AKIOFUJII's profile
- MTG DECKS (332)
AOwned Precon
mod Copy of Dragon's Maze Intro Pack: Gruul Siege
mod Copy of GTC Intro: Simic Synthesis
mod Copy of Intro Pack: Doom Inevitable [MB]
mod Copy of Intro Pack: Path of Blight [MB]
leg Copy of Jace
mod Copy of Journey Into Nyx Event Deck
mod Copy of Metalcraft Intro Pack
mod Copy of Pantheons Power - Journey Into Nyx Intro
leg Copy of Sorin
leg Copy of Tibalt
leg Copy of Vraska
Ash and Kai
Asher's Cards
Asher's Decks
Kylen's Cards
Kylen's Decks
Cards to Finish
leg Copy of Archenemy: Trample Civilization Underfoot
leg Copy of Battle Royale: Chargoyf
leg Copy of Battle Royale: Cinder Heart
vin Copy of Battle Royale: Sprit Gale
mod Copy of Eighth Edition Theme Deck: Expulsion
mod Copy of Eighth Edition Theme Deck: Life Boost
mod Copy of Eighth Edition Theme Deck: Speed Scorch
leg Copy of Invasion Theme Deck: Blowout
leg Copy of Invasion Theme Deck: Dismissal
leg Copy of Invasion Theme Deck: Heavy Duty
leg Copy of Invasion Theme Deck: Spectrum
mod Copy of Magic 2010 Intro Pack: Firebomber
mod Copy of Magic 2010 Intro Pack: Nature's Fury
mod Copy of Magic 2010 Intro Pack: Presence of Mind
mod Copy of Magic 2010 Intro Pack: We Are Legion
mod Copy of Ninth Edition Theme Deck: Custom Creatures
mod Copy of Ninth Edition Theme Deck: World Aflame
leg Copy of Planeshift Theme Deck: Domain
leg Copy of Seventh Edition Theme Deck: Armada
leg Copy of Seventh Edition Theme Deck: Bomber
leg Copy of Starter 1999 Theme Deck: Goblin Assault
leg Copy of Starter 1999 Theme Deck: Time Curse
mod Copy of Tenth Edition Theme Deck: Kamahl's Temper
leg Copy of Urza's Saga Theme Deck: Tombstone
leg Copy of Battle Royale: The Deluge
leg Copy of Beatdown Theme Deck: Aerodoom
mod Copy of Eighth Edition Theme Deck: Heavy Hitters
mod Copy of Eighth Edition Theme Deck: Sky Slam
mod Copy of Magic 2010 Intro Pack: Death's Minions
mod Copy of Ninth Edition Theme Deck: Army of Justice
mod Copy of Ninth Edition Theme Deck: Dead Again
mod Copy of Ninth Edition Theme Deck: Lofty Heights
leg Copy of Planeshift Theme Deck: Barrage
leg Copy of Planeshift Theme Deck: Scout
mod Copy of Portal Second Age Theme Deck: Goblin Fire
leg Copy of Prophecy Theme Deck: Turnaround
mod Copy of Rise of the Eldrazi Intro Pack: Invading Spawn
mod Copy of Rise of the Eldrazi Intro Pack: Levelers' Scorn
mod Copy of Rise of the Eldrazi Intro Pack: Totem Power
leg Copy of Starter 1999 Theme Deck: Blinding Fury
leg Copy of Starter 1999 Theme Deck: Deadly Instinct
leg Copy of Starter 1999 Theme Deck: Impaler
leg Copy of Stronghold Theme Deck: The Sparkler
leg Copy of Tempest Theme Deck: Deep Freeze
leg Copy of Tempest Theme Deck: The Slivers
mod Copy of Tenth Edition Theme Deck: Cho-Manno's Resolve
mod Copy of Tenth Edition Theme Deck: Evincar's Tyranny
mod Copy of Tenth Edition Theme Deck: Molimo's Might
mod Copy of Worldwake Intro Pack: Brute Force
mod Copy of Zendikar Intro Pack: Pumped Up
mod Copy of Zendikar Intro Pack: The Adventurers
mod Copy of Zendikar Intro Pack: Unstable Terrain
Cost to Finish
mod Copy of Alara Reborn Intro Pack: Dead Ahead
mod Copy of Alara Reborn Intro Pack: Rumbler
leg Copy of Apocalypse Theme Deck: Pandemonium
leg Copy of Apocalypse Theme Deck: Swoop
leg Copy of Apocalypse Theme Deck: Whirlpool
mod Copy of Avacyn Restored Intro Pack: Angelic Might
mod Copy of Avacyn Restored Intro Pack: Bound by Strength
mod Copy of Avacyn Restored Intro Pack: Fiery Dawn
mod Copy of Avacyn Restored Intro Pack: Slaughterhouse
mod Copy of Avacyn Restored Intro Pack: Solitary Fiends
leg Copy of Battle Royale: Chargoyf
leg Copy of Beatdown Theme Deck: Aerodoom
leg Copy of Beatdown Theme Deck: Ground Pounder
mod Copy of Betrayers of Kamigawa Theme Deck; Dark Devotion
mod Copy of Betrayers of Kamigawa Theme Deck: Spiritcraft
mod Copy of Champions of Kamigawa Theme Deck: Kami Reborn
mod Copy of Champions of Kamigawa Theme Deck: Spiritbane
mod Copy of Champions of Kamigawa Theme Deck: Way of the Warrior
leg Copy of Coldsnap Intro Pack: Beyond the Grave
mod Copy of Conflux Intro Pack: Appetite for War
mod Copy of Conflux Intro Pack: Bant on the March
mod Copy of Conflux Intro Pack: Shambling Army
mod Copy of Dark Ascension Intro Pack: Dark Sacrifice
mod Copy of Dark Ascension Intro Pack: Grave Power
mod Copy of Dark Ascension Intro Pack: Monstrous Surprise
mod Copy of Dark Ascension Intro Pack: Relentless Dead
mod Copy of Dark Ascension Intro Pack: Swift Justice
mod Copy of Darksteel Theme Deck: Swarm and Slam
mod Copy of Dissension Theme Deck: Azorius Ascendant
mod Copy of Dissension Theme Deck: Rakdos Bloodsport
mod Copy of Dragon's Maze Intro Pack: Azorius Authority
mod Copy of Dragon's Maze Intro Pack: Gruul Siege
mod Copy of Dragon's Maze Intro Pack: Simic Domination
vin Copy of Duel Decks: Divine vs. Demonic: Demonic
mod Copy of Duels of the Planeswalkers Physical Deck: Thoughts of the Wind - The Jace Beleran Deck
mod Copy of Eighth Edition Theme Deck: Life Boost
leg Copy of Exodus Theme Deck: Groundbreaker - Basic
leg Copy of Exodus Theme Deck: White Heat - Basic
leg Copy of Exodus Theme Deck: Widowmaker - Basic
mod Copy of Future Sight Theme Deck: Fate Blaster
mod Copy of Future Sight Theme Deck: Future Shock
mod Copy of Future Sight Theme Deck: Rebels Unite
mod Copy of Gatecrash Intro Pack: Boros Battalion
mod Copy of Gatecrash Intro Pack: Dimir Dementia
mod Copy of Gatecrash Intro Pack: Gruul Goliaths
mod Copy of Gatecrash Intro Pack: Orzhov Oppression
mod Copy of Gatecrash Intro Pack: Simic Synthesis
mod Copy of Guild Pact Theme Deck: Gruul Wilding
mod Copy of Innistrad Intro Pack: Carnival of Blood
mod Copy of Innistrad Intro Pack: Deathly Dominion
mod Copy of Innistrad Intro Pack: Eldritch Onslaught
mod Copy of Innistrad Intro Pack: Repel the Dark
mod Copy of Innistrad Intro Pack: Spectral Legions
leg Copy of Judgement Theme Deck: Air Razers
leg Copy of Legions Theme Deck: Morph Mayhem
mod Copy of Lorwyn Theme Deck: Boggart Feast
mod Copy of Magic 2011 Intro Pack: Blades of Victory
leg Copy of Magic 2011 Intro Pack: Breath of Fire
mod Copy of Magic 2011 Intro Pack: Stampede of Beasts
mod Copy of Magic 2012 Intro Pack: Blood and Fire
mod Copy of Magic 2012 Intro Pack: Entangling Webs
leg Copy of Magic 2012 Intro Pack: Grab for Power
mod Copy of Magic 2012 Intro Pack: Mystical Might
mod Copy of Magic 2012 Intro Pack: Sacred Assault
mod Copy of Magic 2013 Intro Pack: Mob Rule
mod Copy of Magic 2013 Intro Pack: Path to Victory
mod Copy of Magic 2013 Intro Pack: Wild Rush
mod Copy of Magic 2014 Intro Pack: Bestial Strength
mod Copy of Magic 2014 Intro Pack: Death Reaper
mod Copy of Magic 2014 Intro Pack: Fire Surge
mod Copy of Magic 2014 Intro Pack: Lightforce
mod Copy of Magic 2014 Intro Pack: Psychic Labyrinth
leg Copy of Mercadian Masques Theme Deck: Deepwood Menace
leg Copy of Mercadian Masques Theme Deck: Disruptor
leg Copy of Mercadian Masques Theme Deck: Tidal Mastery
leg Copy of Mirage Theme Deck: Ride Like the Wind
mod Copy of Mirrodin Besieged Intro Pack: Battle Cries
leg Copy of Mirrodin Besieged Intro Pack: Mirromancy
mod Copy of Mirrodin Theme Deck: Little Bashers
mod Copy of Mirrodin Theme Deck: Wicked Big
mod Copy of Morningtide Theme Deck: Going Rogue
mod Copy of Morningtide Theme Deck: Warrior's Code
leg Copy of Nemesis Theme Deck: Breakdown
leg Copy of Nemesis Theme Deck: Eruption
leg Copy of Nemesis Theme Deck: Mercenaries
leg Copy of Nemesis Theme Deck: Replicator
mod Copy of New Phyrexia Intro Pack: Artful Destruction
mod Copy of New Phyrexia Intro Pack: Devouring Skies
mod Copy of New Phyrexia Intro Pack: Feast of Flesh
mod Copy of New Phyrexia Intro Pack: Life for Death
mod Copy of New Phyrexia Intro Pack: Ravaging Swarm
mod Copy of Ninth Edition Theme Deck: Army of Justice
mod Copy of Ninth Edition Theme Deck: Dead Again
mod Copy of Ninth Edition Theme Deck: Lofty Heights
leg Copy of Odyssey Theme Deck: Liftoff
leg Copy of Odyssey Theme Deck: One-Two Punch
leg Copy of Onslaught Theme Deck: Bait and Switch
leg Copy of Onslaught Theme Deck: Celestial Assault
leg Copy of Onslaught Theme Deck: Ivory Doom
mod Copy of Planar Chaos Theme Deck: Ixidor's Legacy
leg Copy of Planeshift Theme Deck: Barrage
leg Copy of Planeshift Theme Deck: Comeback
leg Copy of Planeshift Theme Deck: Scout
leg Copy of Portal Second Age Theme Deck: Nature's Assault
leg Copy of Prophecy Theme Deck: Distress
leg Copy of Prophecy Theme Deck: Pummel
leg Copy of Prophecy Theme Deck: Slither
leg Copy of Prophecy Theme Deck: Turnaround
mod Copy of Return to Ravnica Intro Pack: Azorius Advance
mod Copy of Return to Ravnica Intro Pack: Rakdos Raid
mod Copy of Return to Ravnica Intro Pack: Selesnya Surge
mod Copy of Return to Ravnica Theme Deck: Golgari Growth
mod Copy of Rise of the Eldrazi Intro Pack: Eldrazi Arisen
mod Copy of Rise of the Eldrazi Intro Pack: Invading Spawn
mod Copy of Rise of the Eldrazi Intro Pack: Leveler's Glory
mod Copy of Rise of the Eldrazi Intro Pack: Totem Power
mod Copy of Saviors of Kamigawa Theme Deck: Critical Mass
mod Copy of Saviors of Kamigawa Theme Deck: Soratami's Wisdom
mod Copy of Saviors of Kamigawa Theme Deck: Spirit Flames
mod Copy of Scars of Mirrodin Intro Pack: Deadspread
mod Copy of Scars of Mirrodin Intro Pack: Myr of Mirrodin
mod Copy of Scars of Mirrodin Intro Pack: Phyrexian Poison
mod Copy of Scars of Mirrodin Intro Pack: Relic Breaker
leg Copy of Scourge Theme Deck: Max Attax
leg Copy of Scourge Theme Deck: Pulverize
leg Copy of Seventh Edition Theme Deck: Armada
mod Copy of Shadowmoor Theme Deck: Mortal Coil
mod Copy of Shards of Alara Intro Pack: Grixis Undead
mod Copy of Shards of Alara Intro Pack: Naya Behemoths
leg Copy of Starter 1999 Theme Deck: Deadly Instinct
leg Copy of Starter 1999 Theme Deck: Impaler
leg Copy of Starter 1999 Theme Deck: Time Curse
leg Copy of Stronghold Theme Deck: Call of the Kor
vin Copy of Stronghold Theme Deck: The Spikes
leg Copy of Tempest Theme Deck: Deep Freeze
leg Copy of Tempest Theme Deck: The Slivers
mod Copy of Tenth Edition Theme Deck: Arcanis's Guile
mod Copy of Tenth Edition Theme Deck: Cho-Manno's Resolve
mod Copy of Tenth Edition Theme Deck: Evincar's Tyranny
mod Copy of Tenth Edition Theme Deck: Molimo's Might
mod Copy of Time Spiral Theme Deck: Hope's Crusaders
leg Copy of Torment Theme Deck: Waking Nightmares
leg Copy of Urza's Destiny Theme Deck: Assassin
leg Copy of Urza's Destiny Theme Deck: Battle Surge
leg Copy of Urza's Destiny Theme Deck: Enchanter
leg Copy of Urza's Legacy Theme Deck: Phyrexian Assault
vin Copy of Urza's Legacy Theme Deck: Time Drain
leg Copy of Urza's Saga Theme Deck: Sleeper
leg Copy of Urza's Saga Theme Deck: Special Delivery
leg Copy of Urza's Saga Theme Deck: Tombstone
leg Copy of Visions Theme Deck: Legion of Glory
leg Copy of Weatherlight Theme Deck: Gatecrasher
mod Copy of Worldwake Intro Pack: Fangs of the Bloodchief
mod Copy of Worldwake Intro Pack: Flyover
mod Copy of Worldwake Intro Pack: Mysterious Realms
mod Copy of Zendikar Intro Pack: Pumped Up
mod Copy of Zendikar Intro Pack: Rise of the Vampires
mod Copy of Alara Reborn Intro Pack: Eternal Siege
mod Copy of Alara Reborn Intro Pack: Legion Aloft
sta Copy of Anthologies: Black/Red
leg Copy of Apocalypse Theme Deck: Burial
leg Copy of Battle Royale: Cinder Heart
mod Copy of Betrayers of Kamigawa Theme Deck: Ninjutsu
mod Copy of Conflux Intro Pack: Esper Air Assault
mod Copy of Conflux Intro Pack: Naya Domain
leg Copy of Darksteel Theme Deck: Master Blaster
leg Copy of Darksteel Theme Deck: Mind Swarm
leg Copy of Deckmasters 2001: Garfield
mod Copy of Dissension Theme Deck: Simic Mutology
mod Copy of Duels of the Planeswalkers Physical Deck: Eyes of Shadow - The Liliana Vess Deck
mod Copy of Duels of the Planeswalkers Physical Deck: Hands of the Flame - The Chandra Nalaar Deck
mod Copy of Eventide Theme Deck: Battle Blitz
mod Copy of Eventide Theme Deck: Sidestep
mod Copy of Eventide Theme Deck: Superabundance
leg Copy of Exodus Theme Deck: Dominator - Basic
mod Copy of Fifth Dawn Theme Deck: Special Forces
mod Copy of Fifth Dawn Theme Deck: Stampede
mod Copy of Fifth Dawn Theme Deck: Sunburst
mod Copy of Future Sight Theme Deck: Suspended Sentence
mod Copy of Guild Pact Theme Deck: Code of the Orzhov
mod Copy of Guild Pact Theme Deck: Izzet Gizmometry
leg Copy of Judgement Theme Deck: Inundation
leg Copy of Judgement Theme Deck: Painflow
leg Copy of Legions Theme Deck: Elvish Rage
leg Copy of Legions Theme Deck: Zombies Unleashed
mod Copy of Lorwyn Theme Deck: Kithkin Militia
mod Copy of Magic 2011 Intro Pack: Reign of Vampirism
vin Copy of Mirage Theme Deck: Burning Sky
leg Copy of Mirage Theme Deck: Jungle Jam
leg Copy of Mirrodin Theme Deck: Sacrificial Bam
mod Copy of Morningtide Theme Deck: Shamanism
leg Copy of Odyssey Theme Deck: Pressure Cooker
leg Copy of Odyssey Theme Deck: Trounce-O-Matic
leg Copy of Onslaught Theme Deck: Devastation
mod Copy of Planar Chaos Theme Deck: Endless March
mod Copy of Planar Chaos Theme Deck: Unraveling Mind
leg Copy of Portal Second Age Theme Deck: Goblin Fire
leg Copy of Portal Second Age Theme Deck: Spellweaver
mod Copy of Ravnica: City of Guilds Theme Deck: Dimir Intrigues
leg Copy of Ravnica: City of Guilds Theme Deck: Golgari Deathcreep
mod Copy of Ravnica: City of Guilds Theme Deck: Selesnya United
mod Copy of Saviors of Kamigawa Theme Deck: Truth Seekers
vin Copy of Scourge Theme Deck: Storm Surge
mod Copy of Shadowmoor Theme Deck: Aura Mastery
mod Copy of Shards of Alara Intro Pack: Bant Exalted
mod Copy of Shards of Alara Intro Pack: Primordial Jund
leg Copy of Starter 1999 Theme Deck: Blinding Fury
leg Copy of Starter 1999 Theme Deck: Goblin Assault
leg Copy of Stronghold Theme Deck: Migraine
sta Copy of Tempest Theme Deck: Flames of Rath
mod Copy of TIme Spiral Theme Deck: Reality Fracture
leg Copy of Torment Theme Deck: Insanity
leg Copy of Urza's Destiny Theme Deck: Fiendish Nature
leg Copy of Urza's Legacy Theme Deck: Radiant's Revenge
leg Copy of Urza's Saga Theme Deck: The Plague
leg Copy of Visions Theme Deck: Unnatural Forces
vin Copy of Visions Theme Deck: Wild-Eyed Frenzy
leg Copy of Weatherlight Theme Deck: Air Forces
mod Copy of Eighth Edition Theme Deck: Expulsion
mod Copy of Eighth Edition Theme Deck: Heavy Hitters
mod Copy of Eighth Edition Theme Deck: Sky Slam
mod Copy of Eighth Edition Theme Deck: Speed Scorch
leg Copy of Invasion Theme Deck: Blowout
leg Copy of Invasion Theme Deck: Dismissal
leg Copy of Invasion Theme Deck: Heavy Duty
leg Copy of Invasion Theme Deck: Spectrum
mod Copy of Magic 2010 Intro Pack: Death's Minions
mod Copy of Magic 2010 Intro Pack: Firebomber
mod Copy of Magic 2010 Intro Pack: Nature's Fury
mod Copy of Magic 2010 Intro Pack: Presence of Mind
mod Copy of Magic 2010 Intro Pack: We Are Legion
mod Copy of Magic 2011 Intro Pack: Power of Prophecy
mod Copy of Magic 2013 Intro Pack: Sole Domination
mod Copy of Ninth Edition Theme Deck: Custom Creatures
mod Copy of Ninth Edition Theme Deck: World Aflame
leg Copy of Planeshift Theme Deck: Domain
mod Copy of Rise of the Eldrazi Intro Pack: Levelers' Scorn
leg Copy of Seventh Edition Theme Deck: Bomber
leg Copy of Seventh Edition Theme Deck: Decay
leg Copy of Seventh Edition Theme Deck: Infestation
leg Copy of Seventh Edition Theme Deck: Way Wild
leg Copy of Starter 1999: Player A
leg Copy of Starter 1999: Player B
mod Copy of Tenth Edition Theme Deck: Kamahl's Temper
mod Copy of Worldwake Intro Pack: Brute Force
mod Copy of Worldwake Intro Pack: Rapid Fire
mod Copy of Zendikar Intro Pack: Kor Armory
mod Copy of Zendikar Intro Pack: The Adventurers
mod Copy of Zendikar Intro Pack: Unstable Terrain
leg Copy of Seventh Edition Theme Deck: Decay
leg Copy of Starter 1999: Player A
mod Asher, Specialty Sparkle

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Plains | |
2 | Femeref Scouts | |
3 | Plains | |
4 | Afterlife | |
5 | Favorable Destiny | |
6 | Plains |