GOR0002's profile
- MTG DECKS (274)
mod Alara Draft
mod Alara Random Packs
mod Future Sight
sta Innistrad Block
mod Lorwyn/Morningtide
mod Planar Chaos
sta Scars Draft
mod Shadowmoor/Eventide
mod Time Spiral
League Commander
com Athreos Commander
com Experiment Kraj Commander
com Iroas Commander
com Korlash Commander
com Kozilek Commander
com Rakdos Commander
com Saskia
S.05 Decks
vin BG
vin BR 6-5-18
vin BR 7-22-18
vin BR Discard
vin BR Madness
vin BRU 6-9-18
vin BU
vin BU2
vin Copy of BU2
leg GUw
vin GW
vin GW Idea
vin Mono Black
vin Mono Black Regen
vin Mono Black Splash
vin Mono Black Wk. 7 vs Deezy
vin Mono Black Zoo
leg Onslaught Tourney
leg Onslaught Tourney 2
vin RBU
vin RW
vin WhiteBlue
vin WUG Enchant
vin Zombie Mono B
S.06 Decks
leg BG Idea
leg BR 11-8-18
vin BU Szn 6
vin Copy of BU Szn 6
leg Copy of Mono Black
vin Copy of mono u
mod Copy of Tenth Edition Tourney
leg Enchant
leg Enchant Idea
leg Faeries
vin GU
vin mono u
mod Tenth Edition Tourney
leg WU Enchant
vin Zombie Mono B No Madness
S.07 Decks
leg Bantz
vin Commander
vin Commander 2
leg Copy of Dimir
vin Copy of mono u
leg Copy of RB Aggro Fists
leg Dimir
leg Grixis
leg Grixis 1.0
leg Mono Black
leg mono red
leg Naya
mod New Pack
leg Ninja
leg RB Aggro
leg RB Aggro Fists
leg RB Discard
leg RB Wither
leg Rogues
vin Simic S7
vin Sliver
vin Zombie
S.09 Decks
sta Dimir Goose
sta Grixis List
sta MBC Tourney Deck
sta Mir
sta RB Land
sta S9 Odyssey Tourney
sta S9 Odyssey Tourney Deck
sta Tourney Packs
sta Unfreezing
sta Zombies
S.10 Decks
sta 8rack
sta Bogles
sta BW Tokens
sta Copy of BW Rack
sta Copy of Gobbos
sta Copy of Reanimate
sta Copy of Rogues
sta Dimir Control
sta Dimir Discard
sta Esper Control
sta Esper Reanimate
sta Golgari Rack
sta Grixis
sta Grixis Control
sta Grixis Control Wk 6
sta MBC S10
sta MGS
sta Mono Green Stompy
sta RB Discard
sta RB LD
sta RB Vamps
sta Reanimate
sta Shadow
sta Simic Lands
sta Soulsisters
sta zombies
S.11 Decks
sta BR Rack
mod burn
sta BW Rack
sta Copy of Bogles
sta Copy of Dimir Control
sta Copy of F Bomb Tourney
sta Copy of Liquid
sta Copy of Preseason Sealed Tourney
sta Dimir Control
sta F Bomb Tourney
sta Gobbos
sta Gruul LD
sta hatebears
sta Liquid
sta MBC S11
sta MBC S11 P2
sta MBC S11 P3
sta mono black aggro
sta Preseason Sealed Tourney
sta RDW
sta UB Faeries/Rogues
sta zombies
S.12 Decks
sta Black Devotion
sta Boros Burn
sta Burn
mod Burn B splash
sta Bw Devotion
sta Bwr Devotion
sta Coldsnap Packs
sta Copy of Bw Devotion
sta Dimir Control S12
sta Golgari Fight Club
sta grixis delver
sta izzet delver
sta MBC
sta phyrexian fight club
sta pox
sta pox bw
sta Reanimate
sta Season Packs
sta Shadow BR
sta Shadow BU
sta Shadow RUB
sta tourney rewards
sta wk2 rewards
sta wk3 rewards
sta wk4 rewards
sta wk5 rewards
sta wk6 rewards
sta wk7 rewards
sta wk8 rewards
S.13 Decks
sta B Devotion
sta Boros Burn
sta Coffers
sta dimir control
sta Dimir Shadow
sta F Bomb Tourney
sta Golgari Pile
sta Izzet Delver
sta Pro White
sta Season Packs
sta Shadow BR
sta Shadow Grixis
sta Shadow Zoo
sta zombos
S.14 Decks
sta 8 rack
sta 8 whack
sta Coffers S14
sta Copy of Boros Burn
sta Counters
sta Dimir Control S14
sta Dimir Shadow S14
sta eldrazi green aggro
sta eldrazi tron
sta F Bomb S14
sta Gruul Scales
sta Rakdos Madness Burn
sta Rakdos Shadow
com S11 Commander
sta Shadow Grixis S14
S.15 Decks
sta Burn
sta Copy of 8 whack
sta Copy of Rakdos Shadow
sta G Tron
sta G Tron Future
sta Highlander Rakdos
sta Posts
sta Prowess
sta Rakdos Coffers
sta Rakdos Discard
sta S15 Set Roulette G Stompy
sta S15 Set Roulette Pool
sta S15 Tourney Reward Packs
sta scales
sta Season Packs and S14 Tourney Packs
sta Set roulette winnings
sta Shadow Grixis S15
sta Shadow Rakdos S15
sta Wk1 packs
sta Wk2 Packs
sta Wk3-4 Packs
sta Wk5 Packs
sta Wk6 Packs
sta Wk7 Packs
S.16 Decks
sta Burn
sta Coffers S16
sta Dimir Shadow
sta G Tron
sta Pox
sta S16 Boosters
sta S16 Set Roulette
sta S16 Set Roulette Pool
sta Set Roulette Rewards
sta Tourney Reward Packs
sta U Tempo
sta U Tempo Tourney
sta Wk1 Packs
sta Wk2 Packs
sta Wk3 Packs
sta Wk4 Packs
sta Wk5 Packs
sta Wk6/7/EOS Packs
S.17 Decks
sta Copy of Burn
sta Copy of Devotion
sta Copy of G Tron
sta Devotion
sta Living End
sta Mardu Shadow
sta MM2 Rewards
sta Orzhov Pox
sta S17 Boosters
sta Set Roulette
sta Set Roulette Rewards
sta Set Roulette Selesnya
sta Tourney Rewards
sta Wk1 Packs
sta Wk2 Packs
sta Wk3 Packs
sta Wk4 Packs
sta Wk5,7,8 Packs
sta Wk6 Packs
S.18 Decks
sta 8 Rack
sta B Devotion
sta Burn
sta Golgari Shadow
sta Jund Shadow
sta New B Devotion
sta Pox
sta S18 Mid B
sta S18 Mid GR
sta S18 Mid W
sta S18 Midseason Tourney
sta S18 Pool
sta Wk1 Packs
sta Wk2 Packs
sta Wk3 Packs
sta Wk4 Packs
sta Wk5 Packs
sta Wk6 Packs
sta Wk7 Packs
sta Paper to sell

Name | Cost ![]() |
Calciform Pools | |
Thassa's Ire | |
Ball Lightning | |
Penumbra Bobcat | |
Fatal Fumes | |
Swift Silence | |
Conflux |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Grave Consequences | |
2 | Zombie Outlander | |
3 | Standard Bearer | |
4 | Treasure Mage | |
5 | Ivory Giant | |
6 | Armed Response |
Mana Base
Colors | |||||
Symbols | 216 | 211 | 208 | 184 | 174 |
Percent | 21.7 | 21.3 | 21.0 | 18.5 | 17.5 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.