korvold Lands - to build v2 (MoM)
com EDH: Korvold Lands - to buy (MoM)
com EDH: Korvold Lands - to Buy V2 (MoM) - leading Version
com EDH: Korvold Lands (DMC)
com EDH: Korvold Lands (LCI)
com EDH: Korvold Lands (ONE)
com EDH: Korvold Lands (Phyrexia)
com EDH: Korvold Lands High Power (MoM)
com EDH: Korvold Lands V2 (DMC)
com EDH: Korvold Lands V3 (40k)
com EDH: Korvold Sacrifice (MID)
com EDH: Krrik Sacrifice (MID)
com EDH: Kumena Merfolk Tribal (DMC)
com EDH: Kykar Storm (40k)
com EDH: Lagomos (DMC)
com EDH: Landcombodraw
com EDH: Landhate
com EDH: Lathril Elfball (AFR)
com EDH: Locust Dreamhall (Gate)
com EDH: Locust God (MID)
com EDH: Locust God Wheels (AFR)
com EDH: Locust Wheels (40k)
com EDH: Magda
com EDH: Mairsil V2 (AFR)
com EDH: Maralen
com EDH: Marchesa (AFR)
com EDH: Marneus token (40K)
com EDH: Mayael Stompy
com EDH: Meren Pod
com EDH: Miirym Dragon Tribal (DMC)
com EDH: Miirym Dragon Tribal (Gate)
com EDH: MonoG 4 Turbo (MID)
com EDH: MonoG Lands
com EDH: MonoG Lands (Gate)
com EDH: MonoG Ramp
com EDH: Moritte persistent Combo
com EDH: Muldrotha Lands (DMC)
com EDH: Muldrotha Lands (Gate)
com EDH: Muldrotha Lands (NEO)
com EDH: Muldrotha Lands (rly Lands, MID)
com EDH: Muldrotha Lands really (AFR)
com EDH: Muldrotha Reanimator (DMC)
com EDH: Muldrotha Value
com EDH: Muldrotha Value
com EDH: Myra Attractions (Unf)
com EDH: New Braids (DMC)
com EDH: New Jin (NEO)
com EDH: Obeka Reanimate (DM2)
com EDH: Obeka Reanimate (MID)
com EDH: Obeka Reanimator (AFR)
com EDH: Obosh Dragon's Approach (MID)
com EDH: Ojar Ping (Ixalan)
com EDH: Omnsth Rage (Gate)
com EDH: Orvar Mill
com EDH: Progress Kitten (DM2)
com EDH: Radha Lands (AFR)
com EDH: Raggadraga
com EDH: Rakdos Eldrazi (MID)
com EDH: Ramos Tokens Storm (40k)
com EDH: Reanimate Stuff
com EDH: Reanimator (DM2)
com EDH: Rem Karolus Pyroclasm (MID)
com EDH: Room Combo (MID)
com EDH: Roon (MID)
com EDH: Roon Flicker
com EDH: Roon Flicker (40k)
com EDH: Rurric Thar (MID)
com EDH: Sacrifacts BR (MID)
com EDH: Satsuki Sagas (NEO)
com EDH: Scrysios (MID)
com EDH: Shalai & Halar Counters (MoM)
com ÊDH: Sheirei Razaketh Combo (AFR)
com EDH: Sissy's Sanctum (DM2)
com EDH: Sixth Doctor (Who)
com EDH: Slimefoot Aristocrats (MoM)
com EDH: Slivers (AFR)
com EDH: Soul of Wind grace (DmC)
com EDH: Syr Carah (MID)
com EDH: Syr Carah Dragons (MID)
com EDH: Taigam Reanimation Update (MoM)
com EDH: Taigam Reanimator (AFR)
com EDH: Taigam Reanimator (AFR)
com EDH: Tameshi Polymorph (NEO)
com EDH: Tatsunari Sultai Enchantments (NEO)
com EDH: Tatyova Fast Landfall (MID)
com EDH: Tatyova Landfall (DMC)
com EDH: Tawnos Birds and Beasts (Bro)
com EDH: Teysa Aristocrat (MID)
com EDH: Teysa Karlovy (MoM)
com EDH: Teysa Scion (AFR)
com EDH: Titania Force of Nature (Phyrexia)
com EDH: Titania Landfall - to Buy (MoM)
com EDH: Titania Landfall (LCI)
com EDH: Titania Landfall (MoM & Nissa-Leak)
com EDH: Titania Landfall (MoM)
com EDH: Titania Landfall V2 (MoM & Nissa-Leak)
com EDH: Titania Lands (MoM)
com EDH: Titania MonoG Lands (DM2)
com EDH: Titania Nature's chosen (Bro)
com EDH: Titania Nature's chosen V2 (Bro)
com EDH: Titania Nature's Force (Bro)
com EDH: Togo Sakashima (DMC)
com EDH: Tor Wauki Spellslinger (DMC)
com EDH: Torens Tokens (VOW)
com EDH: Tribal Tribal
com EDH: Tyma Vial Dragon's Approach (MID)
com EDH: Tyvar Big Mana Elves (MoM Aftermath)
com EDH: UR Pingers (40K)
com EDH: Uro Chain (AFR)
com EDH: Volo (MID)
com EDH: Vorinclex
com EDH: Winota (AfR)
com EDH: xMage Antimax V2
com EDH: Yarock (MID)
com EDH: Yarock Aluren (AFR)
com EDH: Yarock Aluren (NEO)
com EDH: Yarock Flicker (DMC)
com EDH: Yarock Lands (DM2)
com EDH: Yarok Kitten Value (DMC)
com EDH: Yarok Landfall (MoM)
com EDH: Yarok Landfall (OTJ)
com EDH: Yarok Lands (DMC)
com EDH: Yuma Lands (OTC)
com EDH: Zaxara X-Tribal (MID)
com EDH: Zulo Colorless Eldrazi (WoE)
com EFH: Dralnu (AFR)
com EFH: Isshin (NEO)
com EFH: Kozilek (AFR)
com FreeEDH: Leovold (MH2)
com FreeEDH: Urza (MH2)
com FreeEDH: Urza Turns (MID)
com Jank: Seton (SNC)
com Lead cEDH: Shorikai (MoM)
mod Modern: Cascade Footfalls (AFR)
mod Modern: Lurrus WBR (AFR)
mod Modern: MonoR Madness (AFR)
mod Modern: Reanimator
pau Pauper: Goblin Combo (Gate)
pau Pauper: Infect (DM22)
pau Pauper: Storm
com Stip: Uncommander: Elves
com Stip: Uncommander: UB Reanimator
vin Vintage: 8Cast (VoW)
vin Vintage: Wheels
com W - cEDH: Kinnan (AFR)
com W - EDH: Muldrotha Land stay (AFR)
com W: Hapatra V2
com WIP: EDH: Felisa Counters (Post MH2)
com WIP: EDH: Yurlock Mana Drain
com WWW - EDH: Locust God (Dream Halls)
com WWW - EDH: Muldrotha Landstax (post Legends)
com WWW - EDH: Orvar Copy
com xMage: 1v1 EDH: Monarchy
com xMage: Antimax
com xMage: FreEDH Leovold

Name | Cost ![]() |
Mox Diamond | |
Mox Amber | |
Inventors' Fair | |
Wooded Foothills | |
Enslaved Dwarf | |
Dwarven Armorer | |
Deflecting Swat |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Scalding Tarn | |
2 | Underworld Breach | |
3 | Grim Monolith | |
4 | Mirror of the Forebears | |
5 | Goldspan Dragon | |
6 | Mountain |