STIAN ØSTREM's profile
- MTG DECKS (145)
Classic Legacy
oth BG DepthsFit
sta BG NicFit Tor
sta Bug Threshold
sta Canadian Threshold
sta Dredge
sta Landstill
sta Punishing NicFit
sta Team America
sta Team America Worlds 2010
sta UB Shadow
leg BlueNic Fit
leg BUG Delver
leg BUG NicFit
leg Delver Sukenik
leg GB Nic Fit
sta Grixis Breach
leg Grixis Control
leg Grixis control BS Show
leg Grixis Delver
leg Grixis Delver Huang
leg Legacy ur standstill
leg Min Punishing Thieves
vin My BUG NicFit
leg Punishing Fit NY 2023
leg RUG Delver
leg Stryfo Punishing Thieves
leg Sultai Control
leg TES
leg The Epic Thief
leg U/R Delver Control
leg UB Shadow
leg UR Delver Arcnist
vin UR Delver Tempo Eli
mod G/B Death Cloud
mod G/B Tron
mod G/W Tron
mod Grixis Death's Shadow
mod Grixis Delver
mod Grixis Delver non-pyro
mod Mono Green Tron
Old School
oth 4 Colorado Good Stuff
sta 4c Erhnamgeddon Aggro
sta Bant
oth Bantgeddom 3.0
sta Bantgeddon
oth Brightsdays WRG Tax Edge
oth Dark Geddon Control
oth Dark Geddon uten tax
sta Erhnam Burn
sta Erhnamgeddon 2.0
sta Erhnamgeddon 3.0
sta Ernhamgeddon
sta Ernhamgeddon Netdeck
oth Lion Dib Bolt
oth Min NetDeck Bantgeddon
oth Min NetDeck Bantgeddon v.2
oth NetDeck Bantgeddon
oth Netdeck Lion Dib Bolt
sta Old School UG
oth Old School UR
oth Old School UR Aggro
oth RB Disk
oth RB Disk 2.0
oth RB Disk 3.0
sta RGB Discotroll
sta UB Tempo
sta UR Midrange
sta URB -tempo
oth URB 7-points Singleton
sta URB Brawl
oth URG Aggro
oth URG Ramp Aggro
oth URx Control
oth UW Control
oth UW Control 2.0
oth UW Lion Dib
oth UW Skies
oth WRG Tax Edge
oth X Point Erhnamgeddon
sta X-Point Erhnamgeddon 3.0
sta X-Point Erhnamgeddon 4.0
oth X-Point RB Disk
oth X-Point RBWG Disk
oth X-Point URG Aggro
oth X-Point URG Aggro 3.0
oth X-Point UW Control
oth X-Point WUG Aggro
Old School Finished decks
sta Jund
oth UWx Control
sta 3c Erhnam Burn
sta Ant
oth Bantgeddom 4.0
oth Bantgeddom 4.0
oth Bantgeddon uten Tax
oth Black Bantgeddon
oth Copy of Bantgeddom 3.0
oth Copy of Dark Geddon Jalum
sta Copy of Old School BUG
oth Copy of Old School UR
oth Copy of Optimal 4C Aggro
oth Copy of Optimal 5C Aggro
vin Copy of UB shadow
sta Copy of UB Shadow
sta Copy of URB -tempo
oth Copy of Xpoint WRG Tax Edge
sta Countertop aggro
mod DeCanio Swadow
leg Enchantress
oat Grist Oathbreaker
vin Grixis Shadow
leg Maverick
vin Min Punishing Dack
leg Old School Mono U
leg Pile
vin Punishing Dack
leg Reactor Fit
leg Sultai Shadow
sta Team America
sta Team America versjon
leg Temur Snow
vin test
sta Test
vin test2
mod U/B Colossus
mod U/R Eldrazi Control
mod UR Emerge
sta UR Juggernaut
oth X Point Bantgeddom 5.0
sta X point RG Artifact Aggro
oth X-Point SWE No-Prox RB Disk