- KUBALA's profile
- Inventory
- Tradelist
- Wishlist
- WHI DECKS (239)
- Bydgoszcz Regionals 2014 - 19th place
- CHA - Call
- CHA - Coś
- CHA - Flux 2.0.1
- CHA - Flux 2.1.1
- CHA - Flux 2.1.2
- CHA - Kataklizm Kraków 2014
- CHA - Monk 2.1.1
- CHA - Monk 2.1.2
- CHA - Monk 3.0.1
- CHA - Monk 3.0.2
- CHA - NAPÓR 1.9.1
- CHA - Rush
- CHA - Rush 3.0.1
- CHA - Rush 3.0.2
- CHA - Rush 3.1.1
- CHA - Skarbrand 2.2.1
- CHA - Snotling 1.9.1
- CHA - Spell
- CHA - Spell 2.0.1
- Chaos - OMP 2015
- Chaos (my)
- New Monk 3.1.1
DWA - Przewijarka
- Bugman Power
- DESANT 2012 - 13 PLACE
- DWA - Attachments 3.0.1
- Dwa - Book
- DWA - CONTROL 1.9.1
- DWA - Desant
- DWA - Grudge Thrower Rush
- DWA - HE Indirect 3.0.1
- DWA - Heroes 2.1.1
- DWA - Krk
- DWA - Książka + Sztandar 3.0.1
- DWA - Książka 3.0.1
- DWA - Origins
- DWA - Quests
- DWA - RTF 1.8.1
- DWA - RTF 1.8.2
- DWA - RTF 1.8.3
- Dwarf - Surprise
- Dwarves - Quest 3.1
- Regional Kraków 2014 - 17th place
- Thorek na Warcie
- #34 Gdańsk - Bitwa o Ostatnią Beczkę Bugmana
- 1st place - Cataclysm (AoW 2014)
- 1st place - Cataclysm OMP 2014
- 1st place - Polish Championships 2014
- 26th Polish Championships (OMP) 2013
- AoW (EC) 2013 EMP 26th Place
- Carroburg 3.1 IMBA
- Cataclysm - 2th place (Wawa Regio 2014)
- EMP - Carroburg 2.0.1
- EMP - Carroburg 3.0.1
- EMP - Control
- EMP - Control 1.7.1
- EMP - Control 1.7.2
- EMP - CONTROL 1.8.1
- EMP - CONTROL 1.8.2
- EMP - CONTROL 1.8.3
- EMP - Control 2.0.1
- EMP - Control 2.2.1
- EMP - Defence 3.1.1
- EMP - Forest Dragon 3.0.1
- EMP - Hemmler 3.0.1
- EMP - Lizardy
- EMP - Multi 2.1.1
- EMP - New
- EMP - Units
- EMP - VER 1.7.1
- EMP - VER 1.7.2
- EMP - Verena 3.0.1
- EMP - Voice of Command
- Empire - Hate
- Empire Rush
- IMP - Bombs
- IMP - Carroburg
- IMP - Carroburg 1.9.1
- IMP - Napór
- IMP - Napór
- IMP - Origins
- IMP - Van Klumpf's Verena
- Order - Rush (IMP)
- Regional Warsaw 2014 - 24th place
- Regionals Bydgoszcz 2013 - 3rd place
Gdańsk 2021
- Comet and other Spells
- Copy of Wujtrator - HE Chamon
- Copy of Wujtrator - HE Chamon
- HE - Anty End Times 2.1.1
- HE - Anty ET 2.1.1
- HE - Anty ET 2.1.2
- HE - Indirect Wawa 1
- HE - Next combo
- HE - Origins
- HE - Rush
- HE - Spells
- HE Lilea
- Order - Przewijarka (HE)
- Sea Master 2018 - 1.0
- Teclis Power
- Wujtrator's Dragons
- ???
- Copy of ORC - COMBO 2.0
- Odd Goblins
- Orc - Attachments
- ORC - COMBO 2.0
- Orc - Double Attack 3.0.1
- ORC - Kombo 2.1.1
- ORC - ODD 1.9.1
- Orc - Odd 2.1.1
- Orc - Only units
- ORC - RUSH 2.0.1
- ORC - Snotling
- ORC - Snotling 1.9.1
- ORC - Snotling 1.9.2
- ORC - Snotling 2.0.1
- ORC - Wurrzag
- Orc - Wurrzag Double Attack 2.2.1
- Orcs Lord 2018 1.0
- Ork - Attacks 2.1.1
- Wurrzag 3.1.1
- Wurrzag Solo
Retro - Testy
- Copy of HE - Inwazja na Bydgoszcz 2014 1st place
- DE Anty IMP 1.0
- Krasie Banner 4.0
- Lizaki Rodaki
- Nowe Fragmenty
- RETRO - Strollaz Banner 2.0
- Retro - Boon
- RETRO - Chaos Anty IMP
- Retro - Combo Fisty 1.0
- Retro - Double Attack 1.0
- Retro - Kradzież Nowa 1.0
- Retro - Krasie 1.0
- Retro - Krasie 2.0
- Retro - Orcs 2.0
- Retro - Skarbrand 1.0
- Retro - Snoty 1.0
- RETRO - Voice 1.0
- Retro - Voice 2.0
- Retro Kazadoro
- VTHC is back
- Alith - 19th place Retro Krakow 2018
- Bydzia - BOON!
- Bydzia - Flux
- Bydzia - He-Mage
- Bydzia - Kusznik
- Bydzia - New Hemmler 05.2019
- Bydzia - Skarbrand
- Cały Karak czyta dzieciom
- Cataclysm - TOP 4 (Krakow 2018)
- CHA Big Spells 01.2025
- Chaos - Flux (02.2019)
- Chaos - Flux (06.2020)
- Chaos - Flux 3.1.1
- Chaoski
- DWA Book Combo 01.2025
- Dwarf Control (02.2019)
- Dwarfy
- Gdańsk 2021 - Undead (3rd place)
- Gdańsk Dwarf FAQ 3.0
- Gdańsk FAQ 3.0 IMBA
- Gdańsk FAQ 3.0 KOMBO
- Gdańsk FAQ 3.0 WOMBO
- Gdański Wurrzag
- Gifty Kombo IMBA
- Hard Verena
- HemleroVerena
- Imperium Stronk
- Inne Dwarfy
- Josef Bugman is back
- Kazik Kazik
- Kazik z Mieczorem
- Kombo ADR 1
- Kombo Obrona 1
- Komborki
- Lelansi Kombo
- Multiorki
- Najlepszy deck
- Nieparzyste
- Retro - Wiatry 1.0
- Retro Kataklizm - 1
- Snotlingi
- Strollaz Banner Kombo 01.2025
- Strzelanie
- Ultra Szybcy Piraci
- Voice of Command
- Voice of Command znów
- Voice Voice 17.08.2021
- Voice Voice 23.01.2021
This deck was created on 08-Jun-2013 15:05, and it was last updated on 02-Feb-2014 11:00.
Name | Cost |
Prepare for War! | 0 |
Recon in Force | 0 |
The Imperial Zoo | 1 |
The Imperial Zoo | 1 |
Huntsmen | 1 |
Knights Panther | 2 |
Friedrich Hemmler | 5 |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Prepare for War! | 0 |
2 | Recon in Force | 0 |
3 | Friedrich Hemmler | 5 |
4 | Iron Discipline | 0 |
5 | Hidden Operative | 0 |
6 | Forges of Nuln | 0 |