FRAMESHIFT's profile
- MTG DECKS (113)
EDH Decks
Current scanned EDH decks
com Borborygmos
com Elsha of the Infinite
com Go-Shintai of Life's Origin
com Grimgrin
com Harald, King of Skemfar
com Hofri Ghostforge
com Marchesa
com Obeka
com Oona
com Queen Kayla bin Kroog
com Queza
com Ramos, Dragon Engine
com Roon
com Saskia
com Scion
com Unesh, Criosphinx Sovereign
com Windgrace
com Yisan
EDH Planned Builds
random edh ideas
com budget avacyn
com Budget Borborygmos lands
com Budget Ruric thar
com budget sidisi edh
vin Copy of Breya Default
com EDH Scorpion God
vin ezuri elfball
com Kambal EDH
vin Mikaeus combos EDH
com Rashmi druids
com Rat tribal EDH
vin rhys tokens
com Rishkar EDH
com Ruric thar primal surge
com Sidisi competitive edh
leg Sidisi, Brood Tyrant EDH
com Thrasios Vial Smasher EDH
leg Zedruu budget edh
vin 4 color enchants edh
com Chainer budget edh
com Daxos UW EDH
com Esper combat things
com Karn EDH
vin Longest cardtext Deck ideas
com Tana/Ravos EDH
com Teferi CV
com Yennet Odd Tribal EDH
com Zur Astral Slide mtggoldfish
Previously built EDH
com Brago EDH
com Dragon Tribal precon
com Freyalise EDH
com Gisa and Geralf EDH
com Iname, Life Aspect EDH
com Meren EDH
com Michiko Konda EDH
com Mizzix EDH
com Seabeasts EDH
com Sygg, River Guide EDH
com Tasigur EDH villainous wealth
com Yasova Dragonclaw EDH
previously built EDH Decks
com Alesha EDH
com Anafenza EDH
com Arahbo Precon EDH
com Arjun EDH
com Breya EDH
com Darien EDH
com Ezuri UG EDH
com Gay Kings Omnisneakshow EDH
com Grimgrin EDH
com Inalla EDH
com Jund Insects Budget EDH
com Jund Lands EDH
com Karn EDH
com Mogis group slug EDH
com Muldrotha EDH
com Nath elves discard EDH
com Naya Tokens EDH
com Nin Pingers EDH
com Ramos Cascade EDH
com Riku EDH
com Roon Budget EDH
com Rosheen Meanderer EDH
com Saskia Infect EDH
com Scarab God Mill EDH
com Scion of the Ur-Dragon EDH
com Selenia life combos EDH
com Sigarda Voltron
com Sphinx Tribal
com Thrasios and Vial Smasher EDH
com UW Taigam EDH
com Vampire Tribal Precon
com Yahenni EDH
vin yisan budget
com zada arcane storm
com Zedruu EDH
Modern decks
sta 8-whack meta
mod affinity
sta amulet titan meta
sta BR meta
sta eldrazi tron
sta Izzet Blitz meta
sta Izzet spells meta
mod modern azorius control
mod modern reanimator
sta Naya Enchantress meta
sta Orzhov Stoneblade meta
sta UR aggro meta
mod UR prowess 4/24/22
mod Yawgmoth creature control
Pioneer decklists
pio Rakdos prowess
sta cmdrmasterslist
sta faeries cards
mod List of lands
cub tarkir cube
com Tazri dungeon

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Forest | |
2 | Somberwald Stag | |
3 | Ancient Tomb | |
4 | Beast Within | |
5 | Fyndhorn Elves | |
6 | Regrowth |