LORDFEZ's profile
- MTG DECKS (71)
Gruul (RG)
Jeskai (WUR)
2019 ELD
dra BG Piranha 2019
2020 IKO
dra UB Yorion
dra UR Lukka The Draw
2020 THB
dra BG Escape
dra THB Prerelease
dra UG Trawler of Dreams
Historic Brawl
oth Elves Plus One
oth Portal
oth Portal Deck 1
oth Portal Deck 2
pau Mono White Pauper
pau Pauper Affinity
pio Leyline Tyrant Combo
pio Orzhov Auras
Arena Starter Decks
his B Cold-Blooded Killers
his B Out For Blood
his BG Back For More
his BG Golgari Swarm
sta BG Grave Matters
his BG Growing Hunger
his BR Cult of Rakdos
sta BR Ignite The Forge
his BR Line of Fire
his BR Treasure Hunt
his G Forest's Might
his G Large And In Charge
his R Destructive Firepower
his R Goblins Everywhere!
his RG Gruul Clans
sta RG On The Hunt
his RG Savage Lands
his RG Stomp Stomp
his U Aerial Domination
his U Azure Skies
his UB Control Center
his UB House Dimir
his UB Mutation Station
sta UB Stealthy Subterfuge
his UG Avalanche!
sta UG Blossoming Growth
his UG Massive Menagerie
his UG Simic Combine
his UR Fireworks
his UR Izzet League
his UR Spellpower
sta UR Spellweaver
his W Angelic Army
his W Keep The Peace
sta WB Balancing Act
his WB Dungeon Delving
his WB Life Skills
his WB Orzhov Syndicate
his WG Lifeline
his WG Selesnya Conclave
sta WG Strength In Numbers
his WG To Adventure!
his WR Armed & Dangerous
his WR Boros Legion
his WR Company of Knights
sta WR Storm of Blades
sta WU Angelic Accountants
his WU Azorius Senate
his WU Sky Patrol
his WU Starry-Eyed
Planeswalker Decks