SHAKKES's profile
- MTG DECKS (164)
com Erinis - cEDH
cub CK Starter Cube
cub Cube V1
cub Twoberts Cube
EDH A Ideas
EDH Building
EDH Built
com Elminster - Topdeck
com Galadriel, Light of Valinor - ETB V1
com Giada - Angel Tribal
com Kykar - Polymorph
com Minn V7
com Octavia V2
com Seizan - Mono Black Draws V2
com Sidisi - V7
com Tuvasa - Enchants V4
com Ur - Tribal Tribal
com Vial Smasher | Sakashima
com Yarok ETB - V4
com Yuriko V3
EDH Family Decks
EDH Retired
EDH Thoughts
com Braids, Arisen Nightmare - Mono Black
com Braids, Arisen Nightmare V2
com Chulane - Elfball
com Chulane - Elfball V2
oth Counter List
com Etali Primal Storm
com Galadriel, Light of Valinor - ETB
com Galazeth Prismari - Dragons Approach
com Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor
com Godo, Bandit Warlord V2
com Gyruda - Clones
com Haldan and Pako V3
com Hogaak V1
oth Josh - Wishlist9
com Kasla V1
com Kenessos
com Kess Spellslinger V2
com Kibo, Uktabi Prince
com Korvold Goblins V1
com Lyra - Angels
com Marneus Calgar
com Mimeoplasm Graveyard V1
com Minn V3
com Minn V4
com Minn V5
com Minn V6
com Monarch V1
com Narset V2
com Nethroi - Mutate
com Nicol Bolus V2
com Quintorius Graveyard
com Raffine Reanimator V1
com Rigo, Streetwise Mentor
com Rin and Seri V1
com Rona, Sheoldred's Faithful
com Roon - Blink V4
com Sailors' Bane
com Seizan - Mono Black Draws
com Selvala - Group Hug V1
com Shanna, Purifying Blade - Lifegain
com Sidisi - Self Mill V4
com Sidisi - V6
com Slimefoot and Squee
com Slimefoot and Squee
com Sydri, Galvanic Genius
com Sygg - Flippin' Fins
com Tasigur - Self Mill
com Tasigur - Self Mill V2
com The Ever-Changing 'Dane
com Thrasios & Vial Smasher
com Umbris V2
com Umbris, Fear Manifest
com Vial Smasher // Thrasios
com Volo, Itinerant Scholar | Folk Hero
com Xyris Wheels V3
com Yarok - Pod | Graveyard
com Yennett - Top Deck
com Zur the Enchanter - Necro | Ad Naus
com Zur, Eternal Schemer
com Zur, Eternal Schemer V2
com Anhelo, The Painter V2
com Athreos - Shadowborn Apostle
com Atraxa - Enchantments
com Ayula, Queen Among Bears (Bear Tribal)
com Bolas Tribal
com Braids Bouncing Bonanza
com Bruvac Mill
com Consult Scepter (Thrasios // Tymna)
com Consult Scepter (Thrasios // Tymna) V2
com Edgar V3
com Esika - DFCs
com Gishath, Sun's Avatar - Dino Tribal v2
com Heads I Win, Tails You Lose
com Hippo Hug // Fort
com Ikra Shidiqi // Tymna - Lifegain
com Jenara - Angel Tribal
com Jenara Angel Tribal V2
oth Josh - Wishlist10
oth Josh - Wishlist8
com Kaalia - Angels and Demons
com Kaalia V5
com Kalamax V2
com Karametra - Enchantments
com Kess - Chaos
com Korvold - Demon Chain
com Korvold V5
com Lyra - Mono W Angel Tribal
com Maelstrom Wanderer v3
com Meren of Clan Nel Toth
com Obeka
com Octavia Unlockables
com Pako and Halden V3
com Rashmi, Eternities Crafter
com Roon V2
com Ruric Thar - Primal Surge
com Sidisi - V5
com Sidisi V3
com Slivers
com Tasigur - Hug / Mill
com Tender Consultation
com Tender Consultation
com Teysa Karlov
com Tuvasa - Enchantments
com Tymna // Thrasios
com Tymna // Thrasios - Mid Range
com Ur Dragon v3
com Ur...Dragon Tribal!
com Uril, the Miststalker - Auras
com Vial Smasher // Sakashima V2
com Xyris - Wheel
com Yarok V6 - ETB
com Yarok - Lands // ETB
com Yarok, the Desecrated
com Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow
EDH To Update
Full Sets
oth cEDH Full Singles List
oth Homelands
oth Igor Kieryluk Art
oth Jesper Ejsing Art
oth Seb McKinnon Art
oth The Dark
mod Death and Taxes
mod Dimir Mill
mod Izzet Murktide
mod Merfolk V2
mod Modern Angels V1
Pauper Built
pau Dimir Control V2
pau Esper Ephemerate
pau UG Mill
Pauper Ideas
pau Goblins
pau Naya Slivers
pau UW Infect

Name | Cost ![]() |
Halimar Depths | |
Urza's Saga | |
Sensei's Divining Top | |
Pongify | |
Thought Vessel | |
Keep Watch | |
Frantic Search |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | High Tide | |
2 | Island | |
3 | Mulldrifter | |
4 | Phantasmal Image | |
5 | Island | |
6 | Thirst for Discovery |