- MTG DECKS (170)
Block Constructed
mod America
leg Bonding Time
vin AAAAAYidris
vin Breya, the Etherium Dunker
leg Chandra Tiny Leaders
sta Daxos, Tiny Leader
vin EDH Narset
vin EDH Nin
vin Ink Eyes
vin Ink-Eyes Remastered and Built
vin Karador, Legend Chief
leg Liliana Tiny Leaders
vin Niv Winnit
vin Yasova
vin Delver Legacy Pauper
vin How Do They Work?
leg Stasis
mod A Land Before Time
mod a modern jund list
mod Allied Bant
vin Blue Red Suicide
vin BrianDelver
vin BUG Modern
mod Collected Company
vin Delver America
vin Delvermancer
leg Dredge Modern Test
mod Faerie Delver
mod Flickerflame Modern
mod Goblins Modern
vin Goblinstorm
vin Modern Control
mod Modern Miracles
vin Modern Nightmares
mod Urza's Leveler
vin UW Delver
mod a standard mardu list
mod Abzan
mod Boss Standard
vin Bug Control Standard
mod Dega Control
mod Flameshadow Standard
vin Jeskai for Jason
vin Pyromancer's Googles
mod Rabble Rabble!
mod Tremors
mod UR Standard
mod Black Deck Wins
mod BUG Standard
vin Current Karador
vin Dredge Part 2
vin Dredge/GB Part 3
vin GB Devotion
mod Jund Monsters
vin Junkstellation
vin Standard Dredge?
mod UB Control
leg A Whole Lot of Worship
leg Changeling
vin French Radha, Heir to Dunk
leg Keranos EDH
vin My Nekusar Idea
vin Oloro in: What Have I Become
vin Purphoros in: Ay you, I'll wreck yer mum
vin Purphoros!!!
vin Radha, Heir to Dunk
leg Rafiq of the Many
mod Standard Tokens
vin The Orb
leg A Night Sky Full of Cries
vin A will and Rowan list
vin Akiri and Silas
com Akiri/Silas Scrambled Eggs
leg Alesha
sta Angel Commander
sta Anje
leg At the Beginning of My Upkeep
mod Atlas Shrugged
vin Avacyn EDH
sta Azusa Current
leg Bant Prison
mod Biovisonary Standard
mod Bluespiration
mod Budget Casual
vin Budget Mill Standard
mod Burn Standard
leg Casual Animate Dead
leg Casual Dredge
mod Chandra's Ignition
mod Cheap Red Devotion
sta Chulane Historic Brawl
sta Clockwork Army Losheel
vin Conspiracy
leg Copy of A Night Sky Full of Cries
leg Copy of discard
vin Copy of Ink-Eyes Remastered and Built
sta Copy of Kess, or what exists
vin Copy of Kess, Spellshaper
vin Copy of Kess, Spellshaper
vin Copy of Kess, Spellshaper
mod Copy of Owling Mine
sta Copy of Rakdos, Lord of Dinner Parties
vin Copy of Standard Dredge?
sta Copy of YASOVA POWER
sta Copy of YASOVA POWER
sta Copy of YASOVA POWER
leg Cube List of Needs
mod Current Rakdos
leg EDH Skithiryx
sta Fallout New Vega
sta Fancy casual sealed
vin For Les Kibs
mod Forests: The Gathering
leg Free Toys!
leg Friendly Merchant
vin Gahiji
vin gb goodstuff standard
sta Green Standard
sta Historic
vin Ink Eyes discard
vin Judith
vin Karador EDH
sta Karador Supremely Dumb
vin Karador?
com Kess, or what exists
vin Kess, Spellshaper
mod Lifedraw
mod lolwut
mod M15 Sealed
mod Mardu Vehicles Standard
vin Marrow-Gnawer
leg Maze's End
mod mill
mod Modern Rallies
vin Mortal Combat
mod Multiplayer Toys! Work in Progress
sta Nethroi
mod New Rakdos
com Niv + Jegantha Rebuild
vin Oloro
mod Orzhov Weenies
mod Owling Mine
leg Papa Purphoros
mod Pillowfort
vin Purphoros Needs
sta Rafiq Infeqt
sta Rakdos Current
sta Rakdos, Lord of Dinner Parties
vin Rakdos, Lord of Riots
vin Rats "Casual"
mod Sealed Deck 2nd Place
mod Selesnya Auras
mod Shadowborn Standard
leg Shapeshifting
mod Standard Constellation
vin Standard Junk
mod Standard Owls
leg Strionic Scepter
mod Super Standard Rakdos
leg Tutelage
vin Tymna and Vial Smasher
vin UWr Miracles Netdeck
com Vega, Outsider
com Wreck-seal
sta Yasova Current
com Yasova Current
sta Zirda EDH

Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 4 | 4 |
Percent | 50.0 | 50.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.