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- MTG DECKS (612)
- com0 - Kozilek
- com1 - Heliod
- com1 - K'rrik
- com1 - Krenko
- com1 - Talrand
- com2 - Anowon
- com2 - Balmor
- com2 - Brago
- com2 - Emmara
- com2 - Meren
- com2 - Pir and Toothy
- com2 - Rakdos
- com2 - Rograkhh and ...
- com2 - Teysa
- com2 - Xenagos
- com3 - Anikthea
- com3 - Dihada
- com3 - Narset
- com3 - Obeka
- com3 - Rafiq
- com3 - Riku
- com3 - Sen
- com3 - Voja
- com3 - Windgrace
- com3 - Zaxara
- com4 - Atraxa
- com4 - Breya
- com4 - Ink-Treader
- com4 - Yidris
- com5 - Ur-Dragon
- sta8 blue
- staAnother skittles ...
- staArcum's artifacts
- staAyara Idea
- staBaral
- staBig black boys
- staBig Black Mana
- staBig black perman ...
- staBlind seer BS
- staBlind swords
- staCao Cao
- vinCopy of 1 - Grenzo
- staDaretti
- staDiscard your shit
- staElesh Norn's Fun ...
- staEmry is the solu ...
- staFrankie Peanuts
- staGod-Eternal Oketra
- staHeavy black
- staHey Mr. Moon
- staI will make mono ...
- staKiki is insane
- staKurkesh Artifacts
- vinLiliana Idea
- staMangara Idea
- staMemnarch
- staNefarox Idea
- staOketra idea
- staOrvar zombie
- staRankle my little ...
- staReal white power ...
- staSheoldred pain
- staShirei Idea
- staSkittles Idea
- staSoraya shit
- staSoraya shit keyw ...
- staTeferi Hates you ...
- legTorbran Idea
- staTorbran Idea
- vinUrza Idea
- staUrza's artifacts
- staurza's small art ...
- stavilis is my boi
- staVillis
- stawhite
- staWhite Fucks
- staYawg Idea 4
- vinYawgmoth Idea
- staAAA Gale and Scion
- staAegar
- staAkiri Idea
- staAlibou mock up
- staAlibou Vehicles
- staArjun
- staArjun
- staarjun 2
- staArjun the not bad
- staAugustin doesn't ...
- staAurelia
- staaurelia new
- staAurelia voltron
- staBecome artifact
- staBig izzet spells
- staBlue red stax
- staBreeches and Mal ...
- stacarath
- staCircu
- staCopy of 2 - Depala
- staCopy of 3 - Riku
- staCopy of aurelia new
- stademon tribal
- staDepala upgrade
- staDraw fat
- staEmiel
- staEnchantment Izzet
- staexperiment
- staFeather Idea
- staFling
- staFuck you
- staGalazeth
- staGalazeth Big
- staGalazeth but fun
- staGalazeth clone a ...
- staGalazeth Dragons
- staGalazeth idea
- staGalazeth mid/storm
- staGalazeth stax
- staGale the archiol ...
- stagavin original deck
- vinGisa and Geralf ...
- staGlissa sagas
- staheads i win tail ...
- staheads i win tail ...
- staIch and Rebbec
- staIllegal deck
- staInstant value
- staIroas wide
- staIzzet
- stajae liara
- staJhoira Artifacts
- staJhoira idea
- staJhoira netdeck
- stajhoira non small ...
- staJhoira of the Ghitu
- staJhoira recursion
- staJhoira weatherlight
- staJhoria G 2
- staJori Second Spell
- staKarlach the Pirate
- staKaza idea
- staKeranos
- staKruphix 1st iter ...
- staKylox's friends
- staLazav Idea
- staLocust god
- staLocust god Idea
- staLocust God!
- staMatt faeries
- staMatt's Ayli
- staMelek
- staMelek Idea
- stamila idea
- staminsc additions
- staMuzzy from Tymna ...
- staNath the man the ...
- vinNEEDED Terry 2.0
- staNin combo
- staNin combo
- staNiv-Mizzet Mastu ...
- staNo magic ty
- staOsgir Idea
- staPauper EDH
- staPhasing
- stapingers
- staPonza
- staRashmi spellslinger
- staRassilon
- starenari idea
- staRicky new deck
- staRielle Discard y ...
- staRograkh and Arde ...
- staScarab god
- staStop having fun now
- staStop having fun ...
- staTajic mudstah
- vinTatyova crush
- staTeferi and jace ...
- vinTerry 2.0
- vinTerry cards
- staterry deathtouch
- staTrostani Remake
- staUr
- staUr
- staUR PW
- staVeyran 2
- staVeyran idea
- staVorel Idea
- staWinota Idea Num3
- sta"Humanism"
- staAbzan enchantres ...
- staAdventure time
- staaffinity
- staAkiri and ich
- staakiri ich 2
- staAkiri Tymna Idea
- staalesha idea 2
- staAlesha not so su ...
- staAlesha Slivers
- staAnara and Akiri ...
- staAnhelo the deck ...
- staanimar
- staAnimar
- staanimar aluren
- staanimar artifacts
- staAnimar cascade
- staAnimar combo
- staAnimar idea
- staAnimar lots of c ...
- staAnimar mutate
- staArtifact creatures
- staAtla Budget
- staAtla every creat ...
- staBanding
- staBig zacama comin ...
- staBison chilling
- staBrew
- staCards I need Ket ...
- staCombo and payoff
- staCopy of Mana echoes
- staCopy of Mayael v ...
- staCopy of Mayael v ...
- staCopy of Narset's ...
- staCopy of RIKU NO ...
- staDerevi Hates You
- staDino guy
- staDoran
- staDoran
- stadt first strike
- staEdgar Markov Idea
- staEdgar Markov Idea
- staElemental
- staEmmara into RWG
- staEverything draws
- staFlash tribal
- stafun RUG
- staGhen the curse m ...
- staGhired big tokens
- staGishath Budget
- staGishath stompy
- staGishath Super lo ...
- staGod tribal
- staHalana and Kraum
- staHalana and Silas
- stahomebrew doubling
- staIlluna big things
- staInfinite mana
- staJorn snow
- staJorn snow
- staKalamax
- staKarador from Meren
- staKess will remove ...
- staKethis superfriends
- staKethis superfrie ...
- staKraum and thrasios
- staKykar commits ve ...
- staKykar hates you
- staKykar PW idea
- staLiving weapon
- staMaelstorm surge
- staMaelstrom combo
- stamaelstrom wanderer
- stamana dorking
- staMana echoes
- staMarath elementals
- staMarchesa deck
- staMarisi Idea
- staMarisi spellslinger
- staMathas Curse Idea
- staMathas Idea
- staMathas the curse ...
- staMatt's Kaalia
- staMatts crazy idea
- staMayael idea
- staMayael idea 2
- staMayael idea 2 it ...
- staMayael very expe ...
- staMaybelline unique
- staMazzy
- staMF DOOM
- staMiirym
- staMinsc the kidnapper
- staMinsc will take ...
- staMLD
- staMuch faster riku
- staNarset's toolbox
- staNaya big mana Ac ...
- staNaya Spellslinger
- staNaya stax
- staNihiloor
- staNo counters please
- staNo fun
- legOloro stax idea
- staOloro's BS
- staOmnath flicker
- staOmnath food chain
- staOmnath food chai ...
- vinOmnath idea
- staOmnath idea
- staOmnath landfall
- staOoops, all perma ...
- staPako and Haldan
- staPalladia-mors idea
- staPalladia-mors idea
- staPramikon Superfr ...
- staPurchase Riku sp ...
- staqueen marchesa i ...
- comRashmi
- staRebbec Silas
- staRGW
- staRienne idea
- staRienne low to th ...
- stariku different
- staRiku flicker
- staRiku polymorph
- staRiku spellslinger
- staRin and Seri
- staRin and Seri 4000
- staRin and Seri budget
- staRin and Seri Idea
- staRin and Seri sha ...
- staRith
- staRith burn
- staRocco Combo
- staRocco Swiss army ...
- staRocco the Chef
- staRUG Elementals
- staRWG creatures
- staSamut activated
- staSamut Extra combat
- staSamut tap abilit ...
- staSamut voltron
- staSamut voltron 2
- staShadow tribal
- stashenanigans
- staSidar and Breech ...
- staSnapdax infect
- stasnapdax infect 3
- staSophina and Elmar
- staStax2
- staStrange things f ...
- staSurrak 4
- staSurrak flash
- staSurrak slivers
- staSyr Gwyn
- staTamanoa
- staTap for utility
- staTasigur sliver idea
- staTemur
- staTemur burn
- staTemur doc
- staTemur tappers!
- staTerry Improved D ...
- staThrasios combo
- staThrasios Togo
- staTurboFog
- staTymna Ikra
- staUpkeep Idea
- staWanderer PW
- staWhenever...
- stawhy
- staWin lose
- staYasova
- staYasova steal and ...
- staZac Enchantress
- staZacama storm
- staZacama storm
- staZacama, mana man ...
- vinZedruu idea
- sta-U PW
- sta3 into 4- Ghave ...
- sta4c discard
- staAkiri and Reyhan
- staAkiri Silas 2
- staartifact
- staArtifact creatures
- staArtifact etb
- stabreya 45
- staBreya again
- staBreya big artifacts
- staBreya commits ve ...
- staBreya etb
- staBreya flicker
- staBreya forever
- staBreya idea
- staBreya myr/golem
- staBreya Synergy
- staBreya tokens
- staBruse and Ikra 2
- staBunch of creatures
- staCopy of 3 into 4 ...
- staCopy of 4 - Breya
- staCopy of 4 - Breya
- staCopy of netdeck 2
- staCreatures clear ...
- staDraw
- staElmar and Wernog
- staetb breya
- staExile all the th ...
- staExile all your crap
- staFast flyers
- staFight me
- staFlying Saskia
- staFuck you
- stafun pw
- staHumans
- staI want to kill
- staidgaf
- staIkra and Bruse
- staikra and bruse s ...
- staIndestructable t ...
- stainktreader purch ...
- staIshai and Reyhan ...
- staIshai and Vial S ...
- staKarn and friends
- staKydele and Vial
- staKynaios and Tiro ...
- staKynaios Initiative
- staLegends
- staLife manipulation
- stalol
- staMindslaver shit
- staMost CEDH from m ...
- staMy vehicle deck
- staNetdeck
- staNon creature tokens
- staPlaneswalker sor ...
- stapw attempt 4000
- stariftsweeper combo
- staRwbg spellslinger
- staRwbg spellslinger
- staSans blue pw
- staSaskia
- staSaskia 3000
- staSaskia attack tr ...
- staSaskia Aura
- staSaskia ball of l ...
- staSaskia can't be ...
- stasaskia deathtouch
- staSaskia Demons
- staSaskia flash fly ...
- staSaskia Gods
- staSaskia hates you ...
- staSaskia hyper agro
- staSaskia infect
- staSaskia legends
- staSaskia legends 2
- staSaskia mutate sh ...
- staSaskia shadow
- staSaskia Slivers
- staSaskia slivers
- staSaskia Slivers 2
- staSaskia try 300
- staSaskia try 301
- staSaskia Vampires
- staSausage party
- staSearch into search
- stashadow tribal sa ...
- staSo many multipliers
- staT&T CEDH
- staThopter tribal
- staWBRG
- sta5c fun pw
- sta5c lands
- staanthem creatures
- staChangeling tribal
- staChild God
- staCopy of 5 - Sisay
- vinCopy of 5 - Ur-D ...
- staCopy of BACKUP - ...
- staCopy of Esika pw
- staCromat PW
- staEsika pw
- staEsika PW
- staEsika pw budget
- staFirst Sliver
- staFog
- staGarth shit distu ...
- staGates
- staGolos shit spinning
- staHorde moneypile
- staHow dare you int ...
- staJegantha Top card
- staJodah and Jegant ...
- stalol
- staMatt Jodah
- staMatts Scion
- staMorophon Eldrazi ...
- staMorophon humans
- staMorophon Humans
- staNiv pw
- staPolymorph and such
- staPW enchantments
- staRamos's Myojins
- staReaper King
- staSean's shit pred ...
- stasliver in progress
- staSlivers is the c ...
- staThe actual worst ...
- staThe worst deck I ...
- staThis is what you ...
- staUr Everything Tr ...
- staAll removal
- staAnthem tribal
- stabig draw 3+ crea ...
- staBig ramp and draw
- staBoth mill rwbg
- staBrgw
- staBruse and Ikra
- staBruse and Reyhan ...
- staCheap removal list
- staCombo bounce
- comCopy of 2 - Emmara
- staCopy of 3 - Narset
- staCourts 4c
- staDiscard wbrg
- staDuals
- staDungeoneering
- staElmar and wernog
- staEtb abuse
- staEverybody gets a ...
- staexile stuff
- staFor purchase (co ...
- staGeneric Wayta
- staHmmm upgrades
- staIkra Bruse
- staJeskai stupid
- staK&T banding
- stalittle budies
- staNarset big things
- staNarset no negatives
- staNarset superfriends
- staNeed to put in d ...
- staRavos Tana ETB
- staRavos tana rebuild
- staRavos Tana Treas ...
- staReki
- staRgw
- staRocco exile
- staRWBG from WBG
- staRwg deathtouch
- staRWG doesn't suck
- staRWU PW
- staSamut from groun ...
- staSamut new
- staSaskia "humanism"
- staSaskia agro humans
- staSaskia Attacks
- staSaskia gods
- staSaskia Knights
- staSaskia Knights
- staSaskia on hit
- staSaskia powerhouse
- stasaskia skelementals
- staSaskia slivers
- staSaskia trample h ...
- staSidar and Vial
- staStupid
- staTandR TOKENS
- staThe big sac package
- staTnT
- staTNT
- staTriggered
- staUndying persisters
- staUPGRADES anikthea
- staUPGRADES anowon
- staUPGRADES atraxa
- staUPGRADES brago
- staUPGRADES breya
- staUPGRADES dihada
- staUPGRADES emmara
- staUPGRADES ezuri
- staUPGRADES heliod
- staUPGRADES inktreader
- staUPGRADES K'rrik
- staUPGRADES Kozilek
- staUPGRADES krenko
- staUPGRADES meren
- staUPGRADES Narset
- staUpgrades Obeka
- staUPGRADES pir and ...
- staUPGRADES Rafiq
- staUPGRADES Riku
- staUPGRADES rograkh ...
- staUPGRADES Samut
- staUPGRADES sen
- staUPGRADES teysa
- staUPGRADES ur
- staUPGRADES windgrace
- staUPGRADES xenagos
- staUPGRADES yidris
- staVorinclex PW
- staWayta
- staWernog and Elmar
- staZacama edh
- staZacama Zirda
- staZedruu fuck you
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This deck was created on 21-Sep-2022 16:25, and it was last updated on 02-Oct-2022 16:21.
Name | Cost |
Darksteel Citadel | |
Reshape | |
Artificer Class | |
Emry, Lurker of the Loch | |
Karn, Living Legacy | |
Master Transmuter | |
Thought Monitor |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Wurmcoil Engine | |
2 | Padeem, Consul of Innovation | |
3 | Isochron Scepter | |
4 | Phyrexian Metamorph | |
5 | Dramatic Reversal | |
6 | Whir of Invention |