- MTG DECKS (135)
mod B Demons
leg B LD
leg B Spite
leg BG Auras
leg BG Delirium
vin BG Liege
leg BR Destruction
leg BR Spite
mod BR Vampires
leg G Delirium
mod G Ooze
leg G Shapeshifters
mod R Avatars
vin R Delerium
leg R Stall
leg RG Barbs
leg RG Delerium
mod RG Deus
vin U Counters
vin UB Drakes
leg UB LD
leg UB Liege
leg UB Spite
vin UBR Grixis Brain Pain
leg UG Permeating Mass
vin UG Proliferate
leg UG Tempo
vin UR Drakes
mod UR Elementals
leg UR Metalcraft
vin URG Delirium
leg URG Drakes
mod URG Hydras
leg URG Temur Tempo
leg WB Exile
leg WB Heartless
mod WB Tokens
mod WB Vampires
leg WG Humans
mod WR Heroic
leg WU Exile
leg WU Fliers
sta Alela
sta Hanna
sta Jodah
sta Kaalia
sta Klothys
sta Marchesa - Enchantress
sta Marchesa - Flicker Mix
vin Phenax
sta Pramikon - Enchantress
com Pramikon - Flicker
vin Prossh
sta Runo
com Saint Traft
sta Tariel
vin Torbran - Chandra
sta Torbran - Dragons
sta Xantcha
sta Yuriko
com Zirda
leg BR Heartless
leg BR Pain
mod RG Flameblast
leg RG Forest Fires
mod RG Haste
leg UB Burn
leg UB Mill
leg UB Tap-Dead
leg UB Zombies
leg WG Cats
leg WG Cradle
mod WG Golems
leg WG Wilt-Leaf
leg WU Colossus
leg WU Deflection
leg WU Spirits
mod BG Aggro
mod BG Burn
leg BG Harvest
vin UG Delirium
mod UG Flash
mod UG Hexproof
mod UG Snake Surprise
mod UR Counter-Burn
mod UR Experiment
mod UR Gelectrode
vin UR Prowess
leg WB Auras
mod WB Drain
leg WB Extort
leg WR Balefire
leg WR Rally
leg WR Seismic Meditation
leg B Reanimator
mod G Boring
leg R Deck Wins
vin R Dragons
mod U Fliers
mod W Angels
leg W Laws
leg BRG Jund Gravelord Harvest
leg WRG Naya Beats
mod WUB Esper Fliers
leg WUG Bant Enchant
leg UBG Sultai Counters
leg WBG Abzan Tokens
leg WBR Mardu Mimics
leg WUR Jeskai Charms
Type 1
vin RG Type 1

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Honor of the Pure | |
2 | Grand Abolisher | |
3 | Plains | |
4 | Thalia, Guardian of Thraben | |
5 | Plains | |
6 | Plains |