- WERDWOOD93's profile
- Inventory
- Tradelist
- Wishlist
- MTG DECKS (1279)
- sta$30 vintage blue ...
- sta$30 vintage blue ...
- sta$30 vintage channel
- sta$30 vintage dargon
- sta$30 vintage elves
- sta$30 vintage high ...
- vin$30 vintage lirrus
- vin$30 vintage madness
- sta$30 vintage mono ...
- sta$30 vintage resu ...
- sta$30 vintage storm
- sta$30 vintage stor ...
- sta$30 vintage thop ...
- sta$30 vintage turb ...
- sta30 vintage encha ...
- sta30v Cloudpost
- vin30v madness
- mod052522 affinity
- modaffinity
- modaffinity 2
- modaffinity 3
- modaffinity blood f ...
- modaffinity monou
- modboros affinity?
- modbudget affinity 2
- modfrenzy affinity
- modfrenzy affinity 2
- modhoverguard affinity
- modmonor affinity t ...
- modRed affinity
- modumori affinity
- moduw affinity 43
- moduw affinity midr ...
- moduw affinity prot ...
- mod2020 utron
- modBlue tron
- modblue tron 2
- modblue tron 25
- modblue tron 26
- modblue tron 4
- modblur tron take 56
- modbudget blue tron
- modcoax tron
- modeldrazi utron
- modgifts tron
- modjapanese utron
- modjapenese utron 2
- modjundslayer
- modmonoblue tron
- modnutron
- modrug tron
- modtron 2021
- modtronslayer
- modug tron
- modur tron
- staur tron
- modutron
- modutron 1234
- modutron 2
- modutron 2020
- modutron 2022
- modutron 3
- modutron 8/17/2021
- modutron post looting
- modutron take 78
- moduw thopter gifts
- moduw tron odd
- moduwr tron
- leg$100 jace
- leg8post
- staartifact thing
- legbad bw stuff
- stabg lich
- legblue gy thing
- legbudget helm
- legcasual blue
- modcasual colossus
- legcasual elves
- stacasual goblins
- legcasual izzet
- modcasual jar
- stacasual storm
- legcfb
- modcharge counters
- stachoke
- legcity wokkers
- legclerics
- legDemigod dredge
- legdevour
- legdimir
- legdumb casual deck
- staemminent domain
- stafevered visions
- legflashback
- leggb elves
- leggoblins
- stagoblo
- leggreen
- staguild fued
- legillusions
- modjeskai stuff
- legmonoblue control
- legmonoblue selfmill
- legNathan's green deck
- staphage
- legrage extractor
- starb bogles
- modreckoner
- othsearch the city
- modshuffle thing
- vinspell reanimator
- legswitcharoo
- modtheres the door
- legthursday mythstill
- legub steal
- modur splice
- modur stuff
- legur zombies
- leguw stuff
- staworldslayer
- com111922 isperia
- comadamaro
- staArcanis
- stabilbo
- comblex
- stablim
- comboros commander
- staboros gut
- combrago
- combrago challenge
- vinbrudiclad
- vinbrudiclad 2
- combrudiclad 3
- stabrudiclad 3 copy
- staBudget dimir com ...
- staBudget dimir com ...
- stabudget monoblack
- combudget rakdos
- comcedh selvala
- staCopy of boros co ...
- staCopy of glissa c ...
- comCopy of Intet
- vinCopy of intet up ...
- comdollar general t ...
- comelesha
- comextra budget rakdos
- comGarth
- comgitgud frog
- vinglissa
- staglissa 4
- staGlissa 5
- comglissa copy 2
- comgolos 3
- comGrenzo
- comgrenzo challenge
- comgrithama
- comgrothama
- stagrothama 2
- vinguided by nature
- stagut
- stahans
- vinIntet
- comintet 4
- vinintet update
- comIsperia
- comjin 2
- comjin 3
- vinjin-gitaxias edh
- comjund
- stamarchesa
- commishra steals al ...
- vinmizzix edh
- commonoblack edh
- vinnin edh
- comnissa 2
- comnissa 3
- legNissa edh
- comniv
- comnot budget glissa
- staogre lady
- staomnath reading t ...
- compatron of the moon
- comrakdos
- comsaruman
- comselenia final
- comsogir
- stasol'kanar
- comSvella
- comsyr konrad
- comTempur treasures
- stathada adel
- comthe master
- vintomorrow
- statomottow2
- comultra budget kodama
- comultra budget kod ...
- staUrza edh
- comzada
- comzurzoth
- comzurzoth 2
- comzurzoth 3
- leg010723 Combo Elves
- leg010823 Delver
- sta02222024 lands
- sta041223 breakfast
- sta041923 delver
- sta043023 Legacy Sh ...
- sta060723 grixis de ...
- leg060723 shadow
- sta061223 no sr shadow
- leg06132024 tempo d ...
- leg06202024 grief
- sta062923 Lands
- leg08132024 landnau ...
- leg081523 shadow
- sta09012024 infect
- sta09012024 painter
- leg09102024 turbo d ...
- leg091322 red prison
- sta101023 monob helm
- sta101423 reanimator
- sta11092024 ANT
- leg2 card monte
- leg2021 nicfit
- leg2021 reanimator
- leg4 walkers
- sta4c ant
- leg4c doomsday
- sta4c green thing
- leg4c maverick 7/18/21
- leg4c miracles
- sta4c miracles (broko)
- leg4c no black
- leg4c pile 2020
- leg4c snow miracles
- leg5c snow
- legANT
- legantless ant
- legbad blue legacy ...
- legbant beanz
- stabant helm
- stabant helm shift
- legbant maverick
- stabant rip 2
- legBant yorion NO
- legbg gakdepth
- staBlack stompy
- legblazing infect
- legblue omnitell
- staBomba
- legbomberman
- legbonus round
- legbonus round 2
- staBoomer grixis
- legBR phoenix storm
- stabreakfast
- vinbubbling spiral
- legbudget bg depths
- legBudget gwb maverick
- stabudget hogaak
- stabudget mav
- legbudget mav 2
- legbudget monored s ...
- legbudget omni
- stabudget shadow
- stabudget ug omnitell
- stabudget uw
- legbug eurekatell
- staBug postban
- stabug shadow
- legbugdet burn
- staburn
- staburning fins 2021
- staBW Horse
- legcandlesless high ...
- stacascade!!!
- legcephalid breakfast
- legcephalid breakfa ...
- stachallenge elves
- legcloudpost flagst ...
- staCombo doomsday
- staCopy of 010723 C ...
- staCopy of 041923 d ...
- legCopy of 4c no black
- legCopy of bonus round
- legCopy of monoblue ...
- legCopy of pheonix ...
- legCopy of rip helm ...
- legCopy of ug post mkm
- stacradle scam
- legculling fit
- stad8j8rmcards
- legdelver
- staDepths
- staDepths
- stadino storm
- stadoomsday 2
- staDr. Edge
- legdragon stompy
- legdream halls
- legdredge
- legdredge
- staDutch stacks
- legdutch stacks
- staDutch stacks 3
- legecho storm
- staeldrazi
- legenchantress
- legenchantress
- legenchantress 2
- staeper doomsday
- legEsper mentor
- legesper phoenix
- legesper thing
- staFrogaak
- staFrogsday
- staFrogsday
- stagb helm pox
- stagb witherbloom fit
- leggoblin stompy
- leggoblins!
- staGreen bomberman
- leggreen colorless ...
- legGrixis attractions
- stagrixis phoenix
- stagrixis storm
- leggsz pile
- stagw lands
- staGw maverick
- legGw maverick 0423 ...
- staGw maverick 2024
- stagyruda bomberman
- staHigh tide
- staHigh tide
- legHogaak
- leghypergenesis
- stahypergenesis
- leginfect
- stajeskai breach
- stajeskai delver
- legjeskai helm
- legjeskai helm
- stajeskai mentor
- legjeskai midrange
- legjeskai rip helm aot
- legjeskai staff
- stajewel upheaval
- staJund nic fit
- stajund nic fit
- legKarn MUD
- leglandnauseam 2024
- leglands
- stalands 2021
- staLedless dredge
- legLegacy beans
- legLegacy game objects
- staLegacy glimpse o ...
- staLegacy hammer
- staLegacy hypergenesis
- leglegacy infect
- leglegacy magda
- legLegacy magda
- leglegacy ninjas
- leglegacy phoenix
- legLegacy pod
- stalegacy saheeli
- leglegacy traverse ...
- staLeyline nonsense
- staleylines
- legliving nyxfit
- legLoam pox
- staLoampox
- stalukka stompy???????
- staLutri cancer
- legmaccready lands
- legmanaless dredge
- staMaverick
- stamaverick 10-31
- staMono brown 2024
- staMonoB helm
- stamonob thing legacy
- legmonoblack
- legmonoblue hussar
- legmonoblue martyr
- legmonoblue martyr 2
- legmonoblue painter
- legmonoblue painter 3
- legmonoblue painter 87
- legmonogreen beets
- staMonor leyline
- legmonored sneak
- legmonored sneak so ...
- legmonou martyr 2
- legmonou martyr 3
- legmonou wizards
- legmonow init
- legmoon stompy 4/1/ ...
- legmost
- legMUD
- legMUD 2021
- legnadu breakfast
- stanarset echo 2
- legnarset echo chalice
- legnaya predator
- legnew rip helm
- legNivmagus
- legNivmagus 2
- staNo bant
- staNo grief zone
- staNongoyf dimir
- staNonsense
- legnourishing lich
- legnyx fit 1
- vinomnitell
- legoops
- staoops!
- legOops!
- staOracle shift
- staOracle shift
- legparfait
- legparfait 2
- legpheonix storm
- staPhoenix storm
- legpokipile 2023
- staPostban bug
- stapostban delver
- legPostband grixis
- legPOX
- legProft's tempo do ...
- legPunishing Ice
- legrainbow depths ( ...
- staRainbow horse
- starakdos cauldron
- legrakdos not reani ...
- staranbow sloth dep ...
- starb cauldron legacy
- starb goblins
- legrb phoenix
- legrector fit
- legRelevant cards n ...
- legRg bomberman
- starg depths
- starg init
- legrg post
- stariddlesmith
- legring smog
- legrip helm
- legRip helm
- legrip helm aot
- legrip/helm 35
- legrprison
- legRprison
- legrug bedlam fire
- legrug cascade
- legrug cascade 2
- legrug cascade 3
- legrug postban poke
- staryg delver
- legScam in Half
- staScapefit 2024
- legscapewish
- legsevinnes reclama ...
- stashepherd elves
- legskill borrower
- staSkill borrower 2024
- stasneak and show
- legsneak and skill
- legsneak and skill 2
- vinsneakfit
- vinsneakfit 2
- legsolidarity
- legsolidarity
- legsolidarity 2
- stasolidarity 2020
- legSolidarity 2024
- legsoothsayer nicfit
- staSteel stompy 2024
- staSTORM
- staSultai beans att ...
- stasultai storm
- legtempo doomsday
- legtes
- staTes 2024
- legThe cracklipe
- staTransformers los ...
- legTransformers scam
- staTransformers scam
- legturbo depths
- legturbo depths
- staub frog scam
- legug eureka tell
- legug omnitell
- legug post
- legug post mkm
- legug post q
- legug post u
- legUg sloth depths
- legupdated nyxfit
- staur krark
- legur narset
- staur obosh
- vinur painter
- staur painter
- staur stiflenought
- legur storm
- legUw cards
- staUW dutch stacks
- leguw helm
- leguw helm postban
- leguw legends
- leguw legends
- leguw legends 2
- staUw omnitell
- leguw painter
- staUw show and tell
- staUw stifle
- legUw stifle
- staUw stiflenougjt ...
- legUWg helm
- stauwr delver
- leguwr helm
- leguwr helm
- stavexing depths
- legwalkerstill
- vinwish depths
- staworldgorger
- staworldgorger 2
- staYorion dragon
- staYorion dragon 2
- staYorion dragon 3
- staYorion game objects
- stayorion nadu
- staYorion nonsense
- leg011824 delver
- sta02212024 dlever
- sta03102024 delver
- sta061324 taniyo de ...
- sta061324 taniyo de ...
- sta061324 taniyo de ...
- sta11262024 ur delver
- leg4c delver
- vinbudget delver
- stadreadnaught
- staGrixis delver
- stahoda civic v2
- leglegacy monoblue ...
- vinlegacy ur delver
- vinlegacy ur delver ...
- legmonoblue delver
- legnivmagus delver
- legRUG
- staRUG 3
- legrug 4goyf arcanist
- legrug 4goyf arcani ...
- legrug board goyf
- legrug delver
- starug delver
- legrug for scg syra ...
- starug post companion
- starug post eld
- staRUG post eld stifle
- legrug wrenn
- legud prowessless
- legur delver
- legur delver
- staur delver
- legur delver arcanist
- staur delver post w ...
- legur dreadhorde de ...
- legURg 2
- legURg delver
- staURg delver
- vinback to basics m ...
- vinbudget miracles
- legbudget miracles
- legEsperanza miracl ...
- vinet miracles
- legm8
- vinmiracles
- legmiracles
- vinmiracles 3
- legmiracles 3452345
- vinmiracles 4
- vinmiracles 8
- vinmiracles 9
- vinmiracles2
- legmitacles
- legpostban miralces
- vinreid miracles
- vinrip miracles
- leguw miracle helm
- mod4c goryo's
- mod4c kuldotha
- leg4c traverse
- mod500 match death ...
- leg5c goryos
- leg5c traverse
- mod8 whack
- modad naus
- modad naus
- modamulet
- modamulet
- modamulet breach 2
- modamulet cards
- modamulet karn
- modamulet titan
- modAmulet titan 45
- stabad eldrazi tron
- modbant amulet
- modbant control
- modbg elves budget
- modblue jund
- legbr breach
- modbreach amulet
- modbreach amulet
- modbreach amulet 2
- modbreach moon
- modbug reclamation
- modbug reclamation
- modbug reclamation 2
- modbw tokens
- legchannel narset
- modcheap elves
- legCopy of 5c goryos
- modCopy of glitteri ...
- moddice tron
- modendruring ideal
- modenduring ideal
- modenduring ideal
- modenduring ideal 3
- modEnigmatic incarn ...
- modesper goryo
- staesper goryo's
- modesper goryo's 922
- modesper goryos
- modesper goryos
- modesper goryos
- modesper reanimator ...
- modfaeries
- modgb rock
- modgb rock 2
- modgbtron
- modgenwave
- legglittering omniflux
- modglittering wish ...
- leggoryo's as fortold
- modgreenless jun
- modgrinding breach
- leggrishoalbrand
- leggrishoalbrand 34
- modGrixis control
- leggrixis goryos
- leggrixis goryos 2
- leggrixis goryos 3
- leggrixis goryos 4
- modgtron
- stagw amulet
- modgw karn amulet
- modhivemind
- modhivemind titan
- leghypergenisis
- legizzet phoenix
- modjac
- legjac
- modjace turns
- modjeskai ascendancy
- modjeskai breach
- modjeskai jace
- legjeskai thing asc ...
- modkarn urza
- modkiki chord
- modlantern control
- modmodern collosis
- modmodern collosus
- modmonoble delver
- modmonoblue delver
- modmonoblue delver red
- modMonogreen haste
- modnassif uw
- modneoform 2
- modneofrom
- modnew amulet
- legnew grish
- stanext level devotion
- legobzedat's aid
- modponza
- legpossibility storm
- modpro tour lantern
- modrestore balance
- legrestore balance
- modrestore balance 2
- modrg beats
- modsalver tron
- legshowdown goryos
- legsnow
- legsteamkin
- legsteamkin2
- modub urza
- modug polymorph
- modug prison
- vinur delver
- vinur delver 23
- modur delver modern
- modur delver thing
- modur dlever
- modur faeries
- modur hivemind
- staur phoenix
- modur prison
- modur tempo wizards
- modur thing
- moduw as fortolr
- moduw bwlchwe
- moduw emeria
- moduw jacwe
- moduw mentor
- leguw modern
- moduw nassif
- moduw sewer
- moduw tron
- moduwr
- moduwrb control
- modvant turns
- modwarpworld
- stawhirza
- mod050522 burn
- mod051422 esper con ...
- mod052222 yawg
- mod052822 murktide
- mod062022 shamans
- mod071222 hammer
- mod071522 rhinos
- mod071622 murktide
- mod092322 ponza
- mod092322 prison tron
- mod100422 monow hammer
- mod100722 sc(h)ammer
- sta102522 murktide
- mod102722 gb rock
- mod110722 Prison tron
- mod112822 hammer
- mod120422 Jund sac
- mod2022 faeries
- mod4c + tibalt
- mod4c agent creativity
- mod4c enchantress
- sta4c midrange
- mod4c reanimator
- modArtifact reanimator
- modbelcher
- stabinding enchantress
- modbob hammer
- staboros obosh
- modboros prowess
- modboros prowess ni ...
- modbreach combo
- modburn
- modcoffers
- moddevotion 051922
- stadimir shadow
- modenchantress
- modgruul saga stuff
- modhammer
- modhammer cedric
- modhammer inspector
- modhammer monow pos ...
- modhammer white chip
- modjegantha storm
- modjeskai stoneblade
- modjund rhinos
- modjund sac
- modJund shadow
- modliving end
- modmardu goryo's
- modmardu monkey rea ...
- modmardu monkey rea ...
- stamardu yorion rea ...
- staMardu Yorion rea ...
- modmonored burn
- modmonored saga
- modmonou zombie storm
- modmurk
- modMurktide post an ...
- modmurktide postban
- modobosh post ban
- modobosh prowess
- modPossibly storm
- modpostban hammer
- modPrison tron
- modprowess postban
- modrakdos goryos
- modrakdos lurrus
- modrakdos lurrus 12 ...
- modrakdos monkey re ...
- modresurgent belief
- staRhinos 820
- modrhinos postban
- modrhinos postban 2
- modSaheeli saga
- modscales
- modscales
- modshamans
- modshape anew
- modtempered steel
- modtemur saga
- modtribal bushwhack ...
- modtribal bushwhack ...
- modUr coating
- moduw control 2/26
- modYorion reanimator
- modzombie twiddle s ...
- mod02022023 hammer red
- mod02082023 hammer
- sta02102023 black h ...
- mod021023 murk
- sta030823 jund saga
- sta031023 burn
- mod050323 glimpse
- sta051423 atraxa food
- mod051423 temur tron
- sta081123
- mod082923 rhinos
- mod091722 Scam
- sta091723 Hammer
- mod100422 boros hammer
- sta100823 Scales
- sta121323 gtron
- mod12192023 coffers
- sta12192023 hammer
- sta4c beans
- sta4c goryos
- leg4c tameshi
- sta8 whack 8 blast
- staasmo reanimator
- staboros lotus field
- staburn
- stadispue amulet
- staelehants
- modenchantress
- modgb coffers
- modgb infect
- modgoblin storm
- staGolgari coffers
- modgoryo atraxa food
- stagoryosblast
- stagw hammer
- modhollowvine
- modInti 8 blast
- stakarn glimpse
- stale
- stamacs
- stamhayashi monou
- stamodern grixis br ...
- stamodern magda
- staModern replenish
- staNadu amulet
- staorc hammer
- stapost lotr hammer
- staring tron
- modscam
- modtoms deck
- sta02012024 le
- sta022924 tron
- sta03072024 TRON!
- sta03082024 TrON
- sta03152024 affinity
- sta07082024 asmo go ...
- sta07082024 ur prowess
- sta07092024 broros ...
- sta07102024 LE
- sta09022024 boros e ...
- sta4c goryos
- sta4c postban
- stabelcher
- modgerry t goryos
- stagerry t goryos u ...
- modgruul old cards ...
- staKaldra reanimator
- modleyline goryos 3
- modMagda 2024
- staMerfolk surprise
- stamodern game objects
- stamodern tribal zoo
- staMurk postban
- staNaya scapeshift
- staO3152024 rhinos
- modpost fury ban gl ...
- modPostban scam
- starg breach
- modRuby storm
- modsurveil combo
- modThe enemy
- stathe last scam
- modtrellon coffers
- staUr wizards
- stawaste not
- sta02082024 familiars
- pau042722 pauper af ...
- pau05142024 in terror
- sta051423 pauper R
- pau052623 eeeee
- pau08152024 pauper ...
- sta090823 white castle
- sta11132024 poison ...
- pau11192024 affinity
- sta11192024 monW
- sta11192024 pauper ...
- sta11262024 monor
- sta11262024 skred f ...
- sta11292024 MonoU F ...
- sta2024 teachings
- leg5c skred
- leg5c tron
- leg5c tron
- pauAbzan Enchantress
- legastrolabe tron
- staboros synth
- staBW turbo init gl ...
- paucancer
- legCopy of pauper u ...
- pauDimir faeries
- staDimir terror
- legEggs tron
- staelves12/24
- staGardens
- staGates
- paugoblin storm
- paugrixis curve
- staIzzet faeries
- paujeskai ephemerate
- paumind goblin
- paumono r turbo init
- paumonor
- paumonor no gobbos
- staMonu faeries
- staonce hammer
- legpauoerr ytin
- legpauper caw blade
- legpauper cawblade 2
- vinpauper delver
- legpauper elves
- pauPauper elves
- paupauper elves v2
- stapauper goblin combo
- stapauper monou terror
- stapauper rg
- legpauper tron
- legpauper utron
- legpauper uw tron
- paupoison storm
- paupoison storm 2
- star
- paurug pauper
- pausprouting vines
- staspy
- pauTeachings 2024
- legteachings tron
- pauteavhings
- staUb faeries
- pauub recoil
- legub teachings
- legub teachings 2
- staub terror
- pauur control
- staUr skred delver ...
- pauUr skred faeries
- pauwalls
- stawhite castle
- stawhite castle 2
- pauWhite Castle 3
- pio031623 rakdos sac
- pio03192023 greasefang
- sta032223 lotus
- sta041020234 incarn ...
- sta04292024 izzer e ...
- sta05142024 phoenix
- pio05192024 uw lotus
- pio05282024 phoenix
- pio05282024 pioneer ...
- pio05292024 uw lotus
- pio05312024 uw lotus
- sta060423 jac pioneer
- sta061123 storm herald
- pio06142024 uw lotus
- sta062423 Greasefang
- sta062423 pioneer g ...
- pio07042024 uw lotus
- pio07072024 phoenix
- pio08222024 incarna ...
- pio101222 pioneer d ...
- sta2024 Pioneer sto ...
- staboogles 4/2/2024
- staboros convoke
- staboros heroic
- staboros pia
- pioBw control
- piocontrol incarnation
- staCopy of 061123 s ...
- pioelenbogan pionee ...
- staengimatic beans
- pioengimatic beans
- stagb seasons past
- stagrixis archfiend
- stainto copter
- pioizzet ensoul
- piojund ld pioneer
- stalotus field
- pioMbc pioneer
- pioMinor red pio
- stamonob pioneer
- stamonored pioneer
- staNot trespass pho ...
- stapio bogles 10042024
- staPioneer 8 lotus
- piopioneer analyst
- piopioneer boggles
- staPioneer devotion
- pioPioneer gb besee ...
- stapioneer incarnation
- stapioneer ub
- piorakdos tree
- pioRG Prowess Pioneer
- piorippy toast dipp ...
- stastorm herald
- staub archfiend
- staUw ensoul
- piowastenot
- stayorion niv
- pre'geddon goblins
- pre10 land stompy v2
- prebant horn oath
- stabant mulch
- stablue black tog
- preboros goblins
- prebw midrange
- precognivore oath
- preCopy of rack
- stadark suspicions
- preelves
- preEnduring govlins
- prefood chain elves
- pregb infestation
- preGoblins
- staGoblins premodern
- stagroatog
- stagw oath
- stagw terrageddon 4 ...
- stagw terrageddon oath
- stagw wake
- stajund infestation
- staLandstill 2
- staLandstill 3
- preliving death
- staMachinehead
- stamachinehead 2
- stamadness
- stambc
- staMBC Premodern
- premon red control
- stamono r thing
- premonog stompy
- preMonor
- stamonou stiflenoug ...
- staMonou tinker
- premonou tinker pre ...
- preMUC Premodern
- staMud stax
- preOath upheaval
- staPremodern Burn
- staPremodern Burn
- prePremodern Burn
- staPremodern fires
- stapremodern monou ...
- staPremodern tribe
- staPremodern zombies
- prerack
- prerakc cards
- staReplenish
- starw goblins lite
- staShow and tell
- preStandstill
- stastasis
- prestasis
- presurvival infesta ...
- prethe rack
- statinker oath
- preUb rack
- preub tog
- staUGr madness
- preUw landstill
- stauw tinker prison
- sta010223 reanimator
- leg02012024 reanimator
- sta08272024 reanimator
- sta09012024 reanimator
- sta10112024 reanimator
- legBad gb reanimator
- legbad reanimator
- legbizzaro storm
- legBR
- legbr reanimator
- legbr reanimator good
- legbudget reanimator
- legbudget worldgorger
- legbugdet monoblack ...
- legburning fins
- staburning fins 2021
- stadom reanimator
- legdoomsday fins
- leggemstone fins
- leggriselstorm
- leggriselstorm 3
- vinjund tin fins
- leglucksack tin fins
- legmardu fins
- legmardufins
- legmardufins 3
- legmonoblack reanim ...
- legmonoblack reanim ...
- legmonoblakc tin fins
- legrb reanimator
- staReanimator cards
- legreanimator depths
- legreaninator 222
- legtin fins
- staTin fins 2024
- legtin fins 9/6/19
- legtin fins dark de ...
- legtin fins depths
- legtin fins depths 2
- vintinfins
- vintinfins 2
- statinfins 4/20
- vintinnus finnus
- staTurbo meth
- legub reanimator
- staub reanimator 2
- legwierd tin fins
- legworldgorger
- mod4c marionette
- mod4c ramp
- staadventure storm
- modbant app
- modbant approach
- stabant nexus
- stadrakes post
- modesper tokens
- stagates
- stagates
- modgreat cluerora
- modmonoblue collosus
- modmonoblue paradox ...
- modmonoblue standard 2
- stanew drakes
- stapheonix
- stapicnic ruiner
- stapirates
- starg picnic
- modrug colossus
- modrug colossus 2
- starug niv
- starug niv drake
- starug ramp
- stasimic tempo
- stastandard domain
- modstandard grixis
- stasultia reanimator
- staub phoenix
- modur collosus
- modur collosus 2
- modur collosus 3
- othblue red cards
- othdandan
- othdandan2
- stafugitive wizard ...
- othfugitive wizard ...
- modgargatron
- modlands cycles (mo ...
- stamodern decks
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This deck was created on 21-Mar-2024 15:44, and it was last updated on 07-Dec-2024 00:58.
Name | Cost |
Urza's Saga | |
Mana Drain | |
Mind Stone | |
The Chain Veil | |
Jace, the Mind Sculptor | |
Lórien Revealed | |
Tezzeret the Seeker |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Deserted Beach | |
2 | Island | |
3 | Irrigated Farmland | |
4 | Mirrorworks | |
5 | Forensic Gadgeteer | |
6 | Hedron Archive |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 54 | 33 |
Percent | 61.8 | 38.2 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.