VANDER's profile
- MTG DECKS (148)
60 card decks
leg Birthing Shadows
vin Bitter Ordeal
leg Crouching Skirge, Hidden Dragon
mod Evolver
leg Hellcarver
leg Jarad's Playthings
leg Mierko Mint-Tea Enthusiast
leg Pyromancer's Profusion
leg Realm Razer
vin Scaping the Reliquary
leg Searing Extortion
vin Serra Extortion
leg Twinclaws
leg Unabrow Hostility
60c - under construction
leg All that glitters is Auras
leg Aluren
vin Bitter Fecundity
vin Burning Possessions
leg Count carefully the souls...
vin Esperzoa
leg Faithless Loot
leg Gary Coffins
leg Hostility
leg Multani Hitchcock
leg Sprouting Souls
leg Swans
Beginners' decks
Comm Construction
vin Alara Swans
vin Artifactball
leg Aura Aura Aura Aura Mushroom
vin Cast in Flames
leg Changeking
leg Damia morph
vin Derevi Draw
vin Drakendeck
mod Duchenne
leg Gahiji tokens
vin Jarad
vin Jhoira Revised
leg Karametra
vin Kydele Thrasios
vin Marath
leg Nahiri
vin Nekusar
vin Numot's Swansong
vin Ramos
leg Ruric Thar
vin Shu Yun
vin Spellshock
leg Step 1: Humans; 2: ???; 3: Profit
leg Swans of Burn Aggro
vin Sydri
vin Sydrizoa
vin Sygg Tauntings
vin Titania Shattergang
leg Witch-Maw Slivers
vin Wololo
leg WRaaG
leg Xena Reveller Princess
mod Zurgo
vin Arjun
vin Bolas Unleashed
vin Damia
vin Dralnu, Lich Lord Wizards commander deck
vin Ezuri
leg For the Horde!
vin Fork's Wort it
vin Getting Syggy with it
vin Gitrog
leg Glissa, The Traitor EDH
vin Gonti
vin Helpful Hippo
vin If you can't kill it, Kraj it
leg Isperia
vin Jhoira
vin Kara actual
leg Malfurious Stormrage
vin Merieke
vin Planeswagger
vin Pod of Destiny
vin Rhys
vin Roon
leg RUG of Two Reflections
vin Sharuum
vin Shattergang Sek'kuar
vin Terifi
vin Trostani
vin Twinkly-eyed Nap-philim
vin Vial Tymna
leg Zada
Herman's decks
sta All too human
leg Duchenne Commander
vin Herman Zombie Faggots
leg Kalastria's Fangs
vin Pre-Vamp
mod At the Gates
mod Burning Rogues
leg Meer Myr Battle Sphere
leg Soulsisters' Lost Dreams
Noble under construction
leg Lorescale
leg New Aluren
leg Novashot
vin Potent Syphon-Mage
mod Rift
leg Copy of 1 Wit 70
vin Copy of 2 Blauw 70
leg Copy of 2 Zwart 70
leg Copy of 4 Rood 70
leg Copy of 5 Groen 70
mod Copy of 6 Artifact 64
leg Copy of 7 Land 41
mod Copy of Multi, Azorius 8
leg Copy of Multi, Boros 8
leg Copy of Multi, Dimir 8
leg Copy of Multi, Golgari 8
leg Copy of Multi, Gruul 8
leg Copy of Multi, Izzet 8
leg Copy of Multi, Orzhov 8
leg Copy of Multi, Rakdos 8
leg Copy of Multi, Selesnya 8
leg Copy of Multi, Simic 8
mod Copy of Pauper Nobles 25
sta Copy of Triple and beyond 5
Tiny Leader
leg Anarchy & Cyanide
vin Maralen's Ordeal
leg Marath
leg Radhical
mod Syggy
vin Varolz
leg Yasoverburden
leg Copy of commander elves
vin tonnie
vin Alesha
leg Burning Rogues
vin Gahiji
vin Kydele Shidiqi
leg Off/No
vin Ramos
vin Shattergang Brothers
mod SoI
leg Tishana
vin Zada

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 4 | 4 |
Percent | 50.0 | 50.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.