SUPERTROUZ's profile
- MTG DECKS (58)
B | Cao Ts'ao Whoops No Cards
B | Gisa
B | Liliana's Contract
B | Starscream
BG | James Bond LOTR
BR | Blim : The Comedy Game Show
BR | Olivia & Archfiend
BRG | Fuck Lizards
BRG | Shattergang Brothers : I Hate Lands
G | Green Beartifacts
R | Human Weeines
R | Ib Halfheart : Goblin firecrackers
R | Rionya
RG | Space Family
U | Fblthp : Voltron
U | Padeem : Living Artifacts
UB | The Grouch : Trashbin Demons
UBG | Mimeo-mutate
UBR | Ashnod
UBR | Nicol Trollass
UBRG | Haakon's Deadapult Zombies
UG | Project Playland
UG | Tappers/Exile
UR | Coin Flipping Madness
UR | Melek : Xerox Machine
URG | Fblthp goes Zndrsplt
W | Circles of Protection
WB | Lich's Mastery
WBG | Karador - ETB creatures reanimate
WBR | Assassin's of the Heavens
WG LuLu Reanimate
WR | Avvy : Boros Control Mana Cliff Tribal Board Wipe
WU | Ephara : Do Nothing
WU | The Council
WUB | Aminatou : Manifest Destiny
WUB | Just Draw
WUB | Nev : Destroy all Humans
WUBR | Thop-Thops
WUBRG | Cumulative Upkeep
WUBRG | Horsemanship > Gamesmenship
WUG | Bant maybe no control
WUR | Elsha : Punching Planeswalkers