RKRANITZ's profile
- MTG DECKS (249)
com Faceless Menace
com Silas Renn / Rebbec
com Stock Enhanced Evolution
com Stock Faceless Menace
com Stock Undead Unleashed
com Undead Unleashed
com Zaxara X
sta Bioessence SuperFriends
sta BW Vamps
sta Demon
sta Dimir Control
sta Dimir Token Control
sta Golgari Control
sta Gruul Kicker
sta Karn Parhelion
sta Karnstructs
sta Mono Green
sta Murder Pirates
sta My Dimir Control
sta Saffron Dimir Tokens
sta Saffron Skeleton Tribal
sta Simic Land Proliferation
sta Storm
sta Thopter Control
sta Trove of Deathtation
sta UW Flyers
pio Art is Life
pio Art Ramp
sta Copy of Simic Maze Gate
sta Demons
pio Duplicity
pio Forest Maze Gate
pio Kamahl
pio Kamahl's Maze Gate
pio Land Life
sta Maze Gate
pio Ooze Counters
pio Pioneer Hydras
pio Pioneer Mill
sta Saga Destruction
sta Saga Ramp
pio Simic Elves
pio Tezzeret Metal
pio Ugin
pio Art Life Ramp
pio Banefire Elf Ball
pio Courser Explore Counters
pio Cycling Foretold
pio Demon Search
pio Dimir Cycling
pio Dimir Poison
pio Dimir Thief
pio Go for the Hand
pio Greasefang
pio Hand 2
pio Mono Green Counters
pio Mono Green Snow Counters 2
pio My Rakdos Midrange
pio No Life Giant
pio Phoenix
pio Pioneer Ramp
pio Pioneer Stompy
pio Play your deck
pio Professorin
his Ramp Koma
his Ramp Koma Arena
pio Ramp Thining
pio Storm Pirates (Arena)
pio Surveil Time
pio Thin Life
pio BW Kaya
pio Elemental Maze Gate
pio Etrata Eldraine
pio Explore Counters
pio Golgari Deathtouch
pio Izzet Spell Snipe
pio Mono Green Snow Counters
pio Pioneer Hydrascendancy
pio Pioneer Lolth Mono Black Control
pio Spider Queen
pio Temur Maze Gate
Pioneer Ideas
sta 3 Ramp
his Arena Banefire Reclamation
pio Ashiok
pio Banefire Reclamation
pio Black Mill
pio Busted
pio Counter Mill
sta Counter Oblivion
pio Destroy Superfriends
sta Dimir Poison Net
sta Esper Toxic
pio Exile Deck
pio Exile hand
pio Golgari Poison
pio Green Stomp
pio Historic Ramp
pio Ingest
pio Ingest 2
sta Invasion of Kaldheim
pio Izzet Cycling
pio Land ramp
pio Land Recursion
pio Land Recycling
pio Landfall Historic Ramp
pio Let them have lands
pio Manland
pio Poison
pio Rakdos Midrange
his Ramp KomaTroll Arena
pio Ramp Poison
pio Scratch Song of Creation
pio Second Life
pio Selesnia Auras
pio Shield Tax
pio Song of Madness
sta Swiss Army Knife
pio Thining
pio Topiary Mill
pio Tower Mill
pio UB Control
pio Ugin Windfall
pio Valakut Burn
pio White Artifacts
pio Exile Ramp
pio Greasefang Edit
pio Jund Land Destruction
pio Land Search
pio Oblivion Control
pio Oblivion Mill
pio Rakdos Hand-Range
pio Ramp-Page
pio Sword Point
pio xTemp
sta Bounce
sta Calendar Jank
sta Calendar Proliferate
sta Card Advantage
sta Dash Battle
sta Discard
sta Dragon Spells
sta Esper Greasefang
sta Explore Folk
sta Explore Grave
sta Lands Matter
sta Rakdos Standard GS
sta Rebound
sta Removal
sta Std Counter Mill
sta Std Faeries
sta Unblockable Mill
sta Crime Mill
sta Dimir Poison
sta Flint
sta Mardu Greasefang Standard
sta Mardu Sac
sta Midrange Goodbye
sta Mono Black
sta Murder Mill BU
sta Murder Mill Grixis
sta Orzhov Sac
sta Ramp Realmbreaker
sta Black Mill
sta BR Goodstuff
sta Dimir Bat Tribal
sta Dimir Mill
sta Mardu Spells
sta Mill 1
sta Orzhov SacLife
sta Poison Bat
sta Rakdos Standard Boardwipe
sta Ramp Mill
sta Realmbreaker
sta Sacrifice
sta Throne
sta Toxic Coat
Standard / Built
Standard Post Rotation
sta Beans Self Mill
sta BG Demon
sta BG Discard
sta BG Mid
sta BG Poison/Clue
sta BG Ramp
sta Boros Lightning
sta BR Agro
sta BR Anti Agrro
sta BR Reanimate
sta Can't Gain Life
sta Cruelclaw Reanimator
sta Demon Mill
sta Dimir Discard
sta Dimir Flash/Ctrl
sta Dimir New
sta Dimir Slasher
sta Edit Cruelclaw Reanimator
sta Foundations Maze
sta Izzet Pirates
sta KK Drowning
sta Man Land
sta Mono Black Discard
sta Mono Black Mid
sta Mono Blue Flash/Ctrl
sta Monument Discard
sta Pivot
sta Play Your Stuff
sta Rottenmouth Sacrifice
sta Slasher
sta To the Pain
sta Arena Dimir Unblockable
sta Ashiok Exile
sta B Stuff
sta BG Ramp 2
sta Birbs
sta BR Demon Mill
sta BR Discard
sta BR Legend Crime
sta BR Outlaws
sta BR Pirate Flint
sta BR Sac Rean
sta Bronco
sta Bronco 2
sta BW Draw Leech
sta Caster Birbs
sta Control Ramp
sta Dimir Equip
sta Dimir Unblockable
sta Discard Pirates
sta Dragon
sta Fing Discard
sta Flash Birbs
sta Found Mill
sta Gisa
sta Graaz
sta Hexproof/Indesctructible
sta Innkeeper's Calendar
sta Izzet Agro
sta Mercenaries
sta Not Greasefang
sta Orzhov Crime Sac
sta Orzhov Discard
pau Pauper Cycling
sta Satoru
sta Shopping List Playables
sta Skeletons
sta Spells Exile, Plot, Disc, Adven
sta Twitching Shredder Reanimate
sta UB Flash
sta Undead Crimes
sta UW Vehicles

Name | Cost ![]() |
Boseiju, Who Endures | |
Barkchannel Pathway // Tidechannel Pathway | |
Arboreal Grazer | |
Arboreal Grazer | |
Hydroid Krasis | |
Gatecreeper Vine | |
Topiary Stomper |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Gatecreeper Vine | |
2 | Dreamroot Cascade | |
3 | Oath of Nissa | |
4 | Finale of Devastation | |
5 | Brokers Hideout | |
6 | Island |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 42 | 8 |
Percent | 84.0 | 16.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.