- MTG DECKS (149)
2019 - Redux
Decks I
mod Bara lite till 2.0
leg Blod och snö
mod De Goda, De Onda och De Döda
mod Ondskans Ost
mod Stjärnspanglad Banner V2.0
Decks II
2nd Edition
mod Jaså, hej 2.0
mod Torgskräck 2.0
mod Jaså, hej
mod Massmord
mod Svampskog
Decks III
mod Besvärjelsekatalogen
mod Skärseld V2
leg Sveda
mod Värk
Decks IV
2nd Edition
mod Med Leriga Tänder
vin Myrstack
mod Rostfritt Stål
mod Stålbadboll
mod Styrka i siffror
Decks V
mod Återanvändning
mod Flock
mod Heman's Hemman
mod Hemoglobin Addikter
mod Sammansvärjning
Decks VI
mod Knäckt
mod Liemannens Förträt
mod Pojken som ropade varg
mod Svartalvsfest
mod Vinklar
Decks VII
mod Brunturkos
mod Kärnan
mod Nivåskutt
mod Ragnarøk V2
mod Värmeledning
Decks VIII SMoLe
2nd Edition
mod Antifakt
mod Återuppväckningsexperiment
mod Gravgårdens Hämnd
mod Inflygeriet
mod Post-mortem Kontamination
mod Turbo Fog
mod PartyHard
mod Under The Sea
mod BantHexproof [wt]
mod Copy of Återuppväckningsexperiment
mod Inspire [wt]
mod Kitten Parade
mod Kopieringsmaskinen
mod Mordor [wt]
mod Plants
mod Råttan i Pizzan
mod SolderToo
mod StdTest{R}
mod Tokans[wt]
mod Världens Största Get [WT]
mod vitvamp [WT]
SML Projects
leg Black Cleric
mod Blåt
mod Det Regnar Skruvar
mod Främliv
mod ModernInfect[WT]
mod StuffyDoll[WT]
com Beards and Flames
com Bontu
com Björne - Rätten att armera björnar - Yeva, Nature's Herald
com Eriette af Apfel
com Glid in i det - Glissa, the Traitor
com Lieknugens Tips - Reaper King
com Övervuxen Trädgård
com Prästerskap
com Sega Råttor - Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord
vin Segermyror
com Trollkarlsnissar - Azami, Lady of Scrolls
com Vihaan - iHeist
com Xyris Test
com C - Swolla - is-skulptören
com C-Hama
com C-Historic
com C-Saheeli
com Hämndsvampar
com Jag Drar Ett Kort
sta Everyman I
Commander 2013
Commander 2015
com Call the Spirits
com Plunder the Graves
vin Seize Control
vin Swell the Host
vin Wade Into Battle
Commander 2019
sta Faceless Menace
sta Primal Genesis
vin Built from Scratch
vin Forged in Stone
vin Guided by Nature
vin Peer Through Time
vin Sworn to Darkness
Intro Packs BNG
mod Death's Beginning
mod Forged in Battle
mod Gift of the Gods
mod Insatiable Hunger
mod Inspiration-Struck
Jace v Vraska
mod Anthousa's Army
leg Default Zombie Horde
mod Eldrazi Horde
vin Merfolk Horde
leg Phyrexian Horde
mod Vampire Horde
leg Improved Zombie Horde
mod shoppinglist-2014-02-04
Status Unknown
mod AbzanAlly
mod BattleMardu
mod Clankers
mod Owling Mine
mod SultaiSac
com Copy of Sjörövar-Babbe - Admiral Beckett Brass

Name | Cost ![]() |
Swamp | |
Island | |
Island | |
Siren of the Silent Song | |
Insatiable Harpy | |
Breaching Hippocamp | |
Aerie Worshippers |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Retraction Helix | |
2 | Griptide | |
3 | Deepwater Hypnotist | |
4 | Island | |
5 | Aerie Worshippers | |
6 | Island |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 25 | 16 |
Percent | 60.0 | 39.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.