GORTABANIS's profile
- MTG DECKS (263)
Block RTR
oth Block RTR 4Color
sta Block RTR Abzan Fatties
sta Block RTR Abzan Tokens
sta Block RTR Abzan Vraska
sta Block RTR Dimir Mill
sta Block RTR Esper Control
sta Block RTR Golgari 01
sta Block RTR Golgari 2
sta Block RTR Jeski
sta Block RTR Jund Aggro
sta Block RTR Jund Demon
sta Block RTR Mardu
oth Block RTR Orzov
sta Block RTR Selesnya Tokens
sta Block RTR To Buy
2020 EDH
Abzan Builds
sta cAbzanafenza
sta Kethis
com Ahminau CEDH
com CEDH Abzan
com CEDH Old Sticky
com Locas God CEDH
Discard Data
com BR Discard Build
sta EDH Kroxa Discard
sta Kroxa discard
sta mass Discard
sta Rakdos Each player discards
sta Rakdos each player draws
sta Rakdos from Graveyard
sta Rakdos whenever opponent
sta Rakdos whenever player
sta tinybones-001
sta tinybones-001-Reduced
sta tinybones-002
sta To Hand
vin TSG Discard
Etali Builds
vin EDH 04-2019
sta Etali budget build
sta Etali EDHRE 8-2020
sta Etali EDHREC Average
sta Etali Ideas
sta Etali Recom Budget
sta Etalie EDHREC Budget
com EDH Feather 2020
League Builds
com Copy of Penny Com - UB
sta Truss Average
com Truss Build
com truss, chief engineer
mod 2019 League BR
leg 2019 League G
com Budget Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar
com Nev's Deck
com Obeka Budget
com Penn Com - R Ashling
com Penny Com - G Goreclaw
com Penny Com - Mono U
com Penny Com - R
com Penny Com - UB
com Penny Com - UG
com Penny Com - UR
com Penny Com - WBR
com Penny Com - WU
com Penny Com - WUBRG
com Penny Com - WUR
com BG Meren of Clan Nel Toth
com CEDH Meren
com EDH Meren Budget
sta Meren $2000
sta Meren $50 commander quarters
sta Meren $5000
sta Meren Cheap Average 02-2022
com Meren Infect
sta meren stax
sta meren upgrade commander quarters
sta Merin Casual 2-2022
Stample Lists
vin B Budget STaples
sta Black EDH underplayed
vin Black Staples
sta Blue EDH Unplayed
leg BR Staples
vin Budget Staple List
sta Colorless EDH Unplayed
vin EDH Budget Staples
vin EDH Staples By Color
sta Green EDH Staples
sta Green EDH Unplayed
vin R Budget Staples
sta Red EDH Underplayed
vin Red Staples
sta White EDH Staples
sta White EDH Unplayed
Stax Builds
com Aminatou Average Stax Deck
com Aminatou Stax Example
com Bant Super Stax
sta esper stax topdeck
com Estrid Average Stax
com Estrid Stax Example
com Stax Cards
Volo EDH
com Volo Budget
sta volo budget tokens
com Volo colorless
com volo edh tech
sta volo edh tech budget
com Volo First Build
sta Volo from Utube
com 5C Slivers
sta 5color Jegantha
sta Abbey's Elves
com Amanotu Upping the Average
com BlueHateTemplate
vin Boros Angels 04-2020
com CEDH AMinotu
vin Copy of Rackdos Sample
sta edh budget turbo green
sta EDH Tribal Shell
vin Enchantment Build
leg Mono G Elves 2019
vin Mono W Angels
vin Rackdos Sample
leg RAckdos Sample 2
sta red commons
leg sacrifice
com Truss - Build
vin TSC
vin TSC 5-2019
Jumpstart Packs
oth Above the Clouds
sta Dinosaur 1
sta Dinosaur 2
sta Discarding
sta Doctor
sta Feathered Friends
sta Lands
sta Lightning
sta Predatory
sta Ready to Attack
sta Ready to Charge
sta Spirits
sta Spooky
sta Walls
sta Wizards
mod Burn Update
mod Med 21 Izzet Blitz
mod Med Infect
mod Mod 21-11 Prowess
mod Mod Boros
mod Mod Elf Budget
mod Mod Rakdos
oat Wrenn & Six Build
oat Wrenn & Six Orignal
Pauper Decks
Elves Builds
pau Elf 2 Flyer
sta Snow Elves
pau Triatholon Elves
Pauper Cube
cub The Pauper Cube
Tourtured Existence
sta 2022 Pauper Tortex
sta Pauper Cat Gate
pau Pauper TE dowload 02
sta Pauper TortEx 05-2023
sta TE 2022-11
sta TE Abzan 2022
sta TE Pauper Esper Incomplete
sta TE Sultai 2022
sta TE Sultai Crab
sta TE Sultai Monarch
sta TortEx - Rakdos
pau TortEx Chantment Luv
sta TortEx TronTech
sta TortEx-001
pau TortEx-01 GB
leg TortEx-02 Abzan
pau TortEx-03 BR
leg TortEx-04 BG
leg TortEx-05 BG
pau tortEx-092020
sta TortEx-Abzan
sta TortEx-CatCow
pau TortEx-Mardu
sta TortEx-MarduControl
leg 01-2019 MCG Tron
pau 01-2019 MCQ All Instants
leg 01-2019 MCQ Bogles
pau 01-2019 MCQ Burn
sta Mon B Aggro
sta Pauper 4C Hotdog
pau pauper black
sta Pauper burn 02-2023
pau Pauper Creatureless infect
pau Pauper Delver
sta Pauper Goblins
sta Pauper Infect
pau Pauper Poison
pau pauper Pro-Infect
sta pauper proliferate
sta Pauper R Burn
sta Pauper Red
sta Pauper Staples
sta Pauper W Infect
pau Pauper WBG Combo
sta RDW 02 - 11-2022
sta RDW 2022
vin Tireless Tribe
pio abzan doom
pio abzan Yorion
pio AbzanBuild20200101
sta AbzanControlBase
pio WBG Options
Mono R Burn
sta abzan aggro
sta abzan midrange 01
sta Mono U Tempo
sta Mono W humans 09-22
leg MonoB Pioneer Vehicles
sta PIO 2-2022 WR Burn
sta Pioneer B Devotion
sta Pioneer Mono W Humans
pio Pioneer Mono W Humans 12-22
pio Pioneer Rakdos
pio Pioneer Rakdos cheap
pio Pioneer Rakdos Kroxa
sta Pioneer Spirits
pio Pioneer Vehicles
pio Pioneer WR Brun
sta temp B devotion list
2020-10 Builds
2021-10 Builds
2021-11 Builds
sta STD 02-2022 Naya
sta STD 02-2022 W
sta STD 11-21 Mono W
sta 2-23 standard
sta 2025 STD Elves 01
sta Standard blue tempo
com BrianWants
sta Elves 2022
sta Ixalan Battle Box
oth list 2022
sta Modern Infect
sta modern UR Prowess
oat Oathbreaker
sta Pioneer Abzan
vin Shopping list
mod Skyanna Rares
sta temp
sta Tribal Elf
sta Tribal Goblins
sta Tribal Merfolk

Name | Cost ![]() |
Hickory Woodlot | |
Thirsting Roots | |
Experimental Augury | |
Weather the Storm | |
Pentad Prism | |
Infectious Inquiry | |
Infectious Inquiry |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Prologue to Phyresis | |
2 | Moment's Peace | |
3 | Saprazzan Skerry | |
4 | Saprazzan Skerry | |
5 | Moment's Peace | |
6 | Everflowing Chalice |
Mana Base
Colors | |||
Symbols | 28 | 11 | 4 |
Percent | 65.0 | 25.0 | 9.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.