- MTG DECKS (292)
A Premodern
sta ArgenNought - July23- Fpavlusz
pre Bant Sunscape 2025
sta Landstill
sta Landstill 61
sta Mongrelnought
sta Moscow Sligh
sta Nether-Still
sta premodern - b piazza
sta premodern stuff
sta Replenish 2023
pre Replenish 2024 - Rich Shay
pre RG Ponza 2024
pre Stasis - 2023
pre Stasis - 2024
pre Sunscape Ramp 2025
pre U Stiflenaught - Selden lobstercon
sta WC - Eder 2003
sta WC - Le Pine 1999
sta WC - LInde 1999
sta WC - Nassif 2004
sta WC - Van de Logt 2000
pre Weenie 5C Toolbox 2025
pre Weenie Control 2025
5C and Superfriends
sta 5-color Jodah Maelstrom
vin old 5-color Jodah Maelstrom
sta Painbow
leg PWs for token deck
Active decks
vin Ephara Hatebears - old
vin Ephara Spirits
vin Temur Hydras
Nagas and Ninjas
sta All the Ninjas
vin Faceless Menace
vin Nagas and Ninjas
vin Ninjas - Better
vin Ninjas - DJ budget
vin Sneaky Morphy Ninja Deck
Theros Gods
leg Bant Walls
leg Bant Walls - Brothers War
vin Wall-ball (expensive)
vin Wall-balls
sta Andres - Vampire thief
sta Anikthea Enchantress
sta Estrid combo
sta Jake's Omnath
sta Legends Legacy
vin Lord Windgrace w/Valakut
sta Wh40k Imperium
Enchantress - all formats
Premodern Enchantress
sta dual lands
sta fetch lands
sta fetchable lands (battle, tri)
sta shock lands
1 - GBx
mod Jund Assault Loam
sta New Rock
mod Rock - Sol Malka - January 2018
1 - Stoneblade d ...
mod Stoneblade!
1 - Valakut decks
mod BTL Scapeshift
mod James Breach
sta Oko RUG Scapeshift
leg RUG Scapeshift 1.0
mod RUG Scapeshift 1.1
mod RUG Scapeshift 1.2
mod TitanShift
mod Titanshift - plain
mod UG Scapeshift 1.2.1
Abzan Leige
mod Abzan Beats - concept
mod Abzan beats from mtgs
mod AbzLg - trey pitcher IQ
mod AbzLg V1
mod AbzLg V2
mod AbzLg V3
Blue Moon
mod Blue Moon - Freeman
mod Blue Moon - Taiki
mod Double BlueMoon
mod Jeskai Moon
mod Boros Aggro
mod Boros Burn (NathanielKnox)
mod Boros Moon
mod Boros Moon 2
mod Boros Moon 3: with 4 Chalices
mod Kiki Moon
mod RW Landkill - BrokenProphet
Burn and Zoo
mod Creatureless Burn
mod Nacatl Burn
mod Naya Burn Summer15
mod Naya Burn Winter 16
mod revolt zoo
BW To ...
Abzan Tokens
mod BW Midrange (tokens)
mod BW tokens -Cifka
mod BW tokens Sept 15
mod BW tokens v1
mod BW tokens v2
mod BW tokens v3
sta Copy of RUG Scapeshift 1.2
Collected Company
Abzan Company
Bant Company
mod Bant Company - Jacob Wilson
mod Bant Company - Kibler
mod Bant Company - V1
mod Bant Company - V2
mod Bant Company - V3
mod Bant Company/Vial
mod Hezekai
mod 2017 Bant Spirits
mod Bant Humans Aug2017
mod Five-Color Demon Company
mod GW Company - beatdown
mod GW Value Town
mod Modern GW beats
Death & Taxes
mod BW D&T
mod Copy of BW D&T
mod D&T #1 monowhite
mod GW D&T Jacob VL
mod GW D&T v1
mod GW D&T v2
mod Monowhite D&T
mod UW
mod UW D&T
vin 5-Color Horrors
vin Delveler
vin Delveler V2
vin Delveler V2.1
vin Delveler V3
vin Grixis Horrors
vin Horrors Tribal
vin Ice Moon
vin Jeskai Reveler
mod Naya Prowess 22
vin Pyro-Reveler
vin Pyromentor V1
vin Pyromentor V2
vin Pyromentor V3
vin Pyromentor V4
vin Pyromentor V5 (GPT)
vin Pyromentor V6
vin Pyromentor V7
mod Bant Emeria
leg GW Emeria
mod UW Emeria - Dante Driskell
mod 2017 Modern Faeries
mod basic faeries
mod Grixis Bitterblossom
leg Legacy Faeries
Grixis Death's Shadow
mod Aggregated - 4
mod GDS - Burdette
mod GDS - Danker
mod GDS - GerryT
mod GDS - Me
mod GDS - sneaky
mod Copy of GW hatebears 2
mod GW Beats Sept 15
mod GW Hate Sept 15
mod GW hatebears 1
mod GW hatebears 3 (coco)
mod Humans by Zac Workun
mod Humans v1
mod Humans v1 - no fetches
Living End
Work in Progress
mod Bant Eldrazi
mod Bant Spirits
mod Grixis post-push
mod GW D&T (Rallier)
mod GW Enchantress
vin Jeskai Horrors
mod Turn 5 Superfriends
mod ZOO by Walter Widman
mod Four Decks
mod Living End - Stephen Hemmes
mod Living End - by Nicholas Sabasteanski
mod Living End - GC
mod Living End - GP Brisbane
mod Living End - Rhino
mod Living End - Westfall
mod Mardu
mod Mardu 2
mod Mardu 3 - Tokens
mod Mardu 4 - Finks
mod Mardu Moon
mod Mardu Nahiri
mod Mardu Nahiri - William
mod Modern Dega Midrange
mod GR Ponza
mod GRUUL mid (budget)
mod GRUUL midrange
mod Temur Moon
Proxy Sunday
mod Black Moon (modified)
mod Black Moon (Zhengdong Shan)
mod Demigod Black
leg Demigod Moon
leg Demigod Moon (cheaper)
mod MARDU by Curt Fuhrman
leg Mardu Demigod - Post
mod Mardu Demigod - Pre
mod Rakdos GDD v1
mod Rakdos GDD v2
leg Rakdos Madness
Random Modern ideas
mod rats - mono
mod rats - orzhov
mod Rats of Rakdos
mod 4C Walls
vin Copy of Ninjas - DJ budget
mod Dimir Control
mod Doran Tree of Perdition
mod Modern 4C Walkers
mod Modern Naya Walkers
Revolt Zoo
mod Spirits
mod Superfriends
Thing Ascension
vin Thing - Tamada WMC
vin Thing 1
vin Thing Ascension - GP
vin Thing Ascension - Hamada
vin UR Thing Ascension
vin UR Thing Ascension Rage
leg 12-bolt (budget)
mod Abzan Druid
pre BO
sta btl - in progress
sta Copy of RUG Scapeshift 1.2
sta Esper Hero - draft
sta Jund Feb2020
mod Monogreen Belcher
mod WB Gideons
mod Wg Taxes 2018
Z - delete
oth Mardu Mid Tokens
pre Quiet WW - Flippi
pre RecSur - Prague Whale 2024
pre Stasis (5C) 2025
pre Stasis (Bant) 2024 Sevilla
pre Stasis (UW) 2024 - Lopez
pre Terra-Oath (5C) 2024 - Javi
pre Terrageddon (Bant) 2024 - Umeboshi
pre Terrageddon (clean GW) 2024 - Davex8
pre Terrageddon (Junk) 2024 - soldieroffortune

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Meddling Mage | |
2 | Accumulated Knowledge | |
3 | Exalted Angel | |
4 | Reflecting Pool | |
5 | Portent | |
6 | Reflecting Pool |
Mana Base
Colors | |||
Symbols | 22 | 17 | 11 |
Percent | 44.0 | 34.0 | 22.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.