WRITHEN's profile
- MTG DECKS (185)
1) Canvas Bag
com Arcanis* (U)
com Ashling (R)
com Brion* (R/W)
com Melek* (U/R)
com Rhys* (G/W)
com Sek'Kuar* (B/R/G)
com Surrak* (G)
com Yasova* (G/U/R)
Few-Player Cube
cub [Collect]
cub [v1.140] Cube List
cub [v1.145] Cube List
cub [v1.149] Cube List
cub [v23.12.27] Cube List
cub [v24.04.06] Cube List
cub [v24.08.24] Cube List
cub [v24.09.14] Cube List
cub Cube List v24.10.16
leg Dash (R)
mod Energy Aggro (R/G)
leg Energy Control (G/U/R)
mod Equipment (W)
leg Fungus* (B/G)
leg More Elves Please (B/G)
leg Spell Drakes* (U/R)
mod Thought Suppression (W/B)
mod Token Burn (R/W)
mod Warriors* (R/W/B)
mod Werewolves* (R/G)
leg All for One (G/W)
leg Anti-Mage (U/B)
leg Black/Green Monsters (B/G)
leg Classic Burn (R)
leg Edict (B)
mod Green Monsters (G)
leg Gruul Beatdown (R/G)
leg Prowess* (U/R/W)
leg Rummage Deck Wins (R)
leg Scorched Earth (B/R)
leg Shades (B)
leg BBEG* (W/U/B/R)
2) Large Shoe Box
Clans of Tarkir
3) Small Shoe Box
Prerelease: Amonkhet
Intro Decks
oth [Test] Intro: Colorless
oth Intro: Black
oth Intro: Blue
oth Intro: Green
oth Intro: Red
oth Intro: White
mod Convoke (G/W)
leg Eminent Domain (U/R)
leg Minotaurs (B/R)
leg Morph (G/U/R)
mod Vehicles! (R/W)
mod It's Fun to Fly! (U)
leg Metalcraft (R/W)
mod Shire Uprising (W)
4) With Dane
leg Elf (B/G)
leg Kithkin Soldiers (W)
leg Modular (W/U)
mod Spirit (W/B)
5) Digital Decks
6) Other
Chopping Block
sta [Identity] Abzan
sta [Identity] Bant
sta [Identity] Boros
sta [Identity] Dimir
sta [Identity] Esper
oth [Identity] Grixis
sta [Identity] Jeskai
sta [Identity] Jund
sta [Identity] Mardu
sta [Identity] Naya
sta [Identity] Sultai
sta [Identity] Temur
leg [Retired] (G/U)
mod [Retired] Artifacts (W/U/B)
vin [Retired] Ashling, the Pilgrim (R)
leg [Retired] Bloodrushed (R/G)
mod [Retired] Bolster (G/W)
vin [Retired] Boss Battle (W/U/B/R/G)
leg [Retired] Burn and Turn (U/R)
mod [Retired] Clan Jeskai (U/R/W)
leg [Retired] Coercive Control (G/U)
vin [Retired] Commander 2014: Built from Scratch (R)
vin [Retired] Commander 2014: Forged in Stone (W)
vin [Retired] Commander 2014: Guided by Nature (G)
vin [Retired] Commander 2014: Sworn to Darkness (B)
vin [Retired] Commander 2016: Entropic Uprising (U/B/R/G)
vin [Retired] Commander 2016: Stalwart Unity (R/G/W/U)
vin [Retired] Commander 2017: Arcane Wizardry
leg [Retired] Demons (B/G)
mod [Retired] ETB Green Deck (G)
leg [Retired] Flying Undead (B/G/U)
leg [Retired] Forest (G)
leg [Retired] Fungus (B/G)
leg [Retired] Lazav, Dimir Mastermind (U/B)
leg [Retired] Life Sap (W/B)
leg [Retired] Looting (U/B/R)
vin [Retired] Looting (U/R)
leg [Retired] Masochism (R/W)
leg [Retired] Melek, Izzet Paragon (U/R)
mod [Retired] Outlast (W/B/G)
leg [Retired] Rafiq of the Many (G/W/U)
com [Retired] Sek'Kuar* (B/R/G)
mod [Retired] Sen Triplets (W/U/B)
com [Retired] Surrak, the Hunt Caller (G)
leg [Retired] Treefolk (B/G)
leg [Retired] Typical White (W)
leg [Retired] Vampires (B)
leg [Retired] Voltron Rafiq (G/W/U)
mod [Retired] Warriors* (R/W/B)
leg [Retired] Werewolves (R/G)
mod [Retired] White
leg [Retired] Zurgo Helmsmasher (R/W/B)
Testing Environment
Back Burner
leg [Test] Bloodthirst (R/G)
vin [Test] Boss Battle (W/U/B/R/G)
vin [Test] Brago, King Eternal (W/U)
leg [Test] Fever (R)
leg [Test] Garza (U/B/R)
mod [Test] Giants (R/G)
leg [Test] Ideal Fever (R)
leg [Test] Landfall (R/G/U/?/?)
leg [Test] Lazav 1.1 (U/B)
leg [Test] Life Gain (G/W/U)
leg [Test] Man Lands (R/G/W/U)
mod [Test] Mill (???)
vin [Test] Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind (U/R)
leg [Test] Red Swarm (R)
leg [Test] Tokens (G/W)
leg [Test] Zombie (U/B)
vin [Test] American Dragon (R/W/U)
leg [Test] Auras (W/?)
leg [Test] Blightning (B/R)
sta [Test] Blue Control (U/?)
pau [Test] Crackling Drake (U/R)
leg [Test] Dragon Control (W/U/B)
com [Test] Dragonlord Ojutai
mod [Test] Eldrazi (???)
leg [Test] Enchantments (W/U/B)
mod [Test] ETB (G/U)
leg [Test] Fungus* (B/G)
leg [Test] Gray Merchant (B/R)
com [Test] Kozilek (C)
leg [Test] Kydele and Thrasios (G/U)
leg [Test] Land Ho! (G/U)
com [Test] Prime Speaker Zegana (G/U)
mod [Test] Soldier Swarm (W)
com [Test] The Gitrog Monster (B/G)
leg [Test] Treefolk (B/G)
leg [Test] Undead (B/G/U)
vin [Utility] Draw Spells
sta [Utility] Fetchable Lands
sta [Utility] Fetches
vin [Utility] Point Removal
sta [Utility] Stax
leg [Utility] Sweepers
leg [Utility] X Spells
leg [Other] Cards that need Decks
leg [Other] Gabe's Deck (B/G)
sta [Utility] Looting Mana Curve
mod Copy of Warriors* (R/W/B)
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