HARDY's profile
- MTG DECKS (140)
01. Plumber o ...
com Meren v01 (Original)
com Meren v02
com Meren v03
com Meren v04 Kokusho patch
com Meren v05 Sheoldred patch
com Meren v06 USA patch
com Meren v07.1 HoD patch
com Meren v07.2 anty-cmd17
com Meren v08
com Meren v09
com Meren v10 CŁO patch
com Meren v11 prototype
mod wishlist
02. +1/+1 Counters
com Hamza counters
com Naya counters
03. Xenagos Extra Crispy
04. Malik Treasury
05. Xantcha Goad
com Xantcho Pansa
06. Extra Turns
com Hinata
com Magnus The Commie
com Taigam counter-counterspell
com Will, Smith of Peace
07. Muldrotha
com Mimeoplasm
sta Mimeoplasm v2
com Mimeoplasm v3
com Muldrotha
08. Atraxa
com Atraxa poisonferate
com Atraxa v1
com Atraxa v2
com Atraxa v3
com Atraxa v4
com Atraxa v5
com Brokkos infectos
com Copy of Atraxa poisonferatu
09. Ruinous Powers
sta Do demonow
com Hahahaosi
com Original
com The Mono
10. Modern
mod Azor modern
mod Blast-off
mod Dino-mite! v2
mod Duskmourn Premature Release Simic Manifest
mod Green modern
sta JUND Ravnica Allegiance Prerelease
mod Modern Avengers of Kamigawa
mod Modern Demonic Devotion
mod Modern Dino-mite! v3
mod Modern Dino-mite! v4
mod Modern Horizons 3 Premature Release Jeskai Energy
sta White power
sta WotS Prerelease AZOR
11. Legacy
Nieużywane talie
04. Zombki
leg do kupienia
vin Scarab God v1
com Scarab God v2
com Scarab God v3
com Scarab God v4
leg Varina, Skarb Zombceanow
leg Zombiaki
06. Goadmember
com Copy of Marisi v5
com Marisi v1
com Marisi v2
sta Marisi v2.5
com Marisi v3
com Marisi v4
com Marisi v5
com ReMaristered
sta wishlist
07. Arcane Ma ...
com Arcane Maelstrom (original)
sta upgrade options
com upgrade v1
com v2 Kalamaksixnix
com v3 Kalamaksixnix
com v3.5 Kalamaksixnix
com v4 Kalamaksixnix
com v5 Kalamax
2. Fewine Fewocity
2.2. Mirri&Friends
com Mirri's Legion
vin non-cat Mirri prototype
vin prototype Mirri&Friends
leg wishlist
leg Cats wishlist
vin v1 (Original)
vin v2 - Arahbo
vin v2 - Mirri
vin v3
vin v4 post-Tomek
vin v5 Mirri Strikes Back
vin v6 MirriM
vin v6.5 awaryjna
vin v7
vin v8 Mirri, Mirri on the wall, who's the weakest of them all
3. Subjective Reality
5. Merciless Rage
com Chainer, Nightmare Adept
vin Copy of v1 (original)
vin v1 (original)
vin v2
leg Avengers of Kamigawa - GBW
vin Avengers of Kamigawa - GW
leg Demonic Devotion
leg Demonic Devotion v2 (66)
mod Dino-mite!
com Nine-fingers Keanu
Pomysły i prototypy
com Alania
com Animaciek
sta Do kupienia (ogolnie)
com Don Andres Morales
com Hylda
com Karador v2
com Keene
com Kresh, the Bloodbraided
com Marchesa
com Marchesa, the Afroamerican Rose
com Rem Karolus Wojtyla
com Savra life, pests and automobiles
com Sen Triplets
com Sephora, sky's smell
com Skullbriar
com Squeefoot and Slime
com Yurlok of White Thrash

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
Mana Base
Colors | |||
Symbols | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Percent | 50.0 | 33.0 | 16.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.