REDBARONNL's profile
- MTG DECKS (152)
01 EDH First Sliver (PL8)
A Complete Decks
B Decks missing $249 or less
com 01-1 The First Sliver by Athreos
com 01-1 The First Sliver by Blackheart426
com 01-1 The First Sliver by Born_Disturbed
com 01-1 The First Sliver by caesarsalad77
com 01-1 The First Sliver by Coumie
com 01-1 The First Sliver by Druga
com 01-1 The First Sliver by DrunkenCommander
com 01-1 The First Sliver by eprovince (TOP)
com 01-1 The First Sliver by HerrDexter
com 01-1 The First Sliver by Holagod
com 01-1 The First Sliver by pinecone2k3
com 01-1 The First Sliver by Sackary
com 01-1 The First Sliver by Seanxofthedead
com 01-1 The First Sliver by sliverclone
com 01-1 The First Sliver by tubamikebob
com 01-1 The First Sliver by vwgoalie29
com 01-1 The First Sliver by W0lsko
com 01-1 The First Sliver by xacto14
com 01-1 The First Sliver by Yahavtk
com 01-1 The First Sliver by Zerethon
sta 01-2 Sliver Overlord by ACOONS81
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by dregewitz
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by InquisitorBaal
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by smilkows
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by Unuunilium (TOP)
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by zigaron
com 01-4 Sliver Gravemother by Tablesidegatman
com 01-5 Sliver Queen by Arcanicka
C Decks missing $250-$499
com 01-1 The First Sliver by Andrikz
com 01-1 The First Sliver by babydaggers (TOP)
com 01-1 The First Sliver by chameleon147
com 01-1 The First Sliver by CommanderAdventures (TOP)
com 01-1 The First Sliver by drehubbs (TOP)
com 01-1 The First Sliver by Fredie_V (TOP)
com 01-1 The First Sliver by guiibaldo
com 01-1 The First Sliver by jasinatael (TOP)
com 01-1 The First Sliver by JevonScholes
com 01-1 The First Sliver by kyledixiecup
com 01-1 The First Sliver by Matsuo
sta 01-1 The First Sliver by Nickolas
com 01-1 The First Sliver by OriginForme
com 01-1 The First Sliver by sacrilegious
com 01-1 The First Sliver by Shierahath
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by Cadois (TOP)
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by Greyfox1144
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by JoyTheEnbySliverLover
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by Lechuguilla
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by TheDarkOne202 (TOP)
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by WiseGuyIsAGodzach
com 01-3 Sliver Hivelord by holzaxt
D Decks missing $500+
com 01-1 The First Sliver by BRAZATO
com 01-1 The First Sliver by Ear_Wyrm
com 01-1 The First Sliver by invaderzik
com 01-1 The First Sliver by ItsGawa
com 01-1 The First Sliver by JeskaiMaster01
com 01-1 The First Sliver by Malsorn
com 01-1 The First Sliver by Meliorem
com 01-1 The First Sliver by MTG Burgeoning
com 01-1 The First Sliver by Tigurius
com 01-1 The First Sliver by Xidex
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by AceofSpades0714
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by AwesomeMMan
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by Cheesed04
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by CruxMDQ
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by Daenen
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by ddrextremexxx
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by Doombeard1984
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by Enral
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by FelixMortem
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by Forkbeard
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by Goyfs-R-Us
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by IDraken1221
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by johnjust
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by julsjuj
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by Karkeios
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by karp-et
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by koth_of_the_bummer
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by Krosnest07
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by MasterRoach117
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by Mortlocke
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by Mortlocke
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by Nesbet
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by Nowers4
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by Ocondono
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by StarOceanSurfer
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by Xerox748
com 01-5 Sliver Queen by Xyaxys
com 01-6 Sliver Legion by AWebb
sta 01 - Wishlist
com 01-1 The First Sliver by RedBaron (PL4)
com 01-2 Sliver Overlord by RedBaron (PL6)
com 01-3 The First Sliver by RedBaron (PL7)
com 01-4 The First Sliver by RedBaron (PL8)
com 01-5 X The First Sliver by RedBaron (PL8)
02 EDH Imotekh (PL6)
03 EDH Gates (PL6)
04 EDH Corrupting (PL5)
05 EDH Sliver Swarm (PL6)
06 EDH Ghalta (PL5)
A Other decks
com 06-1 Ghalta by NitpickingNerds
com 06-2 X Ghalta by RedBaronNL
07 EDH BWC Combos
sta BWC-AllPossibleCombos
sta BWC-CardDraw
com BWC-Commanders
com BWC-Deck1
com BWC-Manabase
com BWC-OtherCards
sta BWC-Ramp
com BWC-SelectedCombos
sta Combo3OrMore-1
sta Combo3OrMore-BW
sta Combo3OrMore-Cheap
sta CombosIOwn
com Karador Ghost Chieftain
com Liesa Shroud of Dusk
sta prices
sta Tutor Commanders
sta Win game dual combos
60 EDH Various decks
70 Landsets
sta 70-0) Any Color Lands
sta 70-1) Bond Lands (tapped unless 2+ oppenents)
sta 70-2) Shock Lands
sta 70-3) Pain Lands
sta 70-4) Filter Odyssey Lands
sta 70-5) Slow Lands (tapped unless 2 or more lands)
sta 70-X) Artifact Lands (Tapped but Indestructable)
sta 70-X) Battle Lands (tapped unless 2 or more lands)
sta 70-X) Bounce Lands
sta 70-X) Check Lands
sta 70-X) Fast Lands (tapped unless 2 or less lands)
sta 70-X) Fetch (Best) Lands
sta 70-X) Fetch (Other) Lands
sta 70-X) Filter 2 Lands (Untapped, but pay 1 to get 2)
sta 70-X) Scry Lands (Scry 1)
sta 70-X) Tained Lands
sta 70-X) Trilands (Tapped but 3 colored)
sta 70-X) Triomelands (Tapped but 3 colored)
80 Challenge decks
81 Horde decks

Name | Cost ![]() |
Goldmire Bridge | |
Thornglint Bridge | |
Tanglepool Bridge | |
Drossforge Bridge | |
Darkmoss Bridge | |
Silverbluff Bridge | |
Slagwoods Bridge |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Rustvale Bridge | |
2 | Razortide Bridge | |
3 | Mistvault Bridge |