SLAYN's profile
- MTG DECKS (194)
Current EDH
com 1 Touch win EDH
com Animar Combo - EDH
com Captain Sisay EDH
com Daretti - EDH
com Ezuri Infect EDH
com Kemba Equipment EDH
com Leovold Emissary EDH
com Norin Chaos Flip - EDH
com Omnath Locus of Rage - EDH
com Reaper King EDH
com Tazri (Zada) EDH
vin Copy of Teysa Envoy of Ghosts
vin Doran EDH
vin Dragon EDH
vin Norin - EDH
vin Noyan Dar EDH
vin Oloro
leg Oloro - new
vin Prossh
vin Teysa Envoy of Ghosts
vin Animar - EDH
leg Enchantment EDH
leg Grenzo EDH
vin Hermit Druid Combo EDH
vin Jolrael - EDH
leg Marchesa - EDH
vin Mimeoplasm EDH
vin Mimeoplasm ooze tribal EDH
leg Narset EDH - time
sta Oloro EDH
vin Rat - EDH
leg Reaper King Spirit EDH
vin Roon -EDH
com Tibor and Lumia - deathtouch & take your stuff
vin Tibor and Lumia control EDH
vin Tibor and Lumia EDH
leg Vorel EDH
vin Crazy Zoo Modern
vin Lantern Control Modern
mod Merfolk - Modern
mod Merfolk Modern
mod Mono Blue Tron Modern
mod Naya Zoo Modern
leg Splintertwin Modern
mod WU Tron Modern
vin Zooicide Modern - few enemy fetched
Oath standard
mod Oath - 4 color rally
mod Oath - 4color coco
vin Oath - 5c Zada assault
mod Oath - B/R Dragons
mod Oath - Bant CoCo
mod Oath - BW lifegain
mod Oath - Eldrazi ?
mod Oath - Elves displacer
mod oath - enchant
mod Oath - Goblins
mod Oath - GUX Eldrazi
mod Oath - Jund Eldrazi
mod Oath - land
mod Oath - Mardu Goblin DD
mod Oath - mega
mod Oath - mini super friends
mod Oath - Red Bushwacker
mod Oath - RG Landfall
mod Oath - UR Eldrazi
vin Oath - Zada assault
vin Oath - Zada?
mod Oath -eldrazi displacer
SOI Standard
mod SOI - 4 color rites
mod SOI - Abzan Seasons Past - Harold
mod SOI - Abzan Seasons Past - Harold v2
mod SOI - Bant Company
sta SOI - Bant Humans
mod SOI - Boss Humans
mod SOI - BW Midrange
mod SOI - Ever After Harold
mod SOI - Fevered Visions bounce control
mod SOI - GR Goggles Ramp
mod SOI - GW weenies
mod SOI - Mill
mod SOI - Mono W Humans
mod SOI - Naya Goggles Ramp
mod SOI - Naya Midrange
mod SOI - Ramp
mod SOI - RW Eldrazi
mod SOI - RW Goggles
mod SOI - Sultai Midrange - Will
mod SOI - UR Goggles
mod SOI - UW Humans
mod SOI - werewolves
mod SOI- elf
mod Sultai Midrange - GP NYC
sta Abzan Aggro
mod Abzan whip
mod Battlefield Thaumaturge
mod BFZ - Abzan Midrange
mod BFZ - Atarka Elves
mod BFZ - Atarka Red
mod BFZ - Bant Hardened Scales
mod BFZ - Bant Tokens
vin BFZ - Dark Jeskai
mod BFZ - Esper Planeswalkers
mod BFZ - Esper Tokens
mod BFZ - GW Hardened Scales
mod BFZ - GW Megamorph
vin BFZ - Jeskai Combo
vin BFZ - Jeskai Mid
vin BFZ - Jeskai Zada Mill
mod BFZ - RG Landfall
mod BFZ - RG Landfall 2
mod BFZ - RG Zada
mod BFZ - Tough Sultai
mod BFZ - U/B Aristocrats
mod BFZ - Zada Dance
vin BFZ - Zada Grixis Mill
vin BFZ - Zada Grixis Mill - Will
mod BG constellations
mod burn
mod Butcher of the horde
mod Copy of Dragon - Oink's Magical Christmasland
mod Dragon - Abzan Aggro
mod Dragon - Abzan Aggro2
vin Dragon - Esper Control
mod Dragon - GW Devotion
mod Dragon - Oink's Magical Christmasland
mod Dragon - RB or Mardu?
mod Dragon - Rogue japanese face down deck
vin Dragon - Sultai Reanimator
vin Dragon - Toughness Matters
mod Dragon - UG Devotion
mod Dragon- abzan midrange
mod Dragons - dragons
mod Fate - GW Devotion
vin Fate - Jeskai Tokens
sta Fate decks
mod GBW - life
mod Goblin
sta GR devotion
mod Green Devo Hexproof or enchant?
mod Green Devotion
mod Harold - altar combo
mod Harold's mono red
mod Jeskai Combo Heroic
vin Jeskai tokens
mod Khan standard abzan
vin Khan standard combo mana 2
vin Khan standard combo with mana 1
vin Khan standard Jeskai aggro
mod Khan standard temur Devotion
mod Khan standard Temur Monster
mod Khan standard warrior deck
vin Khan stardard combo
vin Modern - jeskai combo
mod Modern Zoo 2
vin Narset EDH
mod Outlast counter standard
vin Roon -EDH
mod RU artifact
sta RW Aggro - Fate
mod Simic - Yisan
mod Simic brew 1
mod Simic deck - hydra
mod Soldier
sta Temur Ascendancy
mod waste not
Premade Decklists
mod AER - Colossus Combo
com Braids EDH
sta Experimental Kraj - planewalkers EDH
vin Gisa & Geralf EDH
mod KLD - Cheerios to Colossus
mod KLD - GB Devoid
mod KLD - GB Modules
mod KLD - Modules
mod KLD - RG Energy
mod KLD - thopters
vin New Roon EDH
com Prossh Food Chain EDH
vin Prossh Food Chain EDH Budget
mod Sigarda - Standard EDH
com Sram EDH
leg Sydri EDH
vin Thromok shaman - EDH
leg Worldgorger dragon EDH

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Leafcrown Dryad | |
2 | Vaporkin | |
3 | Thassa's Emissary | |
4 | Forest | |
5 | Prognostic Sphinx | |
6 | Frost Lynx |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 38 | 8 |
Percent | 82.0 | 17.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.