CLEAVER2000's profile
- MTG DECKS (130)
0 Buylists
sta 2x2 Wishlist
sta Aftermath Buylist
sta Arjun Buylist
sta Brudiclad 2.0 Buylist
sta CMM Buylist
sta General Buylist
sta Ivy Auras
sta LotR Buylist
sta Modern Buylist
sta Print Proxy
sta Proxy List
sta Tayam v3 Buylist
sta WoE buylist
com Black K'rrik
com Daretti
com Monored Burn EDH
com Orvar
sta Ruxa
com White Evra
com White Sephara
sta Azorious-
com Boros Feather
com Boros Ferrous
com Boros Winota
com Dimir- KLOS
com Golgari Mana Dork Tribal
com Golgari Mazirek
com Golgari Spiders
com Gruul Werewolfs
com Gruul- Ruric Thar - Oops all Creatures
com Gruul-Tana Kediss
com Izzet Brudiclad 2.0
com Mirko Surveil
leg Orzhov Daxos
com Rakdos Lord of Riots
sta Rowan Pay Life
com Selesnya Rhys
sta Shelob Food Fight
sta Simic - Esix Elves
leg Simic Ezuri
com Tyvar Dorks
sta Volo
com Abzan Tayam
sta Bant Arcades
com Esper Blink
com Grixis Salty Marchesa
sta Grixis-
sta Jeskai-
sta Jund Goblin Korvold
com Jund Thantis
sta Mardu Equipment
sta Mardu-
com Naya Atla's Eggs
com Obeka Upkeep
sta Sultai-
com Sultai- Mimeoplasm
sta Temur Elemental Landfall
com Temur Kalamax Spells
com Temur Xyris Wheels
com Saskia Trample Tribal
sta Yidris Long
vin Artifact Commander
sta Blink Deck
vin Coin Flip Commander
sta Kess, Dissident Mage
com Lathiel Lifegain
leg Nahiri, the Commander
sta Nethroi, Apex
com Spell Split Elemental Landfall
com Spell Split Wizards
Commander Precon
sta Elves Old
vin Ghired Precon
sta Kalamax Default
vin Saheeli Commander
vin Subjective Reality
sta Domain Zoo
Old Schemes
com Brudiclad
vin Commander Graveyard
com Group Hug
sta Group Hug Big
leg Karlov
com Mazirek
vin Sultai Muldrotha
sta Xyris Big
pau Greg Pauper
pau Kaleb Pauper
sta Pauper Buylists
pau Pauper Heroic
sta Sam Pauper
sta Selesnya Pauper Heroic
sta Black White Heals 2.0
sta Copy of Feather Trim
sta Counter Attack
sta Counter Attack 2.0
sta Defense Bois
sta Elves Counters
sta Elves Ramp
sta Elves Ramp Stripped
sta Elves Tokens
sta Elves Tribal
sta Feather
sta Feather Jeskai
sta Jerk Squad
sta Jerk Squad 2.0
sta Orzhov 2.0
sta Orzhov Heals
sta Reanimator
sta Red White Strike
sta Simic Counter Attack 2.5
sta Surveil
sta Surveil Reanimator
sta Zombie Nation
Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder
sta Draw
sta Evasion
sta Flicker
sta Good Stuff
sta Graveyard
sta Ramp
sta Removal
sta Top Deck
sta Unblockable
com Copy of Abzan Tayam
sta DanDan Combined
com Korvold
sta MH3 Buylist
sta Oobosh
sta prizes
sta Standard Infect
sta Standard Lifelink
sta Treasure Cruise

Mana Base
Colors | |||
Symbols | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Percent | 33.0 | 33.0 | 33.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.