MALFISAR's profile
- MTG DECKS (205)
leg B.Y.O.S
vin B.Y.O.S - Hive Control
leg B.Y.O.S - if dont have missing slivers
vin B.Y.O.S Updated Deck List
vin Cards I need - Krenko
vin Code Name Slivers
sta Commander
vin Copy of EDH UR Upgrade
vin Copy of UR Mizzix
vin EDH - Stroke of Genius
vin EDH - Stroke of Genius - 2.0
vin EDH Cards - Blue currently ready for deck
leg EDH Cards i need
vin EDH Cards I need U/R Remake
vin EDH U/R Remake
vin EDH UR Upgrade
vin Info
com Krenko Mob Boss
vin Krenko Mob Boss 2.0 edit
vin Najeela - Commander
vin Najeela - Commander - 2.0
vin Najeela - Commander - 2.5
vin Najeela - Commander - 3.0
leg Najeela what i need
vin Omnath Locust of Rage
vin Population 1.0 - C19
vin Population 2.0 - C19
vin Sphinx EDH
com Token Storm
vin UR LOCUST EDH - super ultra upgrade
vin UR LOCUST EDH - super ultra upgrade 2.0
vin UR LOCUST EDH - The end Game
vin UR Mizzix
vin UR NivMizzet Reborn 1.0
leg What I need
Commander Up to Date
Modern Ideas
vin Artifact Grapeshot
mod Burn - Flame of Keld
leg Burn if CL is legal - Modern Horizon
mod Copy of Modern - Aura Hexproof Deck
mod Copy of NO Lords Goblins
mod Current Tron
leg Dredge
leg Dredge Ideas
mod Flame Whack
mod Gift Ungiven Storm
mod Goblin Burn Tatics
mod Goblin Squad
mod Golgari Modern
mod GP Gobo's
mod Infection
mod Magicfest BURN 2019
mod Magicfest BURN 2019 2.0 Option
mod Modern - Aura Hexproof Deck
leg Modern Dragon Storm
mod Modern DragonStorm Red Storm
mod Modern Shinaningans
mod Modern Sliver Madness
mod Modern Zombies
mod Mondern Damage Control
mod Naya Burn
mod Need for Pelt Devil Moderns
mod NO Lords Goblins
mod Pelt Devil Moderns
mod Tron
sta Tron Test
mod Zoo blast
Pauper Hell
Pauper Hell 2
Pauper Hell 3
Pauper Hell 4
Pauper Hell 4 is This Hell?
leg Pauper Slivers
pio 1. MonoGreen Remake
Ban hammer Poeineer
pio Charge Pioneer
pio Copy of Ban hammer Poeineer
sta Copy of Poeineer
pio Mono Green Elesh Norn Charge
pio Pioneer Green Devo Garen
pio Pioneer Phrexian Ramp
pio Pioneer ramp
pio Pioneer ramp - Current
pio Pioneer/Explorer GW tokenized
pio Poneer Rhino charge
sta Ramp Poeneer 2.0
pio Ramp Poeneer 3.0
pio Vorinclex Ramp
pio Vorinclex Ramp 2
Standard 2013-2014
R/G - HH Builds
mod Hail Hydra Complete
Hydra - Remastered
Hydra - The White Bomb
Project Hydra
mod R/G - Hail Hydra
Red White Weenie Explosion
W/R BoF Builds
mod Battlion of Fear
mod BoF - Completed
mod BoF - Old Build
mod BoF- Alt build 1
mod BoF- Alt build 2
mod Blue/Red/Artifact
mod Burn Deck STD
mod Mono Blue
mod Mono Red Reconceptualized
mod Red White Remastered
Standard 2014-2015
mod Attack on Tokens
mod Blah
mod Centaur Warchief
mod Copy of Mardu Goblin Storm
mod Dashing Dragons
mod G/R Dragon Assault
mod Goblin Fury
mod Goblins of Urd
Hail Hydra Mono Green
mod Hail Hydra Raining Fire
mod Jeskai Burninators
mod Mardu Goblin Raid
mod Mardu Goblin Storm
mod Mono Red Burninator
mod Mono-Red Burninators
mod Mono-Red New STD
mod Mono-Red Rush
mod Sarkhans Dragon storm
mod Strive to be Heroic
mod Surprise Surprise
mod Temur Green Ramped
The Goblin Tribes
Token Rush
mod Unseen Monsters
Standard 2015-2016
mod Allies Of Standard 2
mod Boros Allies Of Standard
mod BRU - Eldrazi Madness
mod Cards to get for standard
Copy of Dragon Elemental Attack
mod Dragon Elemental Attack
mod Dragons of Zendikar
mod G/R Eldrazi's
mod G/W Ramping Time
mod Goblins
Goblins Standard
mod Green Ramp
sta New Burn
New Dragons of Zendikar
mod R/G Midranger
mod R/G Ramping Time
mod R/G Tokens
mod Temur Big Creatures
mod Wolf Hunt
mod Zombies? ZOMBIES!!!!
sta cards
vin Cards going to locust god
vin Cards I need B.Y.O.S - Hive Control
mod Cards I need FlameWhack
leg Cards I need for slivers
sta Cards I need for tron
mod Cards to Get for Friday
leg Cards to pick up for EDH
mod Copy of Boros Allies Of Standard
sta Copy of Copy of Ghired Token - Current
sta Copy of Ghired - The new improved
sta Copy of Naya Explorer Ramp
vin Copy of Omnath Locust of Rage
vin Copy of Omnath Locust of Rage
pio Copy of Pioneer/Explorer GW tokenized
Copy of Poeineer
leg Copy of Population 2.0 - C19
mod danz card
vin EDH - Stroke of Genius 3.0
mod G/R Heroic Creatures
mod G/W Bolstering Dragons
mod GP Burn
sta Greenstalk
leg Izzet Phoenix
mod Junding
mod junding 2
mod Just 1 Drops
mod Keld Burn
sta lands
leg Lands for Commander UR
leg Lands for Legacy deck Rough draft
leg Legacy Goblins
mod Leyline of Abundance Combo
mod Manifested
vin Modern Storming
leg Narsets Mill Control
mod New DOZ
sta R/B Dragons
mod RW Prowess
leg Shizah
leg SliverEDHUpgrade
mod Truth Inverted
mod UB Mill
vin ZOZU Commander

Name | Cost ![]() |
Forest | |
Oath of Nissa | |
Oath of Nissa | |
Llanowar Elves | |
Llanowar Elves | |
Wolfwillow Haven | |
Wolfwillow Haven |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Old-Growth Troll | |
2 | Oath of Nissa | |
3 | Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx | |
4 | Storm the Festival | |
5 | Cavalier of Thorns | |
6 | Old-Growth Troll |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 54 | 2 |
Percent | 96.4 | 3.6 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.