JARLINNN's profile
- MTG DECKS (20)
com 2001's Cats & Dogs // Rin and Seri, Inseperable // Cat tribal
com are we human? // tryn/silvar // human tribal
com elf ball // abomination of llanowar // elf tribal
com family fun // ob nixilis, unshackled
com hope of ghirapur // artifacts
com how could one man have all that power // gruul smash // zilortha, strength incarnate
com i'm the trash man // jarad, golgari lich lord // graveyard
com insert blink pun here // blink // preston, the vanisher
com insert creative liliana-based pun // liliana tribal // liliana, heretical healer
com insert creative wizard pun // wizard tribal // talrand, sky summoner
com it belongs in a museum // sharuum combo // sharuum the hegemon
com new mutants // mutate // nethroi, apex of death
com rats // discard / rat tribal // ink-eyes, servant of oni
com romper stomper // nikya of the old ways // gruul smash
com she a baddie // Kaalia of the Vast
com slither.io // sliver tribal // the first sliver
com stax upon stax // grand arbiter augustine iv // stax
com steal yo shit // pirate tribal // admiral beckett brass
com toxic relationship // -1/-1 // hapatra, vizier of poisons