JOSE BOVEDA's profile
- MTG DECKS (343)
EDH - 4040
leg EDH4040 - Air Emmara
leg EDH4040 - Arcanis the OmNOpotent
vin EDH4040 - Basandra
leg EDH4040 - Bruna
leg EDH4040 - CheesyHeart
leg EDH4040 - Daxos the Returned
leg EDH4040 - Derevi
leg EDH4040 - Emmara Tandris
leg EDH4040 - Eron the Relentless
leg EDH4040 - Gahiji, Honored One
leg EDH4040 - Ghave, Guru of Counters
leg EDH4040 - Isperia, Air Force
leg EDH4040 - Jor Kadeen, Myr Champion
vin EDH4040 - Karador, Ghost Chieftain
leg EDH4040 - Kruphix, God of Morphs
leg EDH4040 - Kurkesh, Durdle Master
leg EDH4040 - Lavinia of the Tenth
leg EDH4040 - Life in Jamuraa
leg EDH4040 - Lyzolda, Blood Witch
vin EDH4040 - Melek, Cantrip Paragon
leg EDH4040 - Momir Vig
leg EDH4040 - Multani, Maro Sorcerer
leg EDH4040 - Phelddagrif
leg EDH4040 - Phenax, God of Zombies
vin EDH4040 - Rashmi, Affinity
leg EDH4040 - Sharuum the Hegemon
leg EDH4040 - Sharuum the Hegemon
leg EDH4040 - Silas Renn, YRND (Young, Rich, n' Dumb)
leg EDH4040 - Sydri and Son
leg EDH4040 - Sydri, Untappy
leg EDH4040 - Tibor and Lumia - Fly you Fools!
leg EDH4040 - Titania
leg EDH4040 - Titania, Protector of Huge Beasts
leg EDH4040 - Vela, the Nightclad
leg EDH4040 - Wort, Boggart Auntie
leg EDH4040 - Zedruu Walls
leg EDH4040 - Zurgo, Smashing Helms
leg EDH4040 - Zurgo, Smashing Helms
Work in Progress
vin Copy of EDH4040 - Land Untap
leg Copy of EDH4040 - Stonebrow, King of RAGE
leg EDH4040 - Alesha Khan
leg EDH4040 - Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
leg EDH4040 - Anthousa
leg EDH4040 - Basandra, Blocking Seraph
leg EDH4040 - Beards
vin EDH4040 - Borborygmos Enraged
leg EDH4040 - Brion Stoutarm
leg EDH4040 - Daghatar
leg EDH4040 - Damia, Sage of Poison
leg EDH4040 - Derevi's Tactics
leg EDH4040 - Ghave
leg EDH4040 - Ghoulcaller Gisa
vin EDH4040 - Gisa & Geralf
leg EDH4040 - Grimgrin the Milling Zombie
leg EDH4040 - Hakim, Loreweaver
leg EDH4040 - I WILL NOT BOW
leg EDH4040 - Jaya Ballard, Pyromancer Supreme
leg EDH4040 - Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge
vin EDH4040 - Jhoira of the Ghitu
vin EDH4040 - Jori En? I'm Ruined!
leg EDH4040 - Kaervek Hates You
leg EDH4040 - Karlov ghost council
leg EDH4040 - Lady from a Giant Mountain
leg EDH4040 - Melek, Card Draw Paragon
vin EDH4040 - Nekusar
leg EDH4040 - Ob Nixilis of the Black Oath
leg EDH4040 - Oloro the Durdler
leg EDH4040 - Padeem takes a Longtime
leg EDH4040 - Phenax
leg EDH4040 - Radiant
leg EDH4040 - Ramses Overdark
mod EDH4040 - Rashmi, Flashmi
leg EDH4040 - Saffi Eriksdotter
vin EDH4040 - Shu Yun
vin EDH4040 - Shu Yun
mod EDH4040 - Shu Yun, the Tempest
leg EDH4040 - SolKanar
leg EDH4040 - Stonebrow, King of RAGE
leg EDH4040 - Sydri's a Genius
leg EDH4040 - Tibor and Lumia
leg EDH4040 - Triad of Fates
vin EDH4040 - Vhati
vin EDH4040 - Victory
leg EDH4040 - Worship the Gods
leg EDH4040 - Wort, the LDMother
EDH - Artist
EDH - Commander 2
vin EDH - C2L - BRG
vin EDH - C2L - GWU
vin EDH - C2L - RGW
vin EDH - C2L - UBR
vin EDH - C2L - WUB
EDH - Magic Tales
leg EDH - Agrus Kos - Semper Fi
leg EDH - Animar Biggestest of Monsters
leg EDH - Azusa, Seeking Lands
vin EDH - Basandra
vin EDH - Bosh, Artificer
leg EDH - Bruna, Aurific
leg EDH - C/U - Karador, Poison Chieftain
leg EDH - Celestial Kirin
vin EDH - Chisei
vin EDH - Damia Eternal
vin EDH - Doran, Siege Tower
leg EDH - Dragonlord Ojutai
leg EDH - Evangela, Cleric Lord
leg EDH - Ghave guru of +1/+1 counters
leg EDH - GT - Lady Caleria
leg EDH - Halfdane, In Bad Company
vin EDH - Haz, Ghost Protocol
vin EDH - Hisoka of MinaNO
leg EDH - Jack and the Beanstalk
leg EDH - Jor Kadeen, Myr Champion
vin EDH - Jori En, Double the Pleasure
leg EDH - Karthus, the Tyrant
leg EDH - Krond, Enchants
vin EDH - Maelstrom, Inspired
vin EDH - Melek, Cantrip Paragon
leg EDH - Merieke, Spirit of Human Industry
vin EDH - The Gitrog Monster
leg EDH - Master Nebuchadnezzar
vin EDH - Nebuchadnezzar
vin EDH - Nicol Bolas
vin EDH - Oros, Bring the Pain
leg EDH - Pheldagriff
leg EDH - Rafiq the Saboteur
vin EDH - Rakdos, Lord of Riots!
leg EDH - Rakdos, Lord of Robots!
vin EDH - Riku - Twin Twin
vin EDH - Riven Turnbull
vin EDH - Rubinia and Friends
leg EDH - Ruhan of WAR
leg EDH - Sachi, Shaman Lord
leg EDH - Sakashima Copytastic
vin EDH - Shadowmoor Garden Club
leg EDH - Sisay, Captain of Heroes
leg EDH - Stonebrow Redux
leg EDH - Vaevictis, Mad with Power
vin EDH - Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter
leg EDH - Zegana Simic
EDH Retired
EDH Unfinished / Sketches
A - M
vin EDH - 5-Color craziness
vin EDH - Alhammarret
vin EDH - Angus Superfriends
leg EDH - Animar Allies
leg EDH - Augustin IV, Arbiter of No
leg EDH - Bloodbraided
vin EDH - Damia, Sage of Pwn
vin EDH - Dralnu
vin EDH - Dralnu Good Death
leg EDH - Dralnu, the Nice Sac
leg EDH - Eron, Master Rogue
leg EDH - Grimgrin Zombies
leg EDH - Horde of Awesome
leg EDH - Horde of Cantrips
leg EDH - Isperia, Magic Judge
vin EDH - Kamahl, the Wrestler
leg EDH - Kraj, the Artifact Killa
leg EDH - Kruphix - This land is my land
leg EDH - Lavinia
leg EDH - Lim Dul, the Murder King
vin EDH - Melek
leg EDH - Mirko, Power Mill
leg EDH - UW Ancient Artifacts
leg EDH - Worship the Gods
vin EDH ! Bosh
vin EDH ! Doran, the Treefolk
vin EDH4040 - Jalira of the Wheel
N - Z
leg EDH - Bringing the Roon!
leg EDH - NivMizzet, Artificer
leg EDH - Phenax, God of Zombies
leg EDH - Power Mill
leg EDH - Rubinia and her Heroes
leg EDH - Rubinia the Renewer
leg EDH - Shatterjund
leg EDH - Sygg, River Guide
leg EDH - Szadek, Lord of Mill
leg EDH - Tapdancing Mimeoplasm
leg EDH - The Risen Deep
vin EDH - Treva's Lifegain
leg EDH - Vaevictis, the Power Hungry
leg EDH - Wizard of Oz
leg EDH - Yomiji, Who Bars the Way
vin EDH - Zedruu
leg EDH - Zedruu the meanspirited
vin EDH ! Rubinia the Renewer
leg EDH ! Rubinia, Faerie Queen
sta EDH ! Ruhan, Formorian
leg EDH ! Vorosh, the Poison Lord
sta EDH - Children's TV
Fun/Variant Formats
mod 201704 - Lands
mod 201704 - Magosi
mod 201704 - Panoptic
Standard ...
2011 ZenScars Sta ...
mod Brainmelter C
mod Crankrock
mod Cyclopean
leg Dungrove
mod Goin Nowhere
mod Magma Phoenix (Solax)
mod Mono B Proliferate
mod Mono R Celebration
mod Monoblue Infect
mod Solar Battery
mod Throne of Cake
leg Throne of Mud (initial)
leg Throne of Mud (SeaCat Mix)
mod Turboslave - Architect
2012 ScarsInnistrad
mod Burning Vengeance
mod Fashion Police
leg Green LD
mod That Gnawing Feeling
mod UB Control
mod Waving In
mod Will it Weld?
leg Worldslay!
2013 InnRTR
vin All the Slimes
mod BG JakJak
mod Boros! Avenge Me!
mod Ghastly Realms
vin Give Me My Daily Bred
mod Heartless Menace
mod Hermit of Hanne Hall
mod Homicide is Fun!
mod Let's Talk About This...
mod Packed Lunch
leg Psychic Phantasm
mod Rulers Ruling All Things
mod The Case is Afoot!
mod There Will Be Bolas
mod Yes, Sire
mod American Tokens
mod Bant Seance
mod Broken Token
vin Golgari LD
mod Green Humans
vin Gruul LD
mod GU Counters Base
mod GW Token
mod In the Closet
mod Madness Rising
mod Monsters of Mill
mod Ouija
mod Pearl Jam - Rats
mod Pierrot
mod Population: Us
vin Sputter
mod Talrand tokens
mod The Wretched!
mod Unfathomable
mod Will it Mill?
2014 RTRTheros
mod 201310 - 2UP
mod 201310 - Assassin's Creed
mod 201310 - Dark Heart
vin 201310 - Dark Horse
mod 201310 - Defiance
mod 201310 - Heroics
mod 201310 - Kitty Xenagos
vin 201310 - LD
mod 201310 - Penance
mod 201310 - Rakdos Control
mod 201310 - Sour Fung
mod 201310 Trips
vin 201403 - Black Market
mod 201403 - Golgari Doubles
mod 201403 - Prophet
mod BW - Bond
mod BW - Enchantments
mod Mono Elspeth
mod Mono W
mod Rg - Defiance
2015 TherosKhans
mod 201502 - Abzan Walkers
vin 201502 - Blugin
mod 201502 - BR Look Upon Me and Despair
vin 201502 - Dark Deal
mod 201502 - Double Dragon
mod 201502 - Harden
mod 201502 - I Drink Your Milkshake
mod 201502 - I Need a Hero
mod 201502 - It's All Lies
mod 201502 - It's Gary!
mod 201502 - LD
mod 201502 - Mad Red
mod 201502 - Manfest
mod 201502 - Midnight Smith
mod 201502 - One Shot, One Kill
mod 201502 - Robots on Fire
mod 201502 - Scissor Lizards
mod 201502 - Skybound
mod 201502 - Standard Robots
mod 201502 - Sugar Ray
mod 201502 - Superpharik
vin 201502 - Temur Kruphix
mod 201502 - Temur Walkers
mod 201502 - The Conquering Heroes
mod 201502 - The Craftsman
mod 201502 - Ugin's Dictate
mod 201502 - Welcome to your Doom
mod 201502 - World of Titans
mod 201502 - Zurgo Takes what he Wants
mod 201504 - Foggy Nubbins
mod 201504 - One Two Punch
mod 201504 - Stridin
mod 201504 - Tons of Time
mod Copy of 201502 - BR Look Upon Me and Despair
mod Copy of 201502 - Harden
vin Copy of 201502 - Temur Kruphix
vin Adventure Cube - 3.1
leg Casual - The Ugly
vin EDH - Broooodiclad
leg EDH - Erebos, God of the Dead
leg EDH - Estrid
leg EDH - Estrid untapping lands
sta EDH - Grunn, the Lonely King
leg EDH - Kalemne, Giant Tribal
leg EDH - Karametra
vin EDH - Lord Windgrace
leg EDH - Mairsil the Pretender - full combo list
vin EDH - Mairsil, Ancient Pretender
leg EDH - Mairsil, the Ancient One
leg EDH - Marchesa, Queenmaker
leg EDH - Pavel Must Atone
leg EDH - Rosheen, Queen of Hydras
sta EDH - Sidar Kondo
vin EDH - Tasigur, Golden Fang
leg EDH - Tawnos, Artifact Bro
leg EDH - The Evil Woman
leg EDH - The Izzet League
leg EDH - The Scorpion God
leg EDH - Xira & The Crawlies
leg EDH - Yennett, how Odd
leg EDH - Zurgo, Formula 1
leg EDH4040 - Adamaro, First to Desire
leg EDH4040 - Off the Top
leg EDH4040 - Thelon of Havenwood

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Tendrils of Agony | |
2 | Swamp | |
3 | Swamp | |
4 | Daggerclaw Imp | |
5 | Rathi Trapper | |
6 | Reckless Spite |